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[原创] 【不断更新】现有太空游戏简介-模拟类(巨大量图!)1/1

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发表于 2007-8-21 10:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在表格里共收录122款游戏,实际上下面的游戏简介里收录的游戏要比这多。游戏简介里的游戏排列顺序和表格里不一样,这是因为游戏的系列问题,比如表格里排在前面的Privateer 2:The Darkening,实际上它任属于Wing Commander系列,所以我把移到后面的Wing Commander系列里一起介绍。


1Academy - Tau Ceti II 1987
2Ace of Angels--天使的王牌2002
4Apollo 18--阿波罗18号5.231-Mar-99
5Archimedean Dynasty--阿基米德王朝8.331-Oct-96
6Ares Rising--战神叛乱5.831-Aug-98
7Arvoch Conflict2006
8Babylon 5: Into the Fire 1999
9Bang! Gunship Elite--太空精英重拳出击6.419-Jul-00
10Battlecruiser 3000 AD 2.0--战舰3000 AD2.01998
11Battlecruiser Millennium Gold--战舰千禧版4-Apr-03
12Battlecruiser Tactical Command 2003
13Cellblock Squadrons--监狱分区中队15-Nov-04
14Darklight Conflict--暗日7.931-Mar-97
16DarkStar One--暗星一号8.114-Aug-06
17Defiance Campaign 1999
18Descent:Freespace-The Great War--纵横太空8.931-May-98
19Drift:When Worlds Collide--末日降临2002
21EGA Trek 1993
22Elite 1986
23Epic 1991
24Escape Velocity Nova--逃离超新星11-Jul-03
25Evochron Alliance--星际联盟22-Sep-05
28Flatspace II:Rise of the Scarrid31-Jan-06
30Forced Alliance7.230-Sep-97
32FreeSpace 2--自由空间 29.430-Sep-99
33Freespace:Silent Threat--纵横太空:沉默的危机1998
34Frontier:Elite 21993
35Frontier:First Encounters1995
36Galactic Command - Echo SquadQ3 2007
37Galactic Federation26-Jun-04
40Homeplanet:Play with Fire--母星:玩火April 2004 EU--
42Homeplanet Gold--母星黄金版 TBA
43Hyperspeed 1992
44Independence War 2:Edge of Chaos--独立战争2:混沌边缘8.922-Aug-01
45Independence War Deluxe Edition--独立战争加强版7.131-Jul-99
46Independence War--独立战争9.131-Aug-98
47Jumpgate:The Reconstruction Initiative8.623-Sep-01
48KnightBlade:Final FlightTBA
50Lightspeed 1990
51Line Wars II 1994
52nTrapTBA EU--
53Parkan II--帕堪22004 EU--
55Privateer 2:The Darkening--银河私掠者2:黑暗的深渊6.830-Nov-96
56Privateer:Righteous FireSpring 1994
57Project Earth: Starmageddon 2002
58Renegade: The Battle1993
59Shockwave Assault1-Jun-97
60Space Interceptor:Project Freedom--太空拦截机之自由计划79-Nov-04
61Space Rangers--太空游侠Dec 20, 2002 EU--
62Spaceforce:Rogue Universe--太空战将:荒芜宇宙7.55-Jun-07
63Star AssaultSeptember 2007 EU--
64Star Crusader 1993
65Star Rangers5.231-Oct-95
66Star Trek Bridge Commander--星舰迷航:舰桥指挥官8.227-Feb-02
67Star Trek:Klingon Academy--星舰迷航:克林贡学院6.721-Jun-00
68Star Trek:Legacy--星际迷航:遗产5.85-Dec-06
69Star Trek:Starfleet Academy:Chekov's Lost Missions1998
70Star Trek:Starfleet Academy--星际迷航:舰队学院5.631-Aug-97
71Star Trek:Starfleet Command III--星际迷航:舰队指挥官386-Nov-02
72Star Trek:Starship Creator1998
73Star Wars Starfighter--星球大战:星际战士6.720-Jan-02
74Star Wars TIE Fighter:Collector's CD-ROM--星球大战:钛战机珍藏版光碟8.831-Oct-95
75Star Wars X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter--星球大战:X战机对钛战机730-Apr-97
76Star Wars:Battle for Naboo--星球大战:纳布之战6.411-Mar-01
77Star Wars:Rogue Squadron 3D--星球大战:流氓中队3D82-Dec-98
78Star Wars:TIE Fighter--星球大战:钛战机1994
79Star Wars:X-Wing - B-Wing1993
80Star Wars:X-Wing - Imperial Pursuit1993
81Star Wars:X-Wing Alliance8.428-Feb-99
82Star Wars:X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM--星球大战:X战机珍藏版光碟Jun-94
83Star Wars:X-Wing--星球大战:X战机1993
84Star Wolves II--星际之狼2 2006
85Star Wolves--星际之狼 2004
86Star Wraith IV:Reviction2004
87Star Wraith: Shadows of Orion--星际鬼魂:猎户座阴影1989
88Star Wraith:Shadows of Orion2004
89Starflight 1986
90Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula 1989
91Starglider 1986
92Starglider 2 1989
95Stellar 71993
96Tachyon: The Fringe--超光速粒子:边缘7.519-Apr-00
97Tarr Chronicles10-Sep-07
99Terra Nova9.229-Feb-96
100The DivineTBA
101The Last Dynasty1995
102The Tomorrow WarTBA 2007
103Universal Combat5.95-Feb-04
104Universal Combat Collectors EditionQ3 2007
105Universal Combat:A World Apart315-Aug-05
106Wing Commander1990
107Wing Commander II:Vengeance of the Kilrathi1991
108Wing Commander III:Heart of the Tiger1994
109Wing Commander IV:The Price of Freedom8.531-Dec-95
110Wing Commander:Armada1996
111Wing Commander:PrivateerFall 1993
112Wing Commander:Prophecy8.630-Nov-97
113Wing Commander:Secret OpsAug-98
114Wing Commander:The Kilrathi Saga7.130-Nov-96
115Wing Commander:The Secret Missions1990
116X:Beyond the Frontier8.131-Dec-99
117X2:The ReturnCanceled
118X2:The Threat7.43-Dec-03
121X-Wing Collector's Series8.231-May-98
122X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter:Balance of Power8.330-Nov-97


Academy - Tau Ceti II
Pete Cooke's follow-up to the previous space shooter-explorer takes things away from the Tau Ceti setting, seeing you sent off a range of planets which need saving. This means that the game uses its structure and theme, without the 'butterfly effect' of previous decisions having an affect later, but becomes more manageable to complete. Although you can customize the ships, including giving them names of your choice, the supplied ones include a variety that should suit every occasion.
You must use this vehicle to skim around the surface of the planet, destroying each of the rogue robots which are causing trouble. You will have to dock with buildings to refuel or move on to a different planet.

天使的王牌(Ace of Angels)

Allegiance 的背景設立於未來宇宙的深處,玩家可以選擇效忠於 4 種以上不同的陣營來爭奪銀河霸權的王座,遊戲附有完整的教學關卡,玩完教學關後因該很快就可以上手,同時也設有新手伺服器所以不用擔心上線就被痛宰。Allegiance 支援 4 隊和超過 100 名玩家同時進行遊戲,遊戲中的隊伍必須派出電腦操控的礦工去挖掘稀有礦物並研發新的武器、裝備等物,每隊的指揮官甚至可以蓋造船廠來生產需要多名玩家同時操作的戰艦,平時則是操作 scout、gunship、bomber 等戰機和敵人一絕生死,這個遊戲同時也發展了大量的模組,包括星際大戰和額外的陣營可供選擇。

阿波罗18号(Apollo 18)
Anybody who grew up watching the Apollo space missions on TV must have at least a little desire to be an astronaut. The fiery magnificence of the early morning launches, the tension-filled minutes leading up to lunar landings, the bizarre image of the Lunar Rover crawling across the barren landscape of the moon - these events were on the edge of both science fact and fiction, and the sheer drama surrounding them has never been rivaled. Apollo 18 tries to re-create the exhilaration of those Apollo missions by letting you take on the duties of a NASA astronaut, but about the only thing it truly succeeds at is proving there's a whole lot of tedious work that goes on behind the scenes of a moon shot.

