ccb 发表于 2006-11-24 11:58:38





答:进入HQ的命令菜单,然后进入调整空间站参数菜单(Adjust Station Parameters),在那里进入涂装车间(Spray Shop)你将会看到你所有已停靠在HQ中的船(那些BORON设计的船除外)(什么除外?没看明白)。
要将船进入涂装车间,选择目标船回车就可以了,然后你可以看到在船下面有三个选择,你可以象调整其他拉动条一样用左右键或者HOME END键或者用小键盘输入确切数字来调整色调和饱和度,调整完毕后回车你可以看到你的船马上就重新图装了。第三个选择是用来恢复这个船的默认涂装的,这将使得船变回他们所属种族的默认涂装,可能与你原来获得它时的涂装不一样。这个涂装有一个限制就是没有涂装预览功能,你必须在回车确定后才能看到结果,好在过程简单,所以也不是很困难的事情。色调的范围是0-360,饱和度是-256到256,-256是灰色,0是标准饱和度,256是这个颜色的加强版本。



这个HQ可以回收再造船只,酱紫你可以建造无法买到的船只,比如GONER RANGER或者XENON的L

答:不翻了,上面都有说明了 。。。


[ 本帖最后由 ccb 于 2006-11-24 14:17 编辑 ]

baocy2005 发表于 2006-11-24 12:46:55

马上去做任务:) :o :) 拿hq

snake 发表于 2006-11-24 13:47:09


有了新HQ后,放到了 LIGHT HOME 里,昨天58000多钱买了个A族小M5喂给HQ,



[ 本帖最后由 snake 于 2006-11-24 13:50 编辑 ]

ccb 发表于 2006-11-24 14:25:18

其实原来用的有个PLAYER FRIENDLY SHIPYARD是用蓝图的概念的,那个船厂原本是空的,然后你有什么船开进去,付给他们船价两倍的资金就变成蓝图了,然后你可以一直在他这里买这个船,跟船所属势力关系无关(所以叫FRIENDLY),跟HQ比这个成本就高了,偶当时把原有的全部M1M2M6TLTS都放进去了,然后DDRS里面的也拿了七七八八,打算跟某个势力翻脸来的 。。。然后数据就丢失了

HammerSun 发表于 2006-12-18 17:23:12

原帖由 ccb 于 2006-11-24 11:58 发表
答:进入HQ的命令菜单,然后进入调整空间站参数菜单(Adjust Station Parameters),在那里进入涂装车间(Spray Shop)你将会看到你所有已停靠在HQ中的船(那些BORON设计的船除外)(什么除外?没看明白)。


ccb 发表于 2006-12-18 17:35:15


问题是偶好象忘记到前面去改回来了 。。。。MM帮忙,偶做梦时候都没见到过:L

HammerSun 发表于 2006-12-18 18:25:09


Player Headquarters:

This new station is the biggest construction you can build in the game and thus it requires a lot of free space to work properly, be careful where you put it!

HQ features:

1. Repair

Any damaged ship docked at the HQ can be repaired. Damaged ships are listed in the Station Info and Adjust Station Parameters menus and in the latter can be added to, and removed from, the repair queue. Ships in the repair queue are repaired in the order shown. You can check the repair cycle requirements and ship details by pressing I or O in the Adjust Station Parameters menu with the ship selected.

Repairs require time, money and resources. All of these are proportional to the value of the ship and the amount of hull damage that it has. The money must be in the HQ station account and the resources in the HQ station storage in order for repair to start. The repair queue is in strict order so if a large ship is "blocking" the queue due to lack of resources, ships further down the queue will not be repaired.

As a rough guide (and it is very rough, especially for smaller ships) the total cost of repairing a ship with hull damage of 50% should be approximately 15-20% of the value of the ship, including both the cash cost and the value of the resources used. Remember that the price of a ship in a shipyard includes shields and usually weapons even if you buy the S model, so remember to deduct these when checking prices.

The time taken to repair a ship is also proportional to its value. This should range from a few seconds for a slightly damaged M5 to many hours for a badly damaged capital ship.

If the HQ's own hull is damaged then it can be added to the repair queue just like a ship.

2. Production

The HQ can also produce ships. In order to produce a particular type of ship a set of blueprints is required. These can be obtained by reverse engineering (see below). Once you have blueprints for a ship type you can produce as many ships of that type as you like, provided you have the money and resources.

