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[其他] X3赚钱详解(English),有问题在置顶问答贴问,我用中文回答

发表于 2006-8-19 13:32:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
introduction: Written by Relief
AIM: Relief 2004

Many people have asked over and over on the forum “Need cash, how do I make money?!?!?!?!” and believe me I was one of them. It’s frustrating starting out; heck if you’re new you have no idea what to do, none the less get money.

So here you go a short tutorial on starting out for a noob with no cash.
Also it has some other topics that a “new to intermediate” would want to lean about.

First I am assuming you’re starting on normal mode.
Secondly, in part one I am going to make use of a free cookie (that means ship) in the game, if you don’t like that then move on to “Part one and a half.” The rest of the guide is “free” of free things.

Part one: Getting a damned freighter (Hauler)
Part one and a half: I don’t want to go find a free ship; I want to do it legit!
Part Two: Starting you trading life, or just killing things
Part Three: I have a little CR’s, oh lets say around 600,000 what now? Automated trading? 这部分是sector trade的说明
Part Four: Universal Trading 宇宙贸易的说明
Part Five: Taking care of my ship
Part Six: Transferring Freight
Part Seven: Satellites? 卫星
Part Eight: Navigation of other ships, Automated?
Part Nine: Combat and other things! Missiles??
Part Ten: Owning your first station
Part Eleven: Factories and complexes: Where to place the damned things!
Part Twelve: Questions and answers, the guide broken down to quick Q and A
Controls (riped right from original game defaults)
Credits and my crazy ramblings

Part one: Getting a damned freighter (Hauler)

Starting the game you will notice the opener and a few bells and whistles (shinny!). Now you may choose to follow the first part of the story line, or you may not, that part is entirely up to you. Once you are ready to start on your way in this section of the guide then make sure you are in Argon Prime (the starting system).

If you so choose to play the first mission then learn the basics while you’re at it, maneuvering, shooting, and play a bit, when you’re ready proceeded.

Now to make any form of money in the game you need to have a hauler, or station, which ever, you just need one! So head on out to Menelaus’ Frontier; follow these directions starting Argon prime:

1. Go to north gate in Argon prime.
2. Go to the east gate in Heron’s Nebula.
3. Go to the east gate in The Hole.
4. Go to the north gate in Atreus’ Clouds.
5. Go to the north gate in Roll’s Fate.
6. You should now be in Merelaus’ Frontier.

In this system you will find a Toucan Hauler. Bellow you will find explanations of everything step by step, so lets be on our way!

1. Bring up your sector display by pressing the “.” key and check your map, you should see in the lower right hand corner three numbers all in meters. These numbers are your position on an x, y, and z field.

2. You are going to want to fly your ship to these x, y, and z coordinates:

43, -7, 35


(Highlight the above box to see the coordinates)

3. When you get close you should be near a huge asteroid, make sure not to hit it (remember your speed controls are z, and x: z = slow down x = speed up) fly around it till you find a rather still transporter.

4. Now here comes the tricky part, fly within 20 m of the ship, and stop (press backspace to come to a sudden stop if need be).

5. Now here is a rather odd part of the game, to capture a ship you have to get out of yours. Why? Don’t know. So press “shift+e” and confirm “the eject”. Now move your camera to view the new ship and left click (and release) then press the “i” key.

6. A menu with option should appear, click the claim button.

7. Now don’t bother getting in that ship, move your camera to your ship and right click and move your mouse to the enter button (or after you select the ship you can press “shift+e” to enter again). Now back in your ship slowly back away from the freighter. Then right click and tell it to dock at a near by station.

Questions over this section?

Wait what do you mean just make it dock? No it’s okay, the ship can be automated! Just click on the ship, then right click to see a bunch of buttons by your pointer, go to command console and choose navigation, the choose dock at, then choose a system, then choose a station.

You have reached the end of part one, congrats!

Part one and a half: I don’t want to go find a free ship; I want to do it legit!

Understandable, as some people have pointed out the fist way I have pointed out is not for everyone. So well here are some alternatives. (Props to octessence for the information/ideas here)

Well, this can be a bit slower but can also raise your rank/standing with other races. So feel free to use these ideas instead.

1. Who needs a buster? Sell it and let’s trade!

First things first, Read this whole section before attempting, don’t cry to me if you didn’t read the whole thing!

This idea brought to you directly by octessence. Since I don’t follow this route myself (I rather capture ships), I don’t have a lot to say on it. So if octessence reads this and wants to add information just say the word man and I’ll most likely put it in.

Yep that’s right, go to the shipyard and sell your buster.

But wait, you ask how? How in the world do I sell the ship I am in, well you get out of it. Yes that’s right; just get out, who needs to be in that thing to begin with.

How do I get out, well press “shift+e” and you will be asked to confirm, go right ahead.

Now your out, back away from your ship first (look at the ship and press “z”)

Now you want to right click your ship and go to the command screen (there should be a little computer icon button that you click to get there) go to navigation and tell it to do at the station you want.

Remember your power suit can only go 12kms so you wanted to eject close to the station because now you have to fly on over and manually dock.

How do I manually dock? Easy, just click the station and press “c” you should come up with a com’s menu, ask to dock. You should get green lights and a big green circle thing, Well fly to that big green thing and you should dock just fine.

When your buster is in dock go to the trading section and select the buster (it should be at the top in green) and press the left arrow key then press enter, congrats you just sold your buster.

What now? Well depending on what station your at depends on what you can by. Fist off don’t do this at a station you cannot buy things at, since well you will be started at the station with no ship but lots of credits. So… well just don’t do that.

Now where can you buy ships, well only shipyards, the place you sell ships. But you might not have enough notoriety to buy things to start with so here is your dilemma. You could start trading with your buster (I suggest energy cells). Or go kill things to get points towards you so you can buy the ship you want.

What to buy? Well you want t ship between 150,000 to 250,000. The one I suggest is in argon prime called “Mercury” it has good starting speed and great cargo space for a first cargo ship. Octessence suggested you get a “Vulture” so if you want that then go find a ship yard that has one.

Now once you have your ship your going to have to transfer yourself to that ship. How? Easy, click on pilot then go to your property, and click on your new ship, then find the “transfer to” button in the menu. Now you have your ship and can start trading.

How to trade? Well check “3. Trading myself, a self maker type guy.” in “Part Two: Starting you trading life, or just killing things” of this guide.

After a little time you should be able to have enough credits to move on and buy your buster back. You should also be able to follow the rest of the guide now too if you wish it. (don’t be afraid, there is also a great amount of information you might want to know)

2. Lets kill things and not worry about that hauler!

Yeah good idea here, that’s what I kind of do. Capturing ships and things of that nature (combat) is explained in “Part Two: Starting you trading life, or just killing things” section “1. Freak trading, I want money now and want trading to be done for me automatically.”

Go there and you should find all you need to start capturing, also you can follow the ideas in section “2. Trading a pirate’s way.” right below the one just suggested. Just you don’t have a hauler to pick up left over cargo, but if you’re good you can capture one of the haulers you’re attacking!!

Each of these ways allows you to instead capture ships and sell them, or keep them. Its up to you, so do as you like.

Before going onto the rest of the guide I suggest you have about 1 million through doing it this way. (Should be easy at a ship being sold for 100,000-250,000 a pop)

Once you have that one million you can buy a hauler, I suggest getting a mercury class ship in argon prime. So once you have accomplished these things you can move on to bigger things, Automated Trading!!

Part Two: Starting you trading life, or just killing things

Now here is where the real fun starts, and here is where I am going to explain a few more fundamentals of the game. Since there are lots of ways to make money I am going to make a few paths here you can take, it’s your choice on which fits your character the best.

:: Sections ::
1. Freak trading, I want money now and want trading to be done for me automatically.
2. Trading a pirate’s way.
3. Trading myself, a self maker type guy.

1. Freak trading, I want money now and want trading to be done for me automatically.

Yeah this one fits me too. Let’s have at it.

The fastest way to make money early on is capturing. Yes I said it, capturing (here after referred to as capping). It seems post patch 1.3 people don’t capp as much, but that seems to be because they are holding onto the old ways of capping. It was easy back in 1.2 patch, just hit them a few times and bam they eject, or so it seemed. Well now its actually realistic. So here is how I myself capp, and mind you I seem to get at least 1 or 2 capp’s a run.