阿基米德王朝(Archimedean Dynasty)
Archimedean Dynasty is the kind of game that automatically makes you long for the extended weekend, the random holiday, the traffic-paralyzing blizzard, the three-day flu, or perhaps the odd death in the family - anything to justify staying away from school, work, or other responsibilities long enough for a serious immersion into an onscreen world.

战神叛乱(Ares Rising)
It cannot be wrong to generalize that, much like the first-person shooter, the space flight simulation is a genre whose visual presentation is critical to its overall quality. Although a plausible physics model, fast action, and even a good story are components whose importance are not to be understated, when you get right down to it, a space flight sim is only as good as it looks. After all, the goal of the genre is to accurately re-create what it might be like to fly a spacecraft, a goal that's become all the more approachable recently with the advent of powerful 3D graphics accelerators. To that extent, several recent contenders in the genre not only look incredible, but offer sophisticated gameplay to match - Wing Commander: Prophecy, Descent: Freespace, and Independence War all combine top-notch flight dynamics with stunning visual effects, the illusion of relativistic speed, and awe-inspiring scale.

Arvoch Conflict
Arvoch Conflict is a squad based 3D space combat simulator.

Babylon 5: Into the Fire
Sierra made shitty decision when they cancelled publishing of B5 simulator so close to being finished. Based on demo and everything I have heard of it I am sure that it would have been one of the best space games ever. Would have been nice to fly in the world I have learned to love.

太空精英重拳出击(Bang! Gunship Elite)
与许多其它的太空战斗游戏相似,《Gunship Elite》看起来十分出色。尽管它的背景画面仅仅是两幅二维位图,红色风暴公司小施技巧,在游戏中添加了一些效果,大大提升了其视觉吸引力。许多块头巨大的背景物体,如行星和喷气云雾等等,看起来都有三维效果。此外,游戏中到处闪烁着令人眼花缭乱的火光,以及多边形小行星等特殊效果,所有这些都使周围的环境更加生动真实。尽管《Gunship Elite》看起来的确赏心悦目,但这款游戏的其它方面明显缺乏深度。《Gunship Elite》的故事情节无非是一系列串连起来的任务,其配音效果奇差无比的开场白也是无聊透顶,它会解释道,你将为保护某种宝贵资源而与Sektar及其同伙Morgoths展开较量。不论《Gunship Elite》中的剧情如何,所有的情节都会唐突地以最后的决战而告终,而且都会由同一位声音单调的配音向你灌输着发生的一切。这种方式给人造成虎头蛇尾的感觉:你亲自参与了大多数战斗,但没有参加最后的决战。

战舰3000 AD2.0(Battlecruiser 3000 AD 2.0)
Battle up to 13 different alien nations as you commence in trade or go into combat.Command and control your Battlecruiser as you have manual control of 4 fighters, 4 shuttlecrafts, and 4 all-terrain vehicles in space and over gorgeous planetary landscapes.

战舰千禧版(Battlecruiser Millennium Gold)
《Battlecruiser Millennium》(简称《BCM》)是96年作品《Battlecruiser 3000AD》的续集。《Battlecruiser 3000AD》最广为人知的是游戏富野心的设计及内里多不胜数的bug(……),《BCM》发生在3010AD。游戏开始前玩家可选择所属种族(12种)、职业(6种)、性别、支持的一方(有13个选择)及太空船。职业类型有指挥官、领航员、探测者等等,而你的职业将决定你可选择的单位,包括11种交通工具、9种搬运工具、10种巡洋舰、11种运输工具、24种战士。你更可以决定游戏的进行方式,以任务形式进行,或是以第一身视点到处漫游。

Battlecruiser Tactical Command
Space Simulation Strategy RPG. This time the game takes place in first person perpective. The internal structures of all space starstations, planetary starbases, capital ships (carriers, cruisers, transports) are being built in full 3D. You walk through your entire ship, interact with your crew (i.e give them orders), view the outside world (space or planet) from your bridgeviewer. You do combat alongside your own NPC marines against intruders who beam into your ship. Beam over to other ships or stations with your own marine complement and do unto them as they've done unto you for years. Mingle at bases with all forms of friends and foes. Start a brawl, place or claim a bounty against other players or NPC characters, trade etc in the massive galaxy you probably already know every corner of.

监狱分区中队(Cellblock Squadrons)

暗日(Darklight Conflict)

Massively multiplayer online gaming has moved to outer space. DarkSpace, which was developed by small Texas-based developer PaleStar, is a persistent "offworld" epic that shifts many conventions of online role-playing games into science-fiction territory. The gameplay is fresh, innovative to a certain degree, and a real eye-opener for those who have grown tired of the swords and sorcery settings of EverQuest and its ilk. It is the perfect game for the jaded online game junkie who wants to trade in elves for aliens and that snazzy suit of magical plate mail for a starship.

暗星一号(DarkStar One)

Defiance Campaign
This time you were on the other side. 18 new missions for you to try pirate life and fight Commonwealth.

纵横太空(Descent: Freespace - The Great War)
Over the years a variety of space-combat simulations have been released, but none of them has been as polished or even remotely as interesting as LucasArts' X-Wing series or Origin Systems' Wing Commander series, both of which are still going strong. With the enticing capabilities of 3D graphics hardware support and a general resurgence in science fiction themes, it was only a matter of time before gaming companies would, once again, try to break LucasArts' and Origin Systems' collective stranglehold over the genre. At last a worthy challenger has arrived. Descent: Freespace is one of a number of recently released or announced space-sim titles from developers who are better known for creating successful gaming series in other genres. But while MicroProse's X-COM Interceptor is a fading memory, and little anticipation has developed for Accolade's Star Con (formerly Star Control 4), Volition has carefully crafted Descent: Freespace to provide a welcome mix of compelling graphics, plot, and gameplay.

末日降临(Drift: When Worlds Collide)
Drift: When Worlds Collide is a real-time space combat simulation from Brightstar Entertainment and Russian developer Redward Studios. Players take the role of a mercenary pilot working for the Hen-Shodan Republic's Phoenix Alliance, fighting against the evil encroachment of the Dorian Empire in 28 single-player missions. The vastness of space in Drift is populated by drifting space debris, asteroids and unique objects, four belligerent empires, huge motherships, and more than 60 types of spacecraft wielding deadly weapons.


EGA Trek
You are in command of Enterprise class ship and you must defeat attack fleet of Klin.. err. Mongols. You patrol in 64 sectors and destroy every enemy ship you'll find. You need to get supplies to you and sometimes help other ships or planets in trouble. You have all normal gadgets in your ship, photon torpedoes, phasers, warp drive, shields and you also have experimental death ray weapon.

This is what started it all! After this my thougths wandered not only in clouds but amongst the stars also :). I started to read science fiction books purposedly. Joined to many science fiction fan groups and started to keep space games as number one choice amongst gaming types.

You are fighter pilot protecting big convoy. Refugees from destroyed planet looking for new homeworld "Galactica plot". And going through hostile space of course.Before I got Wing Commander for Amiga this is what I briefly played. Beginning was great, but then I stuck some great battle. Fuel always runs short in there and scooping fuel capsules just didn't work.

逃离超新星(Escape Velocity Nova)
游戏的背景在宇宙殖民议会崩溃的后期,天才但性格古怪的Omata Kane发明了便达宇宙各星系的“星门”技术。也就是超空间跳跃系统。人类殖民者的足迹得以伸展到宇宙的各个角落。但是从地球出发远航的人们,仍然陶醉于战争和权势,长久的战争破坏了超空间跳跃系统,使星门的航线孤立成小部分的区域,并且也由此分裂成了许多不同的势力。他们其中较大的势力分割共享着人类探索的宇宙。在这个由英勇战士组成的Aurorans帝国,代表正统人类统治的联邦,凶狠无节制的海盗,难以遣怀战争疮痕的北极星系,作风神秘的反抗军和遗世孤立的 Vell-os等分割盘踞几大星域组成的游戏世界里。随着游戏的深入,玩家们还会发现到人类丝毫不了解的异星文明,暗地里操控星际经济的家族,爱尔兰星系的狂野犹太等各种势力。玩家们作为一个小商人来开展冒险,无论你想成为垄断星系贸易的巨商大贾,自由浪漫的太空游侠,快意恩仇的私掠者,甚至组建舰队成为文明的守护者,抑或攻占星系,成就自身霸业的枭雄在游戏中就都能到!


