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[补丁] X³: TC · Bonus Material(XTC+奖励包+手册)

发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 FreemanGL 于 2014-1-12 22:50 编辑

官网就是这么写的~原链接X³: TC · Bonus Material
1.X-Tended Terran Conflict Mod 1.1
2.X³TC All In One Bonus Package (v4.1.01)
3.X³: Terran Conflict Manuals (EN,DE,FR,ES)

1.X3TC Bonus Package v4.1.0 简体中文汉化补丁 By finalcrasher 汉化 原帖链接

Step1:先安装官方的X3TC All In One Bonus Package v4.1.0



参与人数 2UCC +20 好评 +2 收起 理由
黑暗枪骑兵 + 1 如果翻译一下就更给力了。。
southwolf + 20 + 1 鼓掌撒花~~多谢分享


 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:21 编辑

X³ Terran Conflict - Bonus Package 4.1.01

This complete archive contains all of the bonus plugins, any number of which can be selected for installation.

The following items are in this Pack:

Commercial Agent
Commodity Logistics Software MK1
Commodity Logistics Software MK2
Dockware Manager
Missile Defense Mosquito
Turbo Boost

Simply run the .exe and follow the instructions. Only the plugins you select will be installed.

Latest Update: 27/04/2010
Available languages: English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Russian

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:09 编辑

Commercial Agent

原帖地址:Commercial Agent

Version: 3.3.02 (2010-06-02)
Scripter: Lucike
Abbreviation: the CAG
Thread for development version
Bonuspack index


The Commercial Agent is responsible for the sale or purchase of the assigned wares at his homebase, or the management of a client's factory.

The Commercial Agent buys the cheapest resources and sells products at the best price in his territory. He works with factories, trade stations, and equipment docks.

The Commercial Agent buys intermediate products for complexes not producing enough and sells overproduced intermediate products.

The Commercial Agent trades in all the products and resources at his homebase. Individual wares can be blocked, however.

The Commercial Agent sticks to the purchase and sale rules set by the player. A log of all purchases and sales can be generated.

The Commercial Agent will coordinate with his counterparts from his homebase and the other factories in sector.

The Commercial Agent keeps an eye on the financial situation of his homebase and will sell off products if the station runs low on cash.

The Commercial Agent will change his route if he finds a good deal, but it will prefer good customers.

The Commercial Agent can use the Jumpdrive and will repair his ship.

The Commercial Agent keeps in contact with customers and other traders and can find prices and news in other sectors. The Commercial Agent is not a fighter and avoids sectors where enemies have been reported.

The Commercial Agent's skills depend on his training rank. The Commercial Agent is trained over time, and can be given more tasks after completing training courses. If training is not desired, it can be disabled.

Quick Start

Equip a TS Transporter with Navigation Software MK1 and Trade Command Software MK1 and MK2

Assign Homebase

In the Trade command menu, select ``Start Commercial Representation.''

Pilot qualifications

The apprentice will take care of purchasing resources. During this probationary period the pilot does not receive salary.

The Courier handles not only resources, but also sells products. In addition, he can deal at Equipment Docks and Trade Stations; he can also be assigned to them. The Courier gets 20 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each flight.

The Supplier coordinates with his homebase and in-sector colleagues. He also buys fighter drones from local stations and buys more speed and manoeuvrability upgrades. The Supplier gets 25 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each flight.

The Trader can deal with not only products and resources, but can buy or sell a complex's intermediate products. He can also use the Jumpdrive. The Trader gets 30 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each flight.

The Dealer gets information about the homebase's financial situation, and can clear out his factory's products if there are not enough credits available. Also, he pays more attention to the trader radio chatter and avoids sectors where hostiles are reported. The Dealer gets 35 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each trip.

Major Dealer
The Major Dealer stays informed of prices during flight and will change course for a better deal. He will also repair his ship at a shipyard if required. The Major Dealer gets 40 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each flight.


The Commercial Agent command will appear in the Trade menu. The ship requires Navigation Command Software MK1, Trade Command MK1 and MK2, and a homebase set. Then the command ``Start Commercial Representation'' will appear. This command will open the configuration menu.

Important: The command is visible only when there is a pilot on the vessel or the ship is docked, in order for a pilot to enter the vessel.

Ship Equipment

A fighter, bomber, corvette or transport ship (M3, M4, M5, M8, M6, TM, TS, TP or TL), with homebase set

Navigation Command Software MK1

Trade Command Software MK1

Trade Command Software MK2

Fight Command Software MK1 (optional: changes CAG behaviour when encountering enemies)

Fight Command Software MK2 (optional: changes CAG behaviour when encountering enemies, in addition to Fight Command Software MK1)

Jumpdrive (optional: can be used after special training course)

The Main Menu

All the settings are divided into groups on the main menu.

The Agent settings

The Agent settings option includes not only settings but information about the agent. This menu displays current destination, homebase, service time, total flight time, as well as salary and profit information.

Delete accounting information
This will tell the pilot to delete his records. This cannot be undone, so confirmation is required.

Take Trainings
Pilots participate in training over time. Should the player wish to exclude the pilot from training courses, this command will do it.

Trader salary
If the pilot is to be paid out of an account other than the player's wallet, set that here.

Fire Trader
An unneeded pilot can be dismissed. The ship must be docked at a station and idle. This cannot be undone, so confirmation is required.

