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- 1970-1-1
- #ST_NeutronStar_Name: #c:f00#Neutron Star#c#
- #ST_NeutronStar_Desc: An unusual amount of neutrons in the star bombard objects in the system with neutron radation, while ships are shielded by their hull, planets are affected by the radiation.
- #ST_NeutronStar_Name: #c:f00#Neutron Star#c#
- #ST_NeutronStar_Desc: An unusual amount of neutrons in the star bombard objects in the system with neutron radation, while ships are shielded by their hull, planets are affected by the radiation.
- #ST_IonStorm_Name: #c:f00#Ion Storms#c#
- #ST_IonStorm_Desc: Ships without shields take continuous damage.
- #ST_SpatialGen_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Spatial Distortion Generator#c#
- #ST_SpatialGen_Desc: A barely understood piece of remnant technology that distorts the very fabric of space within the heart of a star causing it to collapse and even possibly cause a solar event creating a super nova. Safe guards built into the control mechanisms only allow targeting of Stars, and will not damage the Central Star.
- #ST_IonCanon_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Ion Cannon#c#
- #ST_IonCanon_Desc: A gigantic remnant structure that is built around the core of an extremely advanced mass driver. It fires a solid projectile sheathed in charged Ions at near C speeds that cause irreparable damage to whatever it hits. Due to limitations built into the technology it can only target objects above 3600 galactic units.
- #ST_ZeroPoint_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Zero Point Field#c#
- #ST_ZeroPoint_Desc: An advanced piece of remnant defensive technology, built to defend extremely valuable space without damaging the high value infrastructure. It creates a Zero Point field at the target location which drains the power of any objects caught within the field, transferring it into Jump Space.
- #doc bridge title: " Jump Bridge Usage"
- #doc bridge text: #c:09f#Remnant Jump Bridges#c# are structures left behind from a long disappeared empire. They allow the connecting to other #c:09f#Jump Bridges#c# that are visible by your empire and #c:f90#when linked#c# allow travel from the original #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# to the linked one.
- #doc bridge note0 title: Linking Jump Bridges
- #doc bridge note0 text: To Link a #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# you must first control the #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# via taking it over with a #c:f90#Boarding Party#c# equipped vessel. Once successful and you own the #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# you can then select it, find another #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# in the Galaxy owned by anyone, right click on it and select #c:f90#"Link Stargate"#c# in a few moments the selected #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# will be linked to the clicked #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c#. This will be represented by hoving your mouse over the selected #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# showing the name and system of the link.
- #doc bridge note1 title: Travelling the Bridge Network
- #doc bridge note1 text: To travel through a #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# there are two things to be aware of, it cannot be bigger than the #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# with a #c:f90#scale of 3600#c# and the #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# must have enough charge to transport the vessel. The #c:f90#charge required#c# is equal to the mass of the initiating vessel with the charge being visible by mousing over the #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c#.\n\nIf both these limitations are met you select your vessel, right click on a #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c# with an #c:f90#active link#c# (can be owned by anyone) and click #c:f90#"Enter Stargate"#c# within a few seconds your vessel will disappear and reappear next to the linked #c:09f#Jump Bridge#c#.
