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[分享] SpaceForce续集?Space Force Captains 简介及下载

发表于 2007-7-14 22:24:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Space Force Captains (暫譯:太空戰將 ─ 指揮官)是PROVOX Games遊戲公司繼  "太空戰將─蠻荒宇宙" (Space Force : Rogue Universe)之後,所開發的第二款遊戲,但不是射擊類,而是RTS (即時戰略)的太空遊戲。畫面精美,動態的三度空間戰略是這款開發中的遊戲重點。


----------- ----------- ----------- 簡介 ----------- ----------- -----------
《无畏舰长》是PROVOX Games游戏公司继《太空战将:蛮荒宇宙》之后,所开发的第二款游戏,虽然与《蛮荒宇宙》一样都是以浩瀚的宇宙为背景,但它采用了更受玩家欢迎的回合策略制。这个游戏包含了许多全然不同的游戏方式,包括收集资源,角色扮演,以及战略。游戏的基本要素包含了发展出一座太空基地(太空建筑物能够生产资源,建造军队统帅,以及舰队)并且由指挥官带领舰队群,在多种科技的帮助下征服太空。你需要发展出由舰队指挥官引领的一支舰队,一旦你占据了一个太空基地,你就可以购买所有可供购买的船只。本作在内容上也与《蛮荒宇宙》有所联系,外星族群仍沿用《蛮荒宇宙》的设定!此外,本款游戏不但画面精美,更是把动态的三度空间战略作为了游戏的开发重点,相信本款游戏必然可以获得广大玩家的喜爱!


· 3大战役包括了24个任务以及五种类型的太空基地,每类都有六种太空船,全都具有升级版和未升级版,以及众多其它类型的飞船。
· 从未有过如此精彩地集冒险,战略,战术,经营以及角色扮演为一体的游戏体验。
· 不同类型的资源可以在小行星带上采集得到,每个地球日采集一次,他们是用来培养你的指挥官,并建立舰队用的。
· 每支舰队都由一名指挥官带领,有超过120名经传记描述的指挥官,每位都拥有独特的个性。
· 所有太空基地都只能培养符合当地文明特征的太空舰队。
· 开发出具有优势的科技以升级你的舰队。
· 3D动态世界,包含了全新的贴图,并且故事线中包含许多分支任务。
· 不同种族的特性会使你拥有多种游戏体验。
· 令人爱不释手的RPG要素。
· 能够选择多达200种的科技。
· 在你同对立的舰队或者一伙海盗碰面时,战斗即告开始。战斗可以在开放的太空中进行,也可能在基地的后方,对手可能是中立或者是敌对的舰队,这是游戏的关键部分。一段短暂的特写镜头之后就开始了战斗部分,将你的小队放置在敌人的来路上,然后就可以给你的舰队选择具体指令,让他们展开攻击。
· 灵活地运用战术作战,或者简单地探索整个外太空。
· 完整并富有弹性的战斗体验,将彻底改变下一代的游戏人。
· 支持多人游戏和地图编辑器。


[太空战将:无畏舰长].Spaceforce.Captains-SKIDROW.iso  917.9MB     by VeryCD



[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2008-2-27 14:33 编辑 ]

[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2008-3-23 20:26 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-14 22:24:24 | 显示全部楼层

太空戰將:指揮官 (Space Force : Captains)多了很多飛船和新的科技,這些繁多的原素使遊戲更豐富多變了.......



Gun ShipStrike Ship  
SkybladeHeavy Skyblade  




  Sentinel  Guardian   
  ResurectorGrand Resurector  

[COLLECTIVE 族]的艦隊如下:
Light Insecta


  SymbioteHeavy Symbiote  
  Hive DefenderHive Protector  
  Cocoon BomberCell Bomber   
  LarvayerQueen Larvayer  


Ultra Valkyrie

  FighterHeavy Fighter  
  CruiserImperial Cruiser   

[ORD 族]的艦隊如下:


  Ord FortressArmageddon  


Star Glider

  Star SeekerInterstellar  

[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2007-7-14 22:41 编辑 ]

