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本帖最后由 0809000 于 2013-8-10 20:19 编辑
Here at TGB one of the most exciting things we get to do is talk to the people who actually make the games we know and love. Recently we got the amazing oppurtunity to sit down with Bernd Lehahn the director of Egosoft, developer of the X series. During our interview with Mr. Lehahn we were able to get some insights into why they make their games the way they do and we also got some exciting new details about their upcoming release X: Rebirth.
TGB: First I want to say thank you for taking the time to talk with us at TGB. We are very thankful for the time you are spending with us today.
TGB: The X series seems to be your primary title as a company. What has inspired you to continue development of the x universe instead of expanding into other areas?
Bernd Lehahn: This was really an easy decision. We all love space games. Yes it is true, that only few developers have the luxury of concentrating on one series, but I am sure this is not because they wouldn’t like to. It is relatively rare today that a developer keeps full control of his own IP and directly makes money with every sold copy of a game. Once you are in this position however, it is great to work with a community of fans and build something larger. This is also the reason why we were able to support our games much longer than a normal game developer can afford. So it is all closely connected with keeping control and building a larger IP. Hmm… I hope I can answer some of these questions with a simple: Yes or No
TGB: The X universe has been quite successful for Egosoft. Why has Egosoft chosen not to expand onto other platforms such as the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3? Are their hardware limitations? Control Problems?
Bernd Lehahn: Well it’s certainly not a trivial task to bring such a complex and hardware hungry franchise to a console. Our games have stood and will stand in the future, for total freedom inside a very large universe. I don’t think it’s impossible to bring this to a console, but it’s a big task. So as a small developer we have to concentrate on one platform at a time.
TGB: Many previous PC exclusive developers have complained that piracy is a big problem for them and have moved away from the PC platform as a whole in some cases. Do you, as a developer, feel piracy is a huge problem for you?
Bernd Lehahn: Piracy sure harms us, but I think we found a good compromise in how we protected our last two games (and in how we removed that protection afterwards). It is always impossible to judge how much more we could sell, but I do not believe any developer moves to another platform just because of this. Consoles are a big market and developers would be stupid not to develop games for this market.
TGB: The X series, while it has some story elements is primarily an open sandbox. Has Egosoft ever considered doing a more focused cinematic campaign to drive the story behind the X universe?
Bernd Lehahn: Yes, in fact with every game we have tried to improve on the storytelling and experimented with ways how to combine the open sandbox with a plot. X2 had some cutscene driven plot elements, X3:Reunion had plot minigames etc. But this was all not perfect because we had to stick with a lot of the existing designs. That’s another reason why X Rebirth had to be redesigned from scratch and is not just X4.
TGB : Speaking of X Rebirth are there any exciting new features that you can tell us about?
Bernd Lehahn: Many… I am writing a series of postings for our own forums for the next few days in which I describe in depth a lot of the new game design and cool features.One very cool new feature is drones for example. The player will have only ONE ship to fly himself. But this one ship is super cool. You can move around inside, transport and talk to NPCs aboard etc. But you also can still own and control drones and capital ships. Drones can even be controlled in first person, so in reality you still have lots of ships to steer from cockpit view. The only difference is that this is done using a virtual reality system (goggles come down from top of your cockpit and the co-pilot takes over flying the main ship) and you won’t die if these drones get destroyed. This system gives us a lot more freedom in designing new and very diverse experiences.
TGB : Are you going to be adding some FPS style gameplay to the X universe? Planetary Interaction perhaps?
Bernd Lehahn: No. Not that we didn’t think of it. Marrying an X game with something like Mass Effect sure brings some nice ideas, but again: We are a small developer and have to do one step at a time. You WILL however be able to step out of your ship and stand on platforms. Talking to NPCs is a big and important way of controlling the game and a step to making things easier (less complicated menus and simpler conversations).
TGB: Will X Rebirth utilize some of the newer graphics technologies such as DX11? Does DX11 present development challenges for developers?
Bernd Lehahn: That’s not decided yet. X Rebirth will run on DX9 API as long as all the features that we need from the API are possible with it. That does not mean we may not at some point also support DX11, but for now we do not see a need. Our engine is quite different from all the big established names, because it is designed specifically for a space game. We would love to use an engine like Unreal or the CryEngine, but unfortunately we had to develop it all ourselves, because this was the only way to have cutting edge space graphics.
TGB: So X Rebirth features an entirely new graphics engine?
Bernd Lehahn: An entirely new everything engine The graphics engine was actually replaced between X2:The Threat and the X3 games, but the X Rebirth engine is a much bigger step, because it also means a whole new tech platform to support multithreading for AI, physics and other tasks.
TGB: The X titles have traditionally been very friendly and open to the modding community. Your in game script generator is a prime example of this. During the last 10 years the number of developers who support the modding community have been greatly reduced. The recent announcement that Diablo III would not feature any modding support at all had the modding community in an uproar. Why has Egosoft chosen to be so closely tied to the Modding community? Why do you think so many developers are not releasing Mod support with their new releases?
