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[原创] 【更新】【搬运+翻译】所有武器,舰船,装备数据(自测)

发表于 2014-6-11 23:30:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 cosloli 于 2014-6-15 15:38 编辑

Updated 06/06/2014 - 添加 dps, 许多小变化
Updated 07/06/2014 - 为所有加农炮添加信息,增加表头文字以供便捷阅读,为导弹和补给(ammo and resupplies)增加信息(未完成),部分微小更新
Updated 09/06/2014 - 增加伤害范围和精准度数据,为所有Class 2
爆发激光Burst Lasers), Class 2 导弹架Missile Racks) and Class 2 轨道炮Rail Guns)增加信息
Updated 10/06/2014 - 测试 Class 1, 2 and 4
波束激光Beam Lasers). 以上几种武器有bug,不过仍然进行了测试并添加进了表格中,增加了不同武器能量分配(译者注:在游戏中你可以分配推进器,武器和护盾的能量百分比,默认每种两个点,一个点25%,你可以减少一个类型的分配点数来增加另外一种类型的分配点数,这些点数可以任意修改);添加不同类型舰船初始武器配置
原文链接 http://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=20484

(updated)DPS (Damage Per Second,伤害每秒,能量回充时间已统计在内)


(updated)开火速度 (已包含 加农炮multicannon)预热/冷却,轨道炮( rail gun)充电,导弹(missiles)冷却和导弹速度)


(updated)武器发热 (包含隐秘型武器stealth))

(updated) 主要总结
  • (new) Class 1追踪式波束激光 (Gimballed Beam Lasers), Class 2 固定式波束激光(Fixed Beam Lasers) 以及 Class 4 固定式波束激光 (Fixed Beam Lasers) 存在bug,经常出现没有伤害的情况
  • Class 2 脉冲激光(Pulse Lasers)和 Class 4 脉冲激光 (Pulse Lasers) 在各项属性的测试中参数基本相同 (我相信这是一个bug).
  • Class 3 追踪式加农炮(Gimballed Multicannons)在各方面都优于 Class 4 固定式加农炮(Fixed Multicannons).
  • Class 3 追踪式波束激光 (Gimballed Pulse Lasers)  在各方面几乎和 Class 4 脉冲激光 (Pulse Lasers ),也就是和 Class 2 脉冲激光(Pulse Lasers) 属性相等,不过我认为追踪式波束激光更好,因为它们能够跟踪目标
  • Class 4 武器消耗的能量并不是 class 2 武器的两倍(即不到两倍)
  • 导弹架(Missile racks) 和 加农炮(multicannons)不消耗任何武器能量
  • 轨道炮(Rail Guns) 会产生大量热量,过度使用甚至可能导致系统损毁
  • 总的来说,激光的伤害和DPS高于加农炮
  • 不同classes的加农炮的预热/冷却时间不
  • 加农炮比激光产生的热量更多
  • 隐密型激光(Stealth lasers)并不能隐藏行,它们只是相对于同级武器产生的热量更少,同时提供的伤害更少(或许NPC看不见,不过人类玩家可以发现)

(new) 不同能量点数(分配百分比)对武器回充时间的影响

(new) 舰船默认武器

  • 加农炮不需要能量,因此在使用加农炮时你可以将更多能量分配给护盾或推进器
  • 将加农炮和激光混用会产生很多问题,因为激光不需要对准目标,而加农炮需要(如果你有钱那就买个追踪式加农炮也可以解决这个问题)
  • 我觉得追踪式加农炮比追踪式激光更好,因为它既不需要能量又能跟踪目标
  • 碰撞造成的损害似乎跟护盾剩余量没有太大关系,但是跟护盾分配能量有关,如果你为护盾分配四点能量(100%),就算你护盾被击破你收到的伤害也会被削弱更多(这个结论来自于粗略观察)



Weapon power drain doesn't seem to correspond to the blocks in the HUD or the weapon power system perfectly. Although they both have 10 blocks, these blocks drain at different rates and the HUD display does not even drain at a steady rate! The weapon power system is the one I used to determine power drain as it is the most consistent.