星际联盟(Evochron Alliance)
星际联盟(Evochron Alliance)》是《星际城市Evochron》的结局篇,包含了众多新的元素。例如改进的游戏画面,星际造船所,新的隐蔽能源、武器、新技术和用户任务定制系统等等。

Flatspace 这是一款星际贸易和飞行模拟游戏。游戏的最终本目的是定位和装配巨大的超光速推进器。你可以决定做什么以及怎么玩。为了赚取利润,你可以在可怕的宇宙空间站之间选择交易的货物,或者成为一个星际海盗以及偷窃货物。

Flatspace II: Rise of the Scarrid
Flatspace 2 用玩元素的角色是一场空间贸易游戏。你有游戏宇宙的一个星际飞船,而且你有空在许多方面谋生包括贸易货物, 慷慨狩猎,隔开海盗行为,表演任务或仅仅探究。Flatspace 2 的终极的目的将破坏一个敌人比赛, Scarrid Imperium ,但是有许多其他的目标为哪一个是可选择的运动员大部分。 这些包括为新的设备和船得到钱,在各种不同的等级上面着手进行或发现官方的游戏秘密。与第一个 Flatspace 游戏相较有许多变化。 有像空间工厂和学校这样的不同车站类型,而且你能买游戏宇宙的每艘船给车站和飞行员。 两次有当做许多图形当做在最初的游戏、和许多新的船和设备中。

Forced Alliance
After having played and finished Forced Alliance, I am once again reassured that reviewing video games for a living isn't quite the living hell many believe it to be. Oh, sure, it's great fun getting paid to play Jedi Knight or Hexen II, but there are more times than not where I'm forced to trudge through such mind-numbing time wasters as Yoda Stories or Battlecruiser 3000 A.D.

  如果笔者说《自由枪骑兵》(以下简称《自》)是Blizzard制作的游戏,你一定会对我嗤之以鼻:“那明明是Digital Anvil制作,微软发行的游戏嘛。”可是无论从游戏的优秀指数,还是游戏的“跳票”指数上来看,它都和Blizzard的游戏有着几分相似之处。首先是优秀指数,这部当年曾经勇获E3大展最佳PC游戏奖的作品,相信不会有多少人怀疑它的实力吧。当然游戏的跳票也是长得令人恼怒,游戏原定的发行时间是在2000年,那时Digital Anvil才刚刚被微软收购,等来等去,不知不觉已经到了2003年!而这部游戏却仍在“制作中”。当年和它一起参展的游戏几乎都已经上市了。这使得很多原本对它报有极高期望的玩家渐渐失去了信心。就在《自》慢慢被人遗忘时,微软终于公布,它将于今年的3月推出。这次我想是真的要推出了,因为展示在我们面前的已经是一个完成度90%的接近成熟的作品。

  这部游戏在名义上是《星际枪骑兵》(Starlancer)的续作,而实际上早在《星际枪骑兵》上市之前很久《自》就开始着手开发了,所以,这两部游戏除了故事背景设定有联系,其他的完全不同。在1999年,《自》刚开始设计的时候,Chris Roberts(他是著名的《银河飞将》(Wing Commander)系列的设计师,也是《自》的设计者)准备把它做成一个用鼠标控制的驾驶飞船战斗的游戏,但是在后来的四年跳票里程中,游戏的开发方向一变再变,一些很重要的RPG的特性被引入到游戏中来,如即时的3D角色互动系统,探险及人物升级系统。游戏的背景设在《星际枪骑兵》之后800年,也就是公元3000年,在《星际枪骑兵》中已经出现的银河系两大派别——Alliance和Coalition继续明争暗斗。为了逃避Coalition的仇恨追击,Alliance派出了5艘“Sleeper”飞船准备前往其他星系进行定居,到了游戏开始的年代时,这5艘飞船所发展起来的太空基地已经都颇具规模了。你扮演的角色Trend Edison刚刚经历了一次太空站大爆炸的浩劫,不明所以的他发誓要为这次爆炸中死难的居民报仇,于是他开始调查爆炸的真相,渐渐地他发现此事远比他想象的复杂,神秘和危险,似乎牵扯到了Alliance和Coalition的某种关系。Trend Edison本人是做走私货物交易的商人,他本人为了职业的需要,也要经常和Alliance 五个集团以及手下的小集团联系,于是任务展开了。
  游戏的任务复杂多样,一般的一个关卡里大概能有10个左右的小任务,这些任务完成与否,不仅关系到玩家能够获得多少报酬,更加是影响玩家立场的一个手段。这其中有非法组织交给你的抢劫,偷盗等任务,也有Alliance 五大集团(就是那五艘飞船所繁衍出的太空基地)所托付给你的正统任务,如何去选择,确实是玩家需要考虑的问题。

  在游戏中,赚钱和战斗是同等地位的。没有钱,你将无法购置好的武器,甚至无法完成某些任务。由于主人公的职业是货商,所以赚钱的方法可以靠刚刚提到的货船运货或者完成任务。游戏中你可以加入掠夺行会(也就是俗成的海盗)或者给非法分子运送货物以牟取暴利,但这样一来,你将成为Alliance 五个集团的众矢之的,政府会天天派警察或赏金猎人抓捕你,整天在刀口下过日子的感觉,可是很提心吊胆的哦。如果你诚实守法,则会得到大家的信任,不过敛财的速度可就慢的多,而且可能还会受到一小拨非法分子的恐吓,到底该怎么做,就全看玩家你自己的表现了。游戏具有极其开放的结局,你不妨多试几次,看看好和坏最终各是什么结果。游戏中钱还有一个用处,就是贿赂,这个是什么含义,我想就不用多说了吧,只看你想讨好谁了,如果总是接受一个集团的任务,另外四个集团可能也会不高兴的。
  现在玩家能做的,就是等待,等待,再等待。Digital Anvil已经信誓旦旦的表示,现在他们做的只是最后的测试一下单机游戏的稳定性,以及完成多人游戏部分。其实从本质上来说,《自》就应该做成多人游戏,Chris Roberts也称,多人游戏的游戏世界以及任务和《自》的单机部分是一样的规模的。这样看来,好象Digital Anvil还有很重的任务要完成 。

自由空间 2(FreeSpace 2)

纵横太空:沉默的危机(Freespace: Silent Threat)
游戏一开始说的是Terrans (游戏者) 和Vasudans已经闹了14年的星际矛盾.这时,一种新的生物物种,叫"Shivans"的出现了,见飞船就射杀,摧毁一切拦路者.这样TERRANS和老对头Vasudans为了拯救星系,决定忘记过去,签定互不侵犯条约,一同向Shivans宣战. 这样你的军队就投入了漫长的,艰苦的战斗历程.敌人有带能量的护盾,使你的武器不起作用.因此Shivan的飞船初期几乎是坚不可摧的.因此Terran 和 Vasudan的科学家必须研究出新馄技,与战争有关的新武器来对付共同的敌人.一共有40种不同的飞船,从GTF Apollo宇宙战斗机到巨型GTD Orion飞行母舰.Shivan方面的宇宙战机挺吓人的,特别是一开始你还没有办法对付它们的时候.不幸的是,Vasudans方面有一派宗教狂徒,叫Hammer of Light (HOL),站在 Shivan那边.任务结构具有分支,可以有不同的故事情节发展方向,这就看玩家是否能不断取得胜利了。

Frontier: Elite 2
"Frontier: Elite II" was the long awaited sequel to Elite. It was written in five and a half years by David Braben, with Konami Inc of Japan as publisher. In 1993, Konami decided to get out of PC publishing, and sold the rights to Gametek. The game was released in October 1993 and was in the top few slots in the UK Gallup chart for the best part of the following year. It was the best selling game in Europe 1993 according to Gallup.