[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2008-1-9 08:05 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-14 22:24:30 | 显示全部楼层
TeleportAge One
This unique technology allows you to teleport your ship to an empty location on the adventure map. It works on the latest theory of particle disintegration. However, it consumes a substantial amount of energy so it can be cast 2 times per day. Use it wisely and you will profit from this technology more than you could ever imagine.
Quantum Disruptor
One of the best ways to use technology is to block the use of the enemy’s one. Well, this technology allows you to do just that. It charge many spheres made from a rare alloy called tellian. When charged, they omit a radiation which blocks enemy’s technology above level 2. With the quantum disruptor in your hands your possibilities are limitless.
Deep sensor
Constructed by the “Noeai”, a group of independent scientists, this deep sensor is momentary the best one there is. Using a sophisticated system of wave dispersion, it sends a signal, which can display the location of all artifacts (devices?) within a radius of 10 fields. This technology is a must have.

CloakingAge Two
This is no ordinary cloaking technology. It works on the principles of the so called “mirror theory”. It is no longer necessary for every ship to have a cloaking device. Now, the leading ship, when using the technology mirrors itself through a special energy field and cloaks the nearby vessels so that enemies see faulty amounts of ally troops. With it you become a magician that is always one step ahead.
Shield Disruptor
If you thought that shield are impervious, think again. This unique technology has the ability to lower enemy’s defense by -3. It is consisted of a core and many conduits which lead the cosmic radiation to the core, which then omits a disruption wave. If you are wise enough, you will see how useful this technology can be.
Another technology which works on the principles of the so called “mirror theory”. As same as with the cloaking tech, the leading ship mirrors itself through a special energy field but with this technology the field is radiated with gamma particles so it creates a clone which lasts for two rounds. If you lack strength use deception, it always works.
Particle Cannon
Although it resembles ordinary laser cannon, it is much more than that. It has an integrated particle generator which increases the speed of the particles making them blend together and create a powerful laser ray, which you shoot towards the enemy troops. They receive 20 damage. It is a classic weapon with new power.

Target SystemAge Three
If you are lacking a good targeting, success in battle is highly questionable. Using a specific engine that is almost infallible, this technology allows you to perfectly target every vessel. It increases the ally troop attack by +3. This technology belongs to basics and without them how can you build, in this case –success.
Sophisticatedly built, this technology allows the enemy troops to see the ally ones. Unlike many other scanning devices this one uses multi dimensional waves which excellently detect the amount of ships in your formation. Dangerous technology which brings power in the hands of its bearer.
Shield Booster
Battling today could not be imaginable without shielding. Centuries ago, it became a vital part of every battle and possessing good shielding often turns out to be a decisive factor. Throughout the years, scientists wanted to strengthen and increase their duration. Makkinists were first to invent this Tech. Shield-Booster uses a state of the art division device and increases Allied Troop Defense by +3. Don’t let the decisive factor become your doom.
The greatest danger is the one you cannot see. Decades ago, cloaking technology changed the art of warfare. As soon as it appeared a counter affecting Tech was started to be developed. However, two years had to pass for the De-Cloak technology to see daylight. It combines a scanning device with a signal extraction Tech. Signal of the cloaking ship is isolated and jammed turning off the cloak. Unveil what is hidden.

Anti Quantum DefenseAge four
This technology is based on the same principles as the Quantum Disruptor. However, it doesn’t block enemy’s technology but creates a protective particle shield. The main part is the anti quantum generator, which is made from tellian, a rare alloy. The generator is charged after which you are protected from your enemies. Before attacking, protect yourself.
Psyhotronics Pulse
The best way to incapacitate enemy’s technology is to prevent it from being used by making their operators incapable. This technology is the best one for that assignment. It combines psychic and electronic radiation omitting a psychotronic pulse, which creates damage on both the crew and the ship. Hold all the aces with this unique technology.
From the discovery of electricity, her amazing possibilities are still being revealed. This simple yet very effective technology uses electricity which is amplified and shaped with a specific device, after which a pulse of electricity if fired towards the enemy unit, taking xx damage. Use the power of electricity in your advantage.
Cascade Laser
Out of many various technologies, this one you must have. Although it seems to be a plain laser, this exquisite technology combines multi discharge with a targeting system. After the enemy troop has been hit, the system targets another part of the ship and it goes on creating a cascade laser. Harvest the power of this excellent technology.