First lets go over good capping sectors, listed as so:

Farnam’s Legent
Split Fire
Bala Gi’s Joy
Ore Belt (for some reason that sector gets pirates more than others for me)
Danna’s Chance
Nopileos Memorial
Hatikvah’s Faith
Aladna Hill
Atreus Clouds
The Hole

Or any sector you see pirate ships in, there are many more just I think these areas are good for a beginner.

For maps and such download this file made by Pccenter original posting found through this sticky

Okay so you made your way to one of these sectors and have found a few ships flying around and you being gun ho think “Balls to the walls in I go!!!!!!!” Wrong! Good way to get your self killed silly. I like to take a strategic view to capping, and since your new to this, listen to me a little.

Head toward the ships, remember all you have is a buster and two guns, you’re most likely outclassed, so here is what you really want to go up against.

1-3 busters
1 buster 2 harries
1 buster 2 falcons
3 falcons

or any variation of that, or more if you think you can handle it, it all depends on how good of a pilot you are.

Now, most pirates don’t shoot first, they have things to do, people to see.

So what’s the best option here? Fly up to the group, tail them until your within 100-300 m of the fastest ship (it should be going the speed of the slowest ship). Slow down a bit to match its speed then make sure you have your mark, don’t get shaky or you’ll mess up your mark. Now unload on him until his shields are at 0 and his hull is half damaged. At this point most pilots come on and ask you to stop shooting and bail. Yay he bailed. If not you mine as well finish him off, do it a little slower, poke him with your blaster, hell ram him, just poke him to death, if your lucky he will bail at a lower hull rating.

Why do they bail? And why did I just take out the fastest ship?

Okay people bail when shields are gone and you destroy their main weapons array. So that’s really what needs to be done, sometimes they bail before that, but its really rare.

Why did you just take out the fastest ship? Well it’s a tactic thing, last thing you need right now is trying to learn how to doge a ships fire when they are coming at you at 300 kms, it’s just easier with them gone.

Remember the slower the enemy the better off you are. So set your sights on the next fastest ship and repeat

What if the ship is faster than you though? Well here we will talk about strafing. When I play I use a mouse and keypad, so that’s what’s going to be covered here.

First off, check yourself and evaluate your surroundings, if in a meteor filled sector, make sure you don’t ram yourself into on of em silly. Next use the “w, a, s, d” keys always when battling. If they fire at you they project your spot, so switch them up every few seconds and the projection changes and they cannot hit you very well. Next off if you’re tailing someone and find that you cannot move out of enemy fire, turn a 180 and attempt to move out of the fire area (it can be easier when your watching the projected fire).

Using the “w, a, s, d” tactic while flying about in battle is a good way to keep yourself out of harms way, and remember the more distance from you and they enemy equals greater chance of them missing.

Now the only thing left is to take on the leftovers, keep the same tactics and learn to pilot, find what works best for you, but remember you have to force them to be “scared” you want to OWN them, make them your sweet lover if you have to.

Now lets say you just capped a ship, the pilot ejected and you see that ship just floating around in space (side note, you can kill the pilot if you really want to). Remember getting the freighter, well it’s the same song and dance here. Since I already explained claiming a ship I’m going to assume your familiar with it, so claim it and get back in your own ship.

Now since I am going to assume you only know of one shipyard (in argon prime) send him there. If you have to follow the ship there (right click it and click on the follow icon) and turn on seta (press j).

Now with your ship at the shipyard you can either repair or sell, depending on the ship they will sell at varying prices, its also dependant on the shape the ship is in, the more hull left the better the money. Since you’re just starting out you mine as well sell your ship, go ahead click on the ship and press the left arrow key and press enter, its sold and you have the monies!! Now run before they figure out you’re just a cheap bastard selling crappy ships!

And well just repeat the process.

Side note, destroyed ships leave things from cargo. You can pick them up! Glorious day!

How do you pick them up? Well simple, but well, just make sure of a few things.
A. you have cargo space left, nothing more frustrating as attempting to pick something up and ramming into in and destroying it and damaging you ship (and possibly destroying some of your cargo).
B. Your shields are down! Press “o” to do this, its no fun to destroy the item you want by ramming into it with the shields.
C. Don’t worry about speed, if you have the cargo space you can pick it up at any speed you want, you don’t have to go slow.
D. Just run into the damned thing, that’s how you do it, run right through it and you will pick it up.

Now what do I do with all this new cargo? Sell it my friend, or keep it, its up to you, but if you want to sell it, go to a equipment dock. Select the item you wish to sell form the menu, press left key to move the slider to sell the amount you want to, and press enter, valla you sold the item.

Note: This only works with ship equipment, not commodities such and energy cells, boron gas, etc. those have to be sold at a station that uses it as a Resource.

Keep doing the and when you have around 600,000 CR’s return to where you had your freighter docked and move to the automated trading section of this guide.

2. Trading a pirate’s way.

Okay, I suggest you read through the “1. Freak trading, I want money now and want trading to be done for me automatically.” because I use a lot of the information covered in that section and don’t want to spend the entire tutorial repeating myself.

Why a pirate? Because it rocks! And who cares about being legit! Pirates are bad ass, they kill anyone who gets in there way, eat beef jerky, and a lot of other kick butt things (yeah that was a take back to Maddox, props dude)!

Well now you have your freighter and a buster, now to claim what’s yours! Others peoples stuff, that’s what’s yours!

Okay listen here, before you go out being all excited pick your place wisely. Don’t go attacking people in a guarded sector, that’s just silly. To get a quick ref as to whom is around you check your system map (key “.”).

As to which sector is the best for this it depends, guards do rounds, ships change sectors, etc. So well be a bit patient, check out sectors, and pick a race to attack. If your going to piss people off you mine as well make it limited to begin with.

Since I am limited in my experience here I am going to make sure people know I am not a veteran pirate, and you’re somewhat free to play around with many ideas when it comes to this.

Now let’s say you found a sector free of guards, or believe you can get away with your ruthless unwarranted attacks. Here is what you need:

1. That freighter I had you get, park it in a safe place from you (check the Q and A for a quick tutorial on how to move ships around)
2. Pick a race like I said, and aim at a freighter.
3. Follow the rules of engagement from the capping section of this guide (section right above this)
4. Remember even if they don’t drop ship its okay, when they blow up they should have cargo left over, just remember don’t fire so much that you kill the cargo along with it, take it slow silly.
5. Some ships have fighter drones, be weary, if they come out in hoards, TAKE EM OUT!
6. Have fun!

Well now you killed yourself some freighter and see that awesome cargo, what now? Well click on the cargo and check its info, see what’s in it, if you want it. If you want what’s in it then simply have your freighter come pick it up, it has more cargo space than you and will only pick up as much as it can, so well… pick it up.

Oh yeah but the catch is you need to be in a ship to be able to pick the item up, so you need to transfer to your freighter. Either do this while docked at a station or do it manually in space. Either way get into the other ship and pick up the cargo.

Now that you have something you can sell (whatever it might be) find a station that buys that form of product and go pay them a visit, and well sell the item, its fun, you get the monies for it. (if you want a list of products and places to sell here is a link to an awesome xls sheet link)

Remember your rank in a race goes down the more you attack them, they will learn to hate you. Heck they might even learn to spite your even being near them, so tread lightly if you care about that sort of thing, but good pirates just don’t care and just want to tear shiz up.

Also, good ref for pirates, here is a list of pirate sectors:

Farnham’s legend
Bala Gi’s Joy
Olmanckes Tlats Treaty
Split Fire
Brennan’s Triumph
Danna’s Chance
Nopileos Memorial
Hatikyah’s Faith
LooManckst rat’s Legacy
Mi Tons Revenge
Moo Kye’s Revenge

Here is a list of known sectors to me with pirate bases in them:
(Note it’s incomplete)

Farnham’s legend
Priest’s Pity (known docking able)
Company Pride (known docking able)
LooManckStrat’s Legacy

Also, if you wish to attempt to dock with one of the dock able stations, you cannot have a police license (can be bought at trading stations), that’s a no no for pirates.

Once you have had a few good runs with this and have amassed up to 600,000 CR’s then move on to the automated trading section of this guide.

3. Trading myself, a self maker type guy.

In my opinion this is slow and you might want to kill yourself, but hey, each to there own.

The slow way in my opinion, but builds trading rank faster, so meh, do what you like, if this is fun to you, more power to ya. Just don’t expect this to be fast.

First get this guide sheet by strataholic
Now print it off, make it easy on yourself.