Reassign Trader
Bought a bigger ship for your pilot? Use this command to transfer him into it. Both old and new ships must be docked at the same station. After choosing this command, a list of other ships with CAG pilots will appear. Choose the ship you wish to transfer to, the pilots will exchange ships, and bring along their profit record to the new ship.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Ware lists

This list contains the wares that require special attention. The list can be a list of barred goods or a list of goods to trade.

Ware List Type
The pilot can be banned from trading the goods on the list or limited to trading only the goods on the list. Change the list mode here.

Ware list
Add or remove wares from the list here.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.


The pilot will look in all stations and sectors in range for the needed wares. However you can mark individual sectors and stations as off-limits.

This is the list of off-limit stations. You can add or delete entries in this menu.

This is the list of off-limit sectors. You can add or delete entries in this menu.

Sector list type
The ``Sectors'' list is a ``blacklist'' by default. This option changes it into a ``whitelist''. Whitelist defines allowed sectors, unlike blacklist that lists off-limit sectors.

Only trade with satellite network sectors
Here you can tell your pilots to only trade in sectors with a satellite in them.

Only trade in sectors with a jumpgate
With this option the pilot will trade only in sectors that do have jumpgates.

Only trade with non-player stations
CAG pilots will trade with NPC stations and your own stations. Here you can tell your pilot to trade only with NPC stations.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Trade Duties

A pilot must adhere to these conditions.

Trade Duty
The pilot takes care of both buying and selling of wares. If the trader is to only buy or sell, then the command can be issued here. This is useful if the pilot is assigned to a Trade or Equipment dock.

Purchase Resources
The Agent will buy resources to fill up the homebase to this level.

Sell Products
The Agent will sell stock down to this level.

Sell Products Freighter cargo bay
The Agent will sell products, if it can fill its cargo hold at least to this level. In this case, the Agent will sell product even if the "Sell Products" requirement is not met. The rationale here is that it is more important to sell ``sufficient'' amounts than to wait for the product stock to fill up.

Purchasing Intermediates
The Agent will buy intermediate wares if their stock at the complex is below this value. This value is also when selling intermediate wares; the Agent will always leave at least this much in the complex in order to safeguard production.

Selling Intermediate Products
The Agent can sell intermediate wares if the stock level exceeds this value.

Purchase stations credit balance
The agent draws from the station's account to buy resources and intermediates. The agent will not purchase anything if the station has fewer credits than this limit.

Quit working in homebase
With this option, a controlled termination of CAG is possible. The pilot will stop CAG in his homebase once his job is done.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Station settings

These settings are copied from the station settings. However, the pilot can be given different orders.

Trade Range
The range from the home sector that the agent will look for deals.

Home sector
The home sector is the centre of the agent's territory. It is usually the sector the agent's homebase is in, but not always.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Jumpdrive Settings

The Agent can use the Jumpdrive after a special course available to experienced Agents. This menu can be used to set rules for its use.

Use Jumpdrive
Here the Agent can be allowed or disallowed to use the Jumpdrive.

Jumpdrive Energy
The Agent keeps 10% of his cargo hold filled with energy cells for the Jumpdrive. Another limit can be set here to deal with longer or shorter jumps.

Minimum Jump Range
The minimum distance that the Agent will jump.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Automatic Naming

Renaming many ships is tedious. CAG pilots can be asked to name their own ships and add information to the ship name.

Configure automatic naming
There are many schemes for ship naming available.

Renaming settings (selection)
This menu lists the renaming schemes, along with descriptions.

Ship number
A ship number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here.

Factory number
A factory number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here. All the ships assigned to this station will use this number.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Configure Reports

The CAG pilot will report many incidents. Some of these messages can be disabled.

The CAG pilot will report successful completion of a training course. This message can be disabled here.

Enemy sightings
The CAG pilot will report enemy ships. This message can be disabled here.

Acoustic signal at message
The Agent will send silent messages by default. If an audible message is preferred, select that here.

Trade Log
The CAG pilot can record every transaction into a logfile. This can be toggled here.

Analysis to Log
The CAG pilot can write his profit record into a logfile. This includes his current task.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Data Storage

If several pilots have the same orders and conditions to follow, they can be transmitted to each other.

Load data
Here you can choose stored data/assign stored data to a pilot.

Save data
Here you can save the actual pilot's data. Also giving the data a name is possible.

Delete data
You can delete specified data.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:26 | 显示全部楼层
Global administration

The global administration menu is a complete overview of your stations and associated Agents. From here, you can change various settings for the stations and the individual stations.

There are two ways the global administration menu can be opened. The first is with a hotkey that can be set, and the second is a command in the general menu on the player's command console when docked.

Sector production overview

The Sector production overview provides a summary of a sector's production and consumption of wares. The player has a choice between ``Sector production overview'' which summarizes the complexes, and ``Sector production overview including standalone factories'' which includes standalone stations along with the complexes.

The station settings

The station settings are divided into four areas.

The first section is operations. The station's production can be turned on or off. The production status is displayed after the station's name. Equipment or Trading Docks have no production to toggle, if the station is a Dock the station's production indicator will say "Dock".

The second section provides the opportunity of an enhanced money transfer to the station's account. The transfer option includes the usual transfer method to the player's account, to an account of another station or to a separate account which can hold much more than just the known 2 billion credits.

With the menu item ``Transfer'' the regularly money transfer gets activated. The status of this option can be seen right behind that option.

