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[公告] X-重生(X: Rebirth)1.30更新包正式发布(14号升级包,大更新)

发表于 2014-4-16 09:23:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  • 新功能:支持steam创意工坊(以后就可以通过Steam方便订阅,自动更新,管理MOD了)
  • 改进对摇杆和多种输入设备的支持
  • 改进采矿所有飞船的采矿行为
  • 改进贸易船的获利贸易行为,不会再空跑
  • 空间站扫描模式下不相关的物体不会再高亮显示
  • 改进进攻和闪避机动以及AI
  • 改进飞行、跟随和停靠时的寻路
  • 改进采集无人机在大型物体周围时的飞行行为
  • 改进舰船指挥层面的地图操作
  • 改进交易菜单,包括文本搜索、排序和颜色
  • 改进空间站周围车道上的小船的外观
  • 玩家可以打开10km外的玩家资产的通讯/信息交互界面了
  • 在德弗里斯添加新的飞船(new!)
  • 添加舰船和空间站维护相关的任务
  • 在空间站菜单里添加平台NPC列表(只有当玩家在同一区域时可用)
  • 在玩家资产菜单中添加更多信息和指挥层级
  • 在百科中添加有关可建造舰船/空间站的信息
  • 添加不显示鼠标跟随模式下的提示的选项
  • 修复丢失的管理员通讯选项
  • 修复某些情况下离开菜单时进入错误的鼠标跟随模式的问题
  • 修复另外几个错误或是不方便的菜单操作
  • 修复OOS时对特定资源采集的计算
  • 修复玩家问路时被指向船上或敌对空间站里的NPC
  • 修复建造完成后某些物件仍处于建造状态的问题(该问题仍存在于至少一种罕见的情况中)
  • 修复贸易任务在空间站库存满了的情况下无法完成的问题,尤其是主线任务中的食品贸易
  • 修复贸易船在交易订单列表后不停下当前交易的问题
  • 修复出售物品的贸易订单动用玩家小队中的船只的问题
  • 修复靠港中断后船只堵住停靠港的问题
  • 修复特定情况下错误的停靠图标
  • 修复平台上的防御官的技能无法解锁的问题
  • 修复库存总数的显示
  • 修复应该有指挥官的无人机出现在拥有的资产列表中的问题
  • 修复被摧毁的无人机在无人机没有从库存中删除的问题
  • 修复有菜单打开时离开高速后舰船的位置不正确的问题
  • 修复空间站创建超过其可承受数目的交易订单的问题
  • 修复建造和生产在模块被黑之后保持暂停的问题
  • 修复分配给空间站的船只被错误的分配到采矿工作中
  • 修复已过期的交易订单信息仍出现在事件监视器上的问题
  • 修复分配给玩家空间站的贸易船有时不更新距离的问题
  • 修复物品菜单在空间站交易订单关闭后不恢复的问题
  • 修复生产菜单信息不正确更新的问题
  • 修复在特定情况下显示的产品生产时间特别长的问题
  • 修复由于中间产品塞满库存导致生产停顿的问题
  • 修复几个寻路问题,应该能避免舰船穿过空间站
  • 修复装配无人机或弹药的舰船卡在船坞中的问题
  • 修复目标改变区域后跟随飞船可能卡住的问题(new!)
  • 修复抛出的集装箱相互卡住的问题(还是会偶尔出现)
  • 修复建筑师没有把库存的无人机添加给空间站就将它们摧毁的问题
  • 修复当空间站管理员或施工船的飞行员不在时停靠的船只的问题
  • 修复当原定的交易已不可行时贸易船仍花很长时间等待可停靠位的问题
  • 修正与其他玩家资产交易时的所需金额计算
  • 修复飞行员不出现在船只的停靠平台上的问题
  • 修复飞船默认去到一些相同坐标的问题(new!)
  • 修复中型船只的采矿
  • 修复对不能运输所采集矿物的船只的错误采矿命令
  • 修复资金只够支付打折的数目而不够支付总数的交易被屏蔽的问题
  • 修复已建成的船只在船坞的建造模块被摧毁随后又修复之后不离开船坞的问题
  • 修复另外一些舰船卡住或是该动的时候不动的情况
  • 修正宝石制造的燃料站的所有者
  • 修复中型采冰船使用错误的激光的问题
  • 修正游戏时间较长之后存档的时间数据的精度
  • 修复施工船飞到建造位置后自转的问题
  • 修复选中/进入/离开高速路时地图上的显示故障
  • 修复游戏时间较长之后高速路的动画问题
  • 修复多次保存/读取的存档中进入高速路时的卡死的问题
  • 修复另一个导致游戏短时间内卡住的问题
  • 修复读取特定存档时游戏崩溃的问题
  • 修复几个似乎是随机崩溃的问题
  • 各项提升性能的优化
  • 在一些AMD显卡上有显著的性能提升,尤其是R9系列