Frontier: First Encounters
"First Encounters" also had a number of firsts to its name. The detailed modelling of the geography of the planets has still probably not been surpassed, despite the relative lack of power of the target PCs at the time - ie Intel 386 machines. It was the first game to use procedural texturing to generate the vegetation, snow, etc on the planet surfaces. Mountain ranges, cliffs and wonderful alien landscapes and atmospheric effects all contributed to the atmosphere of the game, and the coloured lighting (possibly also a first?) from the redder stars gave some planets an eerie look.

Galactic Command - Echo Squad
Galactic Command - Echo Squad is a space combat sim for the PC.

Galactic Federation
Get into large space battles with more than 100 fighters and capital ships at a time in this independently produced space sim. Choose from 20 fighters and bombers...

This 3D space action adventure from Gremlin Interactive puts you in the role of a man trapped in Misplaced Optimism, which is the name of a run-down city on the barren moon of Titan. You can choose to be a trader, a free agent, a scavenger, an aggressor, an operative, or a speculator as you try to get away from the city and off of the moon. Since your ship isn't space-worthy as the game begins, you'll have to travel around the city picking up money, weapons, and the spaceship essentials required to repair your ship. The adventure offers a freedom of motion and an open-ended plotline that encourage the player to explore the 3D rendered environments. ~ Nick Smith, All Game Guide.


母星:玩火(Homeplanet: Play with Fire)
The expansion pack for Homeplanet offers multiplayer via LAN or Internet.

母星黄金版(Homeplanet Gold)
Homeplanet Gold is a special edition of the gripping space combat simulator Homeplanet. It includes the director's cut version of original Homeplanet game and Play With Fire add-on.Homeplanet Gold contains not only improved graphics system and AI but new storyline in Play With Fire add-on, new heroes and space ships. A long awaited multiplayer mode also exists. With the help of it players will be able to challenge their piloting skills battling other players via LAN or Internet.

"Hyperspeed(tm): the sequel to Lightspeed(tm). Explore deep space in search of a new home for humanity. Combines simulation and role-playing; you control how much of each you want. New introductory animation, new ending, new alien weapons, new ways to upgrade the starship, and a new way to win that wasn't possible in Lightspeed."
Almost same game as Lightspeed. Contains two more galaxies to explore and some cinematic scenes were added.


独立战争(Independence War)
The crafty captain who deftly commands the crew of a starship to outwit a seemingly overwhelming force is a well-known fixture in many science fiction tales. To date, no computer game developer has successfully created a game that convincingly allows players to assume the role of that captain. Interplay's recently released Starfleet Academy opted to give capital ships flight models and weaponry that made the behemoths behave as if they were wanna-be X-wing fighters. But Independence War is the real deal. Independence War not only provides the most detailed flight and systems modeling yet seen in a space sim, it also provides a complex, rewarding plot and a fully fleshed-out gaming world

独立战争2:混沌边缘(Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos)
在这个新游戏中,我们所扮演的是一个名叫Cal Johnson的青年,他来自遥远的外太空的一个小星球,他的父亲是一名星际矿工,惨遭一个犯罪集团的杀害。当时Cal仅仅只有12岁,之后他便被迫追随杀害他父亲的那个集团头目,并被迫要在他手下做30年的苦工。在做了15年的苦工之后的某一天,Cal和其他一些受奴役的苦工终于有了一个逃离这个地方的机会,于是他便和其他人一起毫不犹豫地逃了出来。Cal在逃脱了这个劳工“监狱”之后的第一件事就是盗得一艘战舰,和他在监狱中的伙伴一起组成了一个星际海盗舰队。

独立战争加强版(Independence War Deluxe Edition)
Independence War Deluxe Edition's greatest flaw is that it's mislabeled - it is merely a compilation of the original 1998 spaceflight simulation and an additional short campaign, with no other improvements at all. What should have been a revision of last year's superb simulation that takes advantage of contemporary hardware instead comes across as a half-baked rehash that cannot conceivably win the game any new admirers - which is a crying shame since the original Independence War was so excellent.

Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative
The proliferation and popularity of online role-playing games has created a great desire for similar games in other genres. So it was no surprise that many fans of space combat simulations were frustrated and disappointed when Origin Systems canceled its online version of Wing Commander. But these fans should stop complaining--and start installing Jumpgate. Jumpgate is more than just an online space combat game; it successfully incorporates the trading elements of Elite and Privateer, the combat elements of Freespace and Wing Commander, a lighter version of Independence War's realistic physics, and all the level-gaining and experience bonuses that make online role-playing games so addictive.

KnightBlade: Final Flight
故事叙述在一艘偷来的太空战舰 GALCOM 上的十四名地球人,他们是最后的防线,要拯救被敌人围困的地球。游戏使用 Reality 引擎创造出逼真华丽的战舰、空间站等太空场景。角色包括指挥官、副舰长、领航员、医生、战斗机师和陆战队员,以第一人称空战形式展开。

Games that pit a landing spacecraft against its natural enemy, gravity, have been released for virtually every manmade computing device except the abacus. However, it's been a pretty dry decade for lunar-lander simulations. Aside from a few shareware efforts and Palm Pilot programming exercises, no notable addition to the landing category has appeared since the late 1980s. Lander is Psygnosis' attempt to reinvigorate the genre by incorporating 3D-accelerated visuals and audio, multiplayer options, and even DVD support into the classic tale of descending spaceship vs. attracting celestial body. But thanks to Lander's perversely counterintuitive control scheme, Psygnosis may have killed this endangered breed of game for good.

Space simulation where you have two galaxies to explore and adventure. You need to find new planet for humans. To achieve that you need to use diplomacy skills. You also need to do some trading. And of course at some points combat skills are needed.

Line Wars II
3-D space combat simulator. It contains 3 single-player missions (9 if registered), modem game and network game up to 8 players.
Shareware game. I haven't played this one.


游戏本身以未来世界为背景,所有重要资料都储存在生物之中,玩家将会扮演“Earth Defense Corps”其中一员,他们主要任务就是保护这些生物,当中他们驾驶各种战车、战船对付敌人……

帕堪 2(Parkan 2)


Project Earth: Starmageddon
Realtime strategy game that is played in 3D environment. You command mothership and try to colonize new regions of space, and battle against alien race, Daemons.
Multiplayer option has deathmatch, team play and skirmish options. Poor internet gaming, better to play in LAN's.


Shockwave Assault

太空拦截机之自由计划(Space Interceptor: Project Freedom)
在《Project Freedom》中,玩家会看到许多非常美丽的宇宙空间的画面,因为故事的发生背景将会出现在很多大家熟悉的地方,比如木星或是地球的轨道上,月球基地的表面,土星的卫星环等等。制作组将在游戏中实现出最好的图像技术,所以玩家大可不必担心画面的素质,想象一下,在同一画面中将会有数以百计的单位出现,包括巨大的太空船和空间站,这一切都将会带来前所未有,令人难忘的感觉。

太空游侠(Space Rangers)
In this space combat simulation, players begin with a small spaceship and can aquire more powerful equipment through trade and quests.

太空战将:荒芜宇宙(Spaceforce:Rogue Universe)
Open-ended, beautiful and innovative dynamic three-dimensional space game dressed with stars, planets, moons, asteriods, comets, black holes, starbases, flying cities… is open for exploration, trade, diplomacy, crafting and fight. An in-depth storyline and plenty of opportunities which will inspire the action orientated player but also the real adventurer and trader . SF2 delivers small and huge space battles, a vast range of quests, and a story filled game.

