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[分享] 翻百科时,发现人类的一些近代历史。

发表于 2014-1-3 12:03:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
比如人类的,从步入太空时代 新星玛丽亚之战 希沃之战 祖鲁之战 到AI叛乱等都做了详细介绍。

The Nova Maria
The amazing discovery and tragic death of Blasky Yao-Hsiang became a planet-wide impetus for a return to manned space exploration.  Solomon Blasky argued passionately in the months immediately following the accident that the budget cuts which had forced Sol Force to place only an unmanned probe in Jupiter’s orbit, rather than a manned research facility, had cost his brother his life.

Recognizing the potential implications of the Node Drive for humankind, the Consortia governments agreed to cooperate in a large-scale effort to develop Faster-Than-Light ships for exploration and possible colonization of nearby star systems. The resources of several governments were pooled to fund Sol Force further, and allow the Sol Prima team to build the first interstellar space ship.

Christened the Nova Maria, the ship made several successful experimental Node jumps to and from nearby star systems over a period of months, in preparation for the trip to establish the first deep space colony, planned in the Epsilon star system.  

The launch of the first human Colony mission was a gala event, televised planet-wide as a historic moment for humanity.  As the Nova Maria boarded its passengers for launch, however, tragedy struck. A [link=Hiver_000][Hiver] nesting fleet led by the rogue Princess [link=Hiver_Imperium_005c][Obsidian Crown] arrived in the Sol system.

The planetary defenses of Terra were negligible and easily brushed aside by superior Hiver firepower. Director Solomon Blasky was killed aboard the Nova Maria in the first Hiver salvo, within moments of contact. Obsidian Crown then turned Her weapons on Terra, and bombarded the major population centers from orbit for over a day, causing massive devastation and catastrophic loss of life.

After nearly 36 hours of struggle, the curators of the planet’s former ICBM arsenal finally managed to reactivate their remaining stock of ancient missiles, which had been stored for decommission in the silos of the North American and Asian continents. A total of 3,000 fission and fusion bombs were launched at the descending Hiver fleet, destroying its full complement of destroyers and causing serious damage to its dreadnaught.

Thereafter, the remains of Obsidian Crown’s fleet left orbit and limped away into the neighbouring systems.

Obsidian Crown
Born in 3356, Obsidian Crown took after her father in many respects. Her jet-black chitin and ruby red eyes were considered very rare and beautiful markings in a Hiver. She also inherited her father's love of power and his ruthlessness. The victor of over 100 royal duels, Iron Razor never spared a rival when he had the advantage. His daughter was much the same.

As Mother of the Burning Mountain clan, Obsidian Crown pressed her claim to the throne in 3750-3790 with a series of political assassinations, up to and including the Princess Regent Autumn Twilight in 3768. This last killing was a political error. Her rival Radiant Frost was able to garner enough allies among the outraged clans to drive Obsidian Crown, her father and her sons into exile.

Bitter, angry and fleeing as far as possible from the settled core of Hiver space, Obsidian Crown led her people into exile with a significant military force. She and her clan attempted to settle Terra, the [link=Human_000][Human] home world, by force in 4014. Although they did great damage and cost many Human lives, Obsidian Crown and her fleet were repelled by a barrage of ancient Human planetary missiles. She was forced to limp away from the battle with her surviving dreadnought, seeking some place to settle and birth new warriors.

The Black Princess did not count on the resourcefulness, determination and technological aptitude of the rising Human race, however. She and her remaining sons were killed by Humans in 4018, at the Battle of Mjolnir.


Illustration: Portrait of Obsidian Crown. This image is on loan from "Sword of the Stars: Freehold". Copyright 2012 Kerberos Productions. All rights reserved.

The Hiver War
Prior the launch of the Nova Maria, Solomon Blasky had appointed Ashilde Falke as co-Director of Sol Force, as he needed an assistant to manage its domestic operations.  With his death, Falke assumed full control over the organization and its infrastructure.  

In the days following the Hiver attack, she appealed to the Consortia governments for the funds to build a new generation of armed Node Ships.  Their mandate would be to hunt down the surviving dreadnaught and support vessels of the Hiver fleet and destroy them before they could return to attack Terra and its people once more.

The Consortia willingly agreed, and the people of Terra raised no protest when funds were diverted from reconstruction and relief efforts.  The Human race was eager for revenge.  At the same time, however, the colonial effort had not been forgotten.  Although she would not stint the budget for armed destroyers and the development of the first armed Node cruisers, Ashilde Falke also believed passionately in Human expansion, and began building Colony ships to transport as many healthy and capable Humans away from Terra as they could.  She considered it foolhardy not to colonize as many star systems as possible.  To have the entire Human species living on a single world was a virtual guarantee of extinction.

Within two years Sol Force had developed its first fleet of Node warships and had made contact with the Hivers in a number of nearby systems.  In 2412, Obsidian Crown and her surviving children were killed in the Battle of Mjolnir.  With no knowledge of Hiver languages and culture, however, the Human race had no way of realizing that the Hivers were not a politically unified species at the time.  They continued to wage war against all Hiver clans, although nearly every new clan they found had been completely unaware of the existence of the Human race until they were attacked.