To transfer money from the separate account to the player account the menu item ``Transfer from separate account'' will be used. The value of this transfer can be chosen from a list or manually.

The destination of the money transfer from the station's account is chosen from the ``Transfer destination'' menu item. This provides the opportunity to transfer money to the player's account, another station account or to the separate account.

When the money should remain on the station's account a minimum value needs to be chosen in the transfer conditions. Same as before it can be chosen from a list or by entering the value manually.

The third section is pricing. Here automatic goods pricing can be enabled, and the status of the automatic price setting is displayed. The prices at the station can also be reset to the average price here.

The fourth section displays all of the station's resources and products. Choosing one of the wares on the list allows you to set a range for the automatic pricing system. The first is minimum and the second is maximum. Automatic price setting will not affect wares with only one set price.

Complex settings

All products, including intermediates and resources, along with all the stations within a complex are listed in this menu. Production and consumption amounts are listed beside each ware -- these are in units per minute. Each station reports its production status and distance from the hub.

If you choose a product, the product moves from the product list to the intermediate product list. Conversely, selecting a intermediate product moves it to the product list. Selecting a resource does nothing, as no station in the complex produces the ware.

As with station settings, the output of each station in a complex can be switched on and off. Each station's operating status is listed beside the station name.

Global configuration

To send one or more settings to the commercial agent the global configuration can be used.

Therefore a data slot needs to be chosen from the data storage in order to be sent. This means, of course, that such a data slot needs to have been saved from a Commercial Agent before. After that this data slot can be sent with the option ``Send to all colleagues''. With the option ``Send to sector colleagues'' it's possible to limit the transmission to commercial agents in one homesector and with the option ``Send to homebase colleagues'' the transmission will be limited to a specific station.

There's the possibility to limit the range of receivers a bit more in the send-filter. It can be filtered by shiptype, shipclass or a part of the ship's name. It is also possible to select and deselect a single piece of the data slot that should or should not be transmitted. With the send-filter it is possible to choose exactly who should receive what kind of data.

Also a small rearrangement of the data storage is possible. Single data packages can be moved to new locations. This can be done by choosing the data package that needs to be moved and then the new location where it should get moved to. Possible free locations will be high-lighted in yellow.

Removing single data packages is also possible with the global configuration. Therefore, the data package that should get removed needs to be chosen. There's no confirmation message, so it will be removed immediately. With the item ``Delete all data'' the whole data storage will be removed.

Special Notes

If a Jumpdrive is used, the Agent is provided with energy cells from the homebase. He will also buy jump energy from NPC stations if required.

Enemy Contact:
If equipped with Fight Command Software MK1, the pilot will purchase Fighter drones in the current sector and upgrade his speed and manoeuvrability. If the ship is equipped with a Jumpdrive, and the pilot is experienced enough to use it, the pilot may enter unsafe sectors. If equipped with Fight Command Software MK2 and has Missile Defense Mosquito available, the pilot will also purchase Mosquito missiles.

Commercial Agents do not trade in sectors belonging to a race set to ``Foe''. ``Show as enemy if enemy to me'' should be set to ``No''. A pilot without Jumpdrive will not fly through hostile sectors.

Satellite Network:
The Commercial Agent can be told to trade only in sectors that contain an Advanced Satellite belonging to the player.

If the Commercial Agent is working for the Player HQ, space is reserved in the HQ for a cargo hold full of each ware. The Agent may be configured to use a differently sized space in the HQ.

Station Lock:
Any station can be set as off-limits to the Commercial Agents. Player stations also have ``Trader barrier (Commercial Agent)'' in the command console.

If the Commercial Agent is working for a complex and changes are made to his homebase, he will quit and wait for new instructions.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:11 编辑

Commodity Logistics Software MK1

原帖地址:Commodity Logistics Software MK1

Version: 3.3.02 (2010-06-02)
Scripter: Lucike
Abbreviation: the CLS MK1
Thread for development version
Bonuspack index


This software supports the pilot in coordinating his internal production logistics. It will enable a pilot to collect orders from different consumers within your enterprise and coordinate them with chosen suppliers. Therefore, it is possible to deliver the products from several suppliers of a single resource to different consumers.

Consumers will generally be sorted and supplied according to how urgently they need the wares. Stations will only be considered for a delivery if they have less than 95% of the storage space filled. The same principle applies to your producers, who will only be allowed to ship wares if their stores are at least 5% full. Put in a different way, stations will not receive wares if they are almost full, and suppliers will not send out wares if they are almost empty.

Over time the pilot will learn to use this software more efficiently, because nobody starts out as an expert. Additionally, he might participate in special training courses. These training courses are offered in the pilot's homebase at certain time intervals.

The software was originally developed by an Argon software engineer and as such is being sold in every Argon Equipment Dock. It is also available in the Trading Station located in Herron's Nebula.

Collect orders from different consumers within your enterprise and coordinate them with chosen suppliers

Deliver products from several suppliers of a single resource to different consumers

...the pilot will use the Jumpdrive technology, and even take care of his/your ship.

...the pilot will communicate with other pilots, paying close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported

Quick Start

Equip a TS class transporter with Navigation Commands Software MK1 and Commodity Logistics Software MK1

Assign a homebase

From your ship's Trading Menu, choose ``Start internal Commodity Logistics'', then select product and price with the command ``Homebase products''

From your ship's Trading Menu, choose ``Start internal Commodity Logistics'', and select a number of stations with the command ``Suppliers and Consumers''

Choose the command ``Start internal Commodity Logistics'' in your ship's Trading Menu.