Star Assault
(原文为德语,这是用Google翻译的英文)Mankind opened itself to other star systems and further planets settled. By means of space jump gates is to be put back humans successfully far distances within a short time. In the year 2253 humans meet up to then unknown, species on, them. This species, mentioned ?the Sparks “, was technically at least just as far as mankind. The Sparks is an aggressive race, which feels threatened by penetrating mankind. With a large-scale attack the Sparks finally surprises humans and meets it in their most vulnerable place: They destroy the most important space jump gate - the superstar gate, which is for the large freighters from emergencies. Now there is no possibility for in the depths of the universe staying on fast return to its homeland planet. Also the now still more bitterly needed reinforcement is missing for a long time.

Star Crusader
Space combat simulation with 100 missions. You are pilot in the elite squadron of Gorene Empire. You are expanding your influence into Ascalon Rift, that happens to be already inhabited by several races. And they are not happy to see you coming in. Game resembles Wing Commander quite much.

Star Rangers
For some reason, the game designers at Interactive Magic thought it would be ingenious to combine all the rough and dirty action of a western with the light speed world of a space combat simulator. In short, it doesn't work. In attempting to put a new twist on the space battle genre, the company has only created a game with a dated feel that isn't nearly as entertaining as other space combat simulators on the market.

星舰迷航:舰桥指挥官(Star Trek Bridge Commander)
故事的背景是在《Star Trek:The Next Generation》的世界,说附近一个恒星发生的爆炸破坏了联邦号太空船,而舰长在变故中不幸丧生了。所以玩家就临危受命,接管这艘舰只。游戏将主要的故事情节分为八个部份,而每个部份里面都有4至10项的任务。玩家负责掌管舰只,并指挥队员跟Cardassians作战。另外还要调查爆炸原因,寻求跟Klingons组成联盟,以破坏威胁联邦号的阴谋。

星舰迷航:克林贡学院(Star Trek:Klingon Academy)
Aside from Particle Systems' Independence War, there hasn't been a well-crafted and enjoyable space-combat simulation that focuses on ships larger than X-wing fighters. Other capital-ship space simulations have either been too aspiring and failed to provide well-polished gameplay, or they've too closely emulated fighter sims and failed to provide an experience that logically reflects the more formidable size of the craft being simulated. Unfortunately, that trend continues with Star Trek Klingon Academy, an extremely ambitious simulation that provides plenty of original gameplay but fails to adequately refine its presentation.

星际迷航:遗产(Star Trek: Legacy)
《Star Trek: Legacy》是一款史诗般的星际舰队作战游戏,涵盖了整个《Star Trek》系列。玩家扮演一个特遣舰队司令,带领着舰队在波澜壮阔的大规模星际战争中取胜。本作开发团队的目标是制作一款向系列致敬的游戏,让玩家进入到他们熟悉而深爱的世界,其主要方向是:围绕最强大最悬疑的事件以及舰艇大战。本作加入了很多战略和战术元素,例如占领星球、包围星球基地,躲进星云。游戏玩法有点像组队射击,不过用的是飞船。《Legacy》是第一部将所有时代内容都统合到一个地方的作品,在这里你将会看到整个系列从开始到现在的历史。此外,你还将看到系列的人物、风格和比赛以及主要特征。游戏一开始你将会在Enterprise(射手)时代,只有一个很小的舰队。随着任务的前进和时间的推移,新的技术和飞船将会逐渐出现,飞船和舰队都会升级。然后就会进入教会时代的飞船,而你的舰队也会逐渐进入新时代。你可以保留一些旧时代的飞船。单人战役中联邦的战役横跨三个时代:企业时代、原创系列时代以及次世代,熟悉的面孔如Romulan、Klingon和Bog都会出现,他们在多人游戏和冲突战役中也可以选择。

星际迷航:舰队学院(Star Trek:Starfleet Academy)
Starfleet Academy puts you in the Federation uniform of the sheepish David Forester, who's just arrived at Starfleet Academy's Command College in San Francisco. Forester is the commander of a group of cadets with a lot of potential - and a lot of emotional baggage. Two team members get into a squabble at the very first team meeting, and that's just the first of a series of problems involving each and every member of your crew. Add to this the appearance of a reactionary group at the Academy called the Vanguard, who believe all the Federation's problems with the Klingons and Romulans can be solved through brutal retaliation - and the fact that one of your team members sympathizes with this isolationist group - and you can see these aren't going to be carefree school days.

Star Trek:Starfleet Academy:Chekov's Lost Missions
Your journey continues as a graduate of a Starfleet Academy Command School. Chekov's Lost Missions is an add-on containing a collection of simulator missions designed specifically to challenge your skills, leadership and tactical training. Similar to your previous missions as a cadet, you will be provided instruction as well as inspiration from the likes of Chekov (Walter Koenig) and George Takei in a special appearance as Sulu. Chekov's Lost Missions continues your training in the finest school in the universe: Starfleet Academy.

星际迷航:舰队指挥官3(Star Trek: Starfleet Command III)

Star Trek: Starship Creator
Here is the Star Trek product every fan has been waiting for -- a chance to turn your PC into a Starfleet design center where, as a Federation Admiral, you can build the starship of your dreams. With the all-new Warp II you get all of the exciting features offered. in the original Star Trek® Starship Creator and the Deluxe version, plus any exciting new enhancements and backwards compatibility with all previous editions of Starship Creator. Just like the original Creator products, you can commission, design, crew and launch your own Federation vessels, but with Warp II, the Creator universe expands:
Build unique ships from 7 different classes: Sovereign, Defiant, Constitution, Galaxy, Intrepid, Akira and for the first time, the Klingon B'rel Class.
Choose from 34 scripted missions or create a number of missions yourself using a simple drag'n'drop interface.

Star Trek:The Rebel Universe
Starfleet Command has temporarily contained an explosive Federation mutiny by erecting a Klein Sphere. Your five year mission: Halt the Klingon instigated rebellion and render the solar systems within the Sphere safe for Federation vessels.

星球大战:星际战士(Star Wars Starfighter)

星球大战:钛战机珍藏版光碟(Star Wars TIE Fighter:Collector's CD-ROM)
TIE Fighter is the best space combat game ever made.

星球大战:X战机对钛战机(Star Wars X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter)
1997年出现的X-Wing vs Tie Fighter是X-Wing系列的一个里程碑,它运用了纹理贴图代替了Gouraud shading,画面和现在的游戏没有差别。这部游戏的最大特点就是可以被看作是X-Wing和Tie Fighter的多人版,因为它更强调多人对战,不过这也是一个缺点,因为在单人模式中,各个任务是可选择进行的,他们之间没有关联,也没有过场动画,而在X-Wing和Tie Fighter中,最吸引玩家的就是整部游戏的故事线索和各个任务之间的过场动画。

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power
Balance of Power includes two separate 15-mission campaigns - one for the Imperial forces and one for the Rebel forces. In the Rebel missions you'll be on the defensive from the outset, scrambling to regroup your forces in order to fend off, and ultimately destroy, a large Imperial fleet equipped with a gigantic Super Star Destroyer. Ye of little faith who thought LucasArts could never properly depict the size of a massive ship like the Super Star Destroyer will be suitably humbled the first time you lay your eyes on this beast. Although an epic "attack the Death Star" mission is still missing, challenging the city-sized Super Star Destroyer provides an apt substitute. The Imperial campaign involves chasing down the Rebels and preventing them from establishing a new Starship Shipyard. Every time you manage to complete five missions in a campaign, you are rewarded with a well-produced cutscene (six in total) that advances the campaign storyline in a compelling manner (and in the largely nameless/faceless X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter universe, which usually means a computer-generated sequence with a lot of ships blowing up). Best of all, the campaigns can be played through by a group of players as cooperative multiplayer missions. After you complete a campaign mission, you can replay it as a training mission.

星球大战:纳布之战争(Star Wars:Battle for Naboo)
Though fans of Factor 5's previous Star Wars flight combat game, Rogue Squadron, were able to take control of a Naboo starfighter through an official patch, Star Wars: Battle for Naboo is the first game that lets you pilot various Naboo vehicles within the Episode I universe. Like Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo features extremely straightforward gameplay without the finer mechanics of piloting, like distributing power to different systems or worrying about nav points. Instead, you can increase your speed by simply holding down the acceleration key; you can fire all your primary weapons endlessly; and you can't distribute your vehicle's shield strength to different areas along its surface. Fans of the more complex Star Wars simulation games like X-Wing and TIE Fighter may find Battle for Naboo to be a bit disappointing. Otherwise, the game delivers a fun, but ultimately short, gaming experience.

