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[求助] 谁能准确的翻译下下面这段话,这是星际之门MOD的模型问题

发表于 2011-1-7 19:32:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zljzlj1234 于 2011-1-7 20:52 编辑

1) In your Options\Effects uncheck, and Disable "Ship Mesh Highlight

Filter". Having this enabled WILL cause some wierd lighting issues with

modded ships.

Example: Some ships appear much brighter than others almost like the hull

is glowing.

The "Ship Mesh Highlight Filter" feature was meant for you to easily see

very small ships at a distance. SGI does not need this feature. We have

not yet figured out how to adjust the parameters to work with modded

ships. It is best to disable it for now.

2) You can tweak how bright the ships appear in game, but you will have

to do some "modding" yourself. The Sins engine

renders the ships extremely dark depending on what map, or background you

chose. The Ship Mesh Highlight Filter is supposed to compensate for this.

However we have not had any time to tweak the modded ships to use this

feature yet. There is an alternative.

Open the GS_Ship file located in the mods "PipelineEffect" folder with

notepad, or wordpad. (you will need to copy/paste this file from your

sins install PipelineEffect folder into the mods PipelineEffect folder)

The line itself is over half way down and looks like this:

float4 GetLightColor(float3 incidence, float3 normal, float4

liteLightColor, float4 darkLightColor)


float dot = max(dot(incidence, normal), 0.f);

float lerpPercent = 1.f - clamp(pow(dot, 5.f), 0.f, 1.f); <------ This

is the line you are looking for.

float blackThreshold = .65f;

float colorLerpPercent = min(lerpPercent / blackThreshold, 1.f);

Now, its the Float lerpPercent = 1.f that is the magic number.  I have

mine at .89, yours should be at 1.f (the default setting).  When you

lower the number, the ships get brighter. Raise the number they get


Now this works for most NVIDIA users. For ATI users you may need to do

the opposite. You RAISE the number, and the ships get brighter. When you

lower it they get darker. I would have incorporated this into the mod,

but since Ironclad never fixed the Nvidia/ATI bugs it is here as an

optional tweak. Use it only if you wish to. Just make a backup of the

original file in case you screw it up.

问题已经解决 顺便问下版主  怎么每次上传图都是图像文件过大,不是小于400K都可以么 我才181K
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 19:34:35 | 显示全部楼层
关键是第2段  第一段我知道叫我禁用那个功能,第2段有点模糊

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