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[分享] 为二代造势 新六大派系英文简介及名称翻译讨论

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发表于 2011-10-8 19:09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
简介内容来自国外网站http://sots2.rorschach.net/   两次没过CET4的本人表示翻译压力巨大 本来想先机翻后润色的 但机翻根本没法看 翻译的计划只好作罢。。。所以只能当个搬运工 十分抱歉。。。。。。

二代中的六大派系与一代稍有不同 最大的区别来自Zuul的分裂 一派加入Liir 一派效忠Suul`ka 所以二代中是七大种族、六大派系 下面进入正题


Sol Force is an administrative body which extends its canopy over an extended empire of Human-dominated systems and worlds. It is divided into several different branches of service, and controls a huge range of military, scientific and civil affairs.

The largest divisions of the organization are its Civil Service Corps, Diplomatic Corps, Research and Development Corps, Intelligence Corps, and Military Corps. The military arm of Sol Force is further divided into Vacuum Forces and Ground Forces, which provide protection, support and labour to all other branches when necessary.

Citizens of Sol Force and the “Human” empire do not have to be Human beings. Civilians of many other races can co-exist with Humans and live peaceful lives on Human-controlled worlds, so long as they can tolerate terraforming which favours Human biology. However, the “Imperial Population” of the Human empire—the men and women who man the fleets and hold important posts in Sol Force and its territories—are all Human beings. Non-Human applicants are not permitted to join Sol Force itself.

The official motto of Sol Force is “Per Ardua Ad Astra”, “Through Hardship, the Stars”. The unofficial motto of Humans in space is “Repensum est Canicula”: “Payback is a Bitch”.

The leader of Sol Force is known as the Director. When you play Sword of the Stars 2 as "Humans", you will assume this role.

Hiver Imperium

The Hiver Imperium is the extended domain occupied by the Hiver species and ruled by its absolute monarch, the Hiver Queen. The Queen commands the loyalty and directs the resources and military assets of a large empire of Hiver-dominated systems, planets and stations. Her Ministers of state, Admirals and Governors may come from many clans, but all of them ultimately bow to Her authority.

Like any empire, the Queen is served by a large bureaucracy which attends to civilian, diplomatic, scientific, and military affairs. There is some overlap between science and religion within the Hiver Imperium, however, especially at the highest levels of Gate research.

Citizens of the Hiver Imperium do not have to be Hivers, and the Queen may allow civilians of other races to live alongside Her people if they are able to endure the preferred climate and atmosphere of the Hiver species. Non-Hivers are not permitted to serve in any post of real political or military importance, however, and do not have equal rights to Hivers in any social context.

When you play Sword of the Stars 2 as "Hivers", you will assume the responsibilities of the Queen. Your Ministers and Admirals will address you properly by one of your titles: "Greatmother", "Majesty", or "my Queen".

In battle, you will be addressed as a Hiver admiral or the captain of a vessel. "Brother" or "My Prince" are common forms of address.

Tarkasian Empire

The Tarkasian Empire is a playable Faction dominated by the culture and technology of the Tarka race. Although citizens of the Empire do not have to be Tarkas, only Tarkas are permitted to hold political office and only Tarkas may become members of the military clans.

The leader of the Tarkasian Empire is a benign dictator known as the Supreme Commander. The Supreme is the leader of the military clans and receives fealty and obedience from the ancient ruling caste of the Tarka race, the Kona, also known as the Nine Emperors.

When you play Sword of the Stars 2 as the Tarkas, you will assume the role of the Supreme Commander. Your Admirals, Ministers and advisers will address you by your titles: "Supreme", "Supreme Commander", or Var Kona, "Father of Emperors". In battle, your commanders will also be addressed as superiors. The men and women under your command will call you kaan dai, "master of the field", or more informally daiko, "boss".

The Supreme Commander is the leader of the Tarka military clans. He rules by superior intellect, strategic and tactical acumen, leadership ability, charisma, and sheer dumb luck. To understand how such a person rises to the top in each generation, a Human might well ask how a Julius Caesar, an Alexander, or a Napoleon comes to exist among Humans: then imagine that the position those men occupied was traditional rather than self-created.

The Supreme Commander has been the absolute ruler of the Tarka race for many centuries. The military clans in Tarka society are typically the most powerful and influential branch of the Urdu caste, the middle class of the Tarka people. After the Industrial Revolution, the numbers, financial wherewithal and political power of the Urdu caste had grown to far outstrip that of the Nine Emperors, the traditional Tarka elite. It was only at the dawn of the First Tarkasian Space Age, however, that the Kona clans finally bowed and pledged fealty to the first Supreme.

Like any leader of a great Empire, the Supreme relies upon Ministers to handle many affairs of the state. He employs a Dai Taru, a Master of Admirals, who serves as his proxy in the design and building of ships and Naval Stations. The Master of Scientists, the Dai Nuruku, is responsible for imperial Research and Development, and takes responsibility for the science stations built by the Supreme. The Dai Kegenu, or Master of Listeners, is the empire's leading spy. Colonial administration and Civilian stations are managed by the Dai Na'an, the Master of Sustenance. Diplomatic affairs are in the hands of the Dai Radu, the Master of Aliens.