星球大战:流氓中队3D(Star Wars:Rogue Squadron 3D)
Ever wonder what Luke Skywalker was doing after he blew up the Death Star, or how the Rebels came to establish their base on Hoth? The answers are in Star Wars--Rogue Squadron 3D. Players become Luke in this shooter game, leading missions for a Rebellion still scrambling to recover from the loss of its base at the end of the original Star Wars film. Luke and Wedge Antilles, the sole survivors of the Death Star battle, have formed an elite squadron of pilots to fly from one end of the galaxy to another, fighting Imperial ships from TIE fighters to the fearsome AT-ATs of The Empire Strikes Back.

星球大战:钛战机(Star Wars:TIE Fighter)
见Star Wars TIE Fighter:Collector's CD-ROM。

星球大战:X战机(Star Wars:X-Wing)

星际之狼(Star Wolves)
《星际之狼(Star Wolves)》是一只3D化的太空RPG为主题的游戏,游戏中的特色有极其壮观的3D即时战斗画面,传统的战略配备了动作游戏的玩法,有多样化的任务,例如潜入、游击和突击,每关都有隐藏任务,超过25个的太空战斗机,12款的引导和导弹武器,多过40个关卡,有8个男女角色任君选择和保留传统RPG模式。

星际之狼 2(Star Wolves II)
《星际之狼2》是一款结合了策略元素的角色扮演类游戏,该作品的世界设定在遥远的宇宙星际中,时间则是西元XXI-XXII世纪,在这个未来的时代中,宇宙猎人是一个自由的职业,而且充满了刺激和挑战,当然也有巨大的财富等待着玩家去挖掘。负责该作品的开发公司Xbow Software指出《星际之狼2》预计会在今年的第一季度发布。

Star Wars:X-Wing - B-Wing

Star Wars: X-Wing - Imperial Pursuit

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing Alliance是X-Wing系列最后一款游戏,也可以称得上是集大成之作。除了在游戏引擎上是99年的最新技术外,更是把星球大战中所有的飞船都做了进去,玩家可控制的飞船也大大增加,比起XvsT来丰富了许多,甚至可以控制千年游隼号。这款游戏在nVidia系列显卡上要用一个2.02版本的补丁才可以出现3D效果。

星球大战:X战机珍藏版光碟(Star Wars:X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM)
X-Wing Collector’s Series包含了三个游戏,其中X-Wing和Tie Fighter都是for 95/98的,画面和XvsT引擎一样,并且好于后者,支持3D加速卡,而且在收藏家版本基础上增加了新的任务。至于Flight School则是XvsT的一个部分,专门分出来加在这套游戏中,有14个可玩关卡。X-Wing 95和Tie Fighter 95可能没有单独发行,而是只出现在这套游戏中,前者有120多个单人任务,后者有100多个单人任务。这两个95游戏在图画上有一个特点,就是不打开3D加速,画质还是和加速过一样好。

X-Wing Collector's Series
The included version of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter has 14 missions and nine spacecraft. You can play online with up to eight people, but only against other people who have this specific version and only via LAN or modem. Internet play is not supported. The game is also incompatible with the full version of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and I found no disc-spawning option. The result is a glorified demo.

Star Wraith IV: Reviction
Star Wraith IV Reviction 有以下特点:玩家的任务包括进攻、防守、护航、巡逻、营救、采矿、窃听等多达25种以上的任务;高级的、经过改进的3D图形引擎和视觉效果;中央舰是原来的2倍大,并装备有重型枪械和导弹发射塔,外加高射炮和新的强大的光束炮;可以给玩家的星际战士装配超过10种不同的武器,可以挑选4个联盟飞行员执行飞行任务;玩家可以输入自己的任务并通过创建一系列的任务而组成一个完整的战役。游戏Star Wraith IV Reviction 模拟宇宙空中射击战争的单人或多人连线游戏,其中包含超过 25 个以上的任务、场景,包括星云、小行星带、地下动窟,多人连线对玩时则有绵延数百万平方公里之大的开放空间来提供玩家与朋友之间一起组队战斗或是一对一攻防,或是一同进行一关一关的任务,游戏中层层相叠远近逼真的爆炸画面及绘图效果和光影效果都属精采之作。

星际鬼魂:猎户座阴影(Star Wraith: Shadows of Orion)
星际鬼魂:猎户座阴影 Star Wraith: Shadows of Orion 被卷入一场残忍的内战,同盟和联合的军队没有意识到接近危险,列克星顿和它的机务人员单独地是和在未经探索的空间中必须面对一次新的威胁,你必须使用你的智慧,战斗技艺,和领导能力引导你的团对通过若干任务。壮丽的战役和未来的最先进和强大武器系统。超过 20 任务,可以混战,队对队,或者合作的多玩家战斗一起,即时的行动。有任务编辑工具一起创造你的特有的设想和利用若干武器自定义你的战斗系统。至各种各样的空间和地形环境的勇敢极端现实的空战

Exploration, adventure, diplomacy and combat game that has got cult status already. You must collect crew and start looking for new world suitable for colonization. You need to trade with other races, explore planets and deal with aliens. This game has great depth in it.

Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
Sequel to Starflight. Exploration, adventure, diplomacy and combat game. Our race has left home and begun the exploration of galaxy. We encounter new race with new powersource. You need to find more about that and many more things.

Starglider is tactical 3D shoot'em up where you control small ship and try to destroy enemies. There are tanks, mines, walkers and flying enemies that you have to beware. You need to power up your ship by stealing energy from heavily guarded power lines. You can carry only 2 missiles at the time so you have to visit missile depot often. Main goal is to find and destroy enemy flagship, Starglider One. After that all starts over, just bit harder this time.

Starglider 2
This time you could flight to other stars, fight space pirates, trade cargo, fly on planet surface and in the tunnels inside planets. Graphics had improved much (no 8-bit versions available).

At year 2160 the Eastern Alliance launches attack on the Western Coalition. You are one of the volunteers who signs up to the 45th Volunteer Squadron. You make typical fighter missions: assaults, interception, escort flights. You have not only one but 12 fighters you can choose from.
Designed by Chris and Erin Roberts who also made Wing Commander/Privateer.

《碎星者》(Starshatter)在各方面都很类似当年名噪一时的《银河飞将》(Wing Commander),是一款融合了《自由空间》、《Falcon 4.0》和《家园》等许多空间模拟游戏的特点的游戏。说游戏中的外表,就有3种飞行物理模型和4种控制模式。通关一次之后,你就能以其他飞船形式再来一次。此外,《碎星者》(Starshatter)不单让你在外太空的浩淼空间中飞行,还能让你深入到很多行星的大气层中去,利用空对地武器去消灭敌人。《碎星者》(Starshatter)的最大特色在于其对MOD制作的深入支持。一些根据那些最有名的飞行模拟改编的《碎星者》(Starshatter)MOD正在制作当中。

Stellar 7
In Stellar 7, you drive the Raven, the most advanced Terran fighting vehicle. You are up against Gir Draxon and his evil Arcturan army. You will go from star system to star system, fighting his forces. When the enemies have been destroyed, a mothership flies overhead and beams down the Guardian of the star system, a giant enemy ship. When you reach the Arcturus star system, you will fight Gir Draxon!

超光速粒子:边缘(Tachyon: The Fringe)

塔尔历代记:幽灵的痕迹(Tarr Chronicles Sign of Ghosts)

Terminus is an open-ended, multiplayer space combat simulation that's playable on the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems. It's an ambitious cross-platform game that actually offers multiplayer action and role-playing elements in a persistent online setting, though it also has a single-player campaign. Unfortunately, the game has a number of problems, such that players who aren't very patient may find it terminally repetitive and too inaccessible.