I am going to explain this through energy cells, and some basic things about commands and navigation.

What are energy cells? Well they are simply the most used resource in the game, they are cheap and we all love them.

First things first, you should run your freighter that I had you get from the start to the ore belt where you can dock the freighter at a power station.

Now look at the price (if you have not transferred to the freighter the press r then go to your ship at the power station and go to the trade with station command), a good price to buy at is 12-14 cr. So wait until you see the price that is low. If you have to hang out in your buster and put seta on and chill.

When you find a good buying price buy until you have no more CR’s or no more space left to cram **** in.

Now run yourself off to a station such as the one in Argon Prime and check stations for a good selling price (look at your xls sheet you should have printed off for race stations and resource needs)

And simply sell, having fun yet? Well this is the principle of selling using your freighter as a remote ship.

Play with products and buying and selling until you reach about 600,000 CR’s and move onto the automated trader section.

Part Three: I have a little CR’s, oh lets say around 600,000 what now? Automated trading?

Yes, now for the easy part. Fly that little freighter(Hauler) ship to Home of Light and dock at the TerraCorp Headquarters.

You can remotely buy or just transport over to the other ship and buy all of the trading software.

Before you move on make sure you bought all of the listed:

Navigation Command Software MK1
Trade Command Software MK1
Trade Command Software MK2
Trade Command Software MK3
Fight Command Software MK1
Fight Command Software MK2
Special Command Software MK1

Now you have software in a ship so you can trade and little CR’s left, oh well. Here is what you do, set the freighter(hauler) to Sector Trade.

What is sector trading? Well it’s a way to make your ship automatically trade for you using your money. So don’t freak when CR’s go away, its supposed to, they come back.

How do I make them sector trade? Here are the direct instructions on how to:

1. Press r.
2. Select the ship you want to start sector trading on.
3. Press c, or head to the command consoule button and click on it.
4. click the trade button
5. Select the “Start Sector Trader” from the menu
6. Select a sector to trade in

Where do I want to trade? Well you have some options here; you want your trader to trade in a safe place so she can gain rank (yes they gain rank).

Here is a list of places I suggest:

Home of Light
Argon Prime
Kingdom End
Rolk’s Drift
Queen’s Space
Red Light

Those are nice starting areas, just make sure that the sector is clear of baddies(enemies) before you leave the trader there

What you’re going to leave the trader alone? Well yes, you go do something else now, it will make you money.

What do I do now that he is trading? Well you have a few options, you can go do whatever you want, capp a bit, do some bbs missions, or just scout sectors.

He is not making money fast, I want the millions now! Okay okay, I get it, I went through that too. Here is the best solution to that problem: When you have something else to do or are going to sleep make sure you are in a safe sector and fly far away from the sector, and I mean far. Let’s say find one of the gates and fly about 100 k from it.

Why do that? Well you’re going to turn seta on, and if the police scan you while in seta, seta is turned off, kind of kills the point of going away while seta is on. And yes that’s right, leave the game on while on seta, when you wake up and come back you will have the monies!

OMG my trade is on standby mode! Ummm what’s that mean? Well you will see this every so often, it’s when the trader has nothing to buy at the time, in a little he will check again, if you find after long periods of time her cannot find a damned thing to sell then move him to a different sector.

Part Four: Universal Trading

So you keep looking at that button for universal trading (also called UT)?

Yeah well a lot of people don’t know how to use it, or what it is for. So well chill I’ll tell ya.

Be warned, it’s a dangerous button if you don’t know what to do. Save your game before playing with it if you don’t know if your going to like it.

Okay UTing in a quick definition is trading everywhere, if you have mapped it your ship might trade there.

What do I need to UT? Here is a list:

Level 8 or higher trader
Trade Software Mark 1
Trade Software Mark 3
Fight Software Mark 1
Fight Software Mark 2
25 MJ Shield

:: above is the bar min for UTing ::

Also this will help in you plight to make money:

Trade software mark 2
Navigation software
Give the damned thing a weapon
Trading system extension
Best buy/sell locator
Automated drones (they defend the ship, yay)

:: above is what I think you should have with the ship ::

What happens now, well you set the ship to UT and off it goes, buying and selling, its that simple. A good idea is to give it around 300 energy cells and a jumpdrive so it can get to places fast, but be warned, it does no always auto refill itself with energy cells, you might that to manually tell it to get them and set it back to UTing once it has what it needs.

What problems does this make, well lets say your ship runs off to a sector full of baddies(enemies). Well there is a good chance that your going to lose that ship.

Why does my UTing ship go to bad places, well because god hates you. Heh, no really I don’t know, I think it’s a design flaw to not alow the user the ability to set no go sectors.

Can I fix it so my UT will not go to bad sectors? Yes, here is a script that helps, its not really cheating since you have to set satalights to good sectors and spend CR’s to get a good trade route, the script seems to be fair and evened out. Check it out here.

Part Five: Taking care of my ship

Okay so you want to take care of your ship and you just don’t know what to get or what does what, well read all of this and you will be better prepared for the X3 world.


Only can be done at shipyards.

Where are shipyards? All over, but you should have one to start in Argon Prime, so if you need repairs and don’t know of any other go there.

:: Equipment, shields, oh and those things call weapons ::

These things are found at:
Equipment stations
Weapon stations
Shield stations

Trading stations don't have these things, so don’t bother checking with them.

:: Upgrades ::

Can only be done at Equipment Stations

Why upgrade, and what should I upgrade?

Well I always upgrade my speed first, fast equals better. That is always a must.

Next up remember to upgrade your rudder control, it will make a great difference in your control over the ship and it’s always nice to have great control for strafing.

Cargo space upgrade? Yes welll you don’t have too, unless you really need more space, and in that case, well, upgrade.

Simple? Fun? Yes its all of that, you now know the basics.

Part Six: Transferring Freight

Dear lordy is this one of the most sought after question. Or at least it seems like that to me. And yes I had this same question too, so don’t feel bad.

There are many ways to transfer Freight, I will attempt to cover them all here.

1. Fist major way to accomplish this is to dock your ships at the same station.
2. Access your personal property menu (r) and select the ship to trade with, scroll down till you see the option “Transfer Freight”
3. A menu should come up similar to the barter menu, now just click on the item to move and transfer it over (left or right arrow, depending on which way you want the cargo to go) then press enter
4. Finish and disembark

1. Second way is to get within transporter distance, the ship you are in must have a transporter!
2. Now click on the ship and press “I” and select the option “Transfer Freight”
3. Now transfer and be done.

1. Third and most painful way is to eject the items from cargo and pick it up with your other ship.
2. Also, don’t bother doing this one, its retarded.

Part Seven: Satellites?

Okay, another popular topic, and quite frankly I never used them until I checked them out and began to love them.

There are three satellites I know of:

Advanced Satellite
Navigation Relay Satellite

What does each do?

:: Satellite ::

Keeps track of an area in its view, allows you to see whatever it sees even if you not in that sector.

:: Advanced Satellite ::

Keeps track of a larger area in its view. If I were you I would place these to keep track of movements in sectors over the regular Satellite. Also you can enable trading with shipyards with these placed in a system, its nice to have one near each shipyard so if you have money and you are not there you can buy from that shipyard and remote the ship around.

:: Navigation Relay Satellite ::

Well I have yet to use these but this is what I know about them. They keep track of everything in a sector, so if you want check info on a ship or station it allows you to.

:: How do I use a satellite ::

Just go buy one, you can get some Adv Satellites in Argon Prime.

Once you have a few just go to the sector and place in sector you want to use them and just eject ONE of them from your cargo bay. Valla it’s on its own and floating around.

HELP!! I put sats everywhere and now they take up my ship menu so all I see is sats and not my ships, this is a pain, I hate sats!!!

Chill, its okay, if you’re in your property menu(r) go to the options page and scroll down until you see “Show Satellites” and turn it off (no).

Part Eight: Navigation of other ships, Automated?

So you have no idea how to navigate ships, well okay ill do a short explanation on things here.

I am going to assume you have the right software for these functions, so if you don’t have a button you need some software, a good guess is if its fight related you need fight software, and so on. So use some common sense here.

: Make a ship go somewhere :

1. Press r, click the ship you want and go to the command console(c)
2. Go to the navigation button and click
3. Now look at all you selections and choose what you want.

If you want to dock at a station choose “Dock at” then choose the system and the station and your ship will be off. Or you could just fly to a sector, or have a ship follow you, its that easy folks.