Blueprints are listed in the Station Info and Adjust Station Parameters menus. You can add an item to the production queue by selecting it in the blueprints part of the Adjust Station Parameters menu, and you can adjust the number of ships to produce at each point in the queue using the usual ware counter controls (left, right, home, end, numpad, etc.). Ships in the production queue are produced in the order shown, and where multiple ships of the same type are listed in the queue they will be produced one at a time. You can check the production cycle requirements and ship details by pressing I or O in the Adjust Station Parameters menu with the blueprint or production queue item selected.

As with repairs, production requires time, money and resources, and these are proportional to the value of the ship. Again, the money must be in the HQ station account and the resources in the HQ station storage in order for production to start. The production queue is also in strict order so if a large ship is "blocking" the queue due to lack of resources, ships further down the queue will not be produced.

Ships produced by the HQ will have no shields or weapons, and no additional equipment other than what is built-in for that class (e.g. life support for a TP).

The time taken to produce a ship is also proportional to its value. This ranges from a few minutes for an M5 to many, many hours for a capital ship.

3. Reverse engineering

Reverse engineering is a means by which to obtain blueprints for a ship so that you can produce more of them. The HQ's engineers and robots are highly skilled and can reverse engineer any ship given to them. Reverse engineering destroys the ship being reverse engineered, right at the start of the process, and at the end of the process the ship type is added to the list of available blueprints ready for production.

Any ship docked at the HQ can be added to the reverse engineering queue, apart from the player ship, ships for which the HQ already has blueprints, and ships of the same type as the ship currently being reverse engineered. It is possible to add multiple ships of the same type to the reverse engineering queue but as soon as reverse engineering starts on the first one of a given type any others of that type in the queue will be removed. Ships can also be removed from the reverse engineering queue as long as work has not yet started on them. As usual, you can check the reverse engineering cycle requirements and ship details by pressing I or O in the Adjust Station Parameters menu with the ship selected.

Reverse engineering requires only time and the ship. As previously mentioned, the cost of reverse engineering a ship is simply the destruction of the ship itself. The time taken to reverse engineer a ship should be the same as the time taken to produce it once the blueprints have been obtained. Note that you can reverse engineer a damaged ship as long as it isn't the ship that is currently being repaired (being further down the repair queue is fine). Note also that any equipment or cargo on board a ship that is reverse engineered will be destroyed if it is not removed before the process starts.

4. Spray Shop

An additional new feature of the HQ is the Spray Shop. The Spray Shop allows you to slightly adjust the colour scheme used in your ships. It does this by changing the hue (colour) and saturation (intensity of that colour) of the "paintwork" on certain panels on a given ship. The panels that are affected by this are defined in the ship model and cannot be changed. They will also vary from ship to ship. Boron ships cannot be re-sprayed at all due to their unusual hull materials, and so will not be listed in the Spray Shop ship list. You can re-spray any ship docked at your HQ at no cost.

To use the Spray Shop feature you need to go to the Adjust Station Parameters option in the station menu. From there, scroll down to the Spray Shop section and you will see all of your ships, apart from the Boron-designed ones, that are docked at the HQ. To move a ship into the Spray Shop simply highlight the ship in the list and hit Enter. You will then see three additional options underneath that ship. You can adjust the Hue and Saturation in the same way as any other menu slider, using the left and right cursor keys, the Home and End keys, or by typing in a step size using the numeric keypad. When you hit enter after changing either of these values, your ship is immediately re-sprayed using the selected value. The third option allows you to restore the original paintwork of the ship. Note that this will restore the standard paintwork of the ship as defined for the race who designed it, which may differ from the colour that you had for it previously.

There is a known limitation of this feature, namely that you cannot preview the colour of your ship before accepting your changes. This means that you will have to experiment with the values, but since the process is free this is not a great hardship. The range of values for Hue is 0 to 360 and the range for Saturation is -256 to 256 where -256 is basically grey, 0 is the standard colour saturation, and 256 is a much more intense version of the colour.

HammerSun 发表于 2006-12-18 18:26:45


philip9204 发表于 2006-12-18 18:29:23


ccb 发表于 2006-12-19 08:56:48


让偶最郁闷的是每个物资都没有上限的,害偶造船的东西必须自己运,不然开了NPC贸易马上HQ就被这些东西装满了 。。。偶上次是特地在ELENA‘S FORTUNE(偶把HQ放在PRESIDENT’S END了)盖了工厂集群,然后用3条货船来回拉,要是能设定库存上限有好了

还有个问题:虽然偶没有试过,不过想就算是放在有EQUIMENT DOCK的星区,造完的船也还是得去那里升级换装的,不象在SHIPYARD买的船直接可以升级改装的?
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