Terra Nova

The Divine
The battlefield of space is lit brightly with the fires of war for the Colonial Federation. Between attacks from the Confederation and their mutual enemy The Fleet, Lieutenant Zeke Auris is just a man trying to stay alive. Drafted into the war, his only goal is to see the day the battles are done. But fate has a different idea in store for Zeke when he stumbles upon one of the greatest mysteries that may lead to mankind's peace... or destruction.

The Last Dynasty
The Last Dynasty blends action and adventure into a fabulous story throughout space that will rave you from the beginning to the end. The different phases featured in the game bring new excitement. You will discover cinematic sequences with 3D and video animations that unfold the story during the game, adventure phases where you explore a whole station and finally, combat sequences where the game transforms into a real space combat simulator that will make your heart feel alive!

The Tomorrow War
The 27th Century. There is peace on Earth. Mankind has discovered ways to travel outside of the solar system and planets thousands of light-years away have been colonized. The United Earth Empire is at a cross-roads as an old enemy decides the galaxy has room for only one Empire.
300 years ago one of the human colonies turned to Zoroastrianism, an ancient human religion. They formed a new nation called Konkordia and then increased the population through cloning their people. Konkordia has already conquered more than 30 planets and has become a powerful star nation. While The United Earth Empire has signed peace with Konkordia there was always tension in the relations between the two states.
The Tomorrow War is a space sim based on the trilogy of novels written by a famous Russian author, Alexander Zorich. These books are dedicated to the intergalactic war of two mighty empires. Along with the graduates of the military-space academy players will witness different stages of the conflict between United Earth Empire and Konkordia. Gamers will participate in local operations and in huge space battles, meet alien races and fight against unofficial military organizations and of course take part in the final battle.

宇宙战争(Universal Combat)
《宇宙战斗》是一款很有内涵游戏,其实就是大作《巡洋舰》的翻版,我们可以选择各种职业扮演,自由度很大的太空模拟游戏, 我们可以去偷袭敌人的指挥部,我们可以控制舰队进行游击战,我们可以借助空中力量来帮助你冲出敌人的包围,也可以用武装舰艇可以把敌人的直升飞机打落到地面上,在特定的任务中还会发生遭遇战!

Universal Combat Collectors Edition
A compilation of the entire Battlecruiser and Universal Combat series, all with gameplay engines upgraded to the advanced Unversal Combat -- Special Edition technology.
Included games are: Battlecruiser 3000AD, Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.0, Battlecruiser Millennium, Battlecruiser Millennium Gold, Universal Combat, Universal Combat Gold, Universal Combat - A World Apart, Universal Combat - Special Edition.

Universal Combat: A World Apart
While the once mighty space simulation genre has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaurs and the dodo, developer Derek Smart has continued to persevere on his long-running Battlecruiser games. Smart has been working on the Battlecruiser games for a decade now, and the series itself got a name change in 2004. The latest game in the series, Universal Combat: A World Apart, is essentially a stand-alone expansion to 2004's Universal Combat, adding some extra content in the form of campaigns, vehicles, and character classes. It does very little, however, to address Universal Combat's dismal production values, incomprehensible interface, and other issues.

银河飞将(Wing Commander)

银河飞将:秘密任务(Wing Commander: The Secret Missions)

银河飞将II:帝国逆袭(Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi)

银河飞将II:特别任务 1(Wing Commander II: Special Operations 1)

银河飞将II:特别任务 2(Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2)

银河飞将:军官学校(Wing Commander: Academy)

银河飞将:私掠者(Wing Commander: Privateer)

银河飞将私掠者:正义出击(Wing Commander Privateer: Righteous Fire)

私掠者2:黯星梟雄(Wing Commander Privateer 2: The Darkening)

银河飞将无敌舰队(Wing Commander Armada)

银河飞将III:虎之心(Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger)

银河飞将IV:自由的代价(Wing Commander VI: The Price of Freedom)

基拉锡三部曲(Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga)

银河飞将:神諭(Wing Commander: Prophecy)