Pilot qualifications

The apprentice is able to collect one product from one supplier and to deliver it to up to three consumers (excluding equipment docks and trading stations). The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn't get a salary during this time.

The courier is able to collect two products from up to two suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will be able to deliver commodities to equipment docks and trading stations. The courier receives a wage of 10 credits per Mizura flown, paid after completing each trip.

The supplier is able to collect three products from up to three suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will be able to supply TL class ships. He will also equip his ship with more speed and agility, and fighter drones if they can be purchased in the current sector. The supplier receives a wage of 15 credits per Mizura flown, paid on completion of each trip.

Cargo Messenger
The cargo messenger is able to distribute four products from five suppliers to ten consumers. He is also able to use modern Jumpdrive technology to move around more quickly. The cargo messenger is paid a wage of 30 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each trip.

Forwarding Agent
The forwarding agent is able to distribute five products from five suppliers to ten consumers. Furthermore, he pays close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported. The forwarding agent is paid a wage of 35 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each trip.

The logistician is able to distribute a unlimited number of products from ten suppliers to twenty consumers. Furthermore, he will repair his ship on his own by visiting a shipyard if necessary. The logistician is paid a wage of 40 credits per Mizura flown, payable after each trip.


The main command is started from the Trade Menu. The command ``Start internal commodity logistics'' is visible when you installed Commodity Logistics Software MK1 and Navigation Command Software MK1 in the ship and have assigned a homebase. The command ``Start internal commodity logistics'' also includes the possibility of further configuration.

Important: The command is visible only when there is a pilot on the vessel or the ship is docked, in order for a pilot to enter the vessel.

Equipment and Prerequisites

A fighter, bomber, corvette or transport ship (M3, M4, M5, M8, M6, TM, TS, TP or TL), with homebase set.

Navigation Command Software MK1

Commodity Logistics Software MK1 (7,944 cr)

Pilots of TL-class ships must be at least 'Cargo Messenger'

Fight Command Software MK1 (optional: change the behaviour at contact with the enemy)

Fight Command Software MK2 (optional: changes, additional to Fight Command Software MK1, are made to the pilot's the behaviour at contact with the enemy)

Jumpdrive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)

Transporter Device (optional: used if big ships like TL class transporters are chosen as a destination and the transporter may not dock at the ship)

Main Menu

All of the settings can be entered from the main menu.

Trader settings

In the menu Trader Settings you can change settings, additionally you can see information about your pilot -- not only his Status and homebase, but also Time of duty, Total time, Payment rolls and his achievements.

Delete accounting information
With this option you can delete your pilot's accounting information. (NB. Once done, there's no possibility of undoing this, therefore you will be asked to confirm this step again.)

Take trainings
Normally, all the pilots will participate in special training courses enabling them to use the software more efficiently. If you don't want this facility, you can change it here.

Trader salary
The pilot's wages are paid from your main-account. You can change this here.

Fire trader
If you have no further use for this pilot you can dismiss him. The ship must be docked at any station, without any tasks. (NB. Once done, there's no possibility of undoing this, therefore you will be asked to confirm this step again.)

Reassign trader
Your pilot needs a bigger/different vessel, you can reassign him to a new ship. Both ships, the new and the old one, must be docked at the same station. After choosing this option, you'll get a list of docked candidates. Choosing a ship which has a working pilot onboard will swap the pilots. Each pilot will take all of his existing data with him to his new ship.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Homebase products

In this list you'll find all the products you can collect from suppliers and deliver to consumers.

Here you can see all the products of the homebase. The option 'Add product' is only visible, if the pilot is able to work with additional products. You can delete an existing product from the pilot's listing by choosing it again.

Add product
Adds a product.

Sort ware list by ware group
Here you can sort the ware list by ware group. This is only for information/overview and will not change any behaviour of your pilot.

Sort ware list alphabetically
Here you can sort the ware list alphabetically. This is only for information/overview and will not change any behaviour of your pilot.

Delete product
This option will delete the whole product list.

Suppliers and Consumers

Here you can view and change the existing lists of suppliers and consumers. The order in which consumers are assigned does not matter -- the pilot will always visit consumers in order of urgency . However, suppliers are visited in the order in which they were assigned to the software. You can change the way in which suppliers are visited in the Supply conditions.

Here you can get an overview of all your suppliers. You can also add a new supplier or delete existing suppliers.

Add Supplier
After choosing a sector you'll get a list of possible suppliers. You can add shown suppliers to the pilot's list one after another. So it's possible to quickly choose all of the stations in a sector. Delete an existing supplier from this list is done by choosing the supplier again.

Here you get also an overview of all of your existing consumers. You also can add a new consumer -- and delete existing ones.

Add Consumer
After choosing a sector you'll get a list of possible consumers. You can add shown consumers to the pilot's list one after another. So it's possible to quickly choose all of the stations in a sector. Deleting an existing consumer from this list is done by choosing the consumer again.

Delete stations list
You can delete here the pilot's entire station list.

Supply conditions

Here you can change the conditions under which your pilot visits consumers and suppliers.

Minimum storage space filled -- Supplier
Normally, the pilot will collect products from suppliers if their storage space is above the minimum of 5 percent full. You can change this limit here.