: Make a ship Trade through my control :

Well tell the ship to dock where you want it to, then when you go to your property menu(r) and select that ship you should see a new button, “Trade with station” there you can tell the ship to buy things and move on, have fun with that.

: I want my ship to protect me, or another ship :

1. press r
2. Click on the ship that’s going to do the protecting
3. Click on the Combat button
4. You can set it to protect yourself and another ship
5. To protect another ship use the “Protect…” button and select ship

Most other functions should be self explanatory, do some exploring, and remember you must have the right software to have the right commands.

Part Nine: Combat and other things! Missiles??

To start out lets talk a little about missiles and then I will overview some small things about combat.

So you have been fighting a little and have noticed missiles that you can pick up and rightly have. So what now, well missiles can be good for more than just selling for tons of credits.

Yes that’s right they can do damage too, but that depends on what your using. Fist not all missiles lock on a seek out a target like you think they should, some just don’t have guidance locks.

The most common missiles is a “Mosquito missile” and yes it has a guidance lock… but who cares, it does almost no damage. Yeah that’s right they seem to be worthless. The only way I have used them effectively is when I have 20 of them and launched them all at once. So if you want to see tons of missiles flying everywhere then go ahead, its kind of cool.

Are those small ones good for anything? Well I take back what I said, yes they can be, lets say your trying to capture a ship, well throw a few low yield missiles at it too, it seems to help scare the pilot.

But what about the rest of the ones out there without guidance locks? Well using them is like using your regular weapons, aim and shoot… just well be a good shot, heh.

Here is a short list of the missiles in the game and ones I suggest to use with your starting buster.

Mosquito Missile (small yield, guidance, buster compatible)
Aurora Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Baluga Missile
Blizzard Missile
Cyclone Missile
Disruptor Missile
Firefly Missile
Firestorm Topedo
Hornet Missile
Hurricane Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Silkwork Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Tempest Missile
Thunderbolt Missile
Tornado Missile
Typhoon Missile
Wasp Missile (buster compatible)

Now I bet you’re sitting there with a missile in your missile banks (loaded and unloaded manually or press the “m” key) and you get into a dog fight and OMG how do I fire the damned thing, heh easy. Just press the “L” key. A little practice and you will be fine at it. A good place to practice might be in a small asteroid field if you don’t mind wasting a few.

I know that is not a complete list but that’s what I am familiar with. For more information about missiles look here.

Do you like to use missiles? Do they help? Yes they do, and yes I like them. I don’t really buy them though, I only use ones I pick up. They can help in heated dog fights and when your back is against the wall. Always good to have a secondary weapon. (I use them when going up against novas in close range)

Now onto the next part, some small combat reminders.

Help I have missiles after me what do I do? Well you have a few options, outrun the thing, if your ship is fast enough. Or you can pull a fast 180 and attempt to shoot the thing out of space (you should lock onto the missile before attempting this)

Do back turrets help with missiles? Yes they do, very much so, if you want it just for missiles I would put a low yield weapon in the turret and use it only for destroying missiles.

Help I turned off my weapons guidance lock and what it back!! Yeah I did that too, just press “k” to bring it back.

I want to scroll through my enemies without scrolling through all the other objects in the view, what do I press. Press the “home” or the “end” key. They go through the enemies in your radar range. (good to remember for combat)

Combat, when do I know I am good? What should I do to help myself out here? Well I would say when you know your getting good is when you can take on a nova and three escorts without taking hull damage.

Taking on Nova’s in my buster, or any ship that has a rear turret? Yep can be done with little pain, I know that rear turret can deal out the pain if you get close so the point of this game is stay at least 1 – 1.5 km away from the nova at all times, he is slow and cannot dodge your fire that well, it may take some time but stick at it and you should be fine.

Setting weapon groups? Yep can be done, you have an array of 1-4 and you need to remember its only buttons 1-4 that control it (top numbers, not the key pad). How do you set them? Well simple, look over at the weapons in the lower left corner, move your mouse to them and notice if you get close to the little hash marks the enlarge when you move over them, there are four hash marks total. Click on one of them sets it for one of the weapons array, so lets say you have two weapons and you want to set up two arrays, one with both weapons and one with one weapon, well your first array should have both so there you go, you have the first one, next just go to one of the weapons and move to the next nearest hash mark and click it, its now set. Now to access the new weapons array press “2”. You should notice that you now only have one operative weapon! From here you should be able to setup groups of your own, it’s simple and fun.

Part Ten: Owning your first station

So you think it would be nice to own your own station? But how do you go about this? Where do you buy then and how do you transport them.

Well lets start out with a few of the basics.

1. You most likely don’t have a ship that can buy a station (not even close enough cargo space in almost all ships out there).
2. You need to watch for a good place to place a station.

What is a good place to put a station? Well one way to tell is by watching the needed products of other stations. If there is a constant shortage of a product then it might be a good idea to produce that good, whatever it might be.

Also think of what type of trader you want to be, personally I like weapons and defense trading.

3. You need to know the costs and undertakings for certain stations.

For example, I am going to use the placement of a light shield complex in Argon Prime for this guide. Fist off the station cost 2,038,612 credits, that alone is a lot of credits. Now let’s say you want it to be automated. So you at least need three transporters(haulers) assigned to the station getting the three major resources energy cells, meatsteak cahoonas, and ore. Also take into account one of those transporters(haulers) needs to be able to carry XL containers since ore is of that size (always pay attention to the size of resources and the ships you have to make sure you can accommodate your own needs)

So assuming you bought three argon mercuries (they can transport XL and have 3-4000 cargo space if you guy the ones in argon prime) buying the L class of the ship is about 400,000 and after you outfitted the with all upgrades and software you are looking at about 1,000,000 a ship. So your actual final cost of just the station and ships is around 5 million credits. But including the amount of credits you are going to give the station for its own use its going to be more like 5.5 million credits gone just to start the damned thing running.

But let’s say you decide to go ahead and do that, what are the steps you need to take?

1. Contact the Argon Mammoth.
2. Ask for comms with the caption.
3. Choose option “I want you to transport something” he will then tell you a price for transporting and will ask you to accept.
4. Once you have accepted contact the ship again, talk to the caption and ask him to “Please move to shipyard…” then select the system (argon prime) then the ship yard station. You can watch as the ship docks.
5. Once the ship docks start trade with the ship yard station and buy the station you and place it in the docked ship.
6. Have the ship undock and move to the sector you want the station in, I am going to place the light shield station in argon prime.
7. once your in the sector you want the station in comm. The caption and tell him you want to unload the cargo (don’t worry you get to select where)
8. when the map appears you can place the station anywhere on it. But be sure not to double click when place it around, when you double click he places it.
9. when ready double click the spot you want it at and the station will be built.

Now lets transfer Credits to the station.

1. while in space press r
2. click on the station and press enter
3. click on the command button “Adjust Station parameters”
4. look for the credits section and transfer over 300-500,000 credits

Now that your station is built lets assign some ships to it. I am going to assume you have three freighters(haulers) ready to be used.

1. go to the ships command menu and scroll down to “Set home base..” and set it to your new station.
2. once assigned to a station tell it to “Buy ware for best price…” and select one of the station’s resources.
3. do this with the other ships until you have all of the resources being bought.
4. if you want you can tell another ship to sell ware for best price.

Once this is done you can leave the station to itself.

Also, if you are not assigning a ship to sell at best price you are relying on other ships/traders to buy your shields, so make sure you don’t set your price to high (you can change the price of your product form the station menu)

Now the station is going to make money for you, but when you want money you can setup auto transfers from the station menu, or just manually transfer money the same way you put money into the station, just give it some time to re-coup all of the credits it took to start it up.

Also if you find you cannot contract the ship to transport stations for you its most likly because he is busy with another client, just wait untill he is done and contact him again (might take some time).

Part eleven: Factories and complexes: Where to place the damned things!

Okay, so I am not going to hand you every good place to put stations, but since you are stating out here, I’ll give you a hand. First here are some solo factories that would be good to place around for a steady income.

:: Solar Power Plant (any size) ::
Argon Prime
Presidents End
Ringo Moon

:: L Flower Farm ::
Emperor's Wisdom

:: Crystal Fabs ::
Ore Belt

:: L Soyery ::
Spring of Belief

:: Space Fuel Distellery ::
Nopolios Memorial
President’s End

:: Space Weed ::
Nopolios Memorial

:: Rimes Factory ::
Argon Prime

:: Small Shield Fact ::
Argon Prime

What about ore and silicon?

