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本帖最后由 ddr711 于 2009-5-18 21:22 编辑
星战mod官方地址 http://sins.imperial.cc/
Star Wars - Requiem is a mod for Sins of a Solar Empire + Entrenchment that brings the following:
2 new race; Alliance and Empire
4 new strike craft; TIE Fighters, TIE Bombers, X-Wing and B-wings.
7 new frigates; Nebulon B, Nebulon B2, Lancer Frigate, Tartan Patrol Craft, Carrack Gunship, Corellion Gunships, Corellion Corvettes, Siege Frigate Mk II, MC30b series and Galofree Transports
8 new cruisers, Interdictor, Enforcer, Escort Carrier, Loronar Strike cruiser, MC40a light carriers, Nebulon B escorts, Bulk cruisers, Assault Frigate Mk I and Dreadnaughts
8 new capital ships; Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Victory IIC-class carrier Star Destroyer, Imperator-class Star Destroyer, Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, Mon Calamari 80 and 80a, Mon Calamari Maria and Libery class
3 new weapons; concussion missles, proton torpedos and ion cannons (ok mostly the effects for now!)
50 new ship names with Imperial star destroyer names (also used by Vasari race)
5 new music themes consisting of ambient and battle soundtracks
a modified Alliance and Imperial research tree, with unique abilities (Interdiction, Tractor Beam, Shield Focus. Boarding Party)
Star Wars EU immersion through appropriate ship use, laser color replacement for all ships and text descriptions updated
-> You MUST have Sins v1.16 and Entrenchment v1.02 installed. If you don't have these you need to upgrade and/or install them both.
Requiem v2.1 full release (requires Sins v1.16 and Entrenchment v1.02)
Download links:
http://sins.imperial.cc/files/Requiem_v2.1.zip (60Mb) - - 下载地址。。
This version will work with your existing v2.0 Requiem save games
Copy this full release ZIP to your Mods-Entrenchment v1.02 folder
Before extracting this ZIP file you can delete any existing Requiem directories in your mod folder.
UnZIP it there.
You can verify the installation by checking your checksum has been updated to 18879414.

PS: 官网http://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/downloads.aspx有新地图编辑器下载 支持原版1.15 壕沟1.01 http://stardock.cachefly.net/GalaxyForge3.rar |