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[原创] 还有人吗?分享我翻译的FS2剧情

发表于 2016-10-31 18:57:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The cutscene begins with fighters flying toward a battle over a planet, we see a number of Human and Vasudan ships fighting the Lucifer. The text reads "The Great War: Battle of Deneb 2.28.2335".
动画开始时,数架战机向远处行星之间的战场飞去,战场上,人类和瓦苏丹的战舰正与路西法号交战。文本显示:“第一次大战:天津四战役 2/28/2335”

Two GTA Bombers - Medusas - fly swiftly toward the Lucifer, which powers up and fires its beam cannon at a nearby GTD Orion, vaporizing them and tearing a huge hole in the Human warship which begins listing dejectedly. We then see a lone GTA Fighter - a Hercules - fly toward the Lucifer before a Shivan Manticore swoops in to attack. The aggresor fires several times with its main guns before launching a missile that streaks towards the human craft and explodes, sending the burning fighter spiralling toward the planet. Rising from the smoke the words "Freespace 2" appear prominently.

两架轰炸机-GTA美杜莎飞向路西法号,后者正在启动光束炮,攻击附近的一艘GTD猎户座级驱逐舰。驱逐舰体被击穿了一个大洞。然后,一架落单的GTA战斗机,大力神(赫克里斯)型,飞向路西法,但身后出现了一架Shivan蝎狮战机。蝎狮数次开炮没有命中,发射了一枚导弹。导弹命中了人类战机,使其尾部燃烧着坠向行星。烟雾中出现了游戏标题:“自由空间 2”

As the smoke clears we see ruins and debris across the surface of the planet. The accompanying text reads "thirty-two years later". The monologue begins as the view pans across wrecked planet surface:


"Thirty-two years have passed since the Great War. The Shivans vanished half a lifetime ago. And now, we live in the mausoleum of history."


The scene shows skeletons in armor, the decayed remains of soldiers half covered in sand.


"We inherit the legacy of ghosts who haunt these ruins. The elders call us the 'Lost Generation'"


The scene pans over the trench left by the stricken fighter seen earlier. It has scored a deep rut in the sand as it hit the ground. The pilot sits in a pressurised combat suit propped against the ruined craft, a small holoprojector in the sand near his hand repeating a short home movie of his loved ones while the eyeless skull stares out from behind its mask.


"I remember stories of a glorious civilization. Of cities, with spires that reached the sun. Of a blue planet, with vast seas. Of people with myths of Humanity, everlasting. Of children, who saw, in the embers of dying stars, the destiny of their race."


The camera ascends rapidly, returning to space and into the debris-field left behind from the battle depicted in the opening scene. Suddenly the screen dims for a moment as the camera passes backwards through a gaping hole now recognisable as a huge corridor torn through a Human ship that becomes visible as an Orion-class destroyer. This warship is the GTD Legion.

"And they hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear. They say our people have no present, only a past filled with horror, and a future they can only dream of. Now, we forge a new alliance, to guard the tomb of space, and to find within its cold expanse the salvation of our race"


And then, came some GTVA starships into the scene, including the GTVA Collosus.


[edit] Bosch Monologues
"32 years ago on the Altair system, Vasudan scientists discovered the remnants of an extinct civilization we now call the Ancients. And here we found the secret to defeating the Shivans. How close did we come to being a footnote in the history of a future species, that would happen upon our ruins 10,000 years from now. Would they indulge in the fiction of their own immortality until the Shivans came for them? And how long had this gone on? Did the Ancients stumble upon the monoliths and the tombs of their predecessors in this distant corner of space, dismissing the warnings carved on the walls of the sepulchre? And when the Destroyers came at last, what did the Ancients think as they sifted the cremation of dust and bones, staring into the mute remains for a key, some, solution to their plight. What if there had been countless races, stretching back into infinity. And like the 9 cities of Troy, each civilization had been built on the rubble of one that came before, each, annihilated by the Shivans. The Ancients died 8,000 years ago. As Humanity emerged from it's neolithic infancy, they believed their voyage across the sea of stars woke the dragon that slept beneath the waves, that the Shivans were birthed from the flux of subspace, and their destruction was the revenge of an angry cosmos"