Minimum storage space filled -- Consumer
The pilot always visits consumers in order of urgency, but only if the consumer's storage space is at least 5 percent below maximum. You can change this limit here. This means, the storage space of the consumer is filled with 96%, this consumer will not be served. With 94%, he will be served.

Freighter cargo bay
Producers will be visited if the CLS-Pilot can fill his cargo bay at least with this percentile number. Setting this option to 101% will disable this condition.

Fly to supplier exceptionally
The pilot normally visits the suppliers in the order that you entered the stations. This option tells him to prioritize the suppliers that are nearest to full.

Dock with ship only in the same sector
If the delivery target is a ship, and this jumps away right before the CLS-pilot reaches it, the pilot will skip his current job.

Wait for request signal
If delivery target is a TL, CLS pilot can wait for a request signal, telling the pilot if the target needs his products.

Quit working in homebase
With this option, a controlled termination of CLS is possible. The pilot will stop CLS in his homebase once his job is done.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Jumpdrive settings

The pilot can use the modern Jumpdrive technology once he is at least Cargo Messenger. Here you can change the conditions under which the Jumpdrive is to be used.

Use Jumpdrive
In normal conditions, pilots don't use the Jump Drive. You can change this here.

Jumpdrive energy
If you don't change this order, the pilot will hold a Jumpdrive energy reserve of 10 percent of his cargo space. If his journeys are very short or very long, you can change his Jumpdrive energy reserve here.

Minimum jump range
To conserve jump-drive energy you can set your pilot a minimum-jump-range.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Automatic naming

Renaming a lot of pilots manually can be hard work. By choosing the Auto-naming option, you enable the pilot to do this work for you, even providing you with some more information.

Configure automatic naming
Choose the option you like best...

Here you choose the way the pilot will rename his ship. You can see here also a description of the naming convention used.

Ship number
A ship number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here.

Factory number
A factory number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here. All the ships assigned to this station will use this number.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Configure reports

The pilot will inform you of certain events occurring during his business dealings. Some of them can be switch off here.

The pilot will inform you when he has completed a training course successfully. You can switch this off here.

Enemy sightings
The pilot will inform you about enemy movements in the sectors he's visiting. You can switch this off here.

Acoustic signals at messages
All the pilot's messages will be sent without a sound. You can change this here.

Trade log
The pilot can write every transaction into your business log. You can switch this on here.

The log can be found in the directory where your save-games are. It's called 'log1504.txt'. Very useful to determine what your pilot is really doing the whole time...

Analysis to log
The pilot copies all his data to your business log. Also, he can report what his current activity involves.

The log can be found in the directory where your save-games are. It's called 'log1000.txt'. Very useful for analysis and why a pilot is not flying. Also, if you have any questions about CLS / about a certain pilot, cause he's not doing what you expect him to do -- please post it... then it's easier to help you...

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Data storage

If you want more than one pilot fulfilling a task you can save working data here, to provide this data to other pilots.

Load data
Here you can choose stored data to assign to another pilot.

Save data
Here you can save the actual pilot's data. Also giving the data a name is possible.

Delete data
You can delete specified data.

Delete all data
You can delete all data slots.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:11 编辑

Special Notes

You can change the lists mid-flight but the changes only become effective after the pilot has finished the current tour.

If a Jumpdrive is installed, the pilot will supply himself with energy from the homebase. He may buy energy from other sources too, if he is not doing a chain-supply tour.

Enemy contact:
If the freighter has the Fight Command Software MK1, then the pilot may make his ship safer. He buys fight drones in the current sector and equips his ship with more speed and agility. If the experienced pilot has a Jumpdrive, then he can venture into unsafe sectors. If the freighter has the Fight Command Software MK2 and he can download the Missile defence system Mosquito, he will also buy a number of Mosquito missiles.

Transporter device:
It's possible to load TL-transporters with your freighters even when they cannot dock, so you will occasionally need the Transporter Device, which allows the pilot to transfer cargo directly to the TL-transporter. The TL must have stopped his engines, and be standing in space. If the freighter has to load a TL-transporter, and he doesn't have a transporter device, he will wait until the TL has docked to a station and follow him in order to transfer the cargo at the station itself. Sectors located far away will be only visited if the pilot has a Jumpdrive.

If the pilot works for the headquarters, the size of his vessels cargo space is automatically the limitation of the cargo space in the headquarters. This rule is applied for every product. The Dockware Manager can overrule this, reserving for every product a specified cargo space.

If you buy the Commodity Logistics Software at the software producer's offices at the Free Argon Trading Station in Herron's Nebula, the producer tries to provide qualified personnel. If you actually start the software at the trading station you might get lucky and receive qualified pilots from the very beginning.

Global Administration of CLS MK1 and MK2

The global administration provides an overview of all your CLS-Pilots. Not only can you send settings to all the other pilots, but make changes to individual pilots.

There are two ways to start global administration. You can define a hotkey, and you can reach it over the 'General' menu in your ship-commands, once your ship is docked.

Global Administration

Global Administration gives you the possibility to send one or more settings to all the CLS-pilots.

Therefore you choose the data-slot which should be sent. Of course, at least one data-slot must be stored (by any CLS-pilot). Now you can send this data-slot to all CLS-pilots with the command ``Send to all colleagues''. The command ``Send to sector colleagues'' will send the chosen data-slot only to the pilots with the same home-sector.