Okay, here is the deal, you can place those stations on any rock what so ever and make a profit. Seriously. So what sector is good to use for this, well just follow this check list and you should be on your way to profit.

1. Are there stations within two jumps that need ore/silicon? That would be optimal distance to sell.

2. Are there pirates or enemies in close rang? If so, don’t build in that sector, you want to set your selling ship to just a few sectors away.

3. Can I supply energy cells? Make sure there is a solar power plant within two or three sector jump since that’s the only resource needed to run the station. That or you could build a Solar Power plant in that sector.

4. Most important, DON’T use M size stations for ore/silicon, they just don’t have good output, use L size only.

:: Tips about planting stations ::

Well here we go, your looking to plant a station, lets look at ore belt for a good example, they have TONS of Solar Power Plants. So what do they need? Crystals, so some crystal fabs would be a good idea.

All you need to do to make sure your product will sell is there is a strong demand for it. That’s it guys, look at the sector and plan what it needs.

Planting complexes? Or just extending my factory to a complex?

Okay here is some ideas on this. Fist off ill give you one of my most successful complex ideas. But keep in mind complexes can be expensive and a pain in the ass to build.

:: Drone Complex :: (this is kinda of an advanced complex)

What you need?
Massom Mill L - 1 - Split
Solar Power Plant L - 1 - any race
Solar Power Plant M – 1 – any race
Crytal Fab M - 4 - any race
Cahoona Bakery L – 3 – Argon
Cattle Ranch L – 3 – Argon
Silicon Mine L – 1 – Plant on an asteroid with a 40 silicon yield – any race
Scruffin Farm L – 1 – Split

Okay the hardest thing here is finding a silicon mine with a 40 yield, your going to have to find yourself one that you like (make sure the sector is clear of baddies and nearby sectors are safe) Next make sure there are trading stations near your silicon mine to ensure there are buyers near.

This complex cost about 46 Million.
Makes 1 Million an hour
25 million in a day

Now there are three good reasons to build this complex:

1. It ensures your UT/ST’s have free drones to travel with.
2. It can make tons of money fast.
3. You can make a drone army, it’s freaking AWSOME!!!

:: War Head Complex :: (a bit more simple)

What you need?
Ore Mine L – 1 – Yield 5 ore asteroid – any race
Weapon Component Factory – 1 – Boron
Rimes Factory M – 1 – Argon
Wheat Farm M – 1 – Argon

Now I don’t connect a Solar plant because I want to keep this one simple, here is an example of a complex that takes care of most resources but still needs one input.

Once more you’re bound to placement or an ore mine, but that’s not to bad, they should be close to argon space.

:: What are some good things to do with partial complexes? ::

Take this for example.

You have some left over silicon mines that you want to use, and want to make crystals, well, attach a crystal fab to it, then a cahoona backery size L and a cattle Ranch size L, that takes care of everything but energy cells and you can have that shipped in, thus taking care of most needed resources.

You can add a few factories to others to rid yourself of the high price products, thus maximizing your profits.

Use this Excel file to calculate good complexes: link

Well that’s it for now folks, hope this helps a bit.

Part Twelve: Questions and answers a few small things

Here is a Q and A for a quick reference.

------------ Claiming related ------------

1. Do I have to be out of a ship to claim another ship?

2. How do I get out of my ship?

3. How do I get to the claim button when claiming a ship?
Press “i" after you have selected the ship.

4. How do I get it so a ship can be claimed?
Check Part Two Section 1 of this guide

------------ Buying Things ------------

1. Why can I not buy certain things?
Your rank/reputation is not high enough

2. How do I raise my rank/reputation
Through trading, killing pirates, helping people (BBS), Trading

3. How do I know what the stats of a ship are?
When buying one click on it and press “i"

4. Where do i buy ships?
At a shipyard, there is one in argon prime if you didnt know

5. I want to buy a ship i dont have the rep/rank for.
To bad so sad.

------------ Repair and other things ------------

1. Where do I repair my ship?
At a ship yard, there is one in argon prime, and other places

3. What’s BBS?
It’s the bulletin board when docked at stations

4. What does the BBS do?
It has news and other good things like solo missions

5. Did you really write all of this?
Yes, kill me please!

------------ Floating boxes with things in them ------------

1. They came out of a ship I blew up, what do I do with them?
Leave them or grab them

2. How do I pick them up?
Open your cargo and fly threw them

3. Open my cargo?
Yes, open your cargo, press “o”

4. It wont go in my ship and now I have damaged my ship, ill hunt you down and kill you!
The cargo might be too big for your ship (XL does not go in S cargos) or you
don’t have cargo space left silly.

Controls (riped right from original game defaults)

Flight Controls:

Pitch up: Down
Pitch down: Up
Yaw left: Left
Yar right: Right
Roll left: q
Roll right: e
Accelerate: x
Decelerate: z
Boost extension: Tab
Brake to Stop: Backspace
Toggle autopilot: u
Dock with target: D
Switch gravidar modes: M
Eject from ship: E
Strafe left: a
Strafe right: d
Strafe up: w
Strafe down: s


Fire weapons: Left Mouse Button :or: Ctrl
Laser targeting mode: k
Select missile: m
Launch missile: l
Select weapon group 1: 1
Select weapon group 2: 2
Select weapon group 3: 3
Select weapon group 4: 4
Weapons menu: g


Track Target: t
Target nearest enemy: T
Target next object: Page up :or: Mouse wheel up
Target previous object: Page Down :or: Mouse wheel down
Target next owned object: Insert
Target previous owned object: Delete
Target next enemy: Home
Target previous enemy: End


Identify selected object: i
View details of selected item: u
Current ship menu: y
Player menu: p
Sector map: .
Galaxy map: ,
Show selection on galaxy map: g
Owned property: r
Message log: I

Commands and Management:

Command console [current ship]: C
Command console [selected ship]: e
Rename object: m
Wingmen attack target: Shift+6
Wingmen protect me: Shift+7
Drones attack target: Shift+8
Drones protect me: Shift +9

Ships and Stations:

Comms: c
Station details: u
Trade with station: d
Read BBS entries: b
Barter goods: t
Landed ships: l
Change ship: x


Freight bay: f
Open/close bay doors: o
Freight exchange: [none] <-- they never assigned one


SETA time accelerator: j
Jumpdrive: J
Docking computer: [none] <-- they never assigned one
Video enhancement goggles: Alt
Best selling price locator: 5
Best buys locator: 6
Ecliptic projector: g

Credits and my crazy ramblings

March, 14 2006
OKay, so i updated some stuff, and shiz. It seems that people love the guide, or at least like it, so if you dont like it then jump off a cliff... heh. Oh wait what version is this now..... I have nooooo idea, lets say 1.2, or oh who cares really.

early 2006
Okay, so I think I am done for now, this Is just version 1.1 so yeah, have fun kids.

I did this all in one night, I hope it does not show too much, I think it might help people out and gives a kind of all round guide and answers a lot of beginning questions.

If you have any input, advice, or correction PM me please.

My computer

The guys tutorials I referenced in this guide

The guys with the sujestions and such

The guys script i sujested for UT's (love that guy)

Oh craps, there are more people to thank here and i so dont rememeber them all, if you think you should be in the credits and your not here, PM me.

So there it is, have fun kids!
发表于 2006-8-19 14:35:42 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 20:10:54 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 21:33:07 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-20 12:43:40 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 13:26:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-4 11:52:08 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-4 12:05:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-4 21:02:45 | 显示全部楼层
每天翻一点 。。。






开始游戏后你会注意到开场及一些钟声和口哨声(CCB:有吗?偶怎么没注意到),然后你可以选择是进行第一部分的故事线,或者不管,这个可以由你来决定. 在你决定开始跟随这个指引之前,请确定你在ARGON PRIME(开场造型)


现在如果你想开始赚钱了的话你首先需要有一条货船,或者工厂,那么就去Menelaus’ Frontier吧,从ARGON PRIME开始,跟随下面的方向:

1. Go to north gate in Argon prime.
2. Go to the east gate in Heron’s Nebula.
3. Go to the east gate in The Hole.
4. Go to the north gate in Atreus’ Clouds.
5. Go to the north gate in Roll’s Fate.
6. You should now be in Merelaus’ Frontier.
从ARGON PRIME 到Menelaus’ Frontier的路线,不翻了

在这里你可以找到一条Toucan Hauler.下面的过程将会详细的解释,让我们开始吧

1.按“.” 键打开星区地图查看,你可以在地图的右下方看到三个用米来表示的数字(CCB:数字大了就变成公里了吧),这些数字就是你所在位置的X,Y,Z坐标


43, -7, 35

3.在你靠近以后你应该在一个巨大的小行星(CCB:到底是大还是小啊)附近,注意不要撞上去(记住控制速度的是Z和X,Z=减速 X=加速),绕过小行星直到你找到一艘停在那里不动的货船(CCB:是装人的,一下子忘记掉该如何称呼了,其实不用这么麻烦,查看地图右面的列表很容易找到这条船的,然后选定为目标自动驾驶就过去了)






等下,你让货船停靠是什么意思?不没关系,船会自动控制的,只要先用左键选中船,然后右键打开菜单,然后选择"COMMAND CONSOLE",然后"NAVIGATION",然后"DOCK AT",然后选一个星区,然后选一个站点?



