FreemanGL 发表于 2013-11-21 00:22:00


本帖最后由 FreemanGL 于 2013-11-21 01:22 编辑


X重生不同于其他画面非常漂亮的FPS游戏主要是依赖GPU,而重生对CPU的依赖非常高。调节图像设置会同时影响CPU和GPU。比如LOD level(细节层次), view distance(可视距离),开启阴影都会极大的影响到CPU负载。LOD level和view distance的不同设置可能在普通场景中没有太大影响,但在小行星区域则对性能影响非常大!


“your system will always only be as fast as the CPU allows it to be”

2.调低LOD level(细节层次)和view distance(可视距离)

What is causing the low framerate: CPU or GPU

One thing that you will find is different with X Rebirth compared to most mainstream graphic intensive games (read shooters) nowadays, is that X Rebirth has very high requirements for your CPU. Almost all mass market mainstream titles nowadays are render bound (by the GPU). With X Rebirth this is only true in about half the situations.

Changing your graphic settings can have an effect on both the CPU as well as the GPU. If you have a very fast graphic card (see section below for top range models), then some of the graphic settings (shader quality and resolution) are not very relevant for you, because your system will always only be as fast as the CPU allows it to be.

Settings like the LOD level, the view distance and enabling the shadows on the other hand also greatly affect the CPU load. Do not get fooled by the fact that turning LOD and view distances to low may not have an effect immediately when you try it out. The LOD and viewdistance are greatly dependent on the situation in the game. It may have zero effect on the framerate in a normal zone but great effect in an asteroid field.

Technical details for the experts:

As I have explained above our engine is oftentimes CPU bound because of the massive AI simulation going on in the background. This is happening on multiple threads, but there are always two threads which mostly limit the framerate. This means the game will greatly benefit from a quadcore machine where two cores can crunch on our two main threads, one core can do the graphic driver code and the fourth one is free for the lower priority threads of our game such as pathing calculations, loading and sound. More cores will unfortunately not help much at this point in time.


因为开发组用的都是破电脑(This may partly be because we made no special attempt to optimise for fast PCs),没有针对高端电脑做很好的优化,他们也将组建高端电脑做相关测试(We will be tackling this issue aggresively and will be stocking up on high end hardware for tests):

Performance improvements: It seems ironic that most customers who are particularly dissatisfied with performance are those with the fastest computers. This may partly be because we made no special attempt to optimise for fast PCs. It even seems as though the most extreme high-end PCs barely have higher framerates than mid-range ones. We will be tackling this issue aggresively and will be stocking up on high end hardware for tests, to try out things like SLI and hex-core systems. Of course optimisations will also benefit other systems.


FreeMagician 发表于 2013-11-21 00:32:45


mileskent 发表于 2013-11-21 00:33:38

i5 2500K @ 4.0GHz表示占用率50% ,显卡是瓶颈,FPS低但是画面不卡……

FreemanGL 发表于 2013-11-21 00:35:56

mileskent 发表于 2013-11-21 00:33
i5 2500K @ 4.0GHz表示占用率50% ,显卡是瓶颈,FPS低但是画面不卡……


warcatip 发表于 2013-11-21 01:05:29


temeyork 发表于 2013-11-21 01:06:18


天空の遗迹 发表于 2013-11-21 01:12:48

本帖最后由 天空の遗迹 于 2013-11-21 01:17 编辑

我不知道我这边是哪里的瓶颈,CPU是Xeon E3123,四核3.2G八线程,显卡GTX570,按理说都不算太差吧。但是抗锯齿关掉,分辨率保持1080P,把视频设置里全部设置都调到最低和调到最好的帧率只相差三四帧左右,实际运行的时候CPU占用率也是相差不大,而且占用率也是普通的水平。实际上我这边只有在改分辨率的情况下,或者是从4X调到8X,帧数变化才会很大,其他都什么明显变化,所以我非常不解,这种现象似乎也不是优化的问题,感觉上就像是帧数被什么东西给人为限制了(不是垂直同步的问题。


windseraph 发表于 2013-11-21 01:22:50

FreemanGL 发表于 2013-11-21 00:35


FreeMagician 发表于 2013-11-21 01:25:44


FreemanGL 发表于 2013-11-21 01:26:53

FreeMagician 发表于 2013-11-21 01:25

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