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[原创] wiki翻译——Trade

发表于 2012-7-17 02:16:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SourSoul 于 2012-8-14 01:02 编辑


To begin trading, a player needs to research the FTL Economics technology. Once this technology is acquired, a new view option will appear on the main strategic turn screen. In this view you will be able to see the trading capabilities of your systems. In order to participate in trade, a system needs:
1) a Civilian Station with at least a Dock Module (docks are symbolized by empty triangles)
2) at least one Freighter (filled triangle)
3) at least one produced trade good (a filled circle)
4) at least one other system within trade range to trade with
5) the trade-construction slider for the system increased to a nonzero trade value
Any system within range can import and civilian stations are only required for export. Systems will automatically trade to the most profitable colony in range though currently there is no within system trade.
The amount of trade goods the player can produce and import depends on the amount of population in the system, with both imperials and civilians counting towards the total. When exporting, one trade good is produced per 200 million population when the trade slider is set to max.
A system gets one import ring per colonized planet plus one per 200 million population on each of those planets, again with both imperials and civilians counting towards the total. However population is counted per planet so having 100 million on 2 different planets will not give you an extra import ring.
Each trade good (filed circle) needs a dock (open triangle) and a freighter (filed out inner triangle) in order to be exported. There also needs to be one or more systems within the trade range in order to export anything, and those systems needs to have enough import circles for all your trade goods otherwise some won’t be exported even if you have the necessary docks and freighters. Unlike the old trade view we can’t easily see if some of the trade goods are not exported because of lack of import circles.
The colour of some of the trade icons provide more information:
1)Exports out of a province have darker green dots.
2)Red circles with red dots in them either indicate that your system doesn’t have any other systems within range to export to. Or that it can export more than the other system(s) within range can import, which is often the case with your home system.

    要开始贸易,你需要研究FTL Economics技术。研究完成后,Trade视图便会可用。在这一视图中你可以检查星系的贸易能力。为了能使一个星系能够进行贸易,该星系需要:
The player will need at least 1 light freighter for each dock at the civilian station. Fewer freighters will leave docks empty, while additional freighters will sit idle. Freighters can only export from the system they are built in and there is no way to see if you have more freighters than docks (except that if you have more freighters than docks, new docks will be filled as soon as they are built).
Trade income is based on the trade good moving about and not the ship transporting the good. Normal freighters take 1 good at a time, mega freighters take 2. More goods moved for less dock space provides a more efficient economy. Eventually, if allowed, civilians will begin to build their own freighters, as long as the player has designed, prototyped and built at least one. Civilian build freighters do not cost the player maintenance, but civilian freighters will abandon a system if not supported with trade goods or if morale falls too low.
Providing more trade stimulus via the slider slider in the empire management screen will encourage civilians to build their own freighters more readily.

后面一句话看不懂 不译
Faction Specific Trade Info
Morrigi have a racial bonus that increases trade range which helps to make them great traders, especially since they can now export to planets over provincial borders most of the time and such get 30,000 credit for almost all their trade goods.
Hivers can use their gate network for trading so they may be even better traders than Morrigi, although they need to place a Gate in systems of other races in order to trade with them.
Zuul get internal trade routes only (no trade with other races). They do not appear to need to research FTL economics to get access to this. Their 'Civilian Stations' are called 'Breeding Stations' but function largely in the same way that Civilian stations do. A construction voice over when completing a breeding station indicates that they trade 'Wives, slaves, and thoughts of course'.

   Zuul狼族只进行国内贸易,他们不用研究FTL economics就可以贸易。他们的民用空间站叫做“Breeding station”,Breeding station建造完成时的语音体现了他们的贸易理念:女人,奴隶,还有思想。
Trade Techs
A Trade Module will increase revenue for a Civilian Station as a whole, and increase the Tax Base and Morale of the host system. The Trade Enclaves research allows the player to colonize worlds in another Empire for purposes of Trade.