Bernd Lehahn: I can’t speak for others, but for us it’s an easy choice: Supporting modders helps adding to our games and bringing more cool content to our fans. With X Rebirth it is a bit harder than in the past because the whole tech platform has changed at once, so people can’t work with it before the game comes out. But we aim to release tools and documentation as soon as possible after the release of the game. TGB: last question
Bernd Lehahn: phew…
TGB: Has the idea of adding multi-player ever been considered for the X Universe?
Bernd Lehahn: Yes and the other half of the answer is again the same as twice above mentioned: We are a small team and have to focus, but .… yes
TGB: That is all the questions that we have for you. I want to say thank you again for taking the time to talk to us about your company and your games.
在TGB最令人兴奋的事情就是和那些制作出我们喜爱的游戏的人交谈。最近我们获得了和X系列的设计师,Bernd Lehahn交谈的机会。通过对Bernd Lehahn先生的采访我们领悟了为什么他们要以这种方式制作游戏,并且我们也得知了一些令人兴奋的新细节,有关即将推出的X:重生。
Bernd Lehahn:其实道理很简单。我们都热爱太空游戏。是的,很少有游戏开发者会在一个系列上坚持下去,但我肯定这(不继续开发同一个系列)不是他们的本意。当今的游戏开发者对他的IP(知识产权)并没有完全的控制权,他们也不能直接从每份售出的游戏中获利。然而一旦你呆在这里(指的是加入一个游戏制作组,区别于独自开发游戏,个人理解),和一群有相同爱好的人制作一个大玩意是件非常愉快的事情。这也是为什么相比于其他的游戏开发者,我们有能力把我们的游戏支撑到今天。这就像我们大家一起工作,一起创作并分享一个巨大的IP(知识产权)。嗯....我希望我可以回答一些用yes和no就能回答的问题。
Bernd Lehahn:好吧,将这样一款复杂又吃硬件的游戏搬到游戏机平台上可不是一件容易事。我们的游戏一贯并且以后也将坚持完全自由的风格。我不是说移植到主机平台上是不可能的,但难度太大。对于我们这种小团队只能择日再考虑这种事情。
Bernd Lehahn:盗版确实损害了我们的利益,但我想我们找到了一个很好的方法来保护我们的前两个游戏(我们事后也移除了保护系统)。很难判断没有盗版我们可以多卖出多少,但我不相信所有转战其他平台的游戏开发者都是因为这个原因走人的,主机平台的市场很大,不在上面开发游戏才是一件愚蠢的事情。
Bernd Lehahn:是的,事实上我们在每一款游戏中都试图增强游戏的故事性,我们在尝试将沙盒游戏和故事情节整合到一块。X2用一些过场动画来表现情节,X3:重聚有一些和情节相关的小游戏等等。但这些都不完美,因为现有的设计束缚住了我们的手脚。这也是为什么X重生得完全重新设计,而不仅仅是一款X4.
Bernd Lehahn:很多....我正在草拟一系列的帖子,在今后几天发表在我们的论坛上,我会在其中深入的介绍很多游戏的新设计和新特性。比如吧,一个有关无人机的新特性。玩家自己将只能有一艘自己的座驾。但这艘船非常酷,你可以在里面走动,传送以及和舰上的NPC交流等等。但你还是可以拥有和控制其他无人飞机和主力舰。那些无人机可以让你以第一人称的方式驾驶,因此实际上你还是有很多船可以从驾驶舱视角驾驶。唯一的区别是这些是通过一个虚拟实景的系统(从你的座舱上放下来一个目镜然后你的主飞船则被副驾驶员控制)实现的,你也不会因为你控制的无人机被摧毁而挂掉。这个系统给了我们在飞行系统的设计上相当大的自由。
Bernd Lehahn:不,我们没考虑过那些。把X系列和其他一些游戏比如质量效应结合确实会带来一些不错的东西,但再一次重申:我们只是个小开发组,我们得一步一步地来。但是你可以走出你的飞船并站在一些平台上。和NPC交流对于游戏的控制来说是个相当重要的方式,这也让一些东西变得更容易(更简洁的菜单和更方便的对话)
Bernd Lehahn:还没决定。如果API就可以满足我们需求的新特性那么X重生会继续在DX9 API上运行。这并不意味我们不会在某些方面应用上DX11,但现在我们不觉得需要这玩意。我们的引擎与众不同,他专为宇宙游戏而生。我们当然希望用上类似虚幻或者孤岛的引擎,但不幸的是我们得完全依靠自己,因为这是获得最好的太空游戏引擎的唯一方式。
Bernd Lehahn:一个全新的引擎。X2和X3之间已经换过一次引擎了,但X重生的引擎是个还要大的进步,这是个全新的科技平台支持多线程AI(支持多核?),物理特效和其他效果。
Bernd Lehahn:我不好对其他人妄加评论,但对于我们来说这不是什么抉择:对模组的支持让我们的游戏为粉丝们带来更多更帅的新内容。为X重生开发模组将有些困难因为整个引擎都换了个面。但是我们的目标是游戏一推出就尽快放出开发工具和帮助文档。
Bernd Lehahn:phew~
Bernd Lehahn:啊我又得再婆妈一遍我们是个小团队,必须集中力量,但是...我们有这个考虑(泪流满面,撒花~)
TGB:这就是我想问的全部问题了。再一次感谢你抽出时间和我们讨论你的公司和游戏。 |