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[转帖] v1.0.4.9 – May 20, 2010 没破解啊 囧

发表于 2010-5-21 10:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 RockmanII 于 2010-5-21 10:53 编辑


Hi everyone,

Here is the full final change list from 1.0.4 to There were a few more bug fixes after the last public beta.

v1.0.4.9 – May 20, 2010

Fifth Official Update

Please Note – This update does create a new save folder, although it will work with previous saves. You need to navigate to the previous version save folder to open your older saves. We recommend starting a new game in order to get the full effect of the changes and improvements, as some will not apply to older save files.
Also, this update may reset the automation settings in your Options screen. Please open the Options screen again to adjust them to your preference. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Bug Fixes:

1. Fixed additional reported crashes and freezes
2. Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred in retrofitting (was not completing)
3. Fixed a bug where ships sometimes could not be destroyed
4. Fixed resupply ships not mining fuel
5. Fixed a bug where crash research would sometimes not produce a breakthrough
6. Fixed a bug where armed civilian ships were attacking space creatures
7. Fixed a bug where planets, moons or asteroids were sometimes not being explored
8. Fixed a bug where stars and planets in a system were sometimes not displaying, even when the system had been explored
9. Fixed display of long range scanners in galaxy/sector view so that they always appear in the correct location
10. Fixed a crash when attempt to retrofit ships from the Ships and Bases screen that do not have a non-obsolete design for their sub-role
11. Fixed a crash that occurred when an empire is wiped out and has a mutual defense pact with another empire
12. Fixed a bug when crash research continues after discovering all tech in an area
13. Fixed a bug that could cause fleets with a retrofit order to get stuck in the retrofit process
14. Added additional checks to ensure retrofitting of ships and bases always completes
15. Fixed a problem where defeated empires were sometimes still briefly appearing in the Diplomacy screen
16. Fixed RepairBots so that they properly fix damage

Game Balance Changes:

1. Capped maximum total corruption at a colony to 75%, including a 50% cap on Empire-level corruption (the rest comes from local and distance factors).
2. Slightly lowered the benefits of advanced medical and recreation tech so that less dramatic bonuses at colonies, and thus slightly lower tax rates

Automation and AI Improvements:

1. Improved AI ship and base purchasing and suggestions – as a result empire cashflow should now be more stable and less likely to go into the red when using automation or suggestions for build decisions.
2. Troop purchasing AI improved - will not purchase single troops at colonies when no pressing need for them
3. Better checking for troop maintenance costs, further lessening chance of economy going into the red
4. Intelligence agent recruitment AI improved - will only recruit agents when have met other empires, also recruit less agents
5. Intelligence agent utilization improved. Agents now always have missions, either counterintelligence or espionage/sabotage
6. Improved AI decisions around scrapping ships and bases in both the private and state economies - when economy under pressure then AI may scrap some private items
7. The AI no longer auto-retires ships for the player, even when ship construction is fully automated

Other Improvements:

1. Added extra filters in Ships and Bases screen (research stations, defensive bases, monitoring stations)
2. Made screen resolution check a warning (instead of enforced) - can still proceed to play at a lower resolution if you wish, which should allow Distant Worlds to work on most Netbooks

计划中的1.5更有看头 星系防御有可能实现

Hi everyone,

While we finish up the second 1.0.4 update, we've started work on 1.0.5. 1.0.5 will be a pretty major update in several respects. One thing it should do is to significantly improve save/load speed and save size, which will mean that it will unfortunately not work with older saves, unlike the updates we've released to date. 1.0.5 will also rebalance weapons and other components to some degree.

We've also discussed fleet "behaviors" for some time as a real solution to the various differences in player opinion on how ships and fleets should behave. The current plan is to implement the following in 1.0.5:

We'll be adding a feature called stance for each ship and fleet. Stance will control how ships auto-engage enemy targets. The stance will be one of the following values:

* Engage when attacked
* Engage nearby targets (within approx 2000 screen pixels)
* Engage targets in the same system

There'll also be some handy shortcuts for this so that you can have default stances for mission types, so that when you assign ships or fleets a mission they'll switch to your preferred stance, e.g. patrol missions might default to "Engage targets in same system", whereas escort missions might default to "Engage nearby targets". These defaults will be set for your empire in the game options screen.

We'll also expose the "overkill" value in the game options screen. This value determines how many ships are assigned to handle an enemy target, so that only the necessary attack strength is assigned to each target (instead of all ships rushing off to the nearest target). This value is currently hardcoded to 2, but we'll allow players to set this value themselves.

For auto-refuel we'll be making some exceptions so that some mission types do not auto-refuel, e.g. invading a colony (drop troops) or colonizing.

We'll share more news on 1.0.5 as we get closer. We expect the second 1.0.4 update to possibly go official this week and the first 1.0.5 Public Beta should show up by mid-June.


- Erik
发表于 2010-5-21 10:13:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-21 11:33:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-21 12:12:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-21 13:22:08 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-21 14:18:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-21 17:49:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-23 17:55:32 | 显示全部楼层
Fixed resupply ships not mining fuel


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-23 20:34:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-25 18:50:37 | 显示全部楼层

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