ilancer 发表于 2013-11-18 15:58:03




This guide demonstrates various methods that can be used to modify the game. For the purpose of "learning by doing", this guide is written in the form of a tutorial involving various examples of additions to the Universe map and other alterations.

Part One: Images and Effects

Example 1: Create a mod extension

Example 2: Change a material effect color

Example 3: Create a custom billboard advertisement

Part Two section A: Universe Editing

Example 4: Add a new cluster

Example 5: Add a new Sector

Example 6 Working with zones

Part Two section B: Universe Editing

Example 7: Highways and Super Highways

Example 8: Working with Regions

Example 9. Create a custom cluster background material

Example 10. Create a custom Planet texture material

Part Three: Bringing the Universe to life

Example 11: Working with Jobs (AI spawning)

Example 12: Working with Mission Director



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查看完整版本: 官网搬运的Modding教程