Autostaging will only stage if eventual parachutes are also decoupled in the same stage
Landing improvements, especially with the touchdown
Improved RCS Torque
Increased number of significant figures in some info items
Fixed sepratron recognition to use placement angle and not ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected
Fixed new autostaging parachute check
Fixed math error in rendezvous autopilot match velocities step
Changed menu position
Fixed rover autopilot swerving when target heading is due north
Fixed ascent AP inclination field not saving
Fixed problems with dV simulation
Add a Conics Mode selector in the Node Editor
Warp Helper should now persist lead time and warp target
Added sarbian's RCS improvements
Added sarbian's conics relativity mode selector
Reworked autostaging
Fixed the window's buttons
0.21 compatibility changes
Disabling SAS use, no longer needed