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[灌水] 你認為甚麼武器最不可思義?

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发表于 2009-7-30 21:41:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 kanhf0514 于 2010-5-11 22:16 编辑

不談實用性,實用性看數據就可以。要真正享受遊戲,不如從科學角度來看TC裏的武器,你認為哪幾種武器的原理是最不可思義? (可能科學上最不可能達到的?)

Impulse Ray Emitter: 就是普通能量衝擊砲啦~
The Impulse Ray Emitter is one of the oldest energy based weapons around. They require not much power to fire, and they usually have quite a rapid fire rate.

Particle Accelerator Cannon: 可將粒子加速得快過大多數的飛船,然後將粒子極化並集中成一團密集的能量。(0.2秒射一發的PAC原來發射前要做到這麼多東西)
The Particles are accelerated to a speed faster than nearly most currently known spacecraft. When they are then polarised and focused into a tight energy pulse.

Mass Driver: 實彈軌道砲,還可穿透護盾,個個都明白吧~
It consists of a rapid feed multi barrelled cannon, which is capable of delivering a large number of small projectiles to its target in a short period of time.

Phased Repeater Gun: 每次高速發射三發能量,為何只可以是3呢???
The Phased Repeater Gun fires in quick bursts of 3 rounds and is ideal for taking out fast and hard-to-hit enemy fighters.

Energy Bolt Chaingun: 發射一團團儲存在彈藥的能量的一種武器
It fires "bolts" of stored energy designed to damage enemy ships as effectively as any energy or plasma based weapon. This weapon requires special ammunition.

Fragmentation Bomb Launcher: 會發射不穩定的能量射彈,然後一定距離後就爆成幾團能量碎片。
The Fragmentation Bomb Launcher releases an unstable projectile that, after reaching a certain range from the firing ship, explodes into multiple fragments that impact any nearby ships.

High Energy Plasma Thrower: 就是高能量等離子砲,輻射還危險得要加過濾器。 (等離子?家裏電視機用的那種?)
The radiation is so dangerous that the weapon had to go through many years of research and development until it could be placed on the market. This was worked around by adding a radiation sink into the weapon's main design. Purging the weapon of all excess radiation between shots.

Ion Disruptor: 這武器會穩定地發射離子束到目標上,然後離子束被燃著。(離子就是多/少了電子的粒子)
This weapon fires a steady stream of ion particles in the direction of a ship. Then the stream is ignited.

Pulsed Beam Emitter: 高科技產物!!!會高速地發射帶有經改良(??)的能量的光束~
Pulsed Beam Emitter is a high-tech weapon that uses directed beams of rapidly fired enhanced energy to produce a weapon of devastating firepower.

Plasma Burst Generator: 跟引擎有幾分相似,發射一大團等離子能量,然後很快就消散~
Borrowing heavily from fighter engine designs, they essentially spew out a large, fiery stream of plasma, which then rapidly dissipates into space.

Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon: 是地球上很先進的武器,其實跟HEPT的原理差不多,只是不用裝過濾器,以及會用強力電磁場來推動等離子團。(所以子彈速由431m/s加到588m/s???)
It uses powerful EM field generators to propel concentrated plasma bolts at enemies.

Concussion Impulse Generator: 這武器會在次太空(?)制造一些波浪(??),這些強大的能量可移動物件,及傷害飛船。
The Concussion Impulse Generator uses advanced technology to create powerful ripples in subspace. These bursts are strong enough to physically move objects and the high energy levels can drain shielding and cause moderate structural damage.

Ion Pulse Generator: 這武器會發射一團激烈的離子團,還會影響目標引擎!!!
In addition to being effective against shields, the Ion Pulse Generator's projectiles give a violent ion burst on reaching maximum range. This can have an effect on ship engines, often causing a reduction in speed.

Ion Shard Railgun: 發射極化的超高溫等離子團,這些等離子團還會被磁石加速~ (像磁浮列車?)
The Ion Shard Railgun fires ionised 'shards' of super-heated plasma, which are then accelerated to high speed using magnets.

Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher: 這會發射一些子彈,子彈內小量的反物質會懸浮在能量場內,當能量場破裂,反物質便跟物質結合,並產生爆炸。
The Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher fires a bomb-like projectile which contains a small amount of anti-matter suspended in an energy field. When the energy field is disrupted by impact or fails after a period of time, the anti-matter mixes with surrounding matter, resulting in a large explosion.