可以理解,有些人指出偶前面提到的内容不一定适合所有人,好的没关系,偶们还有其他选择(不知所云 ..)




这些主义直接给你BY OCTESSENCE(CCB:偶不认识也猜不出是什么意思 ...),因为偶是直接去拿免费船的,所以关于这个主意偶没有太多可以说的,如果你读了这些有什么想法的话告诉偶偶很高兴把它们加进去





选中船然后右键打开命令菜单(应该有有一个小计算机图标,点击进入菜单),然后选择"NAVIGATION","DOCK AT",然后选择船厂

记住你的宇航服只能支持你12KM(CCB:这个偶还真不知道 ...)所以在弹出时候尽量离船厂近一点,因为你现在必须手工停靠了(CCB:宇航员也可以停靠?真没试过)



现在怎么办?恩这将取决与你在哪个船厂和你能买得起什么船.首先在卖船前你必须确定这个船厂里有你买得起的船,因为卖掉以后你只有钱而没有船了 ..

现在你能买到船的地方只有船厂,你卖掉BUSTER的船厂.但是有可能有钱但是和拥有船厂的种族关系不够而导致买不到船 ..左右为难啊.你应该用你的BUSTER先搞搞贸易(偶推荐买卖电池) ,或者杀杀海盗提升种族关系以使得你可以买到你想要的船(CCB:昏,这段都是倒着说的,果然如果没看完就动手的话很容易要哭的 ...)

买什么呢?你想要15W到25W之间的船.如果在ARGON PRIME的话偶推荐"MERCURY",它有着不错的速度和货仓空间, Octessence(CCB:又来了,难道是个人名?)推荐你使用"VULTRUE",如果你需要它的话找一个卖它的船厂吧.




2. 不要去管货船了,让偶们开始战斗吧





在你有100W以上以后,偶建议你先去ARGON PRIME买一条MERCURY级别的货船。然后就可以开始你期望的事情了:自动贸易!



:: Sections ::



Farnam’s Legent
Split Fire
Bala Gi’s Joy
Ore Belt (for some reason that sector gets pirates more than others for me)
Danna’s Chance
Nopileos Memorial
Hatikvah’s Faith
Aladna Hill
Atreus Clouds
The Hole

1-3 busters
1 buster 2 harries
1 buster 2 falcons
3 falcons
现在的最佳选择是什么呢?冲上去,尾随他们直到你接近他们中最快的船100米到300米的地方(因为是一个小队所以他现在的速度应该和小队中最慢的船保持一致。CCB:如果你组队了你会发现你也一样)减速和他们保持差不多的速度,然后选中你的目标,不要颤抖这也许会使你脱离目标,开火吧,直到他的护盾全部消失、船体还剩一半左右。基本上在这种情况下大多数飞行员会央求你不要再射击了同时要求保释(弃船),如果不是这样的话就消灭他吧,记住慢慢地记中他,如果你幸运的话,在船体受伤更严重一些的时候,他会弃船的。(CCB:就偶个人游戏体验而言好象没这么容易。。。。偶是开始就去GONER TEMPLE买了一个SALVAGE INSURANCE然后把它护盾打掉以后就存盘,然后慢慢打,打爆了还没投降就读盘。。。。)
它弃船是因为你摧毁了他的护盾和他的主要武器,这也就是你要做的,有时候在你做到这些以前他们就弃船了,不过这样比较罕见。(CCB:怎么知道他武器也没有了?有时候FALCON船体只剩下1/10都不到了,可是偶一不小心他一个回头就把偶挂了 。。不只一次)
接下来偶们假定你已经捕获了一条船,你可以看到船漂浮在空中然后弹射出来的飞行员就在边上漂浮(如果你愿意的话可以直接射杀他们CCB:偶从来没这么干过 。。好象有点下不去手的感觉)记住抢一条货船,同样的方式。偶在前面已经解释过如何控制无人飞船了因此这里偶假定你已经很熟悉了(CCB:强烈建议安装SALVAGE CLAIM SOFTWARE的SCRIPT,都什么科技年代了,拿个船还要自己跑过去 。。。TL级别的船会让你欲哭无泪的),在控制完成后飞回你自己的船。
偶现在假定你就知道一个ARGON PRIME的船厂,让抢来的船停靠到那里。如果有必要的话跟随它(右键点击选择FOLLOW,CCB:为了安全到达),打开SETA加速(J键)。
等船停靠后你可以修理或者卖掉它(CCB:就凭你现在这点钱还是不要考虑修理了吧),船的价格会有一定幅度的变动,同时也跟船的状态有关(CCB:就是被你达成什么样了),船体剩余越多的当然价格越高。既然是刚开始游戏建议你还是卖了它吧,点中船按方向左键,然后回车,卖掉了船你得到了钱。然后在他们意识到只是一个穷光蛋在卖一条破船前快点逃跑吧(CCB:玩笑话 。。。)
A、        你有富余的货舱空间,没有比原来想拿东西可是因为没有货舱空间而把东西撞毁更郁闷的了,同时撞击有可能伤害你的船(CCB:不是可能是一定的啦)和你船上的东西
B、        关掉你的护盾,按“O”键。开着护盾只会撞毁你的目标。
C、        速度不是问题,只要你有空间只要你关了护盾,速度不是问题。(CCB:偶怎么记得速度快了不行的啊,1.4的问题?)
D、        直接冲向目标吧,撞过去然后东西就在你货舱里面了
拿来的东西该如何处理呢?卖掉或者自己用,随便你了,如果想卖掉的话,去EQUIPMENT DOCK(CCB:基本上都是些导弹,偶尔有些武器,如果有货物的话就该去TRADING STATION了或者需要它们的工厂),选中货物,按左键选择你想卖掉的数量,回车。
为什么当海盗?因为很爽!谁关心是否合法 。。。(CCB:以下是作者对海盗好处的描述,略过)
偶没有在这方面有太多尝试所以偶希望大家知道偶不是个好海盗,所以如果你有什么好想法的话尽管去试吧(CCB:倒,那偶还看这个干嘛的 。。。)
但是拣东西时候你必须在船里面,所以你必须把自己从BUSTER转移到货船里去。停靠后或者在空间中做都可以,进入货船然后把货物拣起来吧。(CCB:好象很愚蠢的主意,不知道是装了什么SCRIPT还是本来就有,反正偶的货船是有拣东西的命令的,把一个星区所有货物自动拣完 。。。)
Farnham’s legend
Bala Gi’s Joy
Olmanckes Tlats Treaty
Split Fire
Brennan’s Triumph
Danna’s Chance
Nopileos Memorial
Hatikyah’s Faith
LooManckst rat’s Legacy
Mi Tons Revenge
Moo Kye’s Revenge
Farnham’s legend
Priest’s Pity (known docking able)
Company Pride (known docking able)
LooManckStrat’s Legacy
同时,如果你希望在上面的基地停靠的话,你不能拥有警察执照(可以在TRADING STATION购买)

先把strataholic做的索引表打印出来,会有帮助的(应该是那个货物买卖表,偶曾经想找过,死连接下不来 。。。)
我将从电池(ENERGY CELL)交易开始介绍,包括一些基础的导航命令
把你前面得到的货船(CCB:哪里得到的?抢?)开到ORE BELT,找一个POWER STATINO停靠。
查看价格(如果你不在货船中,按“R“键然后找到你的停在POWER STATION的船,进入交易菜单(CCB:你所在的船必须装有TRADING EXTENSINO)),电池比较好的买入价格是12-14。所以等待直到它价格落到这个区间,等待时候开SETA加速吧。
买完后把货船停到需要电池的工厂(比如ARGON PRIME的工厂),找一个比较好的卖出价格(查看见面的索引表看看什么工厂需要电池)
Navigation Command Software MK1
Trade Command Software MK1
Trade Command Software MK2
Trade Command Software MK3
Fight Command Software MK1
Fight Command Software MK2
Special Command Software MK1
CCB:其实跑到这里来就是为了Trade Command Software MK3 ,价格50W,其他都便宜而且哪里都有。。。。
How do I make them sector trade? Here are the direct instructions on how to:
1. 按R键
2. 选择你想进行星区贸易的船.
3. 按C键,或者进command consoule菜单
5. “Start Sector Trader” 钮
6. 选择进行星区自动贸易的星区
Home of Light
Argon Prime
Kingdom End
Rolk’s Drift
Queen’s Space
Red Light
为什么要这么做呢?因为偶们要开SETA加速,如果被警察扫描货物的话就会被打断的。好了,打开SETA(CCB:别忘了最后存个盘),等你醒来时候 。。。哇,偶有这么多钱了!!