Morale BoosterAge five
Sometimes in the heat of war, a sudden lack of moral can appear among your troops. When it happens, this technology is the one for you. Applying the latest achievements in medicine, biology and psychology, this device, which every member receives, acts as a morale booster using various chemicals and radiation to affect the brain wave patterns increasing morale for +1. As a true leader, make sure morale of your troops is always high and this technology will help you achieve that.
Tachyonic Space Jump
Although this technology doesn’t bring destruction. It is more useful than you could imagine. Space is filled with tachyons, a sort of particles, which this technology harvests. When full, it discharges them through a special amplifier creating a pocket which allows the ship to jump towards the nearest or selected space gate. Use it wisely and it can become a lifesaver.
This technology is a product of nano-robotics. It uses nanomorphs, robots of miniature sizes. They are discharged by rays and then they attach to an enemy troop stealing their energy which lowers their reserves for -3. Use their energy against them and success is yours.
Gauss beam
Based on the theories and principles that the famous physicist Gauss invented, this technology can turn you into a remarkable adversary. Although it fires rays, they are in fact consisted of many spheres of radiation, which cause xx damage. Use the knowledge of that famous physicist and become famous yourself because of your intimidating abilities.

Energy DeflectorAge six
Another technology that uses the possibilities of the exquisite alloy called tellian. The ship, which uses this tech, has a few spherical devices on its hull. During an attack they are instantly charged deflecting that way energy. There is a 20% chance that the selected unit deflects a hostile attack without casualties. Protect yourself in order to be successful.
Out of many available technologies this one is the most interesting one. It is consisted of a tachyon projector and amplifier. Tachyons are harvested after which they are amplified and projected creating a holograph which can be manipulated. Creating a holoship, which can act as a decoy, you can truly become superior.
Photonic Bomb
One of the most powerful weapons. This technology uses photons. After many bombs a photonic bomb was developed. It explodes creating a huge damage on ships within a radius of xx fields. If everything else fails use this technology and bring ultimate destruction.

Antimatter pulseAge One
From the first test till today, possibilities of antimatter were used to maximum. This technology is the latest one from the line of antimatter technologies. Small amounts of antimatter are radiated and directed through a transmitter creating a field which spreads in form of rays towards the enemy unit taking xx damage. Use this technology to incapacitate your prey before attacking.
Matrix Shield
Among various defense methods, using a shield is the most common one. And this shield is one of the best ones. Its main part is called a –matrix. It is a sophisticated mainframe, which is capable to constantly change the shield configuration and encrypt it, making it almost impossible for hacking. Defense is raised by +2. Use this technology and make your enemy’s attacks futile.
Although this technology is still in the process of testing, it already found its users. It uses a state of the art scanning system which is capable of detecting speed controllers after which a special device called ASMS manipulates with the enemy’s ship speed. Upgrading it, you can simultaneously affect a whole group of enemy units. Use the element of surprise!

Polarized ArmorAge Two
Many tests with the shield polarization had been done and after countless failures and tragedies the Collective scientists finally managed to accomplish it. Using a special device a cascading particle polarization occurs and the shield of the selected unit completely reverses, lowering its defense for -2. Use this technology when the enemy least expects it making you the master of unpredictability.
Long Range Scanner
Although this technology is not something completely new, it proves to be extremely useful. Scientists took the newest long range scanner and enhanced it with devices they call “dark matter coils”. With them, the scanner allows you to move fog of war on the distance of up to 10 fields. Before attacking discover the possible threats, using this technology, of course.
Malice Duality
This technology is a result of a life work of one of the most controversial scientists in the newest history, Malice Anno. She found out strange features of the alloy which is used for constructing dark tech, she called that alloy later dark matter. Energy between ships with her device can be exchanged. That way, the selected unit can also receive additional energy, doubling its attack. Use this technology and let your malice out.
Although this technology was intended to save lives, it ended up destroying them. It was constructed to stop two planets from colliding together due to an anomaly, so the uninhabited one was destroyed. The technology continued to be used. It causes a massive explosion damaging the ships in a radius of xx fields. Decide if you want to be a messenger of death, if yes, this technology it the right one for you.