There also seems to be a strange system in place when you reach low weapon power (under 13% for class 4 weapons, under 3% for class 2 weapons), though my lack of understanding is most likely tied to the blocks not tying perfectly to power drain.

Of course my maths may just be wrong.

The power use stated in the shop definitely has no correspondence to the power drain of the weapon when firing, the power drain of class 2 weapons is stated as 20, the drain of class 4 weapons is stated as 40, logically then you would be able to fire twice as many shots from a class 2 weapon as from a class 4 weapon before losing power (all other things being equal) and this is not the case. It is possible the power cost stated in the shop is telling you how much power that system drains in the modules view.


All tests done in a Cobra Mk3.

DPS (Damage Per Second) - Calculated as: DPS = shots to destroy shields/hull ÷ rate of fire (excluding reload time). Reload time is excluded as it becomes more redundant as the number of multicannons you have firing at the same time increases and because accuracy plays creates such a large variable in the number of required reloads.

Damage - This was difficult to test and all values are approximate. I attempted to stay within 1000m of my target, and never fired outside of a 200m margin either side of this. Weapon power seems to have no effect on damage. I tested against 10 different targets for each laser type and held separate tests for shields and hull too.

Rate of Fire - I counted how many shots could be fired over a 10 second period and divided by 10, this method remains more consistent for determining shots over any given time. Whereas counting only the shots in a single second does not remain consistent over periods of over one second. I tested by firing each weapon separately and together, the results were consistent.

Power Drain - With no pips in the weapon system (so no weapon power recharge), I tested how many shots it takes to drain weapon power before no more shots could be fired and how many shots were required to drain power from one power block in the weapons power system view. A pattern became quickly apparent, I determined how many shots it took to drain 1% of the power and then from that could determine how much power 1 shot drained.

Weapon Heat (and stealth) - Weapon heat was determined with all systems/modules powered on. Initial test was done to determine if weapon power pips played a part in heat generation - they did not (other than laser rate of fire), so weapon pips were ignored from then on unless relevant to rate of fire, in which case they were set at 4 to ensure maximum continuous fire. To prove if heat could be increased above certain levels I kept firing solidly for several minutes once heat generation seemed to stop.

Weapon Range - Damage difference is tested versus a Lakon Type 9 Heavy (to ensure accuracy at extreme ranges). Observed the time taken to deplete one ring of shields at range of under 1000m, then again at 1000-2000m, then at 2000-3000m (for lasers) and lastly at 3000-4000m (for multicannons). 3 tests each and averaged. I compare the difference in time needed to deplete the shield ring at these ranges to determine if there is a difference in damage. Effective range is my personal opinion about the range in which the weapon functions best in terms of damage, accuracy and ease of aiming.

Weapon Malfunctions - Not yet tested so no methodology, just my own general observations so far.


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参与人数 1声望 +1 好评 +1 收起 理由
怕小白兔的狼 + 1 + 1 字数很多,您辛苦了


 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-11 23:31:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-12 00:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-12 03:52:40 | 显示全部楼层
呃 好像很有用 但是Class 1是什么东西
我本来还想攒钱买beam的 没伤害就算了……

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-12 18:01:21 | 显示全部楼层
SaulApostle 发表于 2014-6-12 03:52
呃 好像很有用 但是Class 1是什么东西
我本来还想攒钱买beam的 没伤害就算了…… ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-12 18:22:25 | 显示全部楼层

是啊 响尾蛇一出来就是2级 1级的玩家怎么得到的?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-12 18:55:05 | 显示全部楼层
SaulApostle 发表于 2014-6-12 18:22
是啊 响尾蛇一出来就是2级 1级的玩家怎么得到的?


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-12 19:04:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 SaulApostle 于 2014-6-12 19:18 编辑
cosloli 发表于 2014-6-12 18:55
买啊。。。我的装备都是买的,你得找不同的空间站买不同的装备,而且这些装备还是随时刷新的,同一个空间 ...

刚换了眼镜蛇了 看见1级小炮了

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-12 22:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
SaulApostle 发表于 2014-6-12 19:04
刚换了眼镜蛇了 看见1级小炮了


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-12 22:39:24 | 显示全部楼层
cosloli 发表于 2014-6-12 22:15

知道啊 怎么了

使用道具 举报

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