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Update 2.0 Release Candidate 1
In the release candidate phase, we require that everything for 2.0 is tested for release to the public. There are several reports which need retesting.
This version is an archive which can be extracted over 1.4 or any 2.0 Beta.
- 此版本的存档与之前和之后版本可能都不兼容!!!
Changes since 2.0 Beta 3
X³: Terran Conflict
Version: 2.0
Release Candidate 1: 04/02/2009
Code: |
- 对2G以上内存的兼容性更好了
- Find Headquarters mission fixed
- Strong Arm Corporation mission offer fixed
- Wing jumpdrive exploit fixed
- Mobile mining efficiency balanced
- Ship approach during boarding improved
- Captured ships now removed from sector patrols
- Boarded patrol ships now removed from previous races fleet
- Stationary ships owned by Orbital Weapon Platforms re-activated
- Occasional crash when traveling though gate fixed
- Ships moved to huge distanced from the HUB fixed
- Several cockpit and turret camera positions improved
- Several Aldrin Expansion mission issues fixed |
Full changelog for 2.0 RC1 感谢spectre01 和 jll_22 的贡献
Code: | 新特性和改进:
- 新的Aldrin扩展任务
- 玩家可以通过扩展任务得到一些Terran的空间站
- 新船: USC Baldric Miner(terran, TS)
- 对2G以上内存的兼容性更好了
- 宇宙中新增一个飘忽不定的Yaki造船厂
- 添加工厂: Keris Production Complex
- Advanced Drone Factories 对玩家开放了(1.4里你是卖不到fighter drone mk2的, 因为没工厂)
- 添加工厂: Advanced Drone Factories and Drone Production Complexes
- 添加工厂: New Experimental Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon Factory
- Drone Production Complexes 更名为 Drone Factories
- 在船厂买工厂的时候, 可以看到工厂的详细信息 (像出产物是什么, 主要/次要资源是什么)
- 在你被OTAS正式雇佣后, OTAS Sirokos可以在相应的公司船厂里买到
- 在有奖励的战斗任务(巡逻, 防卫空间站)中, 玩家麾下的船杀敌也算做1个kill
- 建设空间站的任务的报酬重新平衡
- Destory convoy(摧毁运输队?)任务的几率增加
Bug 修复:
- 修复了Find Headquarters(寻找总部)的任务
- 修复了 Strong Arm Corporation 任务奖励
- 移除了 return ship 任务中舰船的基地
- 削弱了 Boreas laser generator
- HUB gate exploit fixed
- Wing jumpdrive exploit fixed
- Hired TLs can bypass notoriety checks
- 重新平衡Mobile mining(远程采矿) 的效率
- 改进登陆时飞船接近目标的方式
- 修正了星际贸易等脚本的一些错误
- 调整财产菜单过滤器设置
- Captured ships now removed from sector patrols
- Boarded patrol ships now removed from previous races fleet
- Stationary ships owned by Orbital Weapon Platforms re-activated
- 被摧毁的一些空间站, 包括Terran空间站,会被重新建造
- 改进部分座舱和炮塔镜头位置
- Towed ship now follow lead ship through gates
- Occasional crash when traveling though gate fixed
- Ships moved to huge distanced from the HUB fixed
Download Link: 点这里下载 大小:133MB |