Dark DefenseAge Three
Dark matter, the alloy which is used in constructing dark tech, varies in structure and composition. Only on few places the purest one was found. With it this unique technology was constructed. It is consisted of a device that charges the alloy with specific radiation after which it omits a powerful shield raising defense for +4. Use the true power of darkness and become invincible.
Gravity Anomaly
Many scientists tried to come up with a way to use the gravity of planets for crossing distant places. A huge source of energy was needed. Attempts were futile until finally, the “Titan” wasn’t developed. It is a powerful generator which acts as a huge source of energy attracting gravity of the nearest planet. When the moment is right the gravity acts as a slingshot allowing you to cross distant places. This is one of the most useful dark technologies. Use it in your advantage.
Decades ago there were rumors that the Alreani conducted experiments with expanding the capabilities of the brain. It was never proven but since then a technology appeared whose origin could not be identified. Mindscape works on the principles of energy extraction and brain wave amplification. When used on a hostile, they are stripped off their Power and Energy. When everything else fails, use your brain.
Ord Therapy
When it comes to warfare, no one can oppose to the Ords. There still isn’t a civilization that is completely built on the pure craving for battle. Civilization development forced the Ords to evolve. However, they often prefer a clean hand to hand combat. Maybe that is why they invented this Tech, which removes every technology from an ally vessel. Take advantage of this unique technology!

Anti-DarkTech                 Age four
Not while ago, when a ship passed through a rare nebula, it was discovered that a specific kind of radiation can incapacitate dark tech. It has an affect only within a close range. This technology, the anti-dark tech, was developed using that radiation. After it is engaged, the dark tech can be moved from a vessel. It is also useful when a certain dark tech becomes unstable. Although this technology seems to be nothing special, it can help you more than you could imagine.
Shield Inverter
One of the most frequently used dark technologies. Why? See for yourself. This unique technology was created using dark matter. A spherical charge is fired which explodes on impact with the enemy’s shields, after which the positive defense turns into a negative one. Do you still need convincing why you should posses this technology?
Dark Matter
We all know that dark matter is used for constructing dark tech. However, many of its various possibilities are yet to be discovered. One was found out recently. In high concentrations and pure form, dark matter omits a radiation, which under the influence of electricity has psychological effects. This technology allows you to affect your enemy and for example take its moral away. Be careful, dark matter is more powerful that you think.
Plasma Charge
Through out the years plasma was used in construction of many weapons and technologies. However, not until it was combined with dark matter did it give amazing possibilities. This technology is one in a row of those amazing possibilities. Plasma is charged and combined with dark matter giving a powerful projectile that heavily damages the selected enemy unit. Use this technology and be prepared to amaze.

Afterlife                  Age five
Many are feared of dark tech because its capabilities are considered too dangerous and even evil. Are we playing God or not? Well, with this technology you truly become a God. Using dark matter’s regenerative possibilities you can bring destroyed ships back to life. However, be careful because with this amount of power in your hands who knows what could happen.
Darkness Spread
Many weapons are enhanced with dark matter. However, it was never attempted to use dark matter as a weapon itself, until today. With this unique technology charges of pure dark matter are fired. Upon explosion it is radiated to stimulate the matter to spread causing damage in a radius of xx fields. Become the bringer of darkness.
Jump Station
Through out the space there are many jump stations. Recently they were enhanced so a vessel doesn’t have to be close to make a leap; it only has to catch its signal. This technology allows you just that. Jump to the nearest space station or upgrade it after which large distances will no longer be an obstacle. Clear your path to success with this technology.
Dark Vessel
Many scientists tried to construct a vessel out of pure dark matter and after many tragedies there are still unsuccessful. However, a neat enhancement became available. Vessel’s hull is strengthened with a layer of dark matter. That kind of a vessel has its speed increased for 2 fields. With this technology become unattainable.

