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[原创] 最令人关注的1.3 Beta已经于7日早上推送!!!

发表于 2018-12-7 09:29:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Version 1.30 Beta 1 (323831)

Added graphics setting to show graphics card and screen separately on multi-GPU systems. 多显卡支持

Added option to restore all default settings. 恢复初始设置

Added Nividium to items bought by Argon and Teladi trade stations. N矿现在可以被卖到A族和T族,他们会收

Improved accuracy of turrets and gimballed weapons. 炮塔武器瞄准武器准度提升

Improved skill gain profile for NPCs. NPC会获得经验技能提升

Improved station-based traders to sell products at at least the price set at their station. 以空间站为基地的贸易船会设置一个最低价(感觉可以解决一些贸易问题)

Improved options for selling illegal wares. 增加了卖违法商品的选项

Removed non-functional engine mod type. 移除了不能正常运作的引擎

Removed mining turret compatibility from Sunder. 额Sunder是个船型吗?反正这东西不能装挖矿炮塔了

Removed display of type icons for unknown objects on map. 移除了未知物品在星图上的图标

Removed mouse cursor emulation in start menu. 主菜单鼠标修复

Fixed searching for ware names to use the correct trade filter. 商品筛选器输入货物名称修复

Fixed missing guidance information in Mission Manager 修复任务管理器里没有引导的问题

Fixed invasions stalling and starving the war missions of suitable situations. 【重点!!!】修复了入侵延迟,修复了Starving the  war任务的可用条件。【重点!!!】 宇宙不再空寂!让NPC们打架打起来!!!!我会持续关注这个情况。外网已经开始测试了。

Fixed illegal build plot for advanced gamestart "The Unworthy Entrepreneur".  修复这个开局(T族新解锁开局)的非法plot

Fixed player-owned ships sometimes dropping cargo without the player telling them to. 修复了玩家的船没事瞎丢货物的问题 (这个也蛮常见的)

Fixed passengers or prisoners sometimes being promoted to captain thereby changing ship ownership. 修复了乘客和犯人有时候变身船长让你失去这条船的问题(这个我没遇到过,但是官方论坛都觉得很谐,“我叛变了啊!”)

Fixed turrets on M-sized ships flown by the player and set to attack all enemies not engaging hostile XS-sized ships. 不高兴翻,反正就是一个炮塔的bug,中型船上的,有时候会瞎jb打

Fixed case of patrolling ships failing to engage pirates pretending to belong to their faction. 额海盗还会伪装成他们派系的人?然后警察就不会打他们?这么智能吗?修复了

Fixed police ships penalising unpaid plots in locations where they do not have police authority. 修复警察在没有执法权地块上呆住的问题

Fixed "Promote best crewmember" button not working if ship has no pilot and all crewmembers have 0 skills. 修复了全船都是0技能船员没法晋升1个人为船长的问题(我遇到过,修复了好评)

Fixed being able to recruit crew from NPC-owned capital ships. 修复了能从npc大船上招募船员的bug(这个我用的不少次啊!原来是bug)

Fixed another case of AutoTrade not functioning. 又双叒修复了自动贸易的bug

Fixed AutoMiners not selling the resources that they gather. 修复了自动挖矿不卖矿的bug

Fixed some player-owned ships not allowing you to dock. 修复了有些玩家的船不能靠港的bug

Fixed L-sized turret and shieldgenerator blueprints not being available to the player. 修复了L型炮台和护盾发生器玩家拿不到的问题

Fixed certain collectables not being picked up when you fly over them. 修复了有些东西飞过去不能被收集的问题

Fixed ships stuck while docked awaiting an invalid build to complete. 额就是修复了一个卡船的bug不重要

Fixed characters being stuck in unhelpful places. 修复了玩家被卡住不能动的bug(我遇到过,卡在电梯里了啥也干不了,只能读档)

Fixed being able to clone crew members. 修复了可以克隆船员的问题(还有这种bug?)

Fixed player logo being applied to HQ asteroid.修复了玩家logo贴在HQ小行星上的问题(是修好了,还是移除了呢?)

Fixed player HQ information menu not working after adding a production to the HQ. 修复了玩家在给HQ添加生产后HQ信息菜单不工作的问题

Fixed missing dock areas on builder ships. 修复了建造者船上木得泊位的问题。

Fixed incorrect type of mines near gate in Eighteen Billion.修复了180亿这星系星门口诡雷的问题

Fixed error incorrectly appearing if build is completed. 修复了建造完成后不正常的显示

Fixed asteroid scanning not being possible.修复了不能扫描小行星的问题

Fixed missing text localization in several places. 修复了字体本地化的一些问题

Fixed missing German station announcements and other voiced lines. 德语翻译问题

Fixed a case of ships having no collision detection. 修复了船只无法识别碰撞体积

Fixed ships skipping collision avoidance in certain situations.修复了一些条件下船只跳过 碰撞规避的问题

Fixed most cases of clipping through docking bay floors when docking.修复了大多数停泊时的穿模问题

Fixed a case of the player ship warping to an invalid location on undocking. 修复了从泊位离港被传送到未知地点的问题

Fixed more cases of the player ship warping around (e.g. after taking control). 修复了玩家的船瞎jb传送的问题(在获得操纵权之后。。。我貌似遇到过,关autopilot会跳一段距离,明显bug)

Fixed crash when installing broken equipment mods. 装坏掉的物品mod会崩溃的问题

Fixed occasional unrecoverable freezes. 修复了有时候不能动的问题

Fixed several other causes of rare crashes.其他崩溃问题
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