Plugin Details
BBS Offers to sell ship blueprints to your HQ.
Date - 26/12/07
Author - LV
Compatibility - Should work with all mods and scripts Needs the new 2.5 patch
Players who's Trade or Fight ranks are too low will only see the following message.
Until your ranks are deemed "Acceptable" you will not recieve any offers.
Once your ranks are high enough when docked at NPC stations you will be offered to choose from different ship classes
Once you have decided to choose your class you will then be hailed, if the shipclass is available it will be offered to your for the specified credits and if that ship is not available you will be offered an alternative ship which your HQ does not have the blueprints for.
If you do not have enough cash then the deal is terminated.
If you have enough money
Once the transaction is complete the blueprints are added to your HQ.
You should also keep your eye on Pirate bases as they may offer ship blueprints for ships normally not available.
Pirate Base会有一些平常买不到的图纸,多去看看
If your HQ blueprint list is full or no class of ship can be found you will be offered the blueprints for either a Fighter Drone or Adv Spacesuit by default.
Remove BluePrints From HQ Hotkey
On installation a new hotkey "Remove Blueprints" will be added to your controls. When you target any ship which your HQ has blueprints for and run the hotkey you will be hailed asking if you want to remove the BP. If you confirm the ship will be removed from your blueprints list in your HQ.
Just turn the Add blueprints option in your AL Plugin Interface to Off from On
once the "Remove Blueprints" hotkey dissapears from your list of hotkeys you can remove the script files usings Cycrows Installer.
在AL菜单里把它关闭后再用Plugin Manager卸载
Trouble Shooting
Q: I don't see any offers
A: Either you have not installed the script correctly or you don't have a HQ.
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