- 15057
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- 1970-1-1
发表于 2008-7-29 23:20:57
★l General
1. Any modifications on ER MOD/game files or using any other mod or hook programs will be regarded as cheating/hacking.(感觉写复杂了,我换一句看看: No moding, no cheating, please keep your game data clean)
2. Using any bugs in game is forbidden.(语法错误,use换成using(我再加一句: If you find any bugs, please report it immediately)
3. PVP is forbidden in the capital systems(New York, New Berlin, New London, New Tokyo) (不通顺, capitals换成capital systems)
4. You can not attack the player who is docking or launching.(感觉怎么这么别扭。。。我来一句吧: Attacking the player who is docking or launching is not allowed)
5. Make sure you have less than 20 unmounted equipments in you cargo, or they will be lost. (dismounted不对, 换成unmounted)
★ Protections for newbies(不能叫 new players,要用newbies)
1. Players under level 50 will be regarded as newbie and protected by the following rules. (grades????删掉the level of 50 grades 加上level50)(server换成following rules )
2. You can NOT engage any new players. (Except for PVP agreed by both sides) (还是一样。。。我来一句吧: Engaging newbies is not allowed except for self-defence)
3. New players can NOT engage with other players. (Except for PVP agreed by both sides)
(这条比较郁闷, 我来换换:Newbies who attack other players will not be protected by the rules)
★ RPG (Role playing) rules
1. Player will be named automatically as member of a certain party as he gets good enough(应该是good enough 吧) reputation. It is the RPG character of player. (这句什么意思???没看懂, 是不是: Characters that have name-tags will be treated as a Role-play character.)You can type “/list” in public chat channel to view the naming(name-tags????) of all players online.
2. Xenos and Corsairs(这里变复数念起来舒服些) and all (加个all,和后面的like that搭配)other forces like that are considered as “Illegal forces”. The other parties(应该是faction吧。。。) are “Legal forces”.
3. Players respectively belong to Illegal forces or (and换成or)legal(legal不用开头大写) forces are allowed (还是不通顺are allowed换成have the rights)to engage with each other. (except for the circumstance of “Protections of new players” )
4. Players of legal forces can not engage with each other(Except for PVP agreed by both sides)
5. Players of illegal(开头不大写) forces have the right of robbery on any other players above 50 grades.
★ Clans
1. Clan is a special RPG entity, manually defined by server administrators(加S). There are 2 classes of Clans.
2. Clan is acquiescently legal force.
3. Class-1 Clan owns one space station as headquarter. The galaxy of the headquarter will be regarded as the domain of the Clan. The Clan has right to collect taxes on other players if they pass by, and attack those refused to pay taxes. (except for the circumstance of “Protections of new players” )
4. Galaxies within two jumps from the domain are also the orbit of the Clan. The Clan has the right to use the resources with priority.
5. Class-2 Clans can not own any domain.
6. Players of Clans can not assemble to enter (这里还是按原稿,强调不能集结进入)other Clan's domain without permission. Otherwise it will be regarded as invasion and those players will be considered as hostile.
★ Re-engage
1. You can not shot down the same player more than 6 times within 24 hours.
2. You can not annoy the attacker after being shot down 6 times.
3. PVP agreed by both sides is unlimited.
[ 本帖最后由 LordTheSavior 于 2008-7-29 23:23 编辑 ] |