In the menu ``Send filter'' you'll find lots of filters, which data should be sent, and which pilots should get this information. You can filter the data-receiving pilots by type of ship, by class of ship or even by a part of the name of the ship. You also toggle between the information what should be sent. So you can define exactly what information pilots should get or not.

Even a reorganisation of all your data-slots is possible. To move a special data-slot from one position to another, first choose the slot which should be moved, then choose the new position. Slots which you can choose are shown in Yellow.

Deleting special data-slots is also possible by Global administration. Just choose the data-slot which should be deleted -- there will be no confirmation! With the command ``Delete all data'' all your slots will be deleted.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:29 | 显示全部楼层
Commodity Logistics Software MK2

原帖地址:Commodity Logistics Software MK2

Version: 3.3.02 (2010-06-02)
Scripter: Lucike
Abbreviation: the CLS MK2
Thread for development version
Bonuspack index


This software allows the pilot to plan a route. The pilot is instructed to follow a given route and the corresponding commodity transfer orders for each intermediate stop entered. This enables the pilot to fulfil special tasks within the company or even at different stations. The route entered will be followed repeatedly until the pilot receives new orders.

Over time the pilot will learn to use this software more efficiently, because nobody starts out as an expert. Additionally, he might participate in special training courses. Those training courses are offered in the pilot's homebase at certain time intervals.

The software was originally developed by an Argon software engineer and as such is being sold in every Argon Equipment Dock. It is also available in the trading station located in Herron's Nebula.

Instruct the pilot to follow a given route and set the corresponding commodity transfer orders for each intermediate stop. This enables the pilot to fulfil special tasks within the company or even at different stations. The route will be followed repeatedly until the pilot receives new orders.

The pilot will use the Jumpdrive technology, and even take care of his/your ship.

The pilot will communicate with other pilots, paying close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported.

Quick Start

1.Equip a TS class transporter with Navigation Software MK1 and Commodity Logistics Software MK2

2.Define a route for the ship via ``Waypoints'' submenu

3.Choose in the ships Trading Menu ``Start external commodity logistics''

Pilot qualifications

The apprentice is able to use up to 4 stops in total in the tour. The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn't get a salary during this time.

The courier is able to use up to 6 stops in total in the tour. Additionally, he will be able to deliver commodities to equipment docks and trading stations. The courier gets a wage of 20 credits per Mizura flown, paid after completing each trip.

The supplier is able to use up to 10 stops in total in the tour. Additionally, he will be able to supply large ships. He will also equip his ship with more speed and agility and fighter drones, if they can be purchased in the current sector. The supplier gets a wage of 25 credits per Mizura flown, payable upon completion of each trip.

Cargo Messenger
The cargo messenger is able to use up to 15 stops in total in the tour. He is also able to use modern Jumpdrive technology to move around more quickly. The cargo messenger is paid a wage of 30 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each trip.

Forwarding Agent
The forwarding agent is able to use up to 20 stops in total in the tour. Furthermore, he pays close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported. The forwarding agent is paid a wage of 35 credits per Mizura flown, paid after each trip.

The logistician is not restricted in the amount of stops in his tour. Furthermore, he will repair his ship on his own by visiting a shipyard if necessary. The logistician is paid a wage of 40 credits per Mizura flown, payable after each trip.


The main command is initiated over the Trade Menu. The command ``Start external commodity logistics'' is visible when you install Commodity Logistics Software MK2 and Navigation Command Software MK1 in the ship. The command ``Start external commodity logistics'' also includes the possibilities of configuration.

Important: The command is visible only when there is a pilot on the vessel or the ship is docked, in order for a pilot to enter the vessel.

Equipment and Prerequisites:

A fighter, bomber, corvette or transport ship (M3, M4, M5, M8, M6, TM, TS, TP or TL)

Navigation Command Software MK1

Commodity Logistics Software MK2 (10,752 cr)

Pilots of TL-class ships must be at least 'Cargo Messenger'

Fight Command Software MK1 (optional: change the behaviour at contact with the enemy)

Fight Command Software MK2 (optional: changes, additional to Fight Command Software MK1, are made to the pilot's the behaviour at contact with the enemy)

Jumpdrive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)

Transporter Device (optional: used if big ships like TL class transporters are chosen as a destination and the transporter may not dock at the ship)

Main Menu

All of the settings can be entered from here.

Trader settings

In the menu Trader Settings you can change settings, additionally you can see information about your pilot -- not only his Status and homebase, but also Time of duty, Total time, Payment rolls and his achievements.

Delete accounting information
With this option you can delete your pilot's accounting information. (NB. Once done, there's no possibility of undoing this, therefore you will be asked to confirm this step again.)

Take trainings
Normally, all the pilots will participate in special training courses enabling them to use the software more efficiently. If you don't want this facility, you can change it here.

Trader salary
The pilot's wages are paid from your main-account. You can change this here.

Fire trader
If you have no further use for this pilot you can dismiss him. The ship must be docked at any station, without any tasks. (NB. Once done, there's no possibility of undoing this, therefore you will be asked to confirm this step again.)

Reassign trader
Your pilot needs a bigger/different vessel, you can reassign him to a new ship. Both ships, the new and the old one, must be docked at the same station. After choosing this option, you'll get a list of docked candidates. Choosing a ship which has a working pilot onboard will swap the pilots. Each pilot will take all of his existing data with him, to his new ship.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.


