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- 1970-1-1
楼主 |
发表于 2009-1-3 16:34:32
Apollo 18: The Moon Missions
Apollo 18 simulates a fictional mission to the Moon in the early 1980's, following on from the last real flight (Apollo 17) before NASA cancelled the program. One of the game's key features was digitised speech, which sounds crackly like a real mission controller would. Telemetry screens provide realism, with the player having to set items and computer programs to get the crucial GO signal.
The game is split into several sequences. First is launch, where pressing the button to stop a moving bar at the right point determines success. Course corrections and an orbital rendezvous (to undock the lunar module) are next. The player had to land the module safely on one of three possible landing sites before running out of fuel. The moonwalk was next, and must be completed in a set time before returning to orbit. On the way home the astronaut performs a spacewalk to capture and repair a satellite. Finally there is the tense re-entry sequence and splashdown.
Ares Rising
A group of former Origin staffers and members of the original Privateer team got together to create this space sim, which is a spiritual succesor to the original Privateer.
You play Mike Marlowe, a romantic Han Solo-like character who finds himself on the run after scoring with a certain princess. In his run from the law, he finds a haven and steady jobs through a mysterious woman who eventually gets you caught into the main game plot involving the obligatory alien device and a group of warring factions, the IPEC, the Scavage, the Mayjr, etc. You are able to freely decide your relationship with every faction by the way you treat other ships, the missions you take, and other plot decisions which can lead you to 5 possible endings.
There are two selectable flight model (the standard Wing Commander-like and an inertial one that resembles I-War's). Gameplay consists of standard space "sim" action, with a series of missions that range from the usual patrols to bounty hunts, ambushes, all-out confrontations, etc. There's no trading whatsoever in the game, and the cargo space in the ship is used only to measure the quantity of equipment you can carry, and speaking of equipment you have a humongous selection of weapons (under three categories) missiles, and other goodies like active/passive radars, cloaking devices, jamming mechanisms etc. As well as 6 ships to fly in.
Multiplayer support is also available, with a persistent pilot who has to gain money and goods by duking it out on the net or via modem/lan in plain deathmatch, team battles or cooperative missions.
本作中你将会扮演一个像是汉•索罗一样的传奇人物Mike Marlowe(暂译:迈克•马洛威),他因为与某位公主结下了梁子,所以只好跑路。在逃脱法律制裁的过程中,他通过一位神秘女士找到了一个避难所和一份稳定的工作,而这位女士最终把你带入了主要的游戏情节中去,比如像是必须的外星设备以及IPEC、Scavage(暂译:征税者)、Mayjr等等这些相互混战的派系这样的内容。你可以通过不同的对待这些派系所属飞船的方式、所接受的任务以及其他的一些剧情选择(不同的选择将会把你带入到5个不同结局中去)等方式来自己决定与每一个派系的关系。
Over 100 years have passed since the last encounter with the Vonari. The Alliance has used the time to research and reverse engineer advanced alien technology in an effort to better confront the Vonari threat. The result is a new breed of powerful spacecraft and weapons. But a mysterious development by the Vonari is about to shake humanity's confidence at its core...
Arvoch Conflict brings new elements of real-time strategy, resource management, and control to the traditional theme of first person perspective 3D space combat simulation. Offering a wide range of ways to play and modify the game, it provides a unique feature packed template for space-sim fans to engage in.
《病毒争端》带来的是即时战略以及资源管理方面的全新元素,同时也具有对传统第一人称3D太空格斗游戏的良好驾驭能力。它提供了许许多多的不同玩游戏的方法以及修改游戏的手段,对于太空模拟类游戏的爱好者来说,这款游戏提供了一个富有特色的模板。 |