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[下载]暗星一号 DarkStar One试玩版

发表于 2006-7-27 18:49:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Universe…and beyond!
Don't miss the DarkStar One demo! Explore the universe and take on different assignments like bounty hunting, piracy, and smuggling to build your ship, the DarkStar One, with the highest-developed equipment and technologies. Only by diving deeper into the universe will you discover clues to your father's mysterious death and the secret technology he built into the DarkStar One. With more than 300 solar systems, you'll encounter different territories of the galaxy, new technologies, dangerous situations, and unique races like the Terrans, Mortok, and Oc'to. Get ready to explore the universe…and beyond in this sci-fi adventure!

This DarkStar One demo (950 MB) contains a huge variety of worlds, equipment upgrades, and alien races, offering the player an estimated two-plus hours of gameplay. The demo also contains an extensive tutorial that follows the storyline direct from the full retail game. As with the full game, the demo offers players the opportunity to play in free-form mode, create their own adventure on the fly, or follow the storyline to learn more about the death of the lead character's father, and the mysterious ship, the DarkStar One.


http://www.download.com/DarkStar ... 557_4-10555172.html

http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1
 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-29 22:06:41 | 显示全部楼层
The DarkStar One demo is available for download at Gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/promos/2006/darkstarone-demo/index.html

And the demo is also available at Download.com http://www.download.com/DarkStar ... 557_4-10555172.html
This DarkStar One demo (950 MB) contains a huge variety of worlds, equipment upgrades, and alien races, offering the player an estimated two-plus hours of gameplay.

Good new for the modding community.
DarkStar One - An update on the modding front! by Mirko Worsley

Ripped from the Darkstar One Forum An update on the modding front!

Hello everyone,

A lot of players have asked, requested and suggested different possibilities to mod the game. Some are already in existence, even though our standpoint on the matter was never really swinging towards "we do not support modding" or "we do support modding".

After discussions with the technical director as well as the lead designer, possibilities were drawn out as to what could actually be modded in the game. The result was, that actually a lot could be modded, if not almost everything. That means the team has decided to consider various means to help provide tools and to decide upon which areas are to be made moddable.

Moddable areas may include:
- Ship mesh changes
- Texture changes
- Custom mission additions (Including custom sounds, texts and messages)
- Custom asteroid fields (including amounts of asteroids, textures, field size etc.)
- A theoretical (at the moment) multiplayer support

In order for these changes to be made possible, certainly for missions (based on an internal modification of LUA), documentation and some tools are needed. Now able modders can obviously create their own tools but some of the internal workings of the game are inside encrypted files.

In essence, with the realization that a lot can actually be easily changed, while some elements are not so easy to change, hopefully in time for the English release, if not shortly thereafter, we will supply the means.

That means LUA documentation on how the mission logic works. What commands can be implemented and how to use them. Example files of already existing missions. Locations of freely available tools for texture editing as well as mission export tools (internal at the moment) and possible graphical tools for Maya and/or 3Ds Max (internal at the moment) for ship mesh exports. Again, it should be noted that certain decisions and/or possibilities are still subject to possible change over the period of the next 2 months.

Additionally, the XML files as well as internal INI files, used to describe the inner look of solar systems could be made available. Time permitting as well as userfriendlyness consideration and documentation could also be provided for these areas.

Certain changes could also be made to the graphic engine itself, enabling the ability to create new effects for explosions (Particle Effects), ship engines effects and other graphical components (asteroids etc.).

This means that modders, willing to add, change or create so-called total mods will certainly find our stand-point to be one of support.

A more detailed update will follow as soon as the preparation work has been completed on the tools as well as some required changes to the actual English release version, due out in August, have been implemented.

Please note that at the current moment these considerations are in the planning stage and obviously subject to change over the period before release, but as clearly stated above, a more detailed update, including what WILL be supported will come in the near future.

Community Manager
Ascaron Entertainment GmbH
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