《银河飞将》用一场场声光华丽、创意十足的星际战斗,震撼了当时的整个游戏市场;并以一幕幕环环相扣、暗潮汹涌的深度剧情,从此带领太空战斗模拟游戏进入了另一个境界。基拉锡帝国(The Kilrathi)猫脸异形、人类联盟主舰「虎爪号」(The Tiger’s Claw)、传奇英雄「孤牛」布列尔(Christopher “Maverick” Blair),甚至是让玩家又爱又恨的僚机驾驶「狂人」马歇尔(Todd “Maniac” Marshall)…都成了90年代电脑玩家挥之不去的集体记忆,而这些名字也註定将永留游戏经典的史册之上。
本著Origin公司「We Create Worlds.」的招牌理念,1990年《银河飞将》所编织出来的这部「未来帝国兴亡史」显然是逼真可信的。这部作品一推出即成功地掳获成千上万玩家们的心,製作人Chris Roberts也从此一跃成为游戏界家喻户晓的名人。随后,游戏公司再推出两张资料片(《秘密任务》、《秘密任务2》)以全新的战机和任务延续剧情,同样得到玩家的拥抱和鼓励。
1991年,製作小组再接再厉,马上乘胜追击发行《银河飞将II:帝国逆袭》(Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi),并且一举从前作的三张磁碟片,一下子暴增为八片大包装。再以强化的游戏系统和精彩的互动剧情,将前作的惊人成就推上另一个高峰,也粉碎了许多人认为Chris Roberts《银河飞将》的成功不过是侥倖的传闻。
照例,《银河飞将II》也发行了两张名为《特别任务1》和《特别任务2》的任务资料片。但更值得一提的创举,则是随后推出的「语音资料片」(Speech Pack),这个强化补充包替几乎所有的人物对话和关键串场动画都配上真人语音,正式让《银河飞将》晋身「互动动画」的行列。
其间,1993年推出的《银河飞将:军官学校》(Wing Commander: Academy)提供了一系列新的机种和训练课程,并让玩家可以自由编辑属於《银河飞将II》的任务,稍稍让银飞迷们解了点馋。而1994年,一款採用全新3D绘图引擎和具备「超时代」网路连线功能的战略游戏《银河飞将:无敌舰队》(Wing Commander: Armada)也随之登场。但两部作品似乎却似乎都抵挡不住银英迷们对正统续作《银河飞将III:虎之心》(Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger)的热切渴望。
1994年,惊天动地的《银河飞将III:虎之心》证明银飞迷们的等待是完全值得的。这款暌违三年、四张光碟容量的续集跌破了所有人的眼镜,一举成为当时市场上最夯的游戏。而Chris Roberts也以这部耗资一千二百万美元的鉅作,正式宣告了「互动电影」时代的诞生。
就游戏性与技术面来讲,经过三年的沈潜,Chris Roberts下定决心将《银河飞将》系列脱胎换骨:原本已经紧凑刺激的立体空战,这次从游戏引擎底层换成了全方位3D系统──於是战机旋转时不自然的角度切换消失了,取而代之的是顺畅翻飞的立体造型,让太空缠斗的战场则更大、更自由、更具说服力。
而就系列招牌的「互动影片」设计来说,这一次更是大胆地将原本已经生动无比的串场手绘卡通,换成了重金聘请好莱坞真人演员搭配蓝幕特效场景的华丽演出!主角布列尔不再是一头蓝髮的卡通造型,而换成了由Mark Hamill(不熟吗?他就是《星际大战》的天行者路克)所扮演的英挺飞官(眼尖的玩家就知道,前作中颇为讨喜的『狂人』马歇尔,就是《回到未来》的『毕福』…);至於人类的宿敌基拉锡猫人,也藉由好莱坞特效化妆师的巧手一个个活了起来。
在总长几乎超过三个小时的「互动电影」中,人类与基拉锡的战争在《银河飞将III》中有了了结。主角心爱的未婚妻「天使」德芙烈(Jeannette ”Angel” Devereaux)死於基拉锡人之手,而布列尔也在亦师亦友的长官「骑士」塔加特(James “Paladin” Taggart)领导下,於一场如《星际大战》的「死星爆破任务」战役中,单枪匹马摧毁了摇摇欲坠的基拉锡帝国核心。
《银河飞将》、《银河飞将II:帝国逆袭》和《银河飞将III:虎之心》这三部描写人类联盟与基拉锡帝国长期抗战的史诗鉅构,后来被併称为《基拉锡三部曲》(The Kilrathi Saga),也在1996年推出过精华版合辑。
正如美苏冷战的结束,也像《星舰》世界里星际联邦与克林贡帝国的握手言合,在那个「大和解」气氛瀰漫的年代里,《银河飞将》中人类联盟与基拉锡帝国间多年的战争也划下了句点。所有玩家都在猜测1996年所推出的《银河飞将IV:自由的代价》(Wing Commander VI: The Price of Freedom)中,人类未来史的另一个引爆点将从何处发生…而这一次,人类所要对抗的,则是自己邪恶的本性──「权力」。
《银河飞将IV:自由的代价》几乎已经成为一部不折不扣的「互动电影」,甚至有玩家感觉到「游戏性」的比重几乎要被「戏剧性」所掩盖过去。由於影像压缩技术在《银河飞将III》的两年后有了长足的进步,凭著六张光碟的储存威力(再配上『像样的』硬体支援),一个端坐电脑萤幕前的玩家,真的可以感受到观赏一部「互动式科幻史诗电影」的无比幸福。透过导演Chris Roberts的镜头,我们参与了身为战胜国人类联盟的勾心斗角、目睹了失去战场将军落寞的内心挣扎、经历了大义灭亲般惨烈的政治斗争,最后则在一片感嘆中看破了大时代的宿命…
伴随《银河飞将》的成功一路走来,製作人Chris Roberts此时已经成为游戏业界的一方霸主。但Chris似乎不满於仅仅停留在製作游戏串场的「互动电影」:他想拍一部「真正的电影」。於是在完成《银河飞将IV:自由的代价》之后,爱当导演胜过製作人的他,在1996年带著眾人的祝福隻身前往好莱坞闯荡天下。灵魂人物Chris Roberts离开了,但《银河飞将》的故事说完了吗?似乎还没有…
1997年,没有Chris Roberts的Origin公司以全新的故事与引擎,完成了《银河飞将:神諭》(Wing Commander: Prophecy)。这款游戏没有掛上《银河飞将V》的标题,也不以「孤牛」布列尔作为主角,严格来说属於「后传」的性质。
故事从基拉锡战争结束后的数年开始,讲的是一场人类联盟对抗全新异形种族的新战史(如果说基拉锡人是以『老虎』为蓝本,那么这群来路不明的异形仇敌则应该可说是取材自『水族』的造型)。「孤牛」布列尔如今光荣晋升退居幕后,位列人类联盟的司令官(Commandore),而玩家所扮演的,则是昔日战友「冰人」卡西(Michael ”Iceman” Casey)的遗孤蓝斯?卡西(Lance Casey),在这场起因不明、敌人资料不明的神秘战争中,肩负起捍卫人类生存的重责大任。
说实在的,儘管作为一款太空战斗模拟游戏的《银河飞将:神諭》博得不少评鑑专家的掌声;儘管Origin不久后也推出了网路免费下载《秘密行动》(Eipsode 2到Episode 7)的创举;但这款无论在主角人物或异形敌人的设定上,充其量都只能算是「后传」的作品,在银飞迷之间所激起的迴响却不如预期,而这恐怕也宣告了属於《银河飞将》系列黄金时代的结束…
再者,由於游戏的大举成功与致命吸引力,导致每一代《银河飞将》的发售都成为玩家下定决心更新系统的动机:为了《银河飞将》令人眼花繚乱的256色 VGA图形而换掉16色的EGA老系统;为了《银河飞将II》难以置信的立体声道和写实语音而插上音效卡;为了《银河飞将III》丰富的真人演出和先进的 3D绘图系统而买了CD-ROM和新的显示卡;为了播放《银河飞将VI》更多更炫的互动电影与更细緻的特效而乾脆升级整部电脑…每当《银河飞将》新作品推出的前夕,几乎所有玩家都做好了心理準备:「也到该买新电脑的时候了…」
最后,《银河飞将》也为游戏界树立了非常好的典范:这款游戏可是首次将销售盈餘编入预算,即时推出资料片以增加新任务和新情节来服务玩家的先驱之一。在确定《银河飞将》受到肯定的同时,製作人Chris Roberts一面著手进行续集的筹备与系统的翻新,一面加紧脚步推出延续一代情节的资料片以服务焦急等待中的玩家。而这样的作法,也成了日后游戏市场的业界标準。甚至日后《银河飞将:神諭》独创网路免费下载任务的模式,也成为其他游戏竞相模仿的对象…
在1996年Chris Roberts离开后,Origin在著手筹画《银河飞将:神諭》的同时,当然也不会忘了《银河飞将:私掠者》这隻金鸡母。由Chris Roberts兄弟Erin Roberts操刀的《私掠者2:黯星梟雄》(Privateer 2: The Darkening)於1997年推出。坦白讲,这款外传的续集(注意到吗?《银河飞将》字眼已经不见了…)无论是声光效果或演员选择均属上乘之作,但由於製作及市场经验不足,推出时Bug多到吓死人。后来虽紧急Patch又更新为Windows版本,但玩家的热情却再也唤不回来了…
1992年,应广大银飞迷的要求,第一套由Origin授权、Baen图书公司出版的《银河飞将》小说《Wing Commander: Freedom Flight》发售,让迷哥迷姐有机会藉由小说家的笔尖,再度遨游於《银河飞将》的魅力宇宙。截至目前为止,《银河飞将》小说共计出版了八本(前七本是游戏小说,第八本则是电影原著)。
1996年,北美电视频道也正式推出十三集的TV动画系列《Wing Commander Academy》。内容属於《银河飞将》游戏故事的前传,描写「孤牛」布列尔与「狂人」马歇尔等飞官们在军官学校受训的往事。
还记得1996年前往好莱坞圆梦的Chris Roberts吗?离开Origin公司的Chris募到一笔资金,展开拍摄《银河飞将》电影的事宜。同名电影《Wing Commander》於1999年杀青,在台湾被片商取了个《星际战争?未来战士》的怪名字。由於这部电影实在抱歉,在全球银飞迷大失所望的嘘声之中,《银河飞将》的传奇也正式走入了历史…

X: Beyond the Frontier

X2: The Return

X2: The Threat



X-COM: Interceptor
Welcome to the Frontier! In X-COM Interceptor, you take command of an elite force that has been fielded to meet the aliens on their own turf -- the depths of space. This time, you'll be engaging your alien foes from the cockpit of a cutting-edge space fighter, fighting ship-to-ship as you protect Earth's corporations and X-COM installations. But your job doesn't end there. As X-COM's commander in the Frontier, you must maintain your financial standing, manage your bases and increase X-COM's presence in the area. It is also up to you to guide the research of alien weapons and technology in the hopes of improving your own technology and discovering the reason for the ever-increasing alien activity -- before it's too late.

[ 本帖最后由 roy986 于 2008-1-1 14:46 编辑 ]


参与人数 3UCC +141 好评 +2 贡献 +1 收起 理由
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-21 10:20:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-21 11:48:42 | 显示全部楼层
X3: Reunion 7.2分:extreme:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-21 12:03:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-21 12:50:18 | 显示全部楼层
还有把遗漏的补充进去呀,例如EVE之类的网游,我们自己翻译的Tarr Ch

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-21 13:13:11 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-21 16:01:01 | 显示全部楼层
Tarr Chronicles有啦,没有的大家希望补充能补充一下,只能是已经发行的游戏哦。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-30 13:39:09 | 显示全部楼层
Freelancer 8.3分:extreme:

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发表于 2007-8-30 13:40:39 | 显示全部楼层
FreeSpace 2   9.4分:extreme: 还是这个牛x

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-31 19:56:45 | 显示全部楼层
X3: Reunion 7.2:L 我觉得不错的嘛...时间长了还是有东西可以挖掘的...

使用道具 举报

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