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[转帖] 俄文SE Forum上SpaceEngineer关于太空战的设想

发表于 2014-2-2 18:33:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Cesrate 于 2014-2-2 18:37 编辑



It describes the concept of the space battle in accordance with the basic idea of realism.

Key points: Newtonian physics, jet thrust , beam weapons , particle beam and kinetic . Warships unmanned because must be able to maneuver with maximum acceleration (50 -100g), be as light as possible (remember Tsiolkovsky formula ? The greater the mass of the ship, the more you need the fuel is exponentially larger ) , and react very quickly , because whole battle takes seconds ( there should a person do with his reaction ) . Why the pilots did not place on warships - they limit their acceleration to 5 -10g, and even excess weight need to carry , you better go for fuel or weapons ( extra weight - it's life support system , radiation protection , the system diamagnetic inertia compensation , if we want to fly accelerations of 50 -100g), and steers the ship and shooting all rvno computer. Consider an example scenario of a battle. ( The use of antigravity technology or antiinertsii fundamentally changes nothing , they just become available acceleration 1000g with the ability to carry a pilot on board , it is still useless . )

When closing speed of 1000 km / s distance of 100 000 km is covered for 100 seconds. At maximum acceleration in 50g for this maneuver , the ship deviates toward 5,000 km ( nothing at all compared to 100 000 km , but it is comparable to the radius of the Earth ) . Suppose the ship's computer receives information from telescopes that enemy ship began evasive maneuvers with acceleration for 100 seconds before convergence. Because the distance is 100,000 km , this outdated information on the third of a second ( the speed of light 300,000 km / s) . Therefore, at such distances taxis telescope and not radar - radar beam must cover the distance from the vehicle to the target player , bounce off it and vrenutsya ago - eventually lag 2/3 seconds . The computer calculates where to turn laser battery to get at the enemy on the assumption that its acceleration changes on such a spline ( whose parameters are again obtained from observations) , and taking into account the speed of light (another third of a second for the flight of the laser beam to the target ) . After the shot goes 2/3 seconds and the computer receives information that missed. The enemy has changed the acceleration and direction such and such a way . Korretsiya done and re- volley. All this uslozhnaetsya that ship Player also need to maneuver to avoid the laser enemy if he has it .

Suppose both ships experienced laser skirmish . The distance was 20 000 km , the rate of convergence is the same. In the battle come ion cannons . Algorithms are approximately the same, but uchityveetsya lower rate of the ion beam and the influence of local magnetic fields . Simultaneously issued a pack of homing missiles isstrebiteley and decoys. Ships continued to maneuver , but already beginning to take contact with lasers and ion beams . Any system fail in the first Ocheret - radiators lasers. So you can no longer use . Somewhere in the middle is a battle between the ships missiles , some of them destroyed , some breaks . Surviving small lasers and ion cannons trying to bring down incoming missiles . In kinetic guns coming into action (mass drivers ) , firing conventional shells and bullets.

If the enemy still boesposoben , and the distance was reduced to 2,000 km ( last 2 seconds before the rendezvous !) , The battle comes the most terrible weapon - kinetic mines . Of a ship on the computer exactly the calculated direction pushed massive iron ingots (or dumpsters smile), which should get exactly the approaching enemy. Closing speed ships ( and discs ) 1000 km / s . Let the mass of 100 kg ingots , then its kinetic energy is equal to 5 * 10 [sup] 13 [ssup] J = 10 kilotons of TNT. No nukes are not needed, and so destructive capacity is more than enough . If the enemy will not avoid , it is the end .

If after convergence ships still intact, then repeat shootout otaetsya ion cannons and lasers , even if they are operational. Shells and missiles here will not help - they will be dispersed to thousands of km / s to catch the departing ship. Continuation of the battle after the departure of a million miles is impossible - not to get any weapon at the enemy because of his maneuvers ( if he can still maneuver ) . Have to brake and accelerate in the opposite direction .

Such a scenario battle in outer space. Battle may not occur between the two ships , and between fleets . Then in the first approximation is likely to be 90 % of the ships unichtozheo rest break through . There could play a greater role tactics - should be placed on the estimated path of the enemy ambush and try to destroy the first hyperdrive , that could not escape the ambush. War near planet is about the same , simply protecting the fleet will initially be on the planet's orbit, traveling at relatively low speeds (5-10 km / s .) Incidentally, such a cluster of ships, like in the movies , there will be - if the ship departs for 100 seconds at 5000 km , the fleet around the world will look like a swarm of gnats around the watermelon.

Depending on the technological level of the player or race , every warship may or may not have their own gipredvigaetl and a large supply of reactive mass (fuel) to accelerate to attack speed . Then the functions hyperdrive and overclockers will perform mothership . Tactics like this: the player sends a scout in the enemy discovers the location of goals and effective attack vector . Mothership is accelerated to the desired speed and direction , and jumping in the enemy. Then produces a fleet of warships ( " isstrebiteley " ) and jumping to a safe distance . Isstrebiteli have powerful engines for manevnov , but a small amount of fuel , which is only enough for the maneuvers . But they are light and they are many. Or heavy , but carry more ammunition. Battle fleet itself handles the attack, using its distributed computing network ( each ship communicates with everyone tactical information exchanges , etc.). Those ships that broke perform mission ( ram station or planet , for example) , or continue a flight in a straight line . After the battle, the surviving ships continue to fly on the same trajectory. Mothership jumps to each ship speed equates with him, and immediately picks up the repair hangar. When the player comes up , he will be able to build ships , equipped with its own giperdviatelyami . Then opportunities will fight more.
发表于 2014-2-5 23:30:53 | 显示全部楼层
SPACE ENGINE将来肯定会加入这个元素的 毕竟这种大地图的游戏做成类似太空帝国那种的不太现实 RPG模式空战必不可少哈哈

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