"I hear my enemies speculate about my motives, my ambitions. 'Who is Admiral Aken Bosch, and what is that old scoundrel up to?' The tragedy of my life is that I will be remembered as a butcher of innocents. And this assessment is not unfair, I cannot argue with their condemnation, or with the verdict of history. The Neo-Terran Front is an army of stupid cattle, driven by their hatreds, their fears and insecurities. Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyrrany and old wounds open all too easily. I am merely a fool who created a monster I am now powerless to stop. And so I will play my role to the bloody end. I have given the Lost Generation something to die for, and now my legacy will be crowned with infamy. What my enemies will never understand, is that my rebellion is about my love for humanity, not my hatred of Vasudans. In the Gamma Draconis system the Destroyers have returned, and soon the Alliance will learn the method behind my madness"


"Why does the ancient portal lead us here? Have the Shivans been waiting for us for thousands of years? This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? 3 decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die? My regime has caused nothing but savagery and suffering. But I cannot turn back now. I must find the Destroyers that lurk behind this veil of clouds, or I must wait for the destroyers to find me. The nebula is a remnant of a supernova thousands if not billions of light years from earth, and I wonder now if our ancestors witnessed the death of this star, erupting over the egyptian landscape, blazing with the brilliance of 400 million suns. Even in their divinity, no Pharaoh could have imagined this."


"This is the final entry in the personal log of Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front. Our encounter with the Shivans has vindicated all I have fought for these past thirty years. My life's work has been achieved. I have created the technology to enable communication between the Shivans and the Human race. Although our first contact was rudimentary and crude, I have initiated the first phase of a new alliance with the Destroyers, an alliance upon which the fate of humanity depends. As a young pilot, I battled against the rebels of The Great War, the Galactic Terran Intelligence, whose research of Shivan technology and biology would form the cornerstone of my project. The Terran-Vasudan Alliance buried this knowledge, but I resurrected it. I alone realized our species had no future with the Vasudans. If we are to survive our destiny must lie elsewhere. As I make this final entry my crew is preparing to scuttle the Iceni and board the Shivan transports. We embark on a miraculous journey toward a new horizon, this tragic era of hatred and misunderstanding between our races is over. On this day, for the first time in my life, I am filled, with joy."


[edit] Colossus Briefing
"The following is classified Level RHO, unauthorized access is punishable under the GTVA Security Act, Deneb Convention, Section 21.3.5. We vanquished the Shivans in The Great War, but the hard questions remained. How would we confront the threat of future invasions? The Shivans might return at any time, any place, without warning. How would we fight the next threat to the very existence of our species? In 2345, on the 10th anniversary of the Shivan attack on Ross 128, the Vasudan Emperor Consu the 2nd adressed the newly formed GTVA General Assembly. The Emperor inagurated an ambitious and unprecedented joint endeavour; the GTVA Colossus."(Khonsu II)"Together we built a civilization on the ruins of The Great War. But now we stand on the threshold of a new era of prosperity and harmony. With project Colossus the Vasudan people celebrate our renewed covenant or peaceful coexistence and mutual defense of our Terran allies."(Briefing Officer)"The Colossus is the most powerful space faring warship ever constructed. Spanning 6 kilometres from bow to stern, the Colossus has taken over 20 years to complete. 12 Lucifer class destroyers can fit within it's massive hull. It's state of the art weaponry includes; 45 laser turrets, 15 flak guns, 12 missile batteries, and 12 beam cannons. The Colossus weilds more firepower than 5 Orion class destroyers combined, 60 fighter and bomber wings are housed in it's vast hanger, and it's crew numbers over 30,000. Among it's major contractors are industry giants Triton Dynamics, Subach Innes, and the Akheton Corporation. The Alliance now wages war on multiple fronts, in Deneb, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Pegasi, and the mysterious nebula beyond Gamma Draconis. Once deployed, the Colossus will end these conflicts swiftly and decisively. If ever the Shivans return to threaten our worlds, we will be ready to face the challenge, securing peace for today, and for generations to come"

