Fred 发表于 2007-11-8 21:24:03

EVE服务模拟器 EVEmu 0.6.229 released


- Intial market implementation:
- Major work on special market packet encodings.
- Browse market, see pending orders.
- Initial price history implementation.
- Place sell orders (builds the market)
- Place buy orders
- Place immediate sell orders
- Place immediate buy orders
- you prolly need to log out&in before seeing new orders right now.
- Major destiny (space) work:
- Much improved event broadcasting to allow players to
    observe the actions of another player.
- New module manager to handle different weapon types
- Improved timer support for module activation/deactivation.
- Can now activate weapons and generate fake hits on targets.
- Initial infrastructure for damage propigation.
- A bit more corporation creation work. (firefoxpdm)
- Initial NPC AI work. Very very simple right now.
- Added /spawn (typeID) command to spawn an NPC.
- Started reworking chat channels a bit. It is prolly more broken
than it was previously right now, but should improve over time.
- Start rework on chat channels to support dynamic channels.
- Initial XML packet support for none-value duality handling.
- Added queue for destiny updates to properly batch them up.

越玩越想冲卡:lol :lol


77888 发表于 2007-11-10 20:56:27


Fred 发表于 2007-11-10 21:06:04


mupartner 发表于 2007-11-11 10:20:30

E文的 ....不过好强悍啊  这个东西都能做出来... 佩服

moo 发表于 2007-11-14 19:46:10

怎么是E文的 啊 晕了

Kira_Yamato 发表于 2007-11-18 08:27:48


Fred 发表于 2007-11-18 08:32:31



voodoo811 发表于 2007-11-28 15:47:14

你在开玩笑哦 :o

cxl19890109 发表于 2007-11-28 23:26:11

这个算是模拟程序吗? 做的好的话难道可以开SF?哈哈~~期待啊

a886868 发表于 2007-12-1 13:35:01

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查看完整版本: EVE服务模拟器 EVEmu 0.6.229 released