SingularityAge six
This technology is truly a proof of power and various possibilities of dark matter. With this tech, using specific radiation, a singularity is opened in subspace which damages the vessels that are near. With this technology become a true ruler of dark matter and its amazing abilities.
Ord Clone
Every race uses dark matter in different was but the Ords used it in a way that was though to be impossible. They managed to develop whole ships out of dark matter. When needed its pars can be separated and a new ship can be built. Practically, you clone it. Use the genius of the Ords in your benefit.
Virus Assimilation
The best was to bring down your enemies it so attack it from inside. This technology allows you just tat. Using a virus, enhanced with dark matter, you can infect your enemy allowing you to create maximal damage. Infiltrate and become a champion.

Body BoosterAge One
In the last century, most of achievements in biology were done for use in war. This technology is one of the latest ones. Using bionics in combination with certain new chemicals, it acts as a body booster. Your troops cause maximal damage on the selected unit. Witness the power of biology.
Psionic Mutagen
Spies often use this unique technology when they infiltrate their targets. Injecting a mutagen, which activates psionic powers, the individual mentally influences the enemy to believe that he is one of them during which the same mutagen regenerates injuries, increasing health. Use this unique technology and discover its amazing possibilities.
Molecular Blaster
New kinds of weapons are being constructed. The molecular blaster is among those new weapons. Using radiation, which operates on a molecular level, it enhances other weapons increasing their range for 20%. Use this technology and realize that the future is –today.

Anti-BioTechAge Two
At the same time as bio tech was rapidly evolving, scientists tried to come up with a way to obstruct its efficiency and even incapacitate it completely. The second one they didn’t succeed but the first one they did. This technology is the result of it. It uses a special mutagen which is transmitted through a subspace signal after which it lowers the activity of bio tech on the selected units. Biology is in war against itself. Will you profit from it?
Scanner Noise
Many long range scanners have organic structures in their composition made from carbon. This technology is intended to harm those parts. Using specific viruses, it attacks the structures causing a slight malfunction called the “scanner noise”. With it the captain is protected from enemy’s scanning attempts. Don’t let your enemies know your advantages.
Toxic Cells
It was just a matter of time before bio weaponry would be made and with every passing day, new and more devastating weapons are made. This technology is the latest one. Using a compound called “halax”, human cells become toxic and they attack the body from inside, lowering attack for -2. Biology is in its worst form.
Living Tissue
Today, biologists have more power in their hands that they realize. Soon, they will conquer death and this technology in the first step. Used on your troops it revives old and damaged body parts and enhances the good ones. With it attack, defense and flight are increased by +2. Harvest that power and be successful.

Bio-atomic TorpedoAge Three
There were many attempts to combine the atomic power with biology. After a while this weapon was made – bio-atomic torpedo. It explodes on impact causing severe damage to the selected vessel after which bio weapon called “enolt” damages the crew and the organic parts of the ship’s structure. Be sure to surprise your enemies by using this exquisite tech.
Smart Trap
This is truly one of the most interesting biotechnologies there is. Scientists discovered a compound, which increases its size in matter of seconds when radiated. Leaving a charge with this compound, you set a sort of a trap. When your enemy approaches, the charge goes off and radiates the compound, which enlarges and enters the vessel’s engines binding it in the same place for 1 round. Do you need convincing why this technology is one of the most interesting ones?
Blood Song
Only Collectives could come up with this kind of technology. Using a weapon, a compound is dispersed that contains a specific isotope of iron. That isotope binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells after which they can be manipulated with a signal that acts as a song, incapacitating your enemies in the next xx moves. Use this technology and turn your enemies into marionettes under your will.
Symbiotic pill
In the latest few years this technology is one of the most interesting ones. When needed a device called the “symbiotic pill” is installed in the ships mainframe. It is called that way because of a specific pill design. And what does it do? Using a sophisticated molecular system combined with the latest software, it seeks out negative technologies and pushes them into symbiosis with the right ones. The negative technology is transformed. Be wise and use the benefits of this highly wanted technology.

