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[转帖] SOTS2 Extended Campaign Mod

发表于 2014-1-28 19:49:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Version 1.26 for 2.0.25092.4

v1.26 - 30/11/2013
2.0.25092.4 compatibility update.

Please do not attempt to use a version for a previous patch with a newer one!
I will endeavour to release updated version within a day of a new patch whenever possible.

Thought I'd release this even though the upcoming expansion means it'll probably have to get overhauled.

This mod was born out my desire for a slightly slower paced strategic and tactical game. The initial goals were simple; slow down strategic movement, construction and income by half, and slow down tactical combat by lowering turning rates, acceleration and extending weapon ranges. I've been playing with and updating this for the last month or so, and in that time it has also grown in scope somewhat. I regret that there is no exact changelog for everything that has changed; I will try to keep track of my changes in future versions more carefully.

Main features are as follows;
Slower Strategic Gameplay
Strategic gameplay slowed down; taxes, population growth and ship/station upkeep reduced to about half, colony support and construction points reduced to about three-quarters.
Ship strategic movement speeds reduced to approximately, with some tweaks to speeds here and there to account for other factors.

Extended Tactical Gameplay
Tactical gameplay is slower and takes place at more distant ranges; all ship acceleration and turning speeds reduced by 2-4x (except for Liir, whose ships now have an interesting niche as slow but highly responsive).
Weapon ranges increased, with most doubled from stock values. PD ranges increased by 1.5x. Missile ranges increased slightly, maneuverability decreased, and lifetime increased.
Battlerider deployment times increased to allow continuous deployment for the duration of a battle. Battlerider reserves removed from everything except Leviathans, and reduced for those.
Sensor ranges extended, combat fast forward trigger range increased, fast forward speed reduced to half.
Weapon population damage is greatly reduced; destruction of large colonies requires dedicated tools like assault shuttles, biological weapons and siege drivers.
These changes work best with slightly longer Tactical Combat lengths. My suggestion is 6 minutes as default.

New Ship Sections
Improved Fusion and Improved Antimatter engine sections for BRs, unlocked with Reinforced Containment and Reflex Furnaces respectively.

Weapon and Technology Balance Changes
Added Nuclear mines, available from the start, and a Nuclear Mine COL, available immediately upon researching COL Launchers.
New Jaeger variants of Polaris and Cruise (IOBM) missiles.
Various slight weapon balance changes in addition to the major changes outlined above.
Technology tree made somewhat more interdependent, particularly with regards to techs requiring hull sizes.
Tweaks to research costs and priorities.
Tweaks to tech bonus effects, such as reducing the effects of Rapid Prototyping somewhat.
Combat Algorithms, Holotactics and Warmind bonus effects increased, for larger fleets.

Other Changes
Removed Heavy Driver and Particle Beam as starting techs.
Added 2-3 starting techs to each race (such as Liir getting Telekinesis and Empathy, Tarka receive Liquid Polysteel and Materials Applications, etc).
Psionics tweaked slightly, Mirage removed until it is made more usable (Invisibility and False Friend are still plenty good from one tech that has other bonuses besides).
Morrigi DN Gravboat fleet bonus reduced to 50%; large fleets are still plenty fast and this makes Grav Blades more desirable.
System generation probabilities changed; medium and larger systems are more likely, single planet or empty systems less likely.
Super World bonuses reduced, Size 8 planets are also now eligible for Overdevelopment.
Various minor bugfixes.

Future plans for the mod;
More Ship Sections and Modules
More new sections, such as dedicated Electronic Warfare CR sections, Fire Control DN sections, and modules like an improved Camel unlocked through some of the storage technologies.

More Weapons
More weapon variants; AP/HEAP stormers, larger selection Blast Storm/MIRV/Corrosive/Thud variants for Polaris and IOBM Missiles. Burster/Shredder variants which direct their fire in a cone instead of sphere.

More Technology Effects
I experimented with adding further strategic effects from Techs like Clairvoyance (slight bonuses to reaction, feasibility accuracy and industrial output), but these do not seem to take effect. The Tech Effects file does note they need to be hooked up in the code, so I guess this is on hold until the mod tools are around.

Installing ECM
Simply unzip the ECM vX.X file to the Sword of the Stars 2 folder. This is generally located in steam/steamapps/Sword of the Stars II. Allow the unzip to overwrite any existing files.

Uninstalling ECM
Two methods; the first is simple but will require steam to download more files to restore the original installation, the second is more surgical, but also a little more involved.

Method 1
1. Delete the weapons and factions folders from assets/base and assets/eof in the Sword of the Stars II folder.
2. Go to Steam Library, right click Sword of the Stars II in the game list, go to Properties.
3. Under Local Files, select 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache'.
4. Allow Steam to verify your installation, after which it will download the files needed to restore the installation to the original state.

Method 2
1. Delete the following from assets/base/weapons;
2. Delete the following from assets/base/factions/XXXX/sections, where XXXX is the hiver, human, tarka, liir-zuul, morrigi and zuul folders;
3. Delete the following from assets/eof/weapons;
4. Delete the following from assets/eof/factions/loa/sections;
5. Go to Steam Library, right click Sword of the Stars II in the game list, go to Properties.
6. Under Local Files, select 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache'.
7. Allow Steam to verify your installation, after which it will download the files needed to restore the installation to the original state.

