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[求助] 新手求助,游戏卡屏出错,带错误日志文件文件

发表于 2012-12-28 19:44:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 星夜之门 于 2012-12-29 15:08 编辑

电脑系统WIN7 64位
配置 酷睿双核 内存2G 显卡9400GT
游戏是星际之剑2增强版 STEAM版 版本号[2.0.24645.2]  

T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app] MARS2 32-bit Retail Environment 2.0.24645.2
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app] Last built on Dec 21 2012 17:33:20
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app] CWD:
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\bin\x86
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app] Args:
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\bin\x86\mars.exe
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -nSword of the Stars II
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -g..\..\assets
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   +deployed
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -w640
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -h480
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -locale:zh
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   +window
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   +fwindow
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rfxaa
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rbloom
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rfblur
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rrefract
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rocclude
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -planetgen
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   +rdecal
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -console
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app]   -rmipbias5
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [test] All unit tests begin.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [test] All unit tests end. Time (secs): CPU 0.000000 Wall 0.000000.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:28) [app] Application window initialized.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [d3d10] Context initialized (DriverType=0).
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mount points will be configured for deployment.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] MOUNT FAILED: [base_ru] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base_ru
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] MOUNT FAILED: [base_de] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base_de
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [base] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [eof] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\eof
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_human] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_human
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_hiver] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_hiver
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_tarkas] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_tarkas
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_liir_zuul] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_liir_zuul
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_morrigi] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_morrigi
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_zuul] L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_zuul
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [phys] Engine Initialize start: L:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [phys] Engine initialized.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'SupplyIcon'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'PowerIcon'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'CrewIcon'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'RightBannerCap'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonLC'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonFill'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonRC'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'AvatarFrameTRC'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonLC'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonFill'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonRC'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_ring'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_glow'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_ref'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Hiver_Badge_11'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'liir_badge_11'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'adaptive_tracking'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'GreenLazer'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'advanced_leviathan_construction'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_crybaby'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_flock'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_tarpit'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_SingleFleetDetails' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_SystemInfo' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_DefenceLayout' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_CurrentResearch' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_AllFleetLocations' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastDesignsBuilt' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_NewestColonyPosition' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_CurrentAdmirals' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_HighestTradeSystem' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_PsionicPower' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_NavalStationDetails' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_PlayerTreaties' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastMissions' is not a valid template definition.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:29) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastAlliancePms' is not a valid template definition.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:30) [state] Preparing SplashState for transition from nothing.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:36) [eng] Network init. [eng\mars_eng_network.cpp:74]
T (2012/12/28 19:30:38) [state] Entering SplashState.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:46) [data] Reloading common strings for locale: zh
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] Steam initialized app ID: 000
W (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] Requesting steam stats.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] DLC content available:
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam]    HiverAndTarkasImmersionPack
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam]    LiirAndMorrigiImmersionPack
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam]    SolForceImmersionPack
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam]    TheHordeImmersionPack
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] End.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [asset] CreateStream failed for '\base\factions\ai\materials.xml~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] Received user stats data.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [steam] Steam profile status: 000
T (2012/12/28 19:30:47) [state] Preparing MainMenuState for transition from SplashState.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:50) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=4)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=4)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
T (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [game] Creating game turn length: 3.402823E+38
T (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [game] Player 1 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [game] Player 2 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [net] ***** CHANGING LOCAL PLAYER FROM 0 TO 1
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=5, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=5, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=6, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=6, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:52) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=9, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=11, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=13, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=15, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=16, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Spawning EE_INDEPENDENT at 1269
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 3 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 4 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 5 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 6 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 7 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 8 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 9 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 10 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 11 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 12 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 13 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 14 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 15 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 16 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:30:53) [game] Player 17 added.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
T (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [design] Player 2 designed a new BOARDINGPOD BattleRider.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2012/12/28 19:30:55) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
T (2012/12/28 19:30:57) [game] ========================= NEW GAME SESSION INITIALIZED =========================
T (2012/12/28 19:30:57) [net] ***** CHANGING LOCAL PLAYER FROM 1 TO 1
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [asset] Asset file not found: 'factions\tarkas\models\Station\Damage_SN_Mission_Default_convex.obj'
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [asset] Asset file not found: 'factions\tarkas\models\Station\Damage_SN_Mission_Default.scene'
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [eng] Failed to initialize damage pattern from message stream.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [eng] Failed to initialize damage pattern from message stream.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [eng] Failed to initialize damage pattern from message stream.
W (2012/12/28 19:30:58) [eng] Failed to initialize damage pattern from message stream.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:01) [asset] CreateStream failed for '\base\factions\loa\badges\loa_badge_1.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:02) [asset] factions\loa\models\Cruiser\Engine\Fusion.scene~: Model material not found:
W (2012/12/28 19:31:03) [asset] factions\zuul\models\Cruiser\Command\Standard.scene~: Model material not found:
W (2012/12/28 19:31:03) [asset] factions\zuul\models\Cruiser\Command\Standard.scene~: Model material not found:
W (2012/12/28 19:31:03) [asset] factions\hiver\models\Cruiser\Command\Damage_CR_Command_Default.scene~: Model material not found:
W (2012/12/28 19:31:03) [asset] factions\hiver\models\Cruiser\Command\Damage_CR_Command_Default.scene~: Model material not found: Engine Elements 2
W (2012/12/28 19:31:03) [asset] factions\hiver\models\Cruiser\Command\Damage_CR_Command_Default.scene~: Model material not found: Heavy Weapon Elements
W (2012/12/28 19:31:04) [asset] factions\morrigi\models\weapons\barrel_polaris_2_vheavy.scene~: Model material not found:
W (2012/12/28 19:31:05) [asset] CreateTexture2D failed.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:05) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\human\textures\White_Paint.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:06) [asset] CreateTexture2D failed.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:06) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\tarkas\textures\Tarka_Trim_Mask.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:06) [eng] SendMessageToGameObject failed. Unknown object ID: 49
W (2012/12/28 19:31:07) [asset] CreateStream failed for '\base\factions\human\textures\LDPanel_Light.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:12) [asset] CreateTexture2D failed.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:12) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\human\textures\Blank.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:12) [asset] CreateTexture2D failed.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:12) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\morrigi\textures\Engine_fx.tga~'.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:12) [state] Exiting SplashState.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:13) [state] Entering MainMenuState.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [d3d10] Graphics device removed or drivers updated. Reason from D3D10: unknown
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\glowycircle.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\corona.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\NebCloud.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Tesla_H.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Solid.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\Decals\Burn02_Diffuse.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\spike.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Ring.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Tesla_N.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:15) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Tesla_G.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:16) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Electro_16.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:16) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\Decals\Burn01_Diffuse.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\falloff_circle.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Spot_Strip.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\effects\textures\Plasma Spike.tga~'.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [state] Preparing GameSetupState for transition from MainMenuState.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/GlossSlider.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/Basic_Slider.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/playersetup_avatars.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/SML_optionbutton.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/Combat_Overlay.tga~'.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [state] Exiting MainMenuState.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\Decals\Bullet05_Diffuse.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\Decals\Bullet05_Specular.tga~'.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:17) [state] Entering GameSetupState.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [engine] Received message IMID_SCRIPT_MANEUVER_INFO for nonexistant object ID = 775
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [iris] memory: Material 'ring' still has active references (2).
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [iris] memory: Material 'ring' still has active references (2).
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [iris] memory: Material 'ring' still has active references (2).
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 49
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 56
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 57
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 59
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 60
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] Cannot remove game object. Unknown game object id: 1102
W (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [eng] GameObject -420 not found or already removed.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [game] Creating game turn length: 3.402823E+38
T (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [game] Player 1 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [game] Player 2 added.
T (2012/12/28 19:31:18) [net] ***** CHANGING LOCAL PLAYER FROM 0 TO 1
T (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [game] ========================= NEW GAME SESSION INITIALIZED =========================
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset file not found: 'props\ui\miniship_XXXX.scene'
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset file not found: 'props\ui\miniship_XXXX.scene'
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset file not found: 'props\ui\miniship_slavers.scene'
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset file not found: 'props\ui\miniship_XXXX.scene'
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\zuul\badges\suulka_zuul_badge7.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\factions\human\badges\human_badge_08.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\sky\textures\Starmap.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\sky\textures\Starmap_light.hdr~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\fonts\Myriad_Pro_12px.fnt~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_human.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_hiver.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_liir.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_morrigi.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_tarka.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_zuul.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_systemkiller.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_neutron.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_locust.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_swarm.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\eof\factions\loa\models\Loa_MiniShip.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\eof\factions\loa\models\Loa_Gate_MiniShip.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_gardener.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui\system_player_dot.png~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui\system_hiver_gate.png~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui\system_hiver_gate_c.png~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:19) [asset] Asset load failed for '\eof\ui\skin1\ringGate_Icon.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/System_Tags.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/Anchor_Tag.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/systemTag_Science.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/systemTag_Civilian.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/systemTag_Diplomatic.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/Trap_Badge.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\ui/skin1/circle_dot.png~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\Nebula_D.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\Nebula_F_Spine_BlueGreen.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\Nebula_F_Core_Orange.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props/TESTSUN_orange.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_station.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\ui\miniship_planet.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\TESTSUN_greyscale.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\eof\factions\loa\Models\Loa_Gate_MiniShip.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props/TESTSUN_yellow.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props/TESTSUN_Red.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props/TESTSUN_white.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props/TESTSUN_yellowWhite.scene~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\Sun\Noise_A.dds~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\SunFlare_UV_BlueWhite.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [asset] Asset load failed for '\base\props\textures\SunFlare_UV.tga~'.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] SendMessageToGameObject failed. Unknown object ID: 1127
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:20) [eng] Failed to generate terrain mesh.
W (2012/12/28 19:31:23) [log] An error occurred. Refer to the log and associated minidump files for more information:

C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\Sword of the Stars II\log\log-20121228193028.txt
C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\Sword of the Stars II\log\log-20121228193028.txt.dmp
发表于 2012-12-28 23:27:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-29 13:57:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 15:05:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 星夜之门 于 2012-12-29 15:09 编辑
85202190 发表于 2012-12-29 13:57
另外确认下你没有试图破解游戏过吗?怎么都是抛出无法加载assets内容的错 ...

谢谢。游戏是圣诞刚买的,STEAM版,版本是2.0.24645.2 ,第一次运行游戏就是这个问题卡屏出错崩溃,尝试了数次后尝试了一次破解版依然不行,后来又恢复成STEAM版还是不行。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 15:09:39 | 显示全部楼层
猫桅 发表于 2012-12-28 23:27


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 15:11:57 | 显示全部楼层
看官方论坛好像很多人也是星际之剑2增强版 STEAM版 版本号[2.0.24645.2]这个版本崩溃出错

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-29 17:05:56 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 18:58:23 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-12-29 17:05

比如Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base\sky\文件夹下的"materials.xml~"


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-29 19:01:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 19:23:54 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-12-29 19:01


使用道具 举报

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