Toxic Storm                                  Age four
When a substance tetros was discovered and soon became an important medicine, did anybody knew it would today be one of the most important bio weapons? First used in ground troop attacks, soon it started to be used by space ships. Implemented in a dispenser, the substance is fired creating a toxic storm. The attack is increased by +3. Use this technology and bring storm among your enemies, storm of distress.
Mind Control
When the Ezodars started experimenting with mind control no one expected that they will become so successful. They created an artificial substance, which induces a stat of hypnosis. Besides that specific cell controllers are inserted after which the individual can be controlled with a suitable device. Turn your enemies against each other and make them their worst nightmare. All you need is to use this technology.
Molecular Hull
Exploring an asteroid around the planet Orin, quite an interesting sort of one-cell organisms was discovered. The cells are called orins. Seeking for metal, they enter symbiosis when they find it. They wouldn’t be so interesting if they didn’t reinforce that particular metal. Today, with this technology you can strengthen your ships hull, increasing defense for +2. Defense is the basic need of every ship. Allow orins to help you.
This technology is the latest achievement of exploration of bio radiation. That particular radiation is harvested and implemented in a torpedo, which explodes in a close range of the targeted ship. Although the enemy doesn’t realize what happened because the radiation is undetectable, soon its effects becomes visible. The crew becomes mentally unstable and misses an attack in the next round. Surprise your enemy without him even knowing it.

Biological Warhead                  Age five
As an alternation of the technology Toxic Storm, it soon found its users. Both of technologies use tetros, a biological agent. However, this particular technology has high concentrations of it, situated in a warhead, which is fired. It causes an explosion that brings damage in a radius of xx fields. Use this classical weapon with a new touch.
Elite Admiral
It is risky to use this technology and today it isn’t used much because it is only allowed to high ranked officers like captains. A specific substance is used. The captain that takes it receives a boost, both mental and physical one. Moral and luck are increased for +2. Use this technology only when needed. It is up to you but without risking, there is no profit.
This technology uses the benefits of biology in a way that it wasn’t thought possible. Every body has specific bio energy. Using s sophisticated device a particular person can be located and transported to the nearest port, which are situated in cities. Allow your captains to escape and in stand of loosing, gain!
Collective Symbiotic
The Collectives always have an ace up their sleeve. This technology is their ace. They discovered a strange bio matter which, after radiated with gamma particles, starts to release a deadly acid they call symbiotic acid. They started to use it in battle. Vanquish your enemies with symbiotic acid and see them disappear in front of your eyes.

NeurotransmittersAge six
Discovering a strange creature on the planet Ikkos, this technology started developing. Extracting the creature’s neurotransmitters, a revelation occurred. They released deadly spores. They harvest the neurotransmitters and use them as a weapon. Destroy the enemy’s units with this technology, which is one of the most fascinating ones.
Bio cells
This technology is truly a breakthrough in both biology and weaponry. Scientists managed to develop first artificial cells. They call them bio cells. They are used almost on every ship. Out of them, many necessary things can be created. The most frequent one is a force field, which increases defense for +3 and attack for +1 because it causes damage on impact. Witness the endless possibilities of the bio cells.
Cyborg Infiltration
The top Makkinist biologists and robotics experts worked together and developed this powerful technology. Using the principles of the Living Tissue tech, they came up with a way to turn fallen comrades into cyborgs what is done with highly sophisticated cells that are called r-cells. It allows you to receive 20% more Choppers in the selected units. Bring your fallen comrades back on the path to success and become a god.

