neo 发表于 2010-5-20 12:17:54


==以下介绍转载自天涯小筑 转载请注明出处==


绝大多数人类相信了外星人的话,他们相信外星人在人类最需要帮助的时候及时出现,完全是出于一片善意。人类热情地欢迎他们,拥抱他们,欣然「笑纳」他们无私提供的「礼物」。谁又知道,在外星人灿烂的笑脸背后竟暗藏杀机。国土安全部特工Erica Evans(Elizabeth Mitchell扮演)在追踪一群恐怖分子的过程中,偶然发现了这骇人听闻的秘密。当Erica的搭挡Dale(Alan Tudyk扮演)想要杀她灭口的时候,Erica才明白外星人已经渗透进人类的政府和重要商业领域,即将展开全面征服人类的行动。

要让所有人都了解真相是不可能的,因为外星到访者拥有两件威力无比的「武器」。首先,他们发动了强大的宣传攻势,让人类对他们的「善意」充满绝对信心。特别是外星人领袖Anna(Morena Baccarin 扮演)冒充成一位美若天仙的人类女子,著名记者兼节目主持人Chad Decker(Scott Wolf扮演)又总是在一旁帮腔,令人类更无戒心。其次,他们善于利用人类的年轻一代。成千上万的青少年,包括Erica的儿子Tyler(Logan Huffman扮演),受外星人的蛊惑加入「和平大使」的行列,在完全不知情的情况下成为外星人安插在人类当中的眼线。

眼看地球就要彻底沦陷,Erica到处游说人们相信她亲眼所见的事实,但是并不奏效。她开始和以前被认为是「恐怖组织」的「反外星人抵抗运动」秘密接洽,并结识了抵抗运动的领袖Jack神父(Joel Gretsch扮演)和一个叫Ryan(Morris Chestnut扮演)的年轻人。Ryan也是一个外星人,但他坚信自己应该帮助和拯救人类,与邪恶的母族战斗。


该剧改编自80年代的同名科幻经典,由《The 4400》的制片人打造。

Today, the world woke up to find spaceships over every major city. The Visitors claim to have come in peace, bringing gifts of medical miracles and technological breakthroughs. They promise to do no harm. They're lying. Most people believe the aliens have arrived just when we needed them most. We're eager to embrace their generous offers of help, but while tracking a terrorist cell, Homeland Security agent Erica Evans stumbles upon something far more sinister. When her partner tries to kill her, Erica discovers that the aliens have plans to infiltrate our governments and businesses, planting seeds for their plot to control mankind. Convincing anyone of the truth will be impossible because the Visitors have two powerful weapons. First, they've given the people faith with their reassuring presence and gifts. Second, they've rallied our youth. Thousands of teens, including Erica's son, have been recruited as 'Peace Ambassadors' but they're actually serving as unwitting spies. Erica's violent introduction to the truth thrusts her into the resistance movement, where she joins forces with Ryan, a rogue alien driven to save humanity. She'll have to balance her covert activities with her job, and her role as a mother, fighting to protect her son Tyler even as he joins forces with the enemy. From executive producer Scott Peters, Emmy-nominated creator of The 4400, comes a bold re-imagining of the sci-fi classic. Let the invasion begin.

大闸蟹 发表于 2010-5-20 12:53:53


baiseniao 发表于 2010-5-20 13:09:45


neo 发表于 2010-5-20 14:46:57


luckdrdr 发表于 2010-5-21 08:37:23


neo 发表于 2010-5-21 17:36:13

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 《V星入侵.第1季》(V.2009)