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[转帖] SFRU 指令列完整收录(E文)

发表于 2008-2-19 16:40:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SFRU 指令列(完整版)
(在游戏中按  ~  启动,指令输入需注意大小写,输入后需按回车才会生效!):
  1. Help    Display most (but not all) console commands

  2. Quit   quit game

  3. Exit   quit game

  4. Clear   clear console

  5. WinAmp <string>    Control WinAmp music player
  6. <string> = one of the following commands:
  7. Play / Stop / Pause / Previous / Next
  8. Example: WinAmp Stop

  9. RestoreProfile   Reload current profile

  10. StoreProfile   Save current profile

  11. Benchmark    load benchmark map and start test

  12. LoadMap <string>    Load a game map
  13. <string> = map name
  14. Example: LoadMap SolarA

  15. lm <string>    LoadMap
  16. Shortcut to run the LoadMap command
  17. Example: lm SolarA

  18. MapList Display    list of all available game maps

  19. SlowMotionFactor <#>    Alter game speed
  20. <#> = percentage of slow down (or speed up)
  21. Example: SlowMotionFactor 50
  22. ^Run game at 1u speed
  23. Example: SlowMotionFactor 200
  24. ^Run game at 2X speed

  25. Stats    Toggle ON/OFF showing of rendering statistics

  26. ShowLastLine    Show last line of console in game

  27. Spectator    Toggle ON/OFF human player becomes spectator

  28. TargetLines    Toggle ON/OFF render bot targeting lines
  29. (seems to be path each ship is traveling on or to)

  30. PlayerInfo   Toggle ON/OFF showing of players info

  31. RocketChase    Toggle ON/OFF camera will follow last rocket

  32. RocketFiesta    you get 50 rockets ( soft missiles)

  33. AIEnable <1u>    Enable/Disable computer ships' Artificial Intelligence
  34. (Stop all computer controlled ships from moving and from attacking)
  35. Enabled = AIEnable 1
  36. Disabled = AIEnable 0

  37. GetCloakingDevice    Get a cloaking Device for your ship
  38. (check technology section of your Inventory)

  39. GetTimeDevice    Get a time Device for your ship
  40. (check technology section of your Inventory)

  41. God     Toggle ON/OFF God Mode (your hull is strong)
  42. Means you take no damage from hits (neither shield nor
  43. hull damage)

  44. BillGates    100,000 more credits added to your bank account!

  45. ShowToneSteps   Toggle ON/OFF showing of tone mapping steps
  46. (Game must be started in HDR mode first!)

  47. RecordDemo <string>   Record demo of gameplay...
  48. <string> = demo filename

  49. StopRecording    Stop Recording of gameplay demo

  50. LoadDemo <string>    Load demo of gameplay...
  51. <string> = demo filename

  52. AddBot <#>    add new bot in game, where # is number of bot type
  53. Bot Type Numbers:

  54. 1 -> Interceptor (EMD)
  55. 2 -> Interceptor (UFF)
  56. 3 -> Fighter) (EMD)
  57. 4 -> Fighter) (UFF)
  58. 5 -> Destroyer (EMD)
  59. 6 -> Valkyre (UFF)
  60. 7 -> Korveta (PIRATE)
  61. 8 -> Cruiser (UFF)
  62. 9 -> Star crusher (ALREANI)
  63. 10 -> Symbiote (COLLECTIVE)
  64. 11 -> Fighter (YahAnRa)
  65. 12 -> Destroyer (YahAnRa)
  66. 13 -> Drednaught (ORD)
  67. 14 -> Frigate (MAKKINIST)
  68. 15 -> Cruiser(DRAGLON)
  69. 16 -> Cargo (DRAGLON)
  70. 17 -> Queen cruiser (CHULTA OLIRION)
  71. 18 -> Praying Mantis (CHULTA OLIRION)
  72. 19 -> Insecta fighter (COLLECTIVE)
  73. 20 -> Glider (EZODAR_ EMPIRE)
  74. 21 -> Fighter (MAKKINIST)
  75. 22 -> Patrol ship (ORD)
  76. 23 -> Resurector (ALREANI_STATES)
  77. 24 -> Frigate (PIRATE)
  78. 25 -> Starseeker (EZODAR EMPIRE)
  79. 26 -> Explorer (DRAGLON DOMINION)
  80. 27 -> Cargo (CHULTA OLIRION)