You can add additional waypoints in this menu. Even an overview with the different stops is included. At every stop you can assign multiple waypoints. The number of stops is limited by experience/status of the pilot.

Adding a station with waypoints
First, choose 'Add station' and then -- like always -- choose sector and station.

Then select the task for this station. Buying or selling is possible on every station, but loading or unloading is only possible on stations belonging to your enterprise. Refuelling your freighter with Jumpdrive energy is only possible on stations which are selling energy cells. You even can tell the pilot just to dock on a station -- he will wait for 1 Mizura before continuing on his route.

Once you've chosen buying, selling, loading or unloading, you choose in the next step the product to deal with. When buying or selling you can choose all products; when loading or unloading you can only choose resources.

While selecting the price, you have different possibilities. Either manually, or the minimum/average/maximum price of the product, you've chosen in the previous step.

Last step -- choose the amount of ware to transfer. Like in the previous step you have different options -- either manually input a value (also up to...), or choose from ``Full'' and ``Half cargo space'' options. While buying or selling, you cannot choose the ``Half cargo space''.

Removing a station
Select 'Cut or remove station', then 'Remove station'.

Adding a waypoint at a station/stop
You'll get this menu by choosing a waypoint. For adding a waypoint at a special station, choose the corresponding point of the menu. The other steps are similar to the inputs while adding a station (Adding a station with waypoints)

Editing a waypoint of a station
You'll get this menu by choosing a waypoint. For editing a waypoint at a special station, choose the corresponding point of the menu. The other steps are similar to the inputs while adding a station (Adding a station with waypoints)

Deleting a waypoint of a station
You'll get this menu by choosing a waypoint. For deleting a waypoint from a special station, choose the corresponding point of the menu.

Cut a station and paste it anywhere else
First, choose "Cut or remove station", then "Cut station". The station will be removed and copied to a clipboard.

A new menu item will be visible if there is a station in the clipboard. Choose ``Insert station'', and the station from the clipboard will be inserted at this position. The clipboard will be deleted.

Cut a waypoint and paste it anywhere else
You'll get this menu by choosing a waypoint. Now choose "Cut waypoint". The waypoint will be removed and copied to a clipboard.

A new menu item will be visible if there is a waypoint in the clipboard. Choose ``Insert waypoint'', and the waypoint from the clipboard will be inserted at this position. The clipboard will be deleted.

Generate waypoints

This function enables the software to generate waypoints automatically. First choose the sector from where this process should be started, and then the (maximum) number of jumps. After this step, choose the wares, task, price and the amount to transfer. Now the CLS will search for all the stations fitting your input and will add the results to the list of your waypoints.

Supply conditions

Minimum delivery amount for collecting
Pilot only flies to a waypoint if he can at least collect 5% of the wanted amount. Change this setting here.

Minimum delivery amount for delivering
Pilot only flies to a waypoint if he can at least deliver 5% of the wanted amount. Change this setting here.

Dock with ship only in the same sector
If the delivery target is a ship, and this jumps away right before the CLS-pilot reaches it, the pilot will skip his current job.

Wait for request signal
If delivery target is a TL, CLS pilot can wait for a request signal, telling the pilot if the target needs his products. The target ship must be able sending this radio messages.

Quit working in homebase
With this option, a controlled termination of CLS is possible. The pilot will stop CLS in his homebase once his job is done.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Jumpdrive settings

The pilot can use the modern Jumpdrive technology once he is at least Cargo Messenger. Here you can change the conditions under which the Jumpdrive is to be used.

Use Jumpdrive
In normal conditions, pilots don't use the Jump Drive. You can change this here.

Jumpdrive energy
If you don't change this order, the pilot will hold a Jumpdrive energy reserve of 10 percent of his cargo space. If his journeys are very short or very long, you can change his Jumpdrive energy reserve here.

Minimum jump range
To conserve jump-drive energy you can set your pilot a minimum-jump-range.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Automatic naming

Renaming a lot of pilots manually can be hard work. By choosing the Auto-naming option, you enable the pilot to do this work for you, even providing you with some more information.

Configure automatic naming
Here you choose the way the pilot will rename his ship. You can see here also a description of the naming convention used.

Ship number
A ship number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here.

Factory number
A factory number should appear in the ship's name. Enter the number here. All the ships assigned to this station will use this number.

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Configure reports

The pilot will inform you of certain events occurring during his business dealings. Some of them can be switch off here.

The pilot will inform you when he has completed a training course successfully. You can switch this off here.

Enemy sightings
The pilot will inform you about enemy movements in the sectors he's visiting. You can switch this off here.

Acoustic signals at messages
All the pilot's messages will be sent without a sound. You can change this here.

Trade log
The pilot can write every transaction into your business log. You can switch this on here.

The log can be found in the directory where your save-games are. It's called 'log1504.txt'. Very useful to determine what your pilot is really doing the whole time.

Analysis to log
The pilot copies all his data to your business log. Also, he can report what his current activity involves.

The log can be found in the directory where your save-games are. It's called 'log1000.txt'. Very useful for analysis and why a pilot is not flying. Also, if you have any questions about CLS / about a certain pilot, cause he's not doing what you expect him to do -- please post it ...

Restore defaults
This command resets these settings to their default values.

Data storage

You want more than one pilot to fulfil a task, you can save his working data here, in order to provide it to other pilots.