Flak: 就是防空砲,會發射能量,這些能量在一段時間後就爆炸了。
The Flak Artillery Array fires bursts of energy into space that then explode after a certain duration/
Cluster Flak Array uses a deadly cluster munition, which explodes at its maximum range into multiple smaller projectiles

Phased Array Laser Cannon: 這擁有一個可高速反應的鏡子列陣,可快速地將能量集中成有結合力的鐳射束 (好像家園裏也有個Phased Cannon Array(相位砲列陣), 不過跟這好像有很大分別)
The Phased Array Laser Cannon uses an array o[文明用语]ly-positionable mirrors to rapidly concentrate energy into a cohesive laser beam.

Phased Shockwave Generator: 這會射出一個經壓縮的能量包,然後反應及膨脹,制造出震動波。
The PSG works by sending out a compressed package, which reacts and expands, creating shockwaves of phased energy.

Starburst Shockwave Cannon: 跟這能量武器比較,一般防空砲是較基本的。這會射出一些射彈,在最大距離時放出強勁的能量波。(好像跟flak沒有太大分別)
The Starburst Shockwave Cannon is an advanced, energy-based version of the rather basic flak weapons used by other races. A projectile is fired outwards and once it reaches its maximum range, it activates and sends powerful energy waves outwards, damaging any nearby ships.

Photon Pulse Cannon:  這武器會使用一系列的線圈來增加已極化的光子輻射的能量
Photon Pulse Cannon works by sending highly charged photon radiation through a series of coils, that multiplies the charge, creating a very deadly pulse of radiation.

Ion Cannon: 大量的離子能量被集中成一團能量!!!
A huge amount of ion energy is concentrated into a single projectile and can disrupt a target ship's systems, such as engines and weapons, in addition to causing a large reduction in shield energy.

Gauss Cannon: 這是高斯砲,使用磁力線圈將被極化的金屬塊加速。
The Gauss Cannon uses magnetic coils to accelerate large ionised metallic slugs that, while too big to pass through them, will disrupt enemy shields.

Incendiary Bomb Launcher: 這武器製造一大團燃燒中的等離子球。
The Incendiary Bomb Launcher essentially produces a large ball of fiery plasma, which it then hurls at the target.

Point Singularity Projector: 這武器製造出微型黑洞,再用極大量能量將它加速,這些黑洞崩潰就會放出大量能量。
The Point Singularity Projector essentially generates a tiny 'jump event' and using a tremendous amount of energy, accelerates it away. The singularity eventually destabilises, collapses and releases a tremendous amount of energy expanding rapidly outwards, causing massive damage to any nearby ships or stations.

Plasma Beam Cannon: 跟HEPT差不多(至少都是綠色),只是這些等離子被加強,不再一團團,而是變成一條條光束。
Originally the beam weapon used in lasertowers, the Plasma Beam Cannon has now been strengthened and adapted to be mounted on capital ships. While still not as powerful as the heaviest projectile weapons, it fires at the speed of light and thus provides advantages in accuracy and first-strike capabilities.

Tri-Beam Cannon: 一條能量光速不夠嗎?那用三條光束合在一起吧! (不過遊戲裏好像看不出有三條)
Faced with the growing difficulty in increasing the lethality of beam weapons, the Paranid developed the Tri-Beam Laser Cannon, which combines three smaller beam weapons into a single larger, deadlier one.

Fusion Beam Cannon:  這些高能光速能將目標物質加熱到融合點,放出融合反應的能量。
The Fusion Beam Cannon is able to take advantage of the enormously powerful generators on Terran capital ships. The beam has been known to super-heat target materials to the point of fusion, releasing all the energy associated with that process to cause wider damage.

Kyon Emitter是外星武器,不作討論
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参与人数 2UCC +1 好评 +1 收起 理由
k3355777 + 1 挖坟党自重啊 自重 还没沉 真操蛋.
梦仙MX1324 + 1 刚转到TC,对新武器还不大了解。 ...


发表于 2009-7-31 00:17:21 | 显示全部楼层
沙发好贴先收藏了  顺便问下海盗的M3装的会喷火的是什么玩意 感觉比较变态

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-31 00:24:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-31 09:07:48 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-7-31 12:06:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-31 20:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-31 20:44:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shdow 于 2009-7-31 20:48 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-31 22:32:43 | 显示全部楼层
沙发好贴先收藏了  顺便问下海盗的M3装的会喷火的是什么玩意 感觉比较变态
disaster0371 发表于 31-7-2009 12:17 AM

那個就是Plasma Burst Generator

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-31 22:34:18 | 显示全部楼层
我就是奇怪粒子武器为什么都是一坨一坨发射出去的,如果没有场力作用,那么高能粒子会扩散开来就像那个喷火器的效果,如果有场力作用,那么就应该是光束状发射了,把它们挤成团再让它们向前飞,这个是吃力不讨好的设 ...
shdow 发表于 31-7-2009 08:44 PM


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发表于 2009-9-23 15:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

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