"以下为绝密级别R内容,任何未经授权的访问都将依据GTVA 安全协议-Deneb附加条款,21.3.5章受到惩处。我们在第一次大战中消灭了Shivan,但难以回避的问题依然存在-未来的入侵我们应该如何面对?Shivan可能在任何时间、任何地点再次出现,我们应该如何在下一次威胁中确保自身的生存?2345年,在Ross 128举行的Shivan入侵10周年纪念仪式上,瓦苏丹皇帝康苏2世为新成立的GTVA联合大会发表演讲,首次提出了一个史无前例的合作计划:GTVA 巨人级。(康苏2世语音)‘在大战的废墟上,我们携手建立起了一个全新的文明。现在,我们正处在一个繁荣、和平的新时代前沿。通过巨人计划,瓦苏丹人民将致力于与人类盟友共同构建强大的防御力量,以实现两个种族的永久和平与和谐共存。’(康苏语音结束)巨人级是有史以来建造的最强大的太空战舰。从舰首到舰尾总长达到6公里,花费了20年的时间才建造完成。它巨大的内部空间可以装下12艘路西法级驱逐舰。武备库包括45座激光炮塔,15座防空炮塔,12座导弹发射器,12座光束炮塔。巨人级的火力超过5艘猎户座级驱逐舰的总和,其辽阔的机库可容纳60支战斗机或轰炸机中队,乘员达到3万人。其主要制造商包括多个工业巨头:崔顿动力,苏巴赫.艾尼斯,和阿克顿企业。联盟现在正在多条战线发起攻势,天津4、人马座A,飞马座E,以及天龙伽马星系之外神秘的星云区域。一旦部署,巨人级将迅速终结这些冲突,赢得决定性胜利。即使Shivan重回我们的世界,这次我们已经做好了面对挑战的准备,我们必将确保现在以及未来的和平安定。"

[edit] Mission Breifing
"This team vs Team mission pits your team against Zeta team with a Ganymede installation inbetween. Goodluck pilot. Try to say that 5 times faster. *laughs*" (Outtake)

[edit] Admiral Petrarch
"To the officers and crew of the GTD Aquitaine. We have halted the Shivan advance, the battle of Capella is over. We sealed off the system and our people are safe, maybe forever. No one can fathom how or why the Shivans destroyed the Capella star. Though we know our enemy better now than we did 32 years ago, their motives remain a mystery. Perhaps they are exiles like we are, nomads wandering the universe, searching for a way back home. The explosion of a star might be the bridge between this universe, and their own. As the old poet once said, 'there are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy'. From our odyssey into Hell, we've returned with a gift; the ancient technology to build a portal between Delta Serpentis and Sol. To restore the link to our blue planet. To return home after all these years. This is Admiral Petrarch, signing off."

MIA Ending
"To the pilots and crew of the 70th Blue Lions, GTD Aquitaine. It is my sad duty to report that your squadron leader never reached the Vega system. According to observers, Alpha 1 remained behind so that others might reach the Vega node. The pilot made this decision even after being advised of the impendng catastrophe. Because of this sacrifice and the sacrifice of thousands of others, we halted the Shivan advance. We sealed off Capella and our people are safe, maybe forever. No one can fathom how or why the Shivans destroyed the Capella star. We lost a place many of us called home, we lost entire squadrons, the Colossus, and most of our fleet. We lost so many friends that we celebrate our victory with grief and mourning. From our odyssey into Hell, we've returned with a gift; the ancient technology to build a portal between Delta Serpentis and Sol. To restore our link to planet Earth. To return home after all these years. This is Admiral Petrarch, signing off."
发表于 2016-10-31 20:02:52 | 显示全部楼层

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