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本帖最后由 1qwer 于 2011-11-4 09:09 编辑
星际之剑 2 全版本通用万能存档修改器 Sword of the Stars II Save Editor !!
http://www.kerberos-productions. ... ic.php?f=50&t=22371
Game Save
Information on the game saves for Sword of the Stars 2. For more information on modding the game, please see the Modding page.
Location You can find the game saves at "C:\Users\<USERNAME HERE>\Saved Games\Sword of the Stars II\Saved Games" on your hard disk.
Where you see "<USERNAME HERE>" you should replace with the system login name that you play the game under.
Format The save files are in SQLite 3 format. Unencrypted. So you can download something like SQLite Admin or SQLite Browserand can edit the raw data like that.
What to edit You can change everything actually. But some things are easier then others, and you need to understand sql somewhat.
If you use SQLite Admin, you must remember that all changes you make are saved immediately, this is a database after all.
Tables players This houses basic player information, such as name, id, and savings (and many other things!)
strat_modifiers Contains very useful game modifiers, you must keep in mind your player_id (from players table) before making any edits however.
planets Everything you can do with a planet is here almost. You will want the orbital_object_id from colonies table.
colonies A lot of colony information obviously, but in the long run far less useful then the planets table.
provinces The name and id's of provinces, including who owns them.
star_systems You can edit a star systems province_id, name, and other information here. Useful if you want to get around the province creation bug. Keep in mind however it does not check distance/location or who has a colony in that system. (might break things if you mess up)
player_techs This table is actually pretty complex, but the basics are obvious.
tech_idThe id of the technology, the name which you can find in the techs table.
You can run the following query to get better idea of what does what. Change the last number to your player_id.
SELECT id_from_file, tech_id, state, progress, research_cost, feasibility, player_feasibility FROM player_techs INNER JOIN techs ON techs.id=player_techs.tech_id WHERE player_id=1
stateThe state of the research on the technology.
If you intend to make a technology feasible but not researched, you have to both change the player_feasibility to something reasonable and the state to 3, not 2 or 4.
ID | Meaning | 0 | Researchable (chance of failure not shown!) | 1 | Feasibility Untested | 2 | Low Feasibility | 3 | Feasible | 4 | Feasibility: Pending | 5 | Currently being researched? | 6 | Research Complete | 7 | Unresearched | You may use the following Query to set these untested to very researchable (99%). Change the last number to your player_id.UPDATE player_techs SET state=3,player_feasibility=0.99 WHERE state=1 AND player_id=1
This will change ones with low feasibility to high feasibility. Change the last number to your player_id.UPDATE player_techs SET state=3,player_feasibility=0.99 WHERE state=2 AND player_id=1
progressThe amount of research that has been done on it. Not entirely important as the state can mark it as done. Progress will usually be close to research_cost for finished techs. Except for ones you got free at the start of game (which will be 100).
research_costThe amount in research it costs to research it.
feasibilityThe base feasibility of the technology
player_feasibilityThe feasibility of you researching it. Keep in mind this can be higher then the base feasibility.
Category: Gameplay
因星际之剑 2的存档属于 SQLite 格式,
星际之剑 2 存檔目錄:
C:\Users\<USERNAME HERE>\Saved Games\Sword of the Stars II\Saved Games
选 Browse Data, Table: 选 players,
在项目 id 1中, 更改 savings 数值。
选 Browse Data, Table: 选 player_techs, 所有
player_id为 1 的项目,改 state 的数值为 6。
有些科技的 tech_id数值可能并无在此列出,
可到 Table: techs 查看其数值然后把它加入。
请自行查阅 planets探索修改。
以下提供两款 SQLite 编辑工具:
SQLite Database Browser
下载:SQLite Database Browser Version 2.0b1
档案名称 | 下载地址 | SHA1值 | 档案大小 |
| SQLite Database Browser Version 2.0b1.rar
| | B5B012E45DA7061FBAB1E61D1F394213FBF12CB7 | 5,761,001 | kb |

SQLite Expert Professional
下载:SQLite Expert Professional .v3.3.40
p.s.将 patch 放在安装目录进行 patch。
档案名称 | 下载地址 | SHA1值 | 档案大小 |
| SQLite.Expert.Professional.v3.3.40.2189.rar
| | FD0D24E8BDB96557DD9AE39C5CC0901219EF3993 | 28,561,710 | kb |

档案名称 | 下载地址 | SHA1值 | 档案大小 | | Sots2 editor jpg.rar | http://115.com/file/e6dm8h3u# | F06923BFF2A7C3A9409C8E3BFD11F86555C6B44F | 3,265,468 | kb |