Load data
Here you can choose stored data/assign stored data to a pilot.

Here you can choose stored data to assign to another pilot.

Save data
Here you can save the actual pilot's data. Also giving the data a name is possible.

Delete data
You can delete specified data.

Delete all data
You can delete all data slots.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:30 | 显示全部楼层
Special notes

You can change the lists mid-flight, but the changes only become effective after the pilot has finished the current tour.

If a Jumpdrive is installed, the pilot will supply himself with energy from the homebase. He may buy energy from other sources, too, if he is not doing a chain-supply tour.

Enemy contact:
If the freighter has the Fight Command Software MK1, then the pilot may make his ship safer. He buys fight drones in the current sector and equips his ship with more speed and agility. If the experienced pilot has a Jumpdrive, then he can venture into unsafe sectors. If the freighter has the Fight Command Software MK2 and he can download the Missile defence system Mosquito, he will also buy a number of Mosquito missiles.

Transporter device:
It's possible to load TL-transporters with your freighters even when they cannot dock, so you will occasionally need the Transporter Device, which allows the pilot to transfer cargo directly to the TL-transporter. The TL must have stopped his engines, and be standing in space. If the freighter has to load a TL-transporter, and he doesn't have a transporter device, he will wait until the TL has docked to a station and follow him in order to transfer the cargo at the station itself. Sectors located far away will be only visited if the pilot has a Jumpdrive.

If you buy the Commodity Logistics Software at the software producer's offices at the Free Argon Trading Station in Herron's Nebula, the producer tries to provide qualified personnel. If you start the software at the trading station you might get lucky and receive qualified pilots from the very beginning.

Global Administration of CLS MK1 and MK2

The global administration provides an overview of all your CLS-Pilots. Not only can you send settings to all the other pilots, but make changes to individual pilots.

There are two ways to start global administration. You can define a hotkey, and you can reach it over the 'General' menu in your ship-commands, once your ship is docked.

Global Administration

Global Administration gives you the possibility to send one or more settings to all the CLS-pilots.

Therefore you choose the data-slot which should be sent. Of course, at least one data-slot must be stored (by any CLS-pilot). Now you can send this data-slot to all CLS-pilots with the command ``Send to all colleagues''. The command ``Send to sector colleagues'' will send the chosen data-slot only to the pilots with the same home-sector.

In the menu ``Send filter'' you'll find lots of filters, which data should be sent, and which pilots should get this information. You can filter the data-receiving pilots by type of ship, by class of ship or even by a part of the name of the ship. You also toggle between the information what should be sent. So you can define exactly what information pilots should get or not.

Even a reorganisation of all your data-slots is possible. To move a special data-slot from one position to another, first choose the slot which should be moved, then choose the new position. Slots which you can choose are shown in Yellow.

Deleting special data-slots is also possible by Global administration. Just choose the data-slot which should be deleted -- there will be no confirmation! With the command ``Delete all data'' all your slots will be deleted.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:24 编辑

Dockware Manager

原帖地址:Dockware Manager

Version: 3.1.04
Scripter: Lucike
Abbreviation: the DWM
Thread for development version
Bonuspack index


A small extension to add wares to or remove wares from player owned trading stations, equipment docks or a headquarters.

The manager can set limits for the different wares for a player headquarters too. These limits get considered by Commercial Agents and Commodity Logistics MK1 pilots.


The dockware manager is started via an unused command-slot of the dock. After starting it a menu opens, which shows the following choices.

Add ware
To add new wares you've got different choices. You can search and add a specific ware by ware type or you can select one from another station. Also the entire ware list of a station can be taken.

If adding a single ware to a player headquarter you will be prompted for the limitation immediately after adding the ware.

Remove or limit a ware
To remove a ware, or in case of a player headquarters also to limit a ware, you just have to select a ware in the list. If it is a normal dock, the selected ware gets removed immediately. Only wares with an empty stock can be removed.

If you select a ware and the station is a player headquarters you have the choice to either remove or limit the selected ware.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 19:20:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-4-21 19:27 编辑

Missile Defense Mosquito

原帖地址:Missile Defense Mosquito

Version: 3.1.02
Scripter: Lucike
Abbreviation: the MDM
Thread for development version
Bonuspack index


This software protects small and large ships against enemy missile attacks and fighter drones.

This software protects the leader or the whole convoy against missile attacks and fighter drones. Only one ship within the group should be running this command.

Quick Start

Equip any ship with Fight Command MK1, MK2, and Mosquito missiles

Start ``Missile Defense Mosquito'' in the Additional Ship Commands menu.


Missile Defense Mosquito requires Mosquito missiles, Fight Command Software MK1 and MK2. These can all be bought from Equipment Docks of most races.

Ship Equipment

A ship of any class (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, TL, TS, TM or TP)

Fight Command Software MK1

Fight Command Software MK2

Mosquito missiles


The software is started with the command ``Missile Defense Mosquito'' in the Additional Ship Commands menu. The software now watches for enemy missiles and drones and fires Mosquitoes at them. To stop the command, remove it from the Additional Ship Command menu (by selecting the command slot and then 'None'). The command also stops if there are no Mosquito missiles present or when they have all been used.

The command ``Missile Defense Mosquito Convoy'', also in the Additional Ship Command menu, allows one ship to protect itself and it's followers. This requires the following ships be using the navigation command ``Follow..'' or fight command ``Protect..''

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