Trade Software Mark 1
Trade Software Mark 3
Fight Software Mark 1
Fight Software Mark 2
25 MJ Shield(CCB:至少一个)
Trade software mark 2
Navigation software
给货船装个武器(CCB:装它是浪费钱,货船只会逃的 。。。)
Trading system extension
Best buy/sell locator


1、        每赚5W,货船驾驶员等级提升一级;
2、        从LV4开始他会在飞往下一个工厂时先查看自己所在工厂的货物情况;
3、        从LV7开始他会在找到买入价格低于卖出价格时进行交易,以前他只会在买入价格低于平均价格时才进行交易;
4、        从LV9开始他在自己的船受伤时会自动把船停靠到最近的船厂(不过维修还是得靠你自己下命令,表怪他,刚开始钱少时你可能宁可选卖掉他 。。。);
5、        从LV8开始可以进行星际贸易,货船开始查看邻近星区的价格情况;
6、        从LV8开始可以使用JUMPDRIVE,如果没有装备的话他会在LV12时候自己定一个(加10%运输费用),再加上12个无人战斗机;
7、        在受到攻击时他会以短信方式告之袭击他的船的ID,方便你日后报仇使用;
8、        货船交易的跳跃距离随驾驶员等级提升而扩大,直到几乎涵盖整个星系。但是游戏也设定了在LV21以后,买入货物的跳跃距离限制为5个星区(不然消耗电池太多,货船可不把电池算到购买成本里面去的)
9、        LV12时候他的卖出范围仅限于一个星区跳跃,然后
       Level 13+: 5 sectors
Level 17+: 15 sectors
Level 21+: 25 sectors

直到level 15: 1 sector
Level 16+: 3 sectors
Level 17+: 5 sectors


Where are shipyards? All over, but you should have one to start in Argon Prime, so if you need repairs and don’t know of any other go there.
船厂在哪里?很多,开始的ARGON PRIME就有一个,如果要修理又不知道其他船厂位置的话,就去那里吧

在装备站(EQUIMENT STATION)、武器和护盾工厂都可以,贸易站(TRADING STATION)不卖这些东西,不用去看了。

只能在装备站进行(CCB:谁说的,船厂也可以 。。。。在新买船的时候,这大概也是有船厂的地方必然有个装备站的原因吧)
偶总是先提升船的速度,这个比什么都重要(CCB:双手同意,也是M3能PK M2的原因)

2、进入个人财产菜单R键(CCB:停靠时候可以用R吗?不过不要紧,PERSONAL>SHIP一样可以),向下卷动直到你找到TRANFER FREIGHT

1、第二种办法是如果船上装了TRANSPORTER DEVICE(CCB:好象GONER TEMPLE有卖的),进入传送距离
2、选中另一条船,按I键然后选择TRANSFER FREIGHT

1、第三个也是最痛苦的方法就是把要交换的货物弹射到空间然后让另一条船吧他们拣起来(CCB:放心啦,X3里面没有人抢你东西的 。。。)

There are three satellites I know of:
Satellite    卫星
Advanced Satellite 高级卫星
Navigation Relay Satellite 导航卫星

:: Satellite ::

:: Advanced Satellite ::

:: Navigation Relay Satellite ::

买一些,ARGON PRIME就有卫星工厂,然后飞到你想放卫星的地方,F键进入货物菜单,EJECT一个就可以了
I am going to assume you have the right software for these functions, so if you don’t have a button you need some software, a good guess is if its fight related you need fight software, and so on. So use some common sense here.
偶假定你已经给船安装了必要的软件,R键进入列表,找到你要控制的船,进入COMMAND CONSLE,进入NAVIGAION,根据需要选择命令然后选择目的地。

停靠的船或者用上述方式打开菜单或者选中STATION>LANDED SHIP,进入命令菜单,TRADE WITH STATION,都可以控制船跟停靠STATION的交易。

1、        R
2、        找到要操作的船
3、        COMBAT
4、        PROTECT
5、        选你要保护的船

第九部分 战斗及其相关,导弹?

你已经经历过几场战斗然后也拣到了一些导弹,除了把它们卖掉换钱,导弹还有其他用处的。他们可以造成伤害,看你怎么用了。注意并非所有导弹都有跟踪目标功能(你可能认为应该这样)。最常见的导弹是“蚊子”(MOSQUITO MISSILE),它带有跟踪功能,不过谁关心这个呢,它几乎不能造成伤害,所以看上去好象没什么用处。偶用它们的唯一场合就是当偶有了20个以后,把它们一次性全部发射出去。也许你喜欢看漫天飞导弹的样子,满好看的。这些小东西真的没有任何用处吗?好吧,偶收回偶说过的话,是的它们有它们的用处,在你打算抓一艘船的时候,一些小伤害的导弹可以迫使他们弃船而又不会炸毁它们。
(CCB:谁说蚊子没有用的,它其实不是用来打船,而是用来打导弹的,可以用来防御敌人的导弹,也可以打你自己的导弹,是的,有些导弹伤害范围很大,但是飞行速度很慢,你不要期望它们能够追上敌人,但是把它们发射出去后,在差不多距离用一个蚊子把它引爆 。。。)
那么那些没有跟踪目标功能的导弹到底有什么用呢?就象你其他武器一样的使用他们(CCB:偶还真没这么用过 。。),瞄准然后射击 。。
下面是导弹的简单列表,以及偶推荐的适合在BUSTER上使用的导弹(没什么好翻的,buster compatible就是说BUSTER能用的导弹)

Mosquito Missile (small yield, guidance, buster compatible)
Aurora Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Baluga Missile
Blizzard Missile
Cyclone Missile
Disruptor Missile
Firefly Missile
Firestorm Topedo
Hornet Missile
Hurricane Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Silkwork Missile (medium yield, buster compatible)
Tempest Missile
Thunderbolt Missile
Tornado Missile
Typhoon Missile
Wasp Missile (buster compatible)

偶知道上述列表并不完整但那些是偶熟悉的(CCB:回头偶去搞个完整的回来)。你喜欢用导弹吗?他们真的有用吗?当然有用,当然偶也喜欢,只不过偶很少花钱去买他们,偶只用捡来的(CCB:小气鬼,偶的导弹都是自己造的,拣东西太慢了),在面对面的缠斗中他们作用很大(CCB:面对面?FREELANCER中偶老这么用,不过X3中不敢,因为很容易在还没飞离自己船时候就被打爆了 。。。)。导弹是很好的第二武器(在近距离和NOVA交手时候偶就用他们)

2、偶的武器瞄准装置消失了 。。没关系,用K键把它调回来
3、偶想逐个锁定敌人但不要其他东西 。。。HOME和END键就是派这个用场的:逐个锁定你雷达范围内的各个敌人
4、如何才能知道偶的战斗技能不错了?偶说,如果你能K掉一个NOVA和三个护卫组成的小队而没有伤到船体 。。。你就不错了
5、用BUSTER对付NOVA,或者其他有后炮台的船?后炮台会给你造成很大的麻烦,所以保持和他1-1.5KM的距离,虽然强大但是他速度很慢无法躲避你的子弹,所以耐心点,打掉它也是迟早的问题。(CCB:如果是第一次用你的BUSTER打NOVA前最好先存个盘,BUSTER对它而言也就是两三个齐射的问题 。。。)