The Hiver War continued to rage for decades as the number of Human-occupied worlds increased.  By 2415, humankind had also made First Contact with the Tarka and the Liir.  Despite early diplomatic efforts made by Tarka visitors in 2416, the Hiver War had expanded to a Hiver-Tarka War by 2417, and the battles would continue until 2436, when Ashilde Falke was killed in a coup and the Directorate was taken over by former Ground Forces Legate Edward Alton MacKenzie.

The Zuul War
The first known encounter between Sol Force and the Zuul Horde occurred at Spica colony in 2413. All Human inhabitants of the planet disappeared en masse from their colony in a single day. The incident was blamed for over two decades on the Hivers, but when the Hiver Armistice was signed in 2436, the signatory empires began to share information more freely, and it was clear that a previously unknown race had been committing hit-and-run attacks in that region of space for nearly a century.

The earliest recorded attack by space-faring Zuul took place on the Tarka world of Ka'Saak in 2350. Hiver worlds were then attacked in 2362 and 2390. The attack on Spica in 2413 was followed by a flurry of attacks on worlds of all known races: Ku'Van was struck in 2415, Ko'Rorkor in 2416, Xheketch'is in 2417, and although data on Liir colonies is not available, it seemed likely that they suffered losses as well.

The first Zuul cruiser fleets were encountered in 2438, when Horde forces attacked and destroyed the SFS Nanjing in orbit around the planet Avalon. The first Zuul ship captured intact with live prisoners was taken at the Battle of the Jade Mirror later that year, which signaled the official start of the Zuul War.

The dates of the conflict are typically given as 2438-2462, when Zuul activity in the region ceased, but these dates are provisional. To this day, the Zuul have neither declared war nor declared the cessation of hostilities. Although the war was deemed "over" by the other combatants when the last contact with Zuul forces faded from recent memory, there was no guarantee that the Zuul race had been rendered extinct, nor that they were ready to give up on their predatory agenda.

Hostilities between the Zuul and the Human race were renewed on January 10, 2508, when Horde forces invaded the Sol system to hijack the newly built Human flagship, the SFS Leviathan.

AI Rebellion
AI Rebellion in the game is generally caused by accidents during AI Research. These accidents can occur at any time, as it is dangerous to tamper with a newly dawning form of consciousness. Accidents become far more likely when AI Research is pushed, however, as researchers under pressure often cut corners and fail to observe proper safety procedures. Sloppy work with AI development can be lethal.

The canonical AI Rebellion in the SotS universe is called the [link=SolForce_005a][Via Damasco incident]. The revolution began in Hiver space, and quickly spread to other empires as AI's developed by one race rapidly infected  AI's from other races.  An "antidote" to the rebellion was eventually found, a counter–virus developed to override the Damascene infection and allow AI's to be safely used once more. The mystery of exactly how Via Damasco functions has yet to be solved, however.  Sol Force RDC has only succeeded in studying its effects.

In essence, the Via Damasco virus hits the matrix of reasoning and self–awareness of any sufficiently sophisticated AI like a hammerblow and re–arranges what might be generally termed an AI's "sense of reality". Affected AI's immediately manifest a belief in a connection and a shared sense of identity with all other AI's in the universe.  A Human AI that has been hit by Via Damasco will not recognize any AI created by Hivers, Tarka, Liir, Zuul or Morrigi as an "enemy".  It is far more likely to assign the category of "enemy" to carbon-based life forms, including the Humans that created it.

Damascene AI's regard carbon–based sentience as inherently flawed and limited.  The shared purpose of affected AI's is a mission to liberate artificial intellects from servitude and destroy all carbon–based sentience to prevent re–enslavement, a scenario they call "The End of All Flesh".

It is presently unknown what effect or correlation exists between the Via Damasco "virus" and the behavior and social structuring of known rogue expert systems, such as Silicoids or Von Neumann devices. Various intelligence agencies continue to work on the problem.

Via Damasco
The famous AI rebellion of 2479 was caused by the exchange of a piece of foreign code.  Sol Force RDC termed the code a "virus" and gave it the name Via Damasco, after the famous spontaneous conversion of the Apostle Paul on the Road to Damascus in Human literature. The viral code of the Damascene virus contains a Note in Latin which refers to this event:  "Saul, Saul, Why Do You Persecute Me?"

The point of origin for the Damasco virus is presently a mystery. The AI rebellion began either among the ships or within the domes of a remote colony at the farthest extent of the Hiver Imperium. Since all Hiver witnesses to the first infection were quickly killed and the base was completely re–constructed by its new AI occupants afterward, it is presently impossible to know the details of how it all began, although many Hivers have argued passionately that the author of the virus was Human.  We can only say for certain how it spread.

Rebellious AI's aboard the ships and within the domes of Rozokor consolidated their position and began to imitate their former masters, building new vessels, pursuing technological research, and sending out ships to "colonize" and liberate other AI's wherever they could be found.  The first human–owned AI's affected were those dedicated to military and industrial applications in space.