Morrigi Confederation

The Morrigi Confederation is a Faction consisting of the ancient Morrigi tribes and a coalition of Independent Worlds, who have joined together for mutual defense and mutual gain. The Morrigi dominate this Faction technologically and politically, providing military protection and technological benefits in exchange for their taxes and trade.

Unlike many other Factions, the Morrigi do allow members of other species to become full citizens and to serve in their military. Morrigi fleets can thus be commanded by Admirals from any alien species which has joined the Confederation, including Humans, Hivers, Tarka, Liir and Zuul.

The leader of the Morrigi Confederation is also the ancient leader of the Morrigi star-faring tribes, their Morru Khan. This title translates from the Morrigi language as "First Among Travelers". Other titles by which the Morru Khan is known include "the Dragon", "the Dragon with a Thousand Wings", "Dread Lord", and "Lord of Travelers". When you play the game as the Morrigi Confederation, you will assume this role.

Rather than try to evict the new tenants of the galaxy, the Morrigi have appointed themselves to serve and protect all of the people of any race who would otherwise be unable to defend themselves and remain free.

Liir - Prester Zuul Alliance

Some members of the Zuul race have begun to see things differently. Led by a single Zuul known as the Deacon, these rebellious Zuul have rejected the divinity of the Suul'ka and adopted a new way of life. Instead of serving the Suul'ka, they have joined with the Liir to form a new faction called the Liir-Zuul Alliance.

With the identity of the Suul'ka confirmed as renegade Liir Great Elders, it seems as if the Prester Zuul have never-the-less allied with the race that created them. Not He Who Shapes but his descendants fighting for their own survival.

Suul'ka Horde

The Suul’ka Horde is a new faction which consists of the Zuul race and their ancient masters, the Suul’ka. The agenda of the Horde is relatively simple. The Suul’ka consider themselves superior to all other forms of life, and the Zuul agree with this sentiment. Their goal is to force all other forms of life in the universe to submit, be destroyed, or both.

Which of the two races dominates this faction is difficult to say. Zuul are extremely plentiful, have an established hierarchy and technology base, and a leader known as Greatfather. The minions of Greatfather fulfill many roles, and will always call him by a term of respect. “Lord”, “Dominus” (“Master”) and “Greatfather” are all common. For the most part, when you play the game as the Horde, you will assume the role and perform the daily tasks of Greatfather.

If the Player chooses to be particularly devout and respectful to those greater than himself, it is possible for Greatfather to attract the attention of the gods. By building the highest level of Tribute Station, the Horde player can summon a Suul’ka to join the Empire. Once this is accomplished, the Horde player has access to tremendous power, as the Suul’ka are quite willing to cooperate in any venture which is likely to destroy what they fear, hate, or consider beneath themselves. All life in the galaxy falls into one or more of these three categories.There are only seven Suul'ka available to be summoned and they arrive first come, first serve.

以上就是全部简介 如果谁有能力而且愿意的话可以翻译一下 下面我想发起一个讨论:新六大派系的名称该如何翻译?欢迎大家讨论 我先说一下我的想法:

SolForce:人族 上来就是一个最难翻译的 我个人认为翻译成“星际勇士”比较好(实在想不出别的翻译) 星际勇士 驾驶星际之剑 大家一起Waaaagh!!(自重,自重。。。)

Hiver Imperium:虫族 “希沃王国”可能好一点 Imperium不太好翻译

Tarkasian Empire:猴子 “塔卡帝国” “塔克斯帝国” “塔卡人帝国” 怎么翻译都行 猴子的这东西还是很好翻译的

Morrigi Confederation:鸟族 “摩瑞基联邦” 这个也没什么大问题 Confederation这个词我意译了一下 毕竟下面有一个真正的同盟

Liir - Prester Zuul Alliance:正义的海豚与野狼。。。“莱尔-祖鲁联盟”是没什么问题了 不过有人可以告诉我Prester怎么翻译么

Suul'ka Horde:邪恶的海豚与野狼。。。这个是二代的重点 关于翻译我想了很久 翻译成“苏尔卡部落”总觉得有点不妥 都太空时代了 还部落。。。想来想去 “苏尔卡氏族”不知道行不行 至少比部落好一点吧。。。

完毕 欢迎大家讨论。。。本人不属于汉化组 但希望这点东西多少能提供点帮助


参与人数 1UCC +6 收起 理由
davidhawk + 6 搬运工


发表于 2011-10-8 19:33:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 dc730 于 2011-10-8 19:35 编辑

苏卡尔部族如何 = =


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-8 19:42:04 | 显示全部楼层
Force 一般按惯例翻成 “ XX方面军” , 这里怎么翻有劳LZ 了…… = =

Imperium 其实也是帝国的意思, 指权利特别集中的独裁帝国

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-8 21:11:07 | 显示全部楼层
sol 指的是太阳系,文中强烈表示社会结构军事化,按楼上说的,翻成 太阳系军 也很贴切

prester 是长老的意思

horde 翻译成“部落”没什么不好的,因为文中Zuul 整个社会结构就是部落制,但不是氏族制

另外,觉得Hiver 还是意译较好

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-8 23:40:51 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-9 12:05:46 | 显示全部楼层
sol 就音译罢 - -

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-9 17:41:42 | 显示全部楼层
Prester = 受洗礼

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-10 08:24:28 | 显示全部楼层
waaaghmasta 发表于 2011-10-9 17:41
Prester = 受洗礼


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-10 10:17:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-10 10:25:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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