Trading within the player's Empire

For each trade good that is exported within the player's empire, the player receives either 20,000 trade units/credits, if they are exported to a system in the same province, or 30,000 trade units/credits, if they are exported to a system that is outside the province of the exporting system. This is the income before any modifications such as station modules. The provincial trade rate is used if the export has to cross a provincial boundary to trade with another system, even if the importing system does not belong to any province. [1] Note however that the piracy rate for trade in systems outside a province is much higher than normal. [2]
The trade units/credits the player receives will be increased by 1% for each Habitat Module in the exporting province. It is not currently known if habitats affect how much a player receives for imported goods, though the current thought is that they do not.


对于从玩家帝国出口的每一份商品,如果出口到省内,利润为20000 刀每单位(严重怀疑原文的trade units/credit为笔误);如果出口到省外,利润为30000刀每单位。上述利润为修正(空间站模块等)前的值。即使进口星系并不属于任何行省,只要商品的流通时出省了利润就会按省际贸易算。但请注意,海盗光顾未编入行省的星系的概率要高得多。出口行省的每一个居住模块都会为利润带来1%的加成。而居住模块对进口的影响上不清楚,目前认为是没有影响的。

Trading with other Factions

For each trade good that is exported to another Faction, the player's empire generates 50,000 trade units/credits. It's unknown if the player gains anything if other Factions export goods to the player's systems.
Note: There could be a differences between how many credits each race obtains per trade good, but this has not yet been tested.




Modifier                Chance
Base Odds         5%
Police Cutter(per ship)         -1%
Naval Base         -1%
No Naval Base         +2%
Zuul faction
within 10 LY         +2%
修正项                概率
基础值                  5%
警用舰(每艘) -1%
海军基地                  -1%
没有海军基地         +2%
十光年内有狼族 +2%
   A System in a province is also supposed to have a lower piracy rate than a system not in any province. The Convoy Systems tech is also supposed to reduce Piracy by 30%, though at the cost of 5% of trade route profits, the technology also improves the chance that any escorts have a higher chance of spawning near the freighters under attack, improving the chance of successfully repelling the pirates without the loss of the freighters involved.
For each pirate ship and freighter that is destroyed (or captured in the case of freighters), the responsible player receives a bounty:

被编入行省的星系会比一般星系更不易受到海盗抢劫。护航系统(Convey System 位于C3树 前置科技为Commerce Raiding)科技也可以以5%的商路利润的代价下降低30%的海盗抢劫概率,这项科技也可以提高护航舰们在战斗开始时直接出现在遭到攻击的货船附近的概率(这个会无视战前的部署  没这个科技也有一定的概率) ,更有可能击退海盗,保住货船。


参与人数 2声望 +1 UCC +60 好评 +1 收起 理由
davidhawk + 1 + 30 优秀作品!
TLX099 + 30 + 1 加分!


发表于 2012-7-17 10:31:08 | 显示全部楼层


首都毕竟是首都  发表于 2012-7-17 10:47

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-17 10:33:46 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-17 10:54:24 | 显示全部楼层
陈哈哈 发表于 2012-7-17 10:33
我去逛了很多的国外论坛,都值讲了如可建立贸易开始贸易,却没有讲细节如何扩大贸易,首都那么多人口,那么 ...

等那个贸易圈里面的殖民地都发展起来了首度就会有不少进口了    贸易是相当赚钱的

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-17 18:01:55 | 显示全部楼层


没必要 足够数量的警察就可以防治海盗  发表于 2012-7-17 18:32

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-17 21:12:20 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-17 22:02:19 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-7-17 21:12
说到游戏,没有汉化是真的不太好玩啊,要不是有一代的基础,2还真是玩不起来。。 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-17 22:24:19 | 显示全部楼层



参与人数 1UCC +1 好评 +1 收起 理由
SourSoul + 1 + 1 谢谢提醒 想不到好的翻译我就会把意思表达.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-17 22:56:39 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-17 22:58:54 | 显示全部楼层
bzaku 发表于 2012-7-17 22:56

货船只起到(为建造它们的星系的)货物出口 ...

觉得后半段有点不知所云  前半段不是什么重要信息就没有译

使用道具 举报

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