ECM Changelog
v1.26 - 30/11/2013
2.0.25092.4 compatibility update.

v1.25 - 01/09/2013
2.0.25003.9 compatibility update.

v1.24 - 01/06/2013
2.0.25003.2 compatibility update.
Various small adjustments.

v1.23 - 24/03/2013
Tech costs adjusted slightly.
Sectionpreferences files modified.
Various minor fixes.

v1.22 - 01/03/2013
Time Acceleration decreased slightly (15x -> 10x).
Time Acceleration drop-out range increased (15000 -> 20000).
Tax income increased slightly (Tax divider 90000 -> 85000).
Population per Trade point reduced (150,000,000 -> 125,000,000).
Trade income reduced (30/20/15 -> 20/15/12.5).
Imperial Population contribution to IO reduced (2.5 -> 2.0).
Civilian Population contribution to IO reduced (0.5 -> 0.25).
Overall IO increased (0.8 -> 0.85).
Overpopulation resource drain increased (10 -> 15).
Naval station maintenance decreased.
Various races economies adjusted.
Loa economy/research adjusted.
Loa gate capacities reduced.
DN and CR speeds tweaked slightly.
Tweaks to CR and DN armour and structure points.
Drone structure points doubled.
AI Research priorities tweaked.
Swarm expansion slowed.
Pirate Base ship numbers reduced, radius increased.
Subversion chances reduced.
Fixed some Tarka turret arcs.
Burster and Shredder reload times increased (4/5 -> 8/10).
Liir ER and Supply ship supply quantities increased (100/200 -> 125/250).
Link to Advanced Nanites from Materials Applications for Loa.
IOBM Missiles renamed to Cruise Missiles.
Added Polaris MIRV Missile.
Added Polaris and Cruise Jaeger Missiles.

v1.21 - 19/01/2013
2.0.24759.1 compatibility update.
Loa structure HP reduced by ~20%.

v1.20 - 19/12/2012
2.0.24645.1 compatibility update.
ECM DN Flagship section removed.
Official DN Flagship section adjusted to ECM values.
Tax income reduced slightly (Tax divider 80000 -> 90000).
Liir-Zuul BR supply and energy reduced slightly.
Corrected LV section titles and descriptions.

v1.19 - 13/12/2012
2.0.24567.1 compatibility update.
Defence Asset costs adjusted.

v1.18 - 12/12/2012
2.0.24494.4 and BETA 2.0.24556.4 compatibility update.
Faction colours adjusted slightly.
Loa rebalanced - income (0.9->1.0) and IO (1.5 -> 1.75) increased slightly.
Loa Heavy Missile CR and DN section supply increased.
Cost of AI Factories and AI Administration reduced by 25% for Loa, to offset reduced bonuses due to AI Liberation.
Colony fleet support increased from 6 to 8.

v1.17 - 11/12/2012
2.0.24494.3 compatibility update.
Faction colours tweaked, made a little brighter.
Loa rebalanced - income and IO slightly reduced.
Hannibal Module restricted to CnC sections again - AI was placing it on armours and the like.

v1.16 - 08/12/2012
2.0.24494.2 compatibility update.
Cost modifiers for armour increased in light of changes to their calculation.
Reduced Loa Ballistics tree tech chances slightly.
Increased Human and Zuul supply ship supply capacities slightly.

v1.15 - 06/12/2012
2.0.24413.2 compatibility update.

v1.14 - 05/12/2012
2.0.24413.1 compatibility update.
Further Loa balancing; module costs brought in line with other cube costs, cube costs increased.
Ship upkeep reduced slightly for CRs and platforms, increased for LVs.
Cost modifiers for armour techs reduced some more.

v1.13 - 04/12/2012
Heavy Missle/Barrage section name/description bug fixed.
Loa balancing changes;
Loa CR and DN costs decreased.
Loa gate cube limits lowered for early tech, raised for late tech.
Loa 2nd drive tech available with Reinforced Confinement.
Loa industry and tax bonuses reduced. Research bonus adjusted slightly.
Loa gain less from trade, but very unlikely to be raided.
Cost modifiers for armour techs reduced somewhat (Loa still affected more than the other races -> something wrong with the calculation for them).

v1.12 - 02/12/2012
Suulka Horde bugfix.

v1.11 - 02/12/2012
2.0.24320.2 compatibility update.

v1.10 - 01/12/2012
End of Flesh compatibility update.
Loa balancing changes.
Increased weapon damage to populations.

v1.05 - 26/11/2012
Fixed formatting errors in locale file leading to incorrect strings shown in certain places.
Increased Energy requirements for large mount beam, phaser, variable phaser and phaser PD.
Adjusted Critical Hit rolls and modifiers for large mount beams.
Reduced Boarding Pod health.
Reduced research cost of Plasma Induction from 120k to 80k.
Increased research cost of Empathy from 45k to 60k.
Hiver LR Fusion section acceleration (8->6.5) and speed (125->120) decreased.
Increased Mining Station IO bonus from 500 to 1000.
Tweaked Laser reload times to 3,4,5s for Green, UV and XRay respectively.
Reduced Green and UV Beamer ranges slightly.
Increased XRay Beamer and Variable Laser ranges slightly.
Tweaked section preferences file. Reduced likelyhood of PD and Minelayer sections slightly.
Increased Fusion Cannon projectile pointblank damage (8->12).
Increased Antimatter Cannon projectile pointblank damage (14->18).
Increased Naval Station Structure (2x).
Increased Naval Station base repair points and repair module repair points (2x).
Increased Imperial Citizen IO output (3.0 -> 3.5).
Phaser and Variable Phaser reload times increased (10s -> 12s).

v1.03 - 25/11/2012
Remaining weapons bugs fixed.
Massdriver shot mass reduced to 50% for all weapons except Impactor, Siege Driver and Thumper/Tumbler.
Large Mount Beam reload times increased from 10s to 15s.
All PD Damage reduced slightly.

v1.02 - 24/11/2012
Interial Cannon formatting issue corrected.

v1.01 - 23/11/2012
1.1.24110.1 compatibility update. No major changes.

v1.0 - 20/11/2012
Initial release.




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发表于 2014-1-28 21:46:32 | 显示全部楼层

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