• New Feature: Steam Workshop support.
• Improved support for joysticks and multiple input devices.
• Improved mining behaviour for all sizes of ships.
• Improved trade ship behaviour to favour profitable, non-empty runs.
• Improved station scan mode which no longer highlights objects that are not relevant.
• Improved attack and evasive maneuvers and AI.
• Improved flight pathing during normal flight, when following other ships, and when docking.
• Improved collector drone flight behaviour near large objects.
• Improved map handling of ship command hierarchies.
• Improved trade menu, including text search, sorting and colours.
• Improved appearance of small ships flying in lanes around stations.
• Enabled comm/info interactions with player property that is more than 10 km away.
• Added missions relating to the upkeep of ships and stations.
• Added new ship types to DeVries.
• Added list of platform NPCs to station menu (only available if you're in the same zone).
• Added more information and command hierarchy to player property menu.
• Added information to encyclopedia about stations/ships that can be built.
• Added option to stop displaying steering mode message.
• Fixed missing manager comm option.
• Fixed wrong mouse-steering mode being entered in some cases incorrectly when leaving a menu.
• Fixed several other incorrect or inconvenient menu behaviours.
• Fixed calculations for gathering certain resources out-of-sector.
• Fixed player being sent to NPCs on ships or on hostile stations when asking for directions.
• Fixed some objects left in construction state after building finished (still at least one rare case remaining).
• Fixed trade missions not completing if the station storage was full, notably the food trade plot mission.
• Fixed trade ships not stopping their current order after clearing their shopping list.
• Fixed trade orders for selling items using ships in player squad.
• Fixed ships blocking docking bays after having docking interrupted.
• Fixed incorrect docking icons under certain circumstances.
• Fixed not being able to unlock skills of defence officers on platforms.
• Fixed displayed total counts of stored units.
• Fixed drones that should have a commander appearing in property owned menu.
• Fixed destroyed drones not being properly removed from drone storage.
• Fixed incorrect ship position after leaving a highway with a menu open.
• Fixed stations creating trade offers with higher value than it can afford.
• Fixed building and production remaining paused after modules having been hacked.
• Fixed ships assigned to stations being incorrectly assigned mining jobs.
• Fixed outdated trade offer information appearing on event monitor.
• Fixed trade ships assigned to player stations sometimes not updating their range.
• Fixed object menu not restoring after closing station trade offers.
• Fixed production menu information not updating correctly.
• Fixed production showing very long production times in certain cases.
• Fixed production stalling due to stations filling up with intermediate wares.
• Fixed several pathfinding problems, which should prevent ships from flying through stations.
• Fixed ships equiping drones or ammo getting stuck in the shipyard.
• Fixed problem that could cause following ships to get stuck when the target changes zones.
• Fixed most cases of dropped containers being stuck inside each other (can still happen occasionally).
• Fixed architect destroying drones in storage without adding them to the station.
• Fixed issue with parking ships when manager (stations) or pilot (construction vessel) are not present.
• Fixed trade ships waiting too long for a free parking location when intended trade is no longer possible.
• Fixed calculation of required funds when trading with other player property.
• Fixed pilot not being placed on ship's platform.
• Fixed ships trying to go to the same coordinates by default.
• Fixed mining for medium size ships.
• Fixed incorrect mining order for ships which can't transport the mining wares.
• Fixed blocked trades involving discounts if there is only enough money for the discounted amount not the full amount.
• Fixed built ships not leaving the shipyard after shipyard construction module has been destroyed and subsequently repaired.
• Fixed several other cases of ships getting stuck, not moving when they should.
• Fixed owner of fuel station in Gemstone Manufacture.
• Fixed incorrect lasers being used by medium ice collector ships.
• Fixed problem with accuracy of time data in savegames with long play time.
• Fixed rotation of construction ships after flying to build location.
• Fixed visual glitch on map when targeting/entering/leaving highways.
• Fixed animation problem with highways in games with long play time.
• Fixed stalls when entering highways in savegames that have been saved/loaded many times.
• Fixed another cause of the game stalling for a short time.
• Fixed crash when loading certain savegames.
• Fixed several causes of apparently random crashes.
• Various optimisations resulting in performance improvements.
• Significant performance improvements on some AMD graphics cards, particularly R9.
发表于 2014-4-16 09:46:06 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-16 09:52:35 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2014-4-16 10:38:23 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-4-16 12:21:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-16 20:10:46 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-16 21:33:15 | 显示全部楼层
苍山雪 发表于 2014-4-16 20:10
在德弗里斯添加新的飞船是什么,怎么游戏里没看到呢?难道要新开档? ...


使用道具 举报

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