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[转帖] 无责任转载自KSP Forum:How to save Kerbal Space Program

发表于 2013-2-26 08:58:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This game is potentially a really facinating world where you have to make the right choices to succeed and make it further than you ever though possible at the outset.

But we have a big problem.

Everyone just wants to take the easy way out. Maybe they have lost sight of the joy of challenge, but I think it's more a pervasive attitude that more is better. They want everything to be bigger and consume less resources, and be easier and easier until you just click the destination you want and poof you are teleported to some place where the dirt is a different color and you congratulate yourself. That would be a poor thing for KSP to turn into.

Victory should be earned.

We have the mechanics in place to do this. Fuel must be mined and vessels must be built to store it. It must be transported with minimal losses to the point of use. rocket parts must come from a limited supply or draw on limited resources. Tests must be conducted and if they fail it will be a huge setback but you will learn from it. Manned missions must be conducted safely and with appropriate life support (what I mean is we could mod this in, and some have) All the ship parts must consume electricity. Communication with mission control must be maintained. Solar attitude must be maintained. Liquid fueled rocket must not be able to re-start without ullage thrust. EVA airlock gas loss and RCS fuel and electrical batteries must be accounted for.

I could go on, but in general, I think KSP needs to be difficult, and some things need to removed so people will stop cheating and missing the point. You shouldn't be able to view the planets before you get there, and no quicksaves, no infinite fuel and, if you even think the word hyperedit you might as well quit now.

Try KSP in this more difficult way, and you see it's more fun, and you gradually build a space program from the ground up. and if it fails, it's a real setback, but if you succeed, it's truly a victory because you earned it.

A lot of people seem to beg the devs for MOAR of everything and complain when they introduce a challenge. Recently, people have been asking for a bigger ion engine. I was concerned because the devs seemed oddly ok with just appealing to whatever the users wanted. While that seemes ok at first glance from a business point of view, I think you should hold onto your vision and not let morons guide you into a dead end.
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