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[求助] 一个taxi脚本,看不懂,请会翻的人翻一下

发表于 2007-9-1 21:41:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Taxi-Software MK1 & MK2, V2.7
The Taxi-Software MK1 & MK2 gives the player a new use for his M5 and TP: With the Taxi-Software MK1, you employ a taxi driver for you M5/TP who uses the ship as a taxi for passenger transportation. The pilot moves from one station to another and earns money with every flight. The more experienced he gets, the further he'll move, until he covers the whole universe. The salary is calculated by rank, distance and number of jumpgate passes. Really experienced TP-Pilots can work as Travel Agants and use the command Taxi-Software MK2. Then they can not only fly between sectors and stations, but also go on big trips with their ship, earning a lot more money. For being able to navigate and feel comfortable in the dangerous universe, the TPs and M5 need the Explorer Software to be able to use this command. There is not such a ware as the Taxi-Software.


Taxi Software MK1 with M5 - taxi service
With the Taxi-Software MK1, you employ a taxi driver for you M5 who uses the ship as a taxi for passenger transportation. The pilot moves from one station to another and earns money with every flight. The more experienced he gets, the further he'll move, until he covers the whole universe. The salary is calculated by rank, distance, transported passengers and number of jumpgate passes. To start, enter the sector the ship should start in. However, it needs a Cargo Life-support System to transport passengers in its cargo bay (and keep them alive), do not forget. You also have to install the Explorer Software!

Taxi Software MK1 with TP - shuttle service
In a TP, a driver is hired, too. This driver now takes up his route, it either starts to transport passengers between the stations of one sector, or between the trade stations and other hubs of two sectors. The more taxis you use, the more passengers will want to fly with them. If however you use too many shuttles in one sector, the general number of passengers per shuttle will decrease. To start, install the Explorer Software and enter two sector for the taxi to work in. If you select the same sector twice, the ship switches to InSector shuttle service. Payment depends on rank of the pilot, travel distance and number of passengers.

Taxi Software MK2 with TP - travel service
Starting from rank "Experienced Chauffeur", the Taxi Software MK1-Pilot is able to use the Taxi Software MK2. Besides the Explorer Software, no additional software is needed. Now, the ship offers journeys to other sectors. The ship does not use the jump drive in order to show the passengers as many sectors as possible. To start, select a sector to start as well as the jump radius. Payment depends on distance, rank of the pilot, passengers and number of passed jump gates.

To be able to use the Explorer Software, you must have installed a current version of the Bonuspack.

This script is a translation of the German Taxi-Software MK1 & MK2. It is not the same as Cycrow's Taxi drivers guild, as it enables you to use other ships for taxi rides, not your own ship.

>>>download page<<<
>>>more information<<<

Direct download V2.7

Current version - Users of the Version 2.0 and 2.1: Please upgrade the script with this Version without uninstalling the old one.

Direct download V1.0

This script package contains:
2 Readmes
2 textfiles (8751)
18 Scriptfiles
2 uninstall-files
1 .spk-Script Installer file

Commandslots: 559 (!), 560 (!) -> How to change them...

In case the download server is down for a while, I put one version of the Taxisoftware V1.0 and one current version on a mirror. V1.0 can be found here, the current version is to be found here.

There shall be wings!
If the accomplishment be not for me, 'tis for some other. The spirit cannot die; and man, who shall know all and shall have wings...
(L. da Vinci)
发表于 2007-9-1 22:01:44 | 显示全部楼层
出租车软件 Mk1 和Mk2Taxi-Software MK1 & MK2, V2.7
出租车软件 Mk1 和Mk2让玩家的M5和TP有新用途:装上Mk1,等于给M5和TP招募一名出租司机,运送旅客。飞行员在太空站之间飞行,每趟都挣钱。经验越高,他飞得越远,直到全宇宙。薪金按照等级、距离和跳跃门计算。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-1 22:07:37 | 显示全部楼层
装备mk1的m5和tp的司机达到Experienced Chauffeur级别后可以加装mk2。另外,mk2必须和exploerer software配合使用。还有,不管mk1还是mk2,想要运人,飞船必须标配lift support system这个插件。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-1 22:31:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-1 23:24:49 | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 muddle 于 2007-9-1 23:28 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

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