- 246
- 声望
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- 1970-1-1
本帖最后由 黑暗枪骑兵 于 2011-3-17 08:41 编辑
- CUT_F_LINEAR = 0x1
- CUT_F_ROT = 0x2
- CUT_F_4 = 0x4
- CUT_F_SAMEPOS = 0x10
- CUT_F_SAMEROT = 0x20
- CUT_F_BEZIER = 0x80
- CUT_F_COLOR = 0x200
- CUT_F_FOV = 0x800
- CUT_F_SAMEFOV = 0x1000
- CUT_F_ABSROT = 0x2000
- CUT_F_POSBEZINFO = 0x10000
- struct cut_frame_tcbinfo
- (
- tension=0,
- continuity=0,
- bias=0,
- easeFrom=0,
- easeTo=0
- )
- struct cut_frame
- (
- flags=0,
- position,
- posTCBInfo,
- rotation,
- rotTCBInfo,
- targetPosition,
- targetRoll, -- roll for target cameras and lights
- fov,
- rgb,
- length,
- index=0,
- function getFlagsAsString =
- (
- local str="";
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_4 > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="?FOUR?" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_POSTCBINFO > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="POS_TCB_INFO" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_POSBEZINFO > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="POS_BEZ_INFO" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_ROT > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="ROT" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_ROTTCBINFO > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="ROT_TCB_INFO" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_TARGETPOS > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="TARGET_POS" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_TPOSTCBINFO > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="T_POS_TCB_INFO" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_FOV > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="FOV" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_COLOR > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="COLOR" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMECOLOR > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_COLOR" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_LINEAR > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_LINEAR" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEPOS > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_POS" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEROT > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_ROT" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMETARGET > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_TARGET" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_BEZIER > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_BEZIER" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMESCALE > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_SCALE" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEFOV > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_SAME_FOV" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_ABSROT > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="F_ABS_ROT" )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_FAKEROTTCBINFO > 0 then
- ( if str.count > 0 then str+="|"; str+="?FAKE_ROT_TCB_INFO" )
- return str;
- ),
- /*
- load a frame from array of numbers
- ret: true or string with error
- */
- function load values =
- (
- local idx=2;
- flags=values[1] as integer
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loading frame 0x% - %\n" (bit.intAsHex flags) (getFlagsAsString())
- -- position --
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEPOS == 0 then (
- if (values.count - idx) < 3 then
- return "Not enough values to load position"
- local x=values[idx], y=values[idx + 1], z=values[idx + 2]
- position=[x / 100, z / 100, y / 100]
- idx+=3
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded pos, idx is %\n" idx
- -- tcb pos info --
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_POSTCBINFO > 0 then (
- if values.count - idx < 5 then return "Not enough values to load TCB position info"
- idx+=5
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded pos tcb info, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- )
- -- rotation --
- if (bit.and flags CUT_F_ROT > 0) and (bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEROT == 0) then (
- if values.count - idx < 4 then return "Not enough values to load rotation"
- local angle=360 * values[idx]
- local a=values[idx+1], b=values[idx+2], c=values[idx+3]
- rotation=angleaxis angle [-a, -c, -b]
- idx+=4
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded rot, idx is %\n" idx
- -- tcb rot info --
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_ROTTCBINFO > 0 then (
- if values.count - idx < 5 then return "Not enough values to load TCB rotation info"
- idx+=5
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded rot tcb info, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- )
- -- target position --
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_TARGETPOS > 0 then (
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMETARGET == 0 then (
- if values.count - idx < 3 then return "Not enough values to load target position"
- local x=values[idx], y=values[idx + 1], z=values[idx + 2]
- targetPosition=[x / 100, z / 100, y / 100]
- idx+=3
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded target pos, idx is %\n" idx
- -- tcb target pos info --
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_TPOSTCBINFO > 0 then (
- if values.count - idx < 5 then return "Not enough values to load TCB target position info"
- idx+=5
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded target pos tcb info, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- )
- if bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEROT == 0 then (
- targetRoll=radtodeg values[idx]
- idx+=1
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded target roll, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- )
- -- fov --
- if (bit.and flags CUT_F_FOV > 0) and (bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMEFOV == 0) then (
- if values.count - idx < 1 then return "Not enough values to load FOV"
- fov=radtodeg values[idx]
- idx+=1;
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded fov, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- -- color --
- if (bit.and flags CUT_F_COLOR > 0) and (bit.and flags CUT_F_SAMECOLOR == 0) then (
- if values.count - idx < 3 then return "Not enough values to load color"
- rgb=color (255 * values[idx]) (255 * values[idx + 1]) (255 * values[idx + 2])
- idx+=3;
- if dbox_debug DBG_FRAME_LOAD then
- format "loaded color, idx is %\n" idx
- )
- if values.count - idx < 1 then return "Not enough values to load frame length"
- length=values[idx];
- return true;
- ),
- function writeTCB os tcb =
- (
- if tcb==undefined then return false;
- format "%;%;%;%;%; " (formatFloat (2 / 50 as float * tcb.tension - 1)) \
- (formatFloat (2 / 50 as float * tcb.continuity - 1)) \
- (formatFloat (2 / 50 as float * tcb.bias - 1)) \
- (formatFloat (tcb.easeTo / 50) 6) (formatFloat (tcb.easeFrom / 50)) to:os.stream
- return true;
- ),
- function save os idx:0 =
- (
- if rotation!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_ROT
- if targetPosition!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_TARGETPOS
- if fov!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_FOV
- if rgb!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_COLOR
- if posTCBInfo!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_POSTCBINFO
- if rotTCBInfo!=undefined then flags=bit.or flags CUT_F_ROTTCBINFO
- format "{ 0x%; " (bit.intAsHex flags) to:os.stream
- if position!=undefined then (
- format "%; %; %; " ((position.x * 100) as integer) ((position.z * 100) as integer) ((position.y * 100) as integer) to:os.stream
- )
- writeTCB os posTCBInfo
- if rotation!=undefined then (
- format "%; %; %; %; " (formatFloat (rotation.angle / 360)) \
- (formatFloat -rotation.axis.x) (formatFloat -rotation.axis.z) (formatFloat -rotation.axis.y) to:os.stream
- )
- writeTCB os rotTCBInfo
- if targetPosition!=undefined then (
- format "%; %; %; " ((targetPosition.x * 100) as integer) ((targetPosition.z * 100) as integer) ((targetPosition.y * 100) as integer) to:os.stream
- )
- if targetRoll!=undefined then
- format "%; " (formatFloat (degtorad targetRoll)) to:os.stream
- else if targetPosition!=undefined then
- format " " to:os.stream
- if fov!=undefined then (
- format "%; " (formatFloat (degtorad fov)) to:os.stream
- )
- if rgb!=undefined then (
- format "%; %; %; " (rgb.r / 255) (rgb.g / 255) (rgb.b / 255) to:os.stream
- )
- format "%; %; } // %%" length index idx os.newline to:os.stream
- )
- )
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