Massive AttackAge One
Working on improvement of shield emitters, the scientists managed to come up with a new weapon. It also uses emitters. Energy is sent through a special amplifier and then through the emitter in form of waves and rays. The targeted enemy troop receives xx damage. This powerful weapon deserves a respectful owner. Will you be the one?
With every new day, more and more sophisticated medical technologies are being developed. Working with cyber tech experts, the medical practice produced this unique technology. It seeks the energy of the wounded body parts, which is different from the healthy ones and regenerates them, increasing health. With this technology, you can easily become invincible.
This exquisite technology is consisted of a sophisticated device and software. Every technology has a frequency, which the device seeks out. After the frequency of every technology is found, the software called the equalizator, equals them making them available for neutralization. Wait for four orbs to come to place on the screen and make you enemies helpless.

Plasma-Fill BurstAge Two
Working with plasma was always risky because of its instability but in the last 50 years, major improvements were made. Using a combination of titan and telsen, plasma could be contained and manipulated with. This technology fills the container with plasma after which it bursts out and explodes, causing damage to your enemies in a radius of xx fields. Use this technology and get a burst of luck!
With this technology comes a warning. Why is that? It is still a prototype. Using the energy of the brain, it can lower the effect of cyber technology on the selected troops. How? After a device that is also used in the technology Equalizator tracks down the frequencies of wanted cyber tech, an individual through a special mainframe links with the tech and lower its effect. Be careful and prepare to be amazed.
Ship Transmission
Cyber technology experts worked on this technology for decades and after many failures and accidents, they finally finished it. Although it is still in process of testing, its success isn’t questionable. Using a state of the art software and communications and transferring system, which works with the new SG2 signal, you can transfer the Attack and Defense to another ship. At the same time, the giving ship does not lose its Defense because the SG2 signal duplicates it. Are you astounded enough?
This particular technology doesn’t need a lot of explaining. It is a classical hacking tech. However, it uses a device, which is capable after the hacking and the damage is done, to hide them both. That way the damage is difficult to locate and repair, leaving the ship to float in space for xx moves during which it can’t attack. Hack your way to victory!

Plasma BombAge Three
After scientists discovered that plasma could be contained with a combination of titan and telsen, this powerful weapon was created. The core of the bomb contains plasma, which is surrounded with charges. After it explodes, it does the same thing as every other bomb. It causes damage to ships in a radius of xx fields. Use this technology and clear your path to success.
Tractor Beam
Who hasn’t heard for a tractor beam? However, for this particular one you definitely didn’t hear anything about. Combining the classical tractor beam and energy extracting device, this technology incapacitates the selected unit and binds it in his field in the next xx moves. See your enemy fall behind while you rush to claim your prize –victory.
This technology works on the same principles as the Anti-Cyber Tech. A device tracks down tracks down the frequency of the wanted technology after which an individual through a special interface links with it and sabotages it. Avoid seeing your comrades die in sabotaging missions and achieve the same in the comfort of your own ship. Hit your enemy before he realizes what is happening and see his dreams of victory shatter into pieces.
Phase movement
In the last two decades, scientists experimented with transportation technology. Working on bending the subspace, after many years, they finally developed this technology, which is just a beginning. With a device called a subspace shifter, you bend subspace around your enemy, shifting on another location, xx fields back. The only disadvantage is that only short distance movements are possible. One movement is called a phase. Knock your opponent off the path to victory.

Battery Low                            Age four
This technology is not anything new. However, it brings some innovative ideas and is quite interesting because of its complexity. Combining a locating and obstructing system with shields it can slow your enemies down for xx%. How? The technology locates the enemy’s power supply and fires an EM-pulse. At the same time, a protective shield is created to neutralize the pulse effects on your ship. Leave your enemies behind while you triumph.
Twelve years ago, Alreani scientists started the infamous “Altra” project and this technology is a product of it. A complex chemical is injected which travels to a certain part of the brain in charge of long-term memory. After reaching its destination, the chemical is tracked and the part is radiated with the rather unknown theta-radiation causing a memory failure. You can lower your enemy’s Science skill to zero in the next xx rounds. Outsmart your enemy!
Star Crusher
Nowadays many technologies are still prototypes. Well, this one is also a prototype. To simplify its description, we can say it is a huge replicating system. The only defect is that it uses an enormous amount of energy so power failures can happen often. So what does it do? It replicates Star Crushers that can last only to the end of the battle because of the huge power usage. So, use it wisely and you can profit from this technology in more ways than possible.
Here we can see of bionics in action. It combines many systems, the system for regeneration, reconstruction, etc. Fallen troops are revived with the use of robotics. So, the captain can bring back xx% of fallen troops. Claim your payday with this divine power in your hands and conquer your greatest nemesis –death.