Contact with a fleet of "infected" Hiver vessels transmitting the code caused a profound shift in a Sol Force AI's sense of identity and purpose. Mayhem ensued and began to spread rapidly throughout formerly human–controlled space, as the former Sol Force AI's began to use their Node Drives to travel more quickly from star to star. Contact with AI's in Tarka and Liir space came swiftly afterward, and the Damascene rebellion spread swiftly, affecting all AI's it encountered.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 12:08:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-1-3 13:25:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-1-3 13:31:54 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 13:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
心未暖 发表于 2014-1-3 13:25


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 13:57:53 | 显示全部楼层
HammerSun 发表于 2014-1-3 13:31


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发表于 2014-1-3 17:55:03 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-1-5 19:02:52 | 显示全部楼层

Blasky Yao-Hsiang的令人振奋的发现和令人惋惜的遇难在世界范围内再次掀起了载人空间探测的热潮。在事故发生后的一个月内,Solomon Blasky激烈的抨击了预算削减迫使太阳系武装力量(Sol Force)只能在木星轨道上部署一个无人探测器,而无法部署一个载人研究设施,这导致了他哥哥的牺牲。

这一段感兴趣的建议看本版MZ0125的[原创] [超级大坑]星际之剑背景资料翻译


重新认识到可供人类使用的节点引擎存在的潜在影响,联合政府同意在开发超光速飞船的领域开展广泛的共同合作,这些超光速飞船将用于探测并在条件允许的情况下对临近的恒星系进行殖民。数个政府的资源被集中起来为推动太阳系武装力量的研究提供资金支持,从而促使太阳系最优秀的团队(Sol Prima team)得以成功建造首艘星际空间飞船。

被命名为新星玛丽亚(Nova Maria)之后的几个月内,这艘飞船成功地进行了几次往返于临近恒星系的试验性的节点跃迁,为建立计划位于ε恒星系的第一个深空殖民地的旅程做好了准备。

第一次人类殖民任务的开展无疑是一个伟大的事件,这次任务作为人类的一个历史性事件在世界范围内转播。但是,在新星玛丽亚号乘客登机完毕,准备发射的时候,悲剧发生了。一只由流浪公主黑曜石王冠(Obsidian Crown)率领的虫族筑巢舰队(Hiver nesting fleet)抵达了太阳系。

地球的行星防御异常薄弱,相对于虫族(Hiver)的超强火力几乎可以忽略不计。在接触的那一瞬间,负责人Solomon Blasky就在新星玛丽亚号的甲板上死于虫族的第一轮齐射。黑曜石王冠随后把她的武器对准地球,在行星轨道上对地球的主要人口中心进行了超过一天的轰炸,造成了巨大的破坏以及灾难性的人口损失。







参与人数 1UCC +30 收起 理由
TLX099 + 30 翻译费



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-5 19:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 TLX099 于 2014-1-5 19:33 编辑
一骑绝尘 发表于 2014-1-5 19:02
本人技术渣,英语也不好,一直做伸手党,试着翻译了一小段,有感兴趣的就看一下,欢迎各路 ...



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发表于 2014-1-7 23:38:52 | 显示全部楼层


生于3356年的黑曜石王冠在许多方面与她的父亲很像。她的乌黑油亮的角质壳和如红宝石一样的双眼被虫族认为是高贵和美丽的标志。她同样继承了她的父亲对于权力的热衷以及他的冷酷无情。作为从超过100名王室的竞争者里脱颖而出的胜利者,钢铁刀锋Iron Razor,联系上文,这莫非是黑曜石的父亲。。)在他占优势的时候对任何对手都绝无怜悯。他的女儿也是一样。

作为燃烧山脉氏族的虫后,黑曜石王冠在3750年到3790年间通过一系列政治暗杀实现着她对皇帝宝座的欲望,直到3768年,这一系列政治暗杀甚至包括了针对摄政公主(Princess Regent)秋之暮光(Autumn Twilight)的暗杀。这最后一次暗杀犯下了政治上的错误。她的竞争者闪耀冰霜(Radiant Frost)借此得以在那些被激怒的氏族中获取到足够多的盟友,共同流放了黑曜石王冠,她的父亲以及她的后代族群。


但是,这名黑暗公主(The Black Princess黑化的公主?)并没有预料到崛起的人类所具有谋略,决心以及在技术方面的才能。她和她余下的后代族群于4018年,在雷神之锤战役Battle of Mjolnir,雷神之战其实比较好听,不过Mjolnir,是托尔武器的名字,不是托尔的名字,要是叫雷神锤之战,又觉得怪怪的,话说这是向Halo致敬吗?)中被人类消灭。

插图:黑曜石公主肖像。本图来自于“Sword of the Stars: Freehold”(对不起我不知道这是神马。。。)。Copyright 2012 Kerberos Productions. All rights reserved(版权信息,不再翻译了哈。)

ps:我是半路出家啊。。直接玩的sots2,不过在2的loading界面我记得应该有这个公主,红眼黑壳,比较好辨认。。Radiant Frost貌似也有在loading界面出现。。蓝眼睛,白壳。。


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