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本帖最后由 icyspirit 于 2010-10-14 01:39 编辑
After completing HUB mission several times without cheating, I find out that ONE complex is sufficient for completing the mission within an acceptable time span (One week more or less)
Okay, let's see what are the requirements, and my methods to deal with them:
Gate 1:
400 x Computer Components
(Several stops at computer component factories around the universe will suffice)
500 x Microchips
(Start spending your time buiding the complex here, then let it go once and for all...)
My complex is named FINAL Complex (Or FINAL Hub), the only complex I have built in my latest game. The complex situates in an Unknown sector to the SOUTHWEST of Unholy Descent, with 5 rich Silicon Mines of output 64.
The total station count is 80, comprising of:
36 chip plants (Boron)
2 XL solar power plant
1 L solar power plant
12 L bio gas factory
2 M bio gas factory
12 L bofu chemical lab
2 M bofu chemical lab
4 L crystal fab (Boron)
4 M crystal fab (Boron)
5 L silicon mine (Boron or Terran)
The cost of the complex is 301574076 Cr, plus transportation such as 2 TL Mammoths I used, and credits deposited in Xenon Hub (My method is quite credit-consuming, so make sure that Xenon Hub does not run out of credits...). Do work hard beforehand to earn those credits before taking the "lazy" step.
In case you have trouble getting so much credits, you can just get a M7M (I use Cobra) and make sure you train your elite marines as early as possible, then a dozen of 95% hull Briggantines will give you more than enough credits (Probably more than enough IBLs as well ).
Of course missiles and boarding pod can be an issue, you can choose to buy from the universe (like collecting teladianium below), or you just build another missile complex, it's up to you to decide.
Then, get 2 TS (Trade command software 1&2, Supply command software and Jumpdrive installed), (I always use Springblossom) first get the complex running smoothly by providing some crystals or energe cells, disable the Hub trading with other races. Designate homebase of 2 TS as Xenon Hub and set auto jump enabled (Min. range 0 or 1), fuel resupply to 100 or so. Manually transfer at least 1 unit of energy cell and microchip to the Xenon Hub to make it remember (All wares must have previously registered in Xenon Hub before TS can perform any trade command relating to these wares). Then assign 1 TS to BUY WARE FOR BEST PRICE for energy cell, and the other TS BUY WARE for microchip at the FINAL Complex, set number of repeat to -1 so that it goes back and forth without stopping. Remember the above-mentioned Energy transporter will continue until the end of HUB mission!
500 x Microchip will be ready very fast, you can now connect your Gate 1(Only once though)
150000 x Teladianium
(Connect Gate 1 to the North Gate of Bright Profit, or any other sector in vicinity of Teladianium production. Set jump range of Xenon Hub to 50 (Max.))
FINAL Complex can now be allowed to trade with other races and make some profits by setting price of Microchip 1 Cr below average. Or you can start collecting microchips for the final delivery in the HUB mission, just place one TL (Big cargo space like Mammoth, Atmospheric lifter is better, Aran will be excellent though) near the complex. Designate homebase of a M3 (With trade command software 1&2) to the TL, then ask it to use BUY WARE command to buy microchips from the FINAL Complex, number of repeat set to -1. You should have more than enough microchips before reaching the last mission in this way.
Get some more TS(Or Springblossom) with Trade command software 1&2, Supply command software and Jumpdrive installed, auto jump and fuel resupply designated, and homebase as Xenon Hub. Assign all of them to BUY WARE FOR BEST PRICE for Teladianium, remember to adjust buying price for teladianium in Xenon Hub at around 3/4 of the Max so that they gather the ware at a decent rate.
Meanwhile you can have your fun exploring other missions and just wait for 150000 x Teladianium to complete itself.
450000 x Ore
(Just do the same thing as Teladianium, just use bigger TS such as those with XL headlines or Mistral Superfreighter with 15000 cargo space which is my favourite, remember to adjust buying price to an appropriate level)
You can also do this step by a method close to cheating from my perspective, you can refer to those people who mine Nividium relentlessly, here I shall not dwell on this seeming alternative. However, if you are sincerely driving your miners yourselves in the ore field or you do not mine with OOS, you are absolutely commendable!
Okay, Gate 1 is now ready. Connect it to somewhere around Hatikvah's Faith, like its South Gate to facilitate further resources collection.
Gate 2:
500 x Nividium (Use a TL/M1/M2/M6/M7 with Mineral Scanner and Ore Collector and Mobile Drilling System (Optional) to first blast Nividium into smaller pieces in the Unknown Sector using UFJD, or other sectors having Nividium, take several blood baths and 500 Nividium is ready at hand, just be sure you won't kiss your own shields off, especially if you intend to fly a Springblossom like I usually do.)
250000 x Crystals
(Similar to Teladianium one, assigning TS to BUY WARE FOR BEST PRICE, the FINAL Complex may be of some use here as you can totally shut down microchip production but only concentrate on producing crystals, closing extra food and energy production by recalculating the complex use Complex Calculator, assigning one TS to transport crystals between the complex and Xenon Hub with autojump and fuel resupply.)
Crystals may well take you slightly longer time than expected, meanwhile having fun capturing ships and completing other mission.
Gate 2 is operational, select a convenient juncture to connect it and put the awesome utility of HUB into good use.
Gate 3:
400000 x Silicon Wafers
(Similar to the procedures collecting Ores, but the problem is that there are fewer Silicon Mines in the universe, with much lesser output rate and more than twice the size of ore, this means larger TS is probably needed and FINAL Complex concentrates on producing Silicon Wafers while keeping Other intermediates at minimal output that can sustain the complex. Mining Silicon Wafers with miners is also encouraged, if you want to take a rest from the intensity of other missions.
75000 x Microchips
(I have been talking about Microchips from the very beginning, so now it should be clear-cut how it should be done. You can turn on SETA (I do this by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and followed by pressing J as fast as I can, then click on the Task Manager to make it cover onto X3TC interface and you are free to go). While letting the game run in background for several hours, you can do something else like what I'm doing now. Otherwise, you can go shopping, watching a movie or just having a sweet dinner with your dear and when you come back I'm sure you'll have enough confidence to complete the mission.
If you choose to have a TS constantly transporting Microchips between the Complex and the Xenon Hub, you need not worry about anything, but if you choose to automatically use M3 to put Microchips in the TL, then you may have to spend some time unloading them to the Hub, who can only consume 250 at each point of time. So, just be a little more patient and you complete the mission without cheating.
Thank you for your reading and have fun~ |