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[其他] X-races_History and origins

发表于 2013-10-21 21:33:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The history of the Argon is irrevocably connected to that of
planet Earth.Following the discovery of the first jumpgate network, extrasolar
planets were colonised within a matter of a relatively
few years; these initial colonies swiftly grew. The largest of
these, on planet Taurus in the Proxima Centauri system, suffered
almost total devastation in Earth year 2147 during the
First Terraformer War: out of over 100,000 colonists, a scant
20,000 survived the assault.
Radioactive contamination of the ecosystem by fallout from
the war eventually forced the remaining population to abandon
Taurus permanently. With no way back to Earth the
search for a new home planet was forced upon them; in
2184 the colonists settled on an Earthlike planet, Sonra IV,
known familiarly as simply "Four". Approximately sixty years
later and after the successful completion of the resettlement
program, "Four" was renamed "Argon"; this would later
change to "Argon Prime" after the foundation of the Argon
Federation to distinguish this planet from other Argon worlds.


The Boron evolved on a predominantly oceanic world
named !Ni-!Sha-!La - or, more simply, "Nishala". It was always,
and remains, the seat of government and the most important
planet of the Queendom of Boron.
By nature completely pacific, before the Boron's development
of space travel there was not a single incidence of aggression
between any members of the race, and hence their
total lack of military development. Roughly 50,000 Earth
years ago the Boron were visited, and to some degree intellectually
elevated, by another species calling itself "Helpers".

This race, still unidentified but categorically neither Ancient
nor Sohnen, left without trace a couple of generations later,
leaveing behind a legacy of knowledge and technological advancement
that permitted the Boron to become a fully
spacefaring species. In turn, this led to Nishala being discovered
by other, more adversarial species, such as the Split, at
which point, forced by circumstance, this peaceful race developed
first the ability to defend itself, and then to go on the


The homeworld of this species is Paranid Prime, a planet
consisting mostly of arid desert. The Paranid dwell in artificial
cave networks beneath the surface itself: these may be
as much as forty kilometres in depth and range over thousands.
It is usual for all Paranid to be conceived in the
Cathedral of the Pontifex, where they will also later hatch.
The ancestors of the Paranid were capable of flight, and this
ability was lost around the time of the first historical records,
and the central element of their mythology, the legend of the
"Reclamation of the Skies", is one of great importance to the
Paranid. It deals with their discovery of mathematics and,
subsequently, technology, which gave them the means to
construct aircraft to give them back sovereignty over the
skies of their world and, ultimately, carry them beyond into


Legend states that the Split come from a long-lost planet
named Hodie which was devastated and made uninhabitable
by internecine global thermonuclear war, and since fleeing
their homeworld they have colonised barren planets to continue
their conflicts between the stars. Whether or not planet
Hodie in truth existed is a matter for contention even among
the Split.

Equally precarious is the historical authenticity of the purported
First Patriarch of the Split Ghus t'Gllt, who, it is told,
reunited his scattered and mutually estranged people, discovered
the scientific abilities of female Split and introduced
the custom of "bridles". It is certain only that these events
occurred: whether they were the result of direct action by
Ghus t'Gllt or others among the several hundred that have
been remains shrouded in the darkness of history.


The Teladi race originates from the planet Ianamus Zura,
whose numerous marshes and shallow coastal waters offered
their ancestors both safety and a rich supply of prey.
Shortly after the development of space flight a jumpgate was
discovered, and they began quickly to explore the jumpgate
network and establish colonies beyond their home system.
Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen restructuring of the
jumpgate network contact with Ianamus Zura was lost, but
"the old world of dreams" never forgotten by the colonists. A
way back to their home was discovered only many hundred
Earth years later.
The Teladi colonists discovered that all fertilised eggs
hatched exclusively female young: despite much intensive
genetic research, this situation remained unchanged. For
this reason, during the entire period of the colonies'
separation from Ianamus Zura, all egglings are essentially
female clones of their parents.
发表于 2013-10-21 21:56:12 | 显示全部楼层

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