  81. ab <#>    AddBot
  82. Shortcut to run the AddBot command
  83. Example: ab 27

  84. Trade    Jump to spacestation to Trade/Sell

  85. AddExperience <#>    Add experience <#> to your character profile
  86. (check your EXP on the Stats page of the Inventory)

  87. StationAutoCamera    <unknown effect>

  88. ShowQuestID     <unknown effect>

  89. Gallery    Some sort of picture or interactive gallery.
  90. If you get stuck, try hitting Escape and then clicking "Resume Game" to get back to the action.

  91. SEND    <unknown effect>
  92. (caused game crash for TNT)

  93. AutoRotateMaps    Rotating maps...
  94. (assume Automatically Rotates Maps for multiplayer)

  95. ClearRadio    <unknown effect>

  96. Screenshot    Save a screenshot picture to your <gamedir\Screenshots\>

  97. ShowMeshesInfo    List mesh names

  98. ShowTexturesInfo    List textures currently in memory

  99. MotionBlur   <unknown effect>
  100. (assume toggles motion blur effect on/off)

  101. AddItem <#>    Add an item to your inventory
  102. Example: AddItem 40
  103. Example: AddItem 4
  104. (each # is linked to a different item. go experiment my friend.)

  105. AddMOAB    Get 10 "Mother of All Bombs"

  106. StartMeteorShower    Start a Meteor Shower (oh no!!!)

  107. ShowFPS    Toggle ON/OFF showing of graphical Frames Per Second rate in lower-left corner of screen

  108. ReSpawn    <unknown effect>
  109. (assume Re-Spawns your ship in Multiplayer if you get destroyed, you lamer!)

  110. AddBody     <unknown effect>
  111. (requires some parameter, such as "AddBody 5")
  112. (assumed it was changing Ship Types or adding components to your ship, but did not notice any effect)

  113. SetScene    <unknown effect>

  114. ClearMap    <unknown effect>

  115. MaxJumpTime    <unknown effect>
  116. (probably needs a # parameter such as "MaxJumpTime 50")

  117. SpectatorSpeed <#>     Set screen scroll speed for Spectator Mode
  118. Example: SpectatorSpeed 300

  119. ShowShadowMap    Toggle ON/OFF showing of Shadow Map
  120. (Shadows must be enabled first!)

  121. ShowBloomSteps    Toggle ON/OFF showing of Bloom Steps

  122. ReloadShaders    <unknown effect>
  123. (assume reloads graphical shaders)

  124. EnableRadio    Enable pilot radio chatter

  125. DisableRadio    Disable pilot radio chatter
  126. (maybe it annoys you to hear enemies/wingmen yelling crap all the time)

  127. Performance    <unknown effect>

  128. NetHelp    Display network (lan/ internet) commands, as shown below:

  129. StartServer    this computer become server

  130. StartClient     this computer become client

  131. Disconnect    disconnect client from server

  132. ListGames    list all LAN active games

  133. Join <#>    where # is server number, use ListGames for game numbers

  134. JoinAddress <string>    where <string> is host name or IP address
  135. Example: JoinAddress 1.337.1.337

  136. Say <text>    send chat <text> to all players

¦ 使用说明 ¦

1. 启动SF:RU游戏.

2. 打开指令输入介面:
   按 " ~ "(波浪符号)键


3. 输入你要的指令.   //例如: BillGates[回车]    会增加 100,000钱币
注 : 按"上""下"方向键可循环你所输入的耆令列. PageUp及PageDown键可卷动上、下页.

4. 再按一次 " ~ "(波浪符号)键,关闭指令输入介面.

[ 白衣于2008.03.19 将"使用说明"中译 ]

[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2008-3-19 12:41 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-2-19 17:48:06 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-19 19:04:31 | 显示全部楼层
E?  我还以为你早就知道了.......

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-2-19 20:56:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-19 22:42:16 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-2-21 21:40:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-2-22 10:16:19 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:lol :lol :lol

使用道具 举报

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