  比如,偶下面以在ARGON PRIME建立一个轻盾工厂为例。这个工厂需要2,038,612,单单这就是一大笔钱了。如果你需要工厂自动进行的话,你还需要三条船配给工厂用于去买工厂需要的三种原料:电池、牛排和矿,同时要注意的是至少有一条船必须能够装下XL级别的货物,因为矿就是XL级别的(要经常注意货物的级别和船能装货物的级别)。假定你买了三条ARGON的MERCURY(如果是在ARGON PRIME买的话可以装XL和3-4000的货物),L级别的MECURY大概需要40W一条然后装好所有需要软件、升级以后大概是100W左右一条。因此你单为工厂和船支付的金额大概为500W左右,但是还要考虑工厂的启动资金,大概550W左右大概可以让你的工厂开工了。现在方案确定了,开工吧:
1、联系ARGON MANMOTH(CCB:猛犸、TL级别用来装STATION,不过偶现在有几条当补给船来的)
3、选择”我要运点东西“,他会告诉你价格,接受吧(和ARGON 关系还可以的话很便宜的,偶记得大概过一个星系是1000)
4、接受价格后再次联系猛犸,告诉船长”请移动到XX船厂“,然后选择ARGON PRIME的船厂,他自己去开过去的(CCB:开SETA吧,不然等死你,而且最好你离开ARGON PRIME,酱紫它停靠时间会快点,不用考虑周围的小行星情况了)
6、告诉猛犸移动到你想建立工厂的地方,如果是ARGON PRIME的话,UNDOCK即可


1、进入船的命令菜单,找到”SET HOME BASE 。。“(设定母基地)然后选择你的工厂
2、设定好以后进入贸易菜单选择”BUY WARE FOR BEST PRICE“(以最好的价格去买 ),然后选择你工厂需要的一种原料



:: Solar Power Plant (any size) ::
Argon Prime
Presidents End
Ringo Moon

:: L Flower Farm ::
Emperor's Wisdom

:: Crystal Fabs ::
Ore Belt

:: L Soyery ::
Spring of Belief

:: Space Fuel Distellery ::
Nopolios Memorial
President’s End

:: Space Weed ::
Nopolios Memorial

:: Rimes Factory ::
Argon Prime

:: Small Shield Fact ::
Argon Prime



让我们用ORE BELT来举一个例子吧,那里有许多电池工厂,他们需要什么呢?水晶,所以在那里建立些水晶工厂应该是个好主意。

:: Drone Complex :: (this is kinda of an advanced complex)

工厂名称 规模 数量 种族
Massom Mill L - 1 - Split
Solar Power Plant L - 1 - any race
Solar Power Plant M – 1 – any race
Crytal Fab M - 4 - any race
Cahoona Bakery L – 3 – Argon
Cattle Ranch L – 3 – Argon
Silicon Mine L – 1 – Plant on an asteroid with a 40 silicon yield – any race
Scruffin Farm L – 1 – Split
(CCB:简单看了下他的配置,好象CRYSTAL供应有点不足的样子 。。)
Okay the hardest thing here is finding a silicon mine with a 40 yield, your going to have to find yourself one that you like (make sure the sector is clear of baddies and nearby sectors are safe) Next make sure there are trading stations near your silicon mine to ensure there are buyers near.

1. It ensures your UT/ST’s have free drones to travel with.
2. It can make tons of money fast.
3. You can make a drone army, it’s freaking AWSOME!!!
3、你可以建立一个无人驾驶战斗机军队 。。很厉害啊(CCB:这个倒没试过,不过X3里面如何控制它们啊)

名称  规模  数量 种族
Ore Mine L – 1 – Yield 5 ore asteroid – any race
Weapon Component Factory – 1 – Boron
Rimes Factory M – 1 – Argon
Wheat Farm M – 1 – Argon


建立一个部分的自给工厂有什么好处呢? 看下面的例子:
你有一些多余的硅想用来做水晶,好的,加一个水晶工厂吧,还有牛排L和牛栏L,除了电池其他什么都有了,这样你可以照顾到所有需要的资源。(CCB:还为自己没有提前设计好找托词 。。。。偶开半自给工厂是为了给当地居民贸易机会,提升关系来的)你可以在原有的工厂上面加几个高利润产品的工厂,赚取更多的钱。


2. 如何弹射出去?

3. How do I get to the claim button when claiming a ship?
Press “i" after you have selected the ship.

4. How do I get it so a ship can be claimed?
Check Part Two Section 1 of this guide

------------ Buying Things ------------

1. Why can I not buy certain things?
Your rank/reputation is not high enough

2. How do I raise my rank/reputation
Through trading, killing pirates, helping people (BBS), Trading

3. How do I know what the stats of a ship are?
When buying one click on it and press “i"

4. Where do i buy ships?
At a shipyard, there is one in argon prime if you didnt know

5. I want to buy a ship i dont have the rep/rank for.
To bad so sad.

------------ Repair and other things ------------

1. Where do I repair my ship?
At a ship yard, there is one in argon prime, and other places

3. What’s BBS?
It’s the bulletin board when docked at stations

4. What does the BBS do?
It has news and other good things like solo missions

5. Did you really write all of this?
Yes, kill me please!

------------ Floating boxes with things in them ------------

1. They came out of a ship I blew up, what do I do with them?
Leave them or grab them

2. How do I pick them up?
Open your cargo and fly threw them

3. Open my cargo?
Yes, open your cargo, press “o”

4. It wont go in my ship and now I have damaged my ship, ill hunt you down and kill you!
The cargo might be too big for your ship (XL does not go in S cargos) or you
don’t have cargo space left silly.

Controls (riped right from original game defaults)

Flight Controls:

Pitch up: Down
Pitch down: Up
Yaw left: Left
Yar right: Right
Roll left: q
Roll right: e
Accelerate: x
Decelerate: z
Boost extension: Tab
Brake to Stop: Backspace
Toggle autopilot: u
Dock with target: D
Switch gravidar modes: M
Eject from ship: E
Strafe left: a
Strafe right: d
Strafe up: w
Strafe down: s


Fire weapons: Left Mouse Button r: Ctrl
Laser targeting mode: k
Select missile: m
Launch missile: l
Select weapon group 1: 1
Select weapon group 2: 2
Select weapon group 3: 3
Select weapon group 4: 4
Weapons menu: g


Track Target: t
Target nearest enemy: T
Target next object: Page up r: Mouse wheel up
Target previous object: Page Down r: Mouse wheel down
Target next owned object: Insert
Target previous owned object: Delete
Target next enemy: Home
Target previous enemy: End


Identify selected object: i
View details of selected item: u
Current ship menu: y
Player menu: p
Sector map: .
Galaxy map: ,
Show selection on galaxy map: g
Owned property: r
Message log: I

Commands and Management:

Command console [current ship]: C
Command console [selected ship]: e
Rename object: m
Wingmen attack target: Shift+6
Wingmen protect me: Shift+7
Drones attack target: Shift+8
Drones protect me: Shift +9

Ships and Stations:

Comms: c
Station details: u
Trade with station: d
Read BBS entries: b
Barter goods: t
Landed ships: l
Change ship: x


Freight bay: f
Open/close bay doors: o
Freight exchange: [none] <-- they never assigned one


SETA time accelerator: j
Jumpdrive: J
Docking computer: [none] <-- they never assigned one
Video enhancement goggles: Alt
Best selling price locator: 5
Best buys locator: 6
Ecliptic projector: g

Credits and my crazy ramblings

March, 14 2006
OKay, so i updated some stuff, and shiz. It seems that people love the guide, or at least like it, so if you dont like it then jump off a cliff... heh. Oh wait what version is this now..... I have nooooo idea, lets say 1.2, or oh who cares really.

early 2006
Okay, so I think I am done for now, this Is just version 1.1 so yeah, have fun kids.

I did this all in one night, I hope it does not show too much, I think it might help people out and gives a kind of all round guide and answers a lot of beginning questions.

If you have any input, advice, or correction PM me please.

My computer

The guys tutorials I referenced in this guide

The guys with the sujestions and such

The guys script i sujested for UT's (love that guy)

Oh craps, there are more people to thank here and i so dont rememeber them all, if you think you should be in the credits and your not here, PM me.

So there it is, have fun kids!

[ 本帖最后由 ccb 于 2006-11-6 17:10 编辑 ]

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