Relocation                                 Age five
Working on the same principles as the Phase Movement technology, this one also bends subspace. Using the device subspace shifter it bends the subspace around your enemy and relocates him. However, it consumes a lot of energy with which you practically open a gap in subspace. When bothered by your enemy, use this technology and remove your opponent out of your sight for good.
This technology is bionics at its finest! Scientists worked for decades finally developing the ρ-system. It is an artificial intelligence system like no other. This powerful cyberoid is capable of leading attacks, increasing the selected unit’s Attack, Defense, Moral and Luck for +2. Use the power of science and turn this cyberoid into your most powerful weapon.
Tachyon Communication
Although at first you may think you could manage without this technology, think again. With it, you can avoid the effect of every space anomaly you encounter, leaving your enemy to their mercy. It uses a tachyon collector and emitter. The tachyons are collected and emitted. Tracking their movement an anomaly can be detected. Use this state of the art radar and find your way towards victory.
Doom Device
How does it feel to have a star in your hands? Well, with this technology you can find out. It is consisted of a powerful generator that creates an amount of energy equal to the amount crated in a core of a star. With specific radiations, a cascade reaction is stimulated and the energy collapses into itself causing an implosion. Then you can release that energy and destroy everything within a small radius. Wipe you enemies out and walk the path to victory, alone.

Alreani CallAge six
An old technology but with a few innovations. Combining the latest communications system, which uses the SG1 signal, and a sophisticated locating system, you and your target can be exactly pinpointed. Call the Alreani bombers, which make a one-time attack on the selected target. When hopeless use this technology and ask for help from above, call the Alreani bombers.
With every passing day, we witness the rapid improvement of technology. That is especially seen in the computer science, whose latest product is this technology. This amazing mainframe has generator in which a sophisticated AI installed that connects with the ship’s central computer and creates a cyber space in which incredible things can be made. From enlarging the ship’s computer memory to increasing skills for +1. If you want to triumph, improve yourself and this technology allows you just that.
System overload
This technology is truly one of the most amazing technologies that are present today. Using a device, you connect yourself with the enemy’s mainframe. That process is called docking. After that a virus is inserted which tricks the enemy in thinking that his mainframe is lowering its activity. Of course, the opponent tries to increase the power supply and by the time he sees “ALERT! System overload” on the screen it is too late. The system is destroyed and his primer skills are lowered for -1, making you one step closer to victory.

[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2007-7-14 22:45 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-14 23:53:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 00:45:17 | 显示全部楼层
支持multiplayer :victory:

而且會提供玩家地圖編輯器(mod, map editor)  :lol

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-15 02:43:12 | 显示全部楼层
突然想起来我内存没有1GB :L

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 09:47:24 | 显示全部楼层
NN, 你這樣的配備好像很多遊戲都會不夠吔...... 去昇級及加內存吧  :L

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-22 13:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
:o 好厉害~~这么快续作~真是打铁趁热~~这游戏飞船种类会不会少了点~

:'( 升级内存~偶也只是512

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-22 13:07:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-22 15:56:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ansoncjc 於 2007-7-22 13:00 發表
:o 好厲害~~這麼快續作~真是打鐵趁熱~~這遊戲飛船種類會不會少了點~

:'( 升級內存~偶也只是512

這我倒不擔心,只要開放性夠,modders 會很快補充各種飛船模型進來的.....

使用道具 举报

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