- #SP_Cat_Blueprint: " Blueprint Design"
- #SP_Blueprint_Intro: #c:0d0##font:goodtimes_14#Designing a ship in the blueprint editor\n\
- #hline##font##c#\
- The blueprint editor may very well be the most powerful tool at your disposal as ruler over a star-faring empire. Depending on the traits of your civilization and your level of technology, there is a vast array of subsystems to choose from when creating your own ships. Knowing when to use which subsystems is key to your success in doing so.\n\
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- #align:center##img:blueprint1##align#\n\
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- #c:f88##font:frank_12#The Basics#font##c#\n\
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- Whether you抮e designing a ship from scratch or modifying an existing design, it is imperative to be clear about it's intended purpose. What kind of ship do you need?\n\
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- According to this design goal as well as the technology you have access to, you should choose the appropriate subsystems for your new ship. The first choice you will have to make is that of a ship hull.\n\
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- Ship hulls come in a lot of different variants, each suited better for some tasks than for others. They differ in many factors, the most important ones being internal space, durability, mass, armor points, shield emitters and costs. Additional features, like electronic countermeasures or the ability to link a weapon system to a spinal mount should be considered as well. The overall scale of the ship or station you are going to create will also play a role in the choice of the hull.\n\
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- Once a hull has been chosen, the ship needs to be outfitted with the systems essential for it's tasks. That means the expected needs for control, crew, life support and power need to be met in order for the ship to be functioning at all. If at least one of these is insufficient, you will see a warning message at the top of the statistics layout on the right side of the blueprint window. Please note that if it is a critical error, i.e. outfitting more subsystems than can fit into the hull, this will result in the stat calculation being frozen until the critical error is resolved.\n\
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- When designing a military ship, it is a good idea to place the most essential systems, like a bridge, computer core or power generator, towards the center of the blueprint. The less vital for the functioning of the ship a system is, the more outwards you should place it. The reason for this is that once the armor is destroyed, those subsystems will soak up the damage first. The most essential subsystems should only ever be exposed after everything else has been destroyed.\n\
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- Aside from making sure the ship is functional at all, it will need some sort of propulsion, which should be chosen according to the design goal. Does it need to go fast? Does it need to have a lot of range or flight time? If you are unsure about this, feel free to experiment with different types and sizes of engine. If you are designing any kind of station, you can of course skip this part.\n\
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- Once you have chosen the engines, you will see an estimated minimum flight time. This is calculated with the highest permanent fuel consumption possible. While power generators always consume fuel when running, the engines will only activate when the ship is maneuvering. This includes any kind of movement (rotating, accelerating, and decelerating). If the estimated flight time is less than 5 minutes, you will see a warning message; however, it isn't uncommon for fighter craft to have such short flight duration. When adding fuel cells and changing their size, you can see the change in estimated flight time immediately.\n\
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- If the ship is a military ship, defenses, armor and shields should be next. Assuming sufficient tech level, you should have access to different types of armor plating as well as different defenses and shield systems. Keeping the design goal in mind, you should add enough of them to give the ship sufficient protection, but not so much that the ship will end up being too slow or under-gunned for its size and purpose. The kind of armor you will want to use will also depend on the enemy. Generally speaking, plate armor is heavy and can only soak up limited amounts of damage. Ablative armor is best against small, fast-firing weapons and some of the weaker beam weapons. Reactive armor is good if you expect the enemy to use heavy guns and large torpedos. The other armor types are either somewhere in-between or completely different from these principles.\n\
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- Depending on the purpose of the ship, the next step should be adding weapons and/or the subsystems required for its task. When adding weapon systems, it's best to think of a specific doctrine and stick to it. If you want fast, powerful ships that can deal a lot of damage in a short time, you should consider adding powerful short-ranged weaponry like Focused Lasers and Plasma Beams, combined with rack mounts or cooling systems. On the other hand, it could be useful to have a ship that can obliterate enemies long before they are within range of their own weapons. In that case, adding Missile Racks or Heavy Railguns, combined with targeting sensors, might be a good idea. It all depends on the goal you have in mind when designing a ship. Whatever that is, be determined about it.\n\
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- Now that you have added some stuff to kill aliens (just in the rare event that you need to, of course), your ship will probably have either insufficient ammo storage or power supply. While insufficient power supply is easy to spot because you will get a warning message, there is no such thing as a minimum amount of ammunition your ships can carry. Ultimately it is up to you to decide how long your ships will be able to fire without the need to re-supply. To make things easier, have a look at the statistics tab located just right of the layout editor tab. Near the top of the overview screen, the firing time will be given in hours, minutes and seconds. If there is no firing time, the ship either doesn't have ammunition-based weaponry or it is completely self-sufficient in those regards (probably thanks to ammunition fabricators or matter generators). In case you are only using energy-based weapon systems, your main concern will be power instead. If you want to ensure the power stability of your ship, the net power generation should be positive, probably at least a few percent ahead of the estimated maximum power consumption.\n\
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- If you think you added enough of everything mentioned and you still have some space left to use, you could add some additional subsystems. For most combat ships, and especially computer-controlled ones, repair bays are a great thing to have. Though they do draw metal from the galactic bank while repairing your ship, having a small drain on your economy for improved ship survival is something you should consider. Unfortunately, regular repair bays, as well as crew quarters or integrated command centers, can not repair your ship while under fire. So if a ship is severely damaged and still under fire, a tactical retreat may very well be a wise option. This limitation does not apply to repair tools, repair facilities and nanite repair units, though.\n
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