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[分享] [MOD]X3 Rebalance Mod (XRM) - Total conversion v1.04 (28.07.11)附汉化说明

发表于 2011-7-29 22:32:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 happycva 于 2011-8-2 11:26 编辑


X3 Rebalance Mod

v1.04 (28.07.11)

By Paul Wheeler and Mizuchi (SRM的编写者)

The X3 Rebalance Mod (XRM) is a total conversion mod of X3 Terran Conflict. It rebalances nearly all aspects of the game including ships, weapons, graphics, sounds and the universe itself. It has been designed with performance and playability in mind and has many exclusive features not available in other mods or scripts. (X3 Rebalance Mod(XRM)是一个对X3TC全面进行改善的MOD,基本上对游戏中所有的舰船,武器,物理引擎特效,声音还有宇宙本身做了重新平衡(不像SRM只对舰船进行数据改善)。不仅游戏的平衡性及可玩性大大提高,而且XRM里还加入了许多其他MOD和SCR所没有的功能。)




UNIVERSE IMPROVEMENTS – The X-Universe has been completely overhauled and many improvements have been made, including a fully functional Terran ecomony. (对X宇宙的整体改进)

NEW SECTORS – Over 50 new sectors, all named, board computer voiced, and featuring full descriptions, have been added. They are all of a standard comparable to the original game itself and they fit seamlessly into the expanded universe. Also new links have been made in the universe to help with the flow of AI trading. (加入了50个新的星系,并且很好融入整体宇宙里)

SHIP REBALANCING - The XRM rebalances nearly every single ship in the game with a view to making every ship unique and useful. We have tried to ensure there are no "I Win" ships and that all ships within a class are balanced across the races. Speeds of fighters have been increased, corvettes are much faster, more manoeuvrable with extended cargo bays, heavy corvettes have more weapons and turrets, there are new classes of frigates such as Heavy Assault frigates, light frigates and more light carriers, weapon loudouts have been made more racial, and many other aspects have been tweaked to improve balancing consistancy. Established race lore from the X Universe has been fully embraced and applied. All ship stats are taken into account from speed and acceleration to cargo and price.(简单来说,就是对所有舰船的数据进行调整,以使每艘船都有用武之地,核心应该就是以前的SRM。听这口气貌似平衡的没有BUG船了。)

NEW SHIPS - As an added bonus the XRM also adds many (well over 160!) new ships into the game taken from some of the excellent ship mods available, including Cadius' Xtra Mod and Killerog's X2 ships, as well as some SRM exclusive ships. It features PAR ships, which are pre-outfitted ships ready for deployment when you purchase them, M3 Bombers, M5 Explorers with built in capital class scanners and Explorer software, prototype M6s for each race and much, much more.(加入了新的舰船(超过160艘),主要来自其他两个舰船MOD和以前SRM里PAR啊Explorer之类。)

RACIALISED WEAPONS – The military of each race has decided to clamp down on letting other races use their technology. All weapon loadouts have been racialised. There are no longer any generic, “one size fits all” weapons and each race gets their own, unique set of weapons. (武器的通用性修改,每个种族的军方都不再共享技术了,所以只能用自己的专属武器。)

NEW WEAPONS – No less than ten new weapons have been added, with brand new effects and sounds, including a full array of Xenon weapons and a new lasertower weapon which makes lasertowers something to be feared again. Factories have also been added for the new weapons so you can build your own.(加入了10种以上的新武器,Xenon也有自己的一套全新武器系统。激光塔(这个我还没测试)更具威胁性。同时也添加了工厂集群的防御性武器。)

WEAPON REBALANCING – All weapons in the game have been overhauled and rebalanced. Many have new effects with performance in mind. Ammo based weapons have been converted into standard energy weapons and rebalanced to compensate. In addition the Ion Disruptor and Phased Shockwave Generator have been converted into standard bullet types to remove their frame rate killing effects. Missiles have been extensively sped up to counter turret scripts (see recommended scripts below). All missiles are now for sale in the universe.(恩...主要这块的核心就是COMD了,对武器相关数据的平衡性调整。)

CUSTOM JOBS – A custom made jobs file has been built from the ground up, featuring all the XRM added ships, new universe “event” jobs and improvements to military and civilian jobs.(相关JOB文件的提升)

BUILT-IN WEAPON PRIORITISING – CWP has been fully integrated, ensuring that all spawned ships have a decent loadout of weapons, shields and tunings.(内置武器优化,使得生成的舰船有相对比较合适的武器,护盾,引擎调整装配。)

REALLOCATION OF SHIPYARD WARES – All civilian ships and factories have been removed from military shipyards. These are now for sale at Corporation Showrooms across the galaxy. All Shipyards and Showrooms now have an accompanying Equipment Dock or Military Outpost to help with outfitting of new ships.(民用舰船和工厂已经从造船厂移除,想买它们就要去Corporation Showrooms。)

DOCKING ENHANCEMENTS - Alkeena's BSD Mod is fully merged with the XRM providing enhanced external docking for all ships, including M5 docking for M6s, TS and M6 docking for carriers and M8 docking for Destroyers.(又整合了人家一个停靠类MOD,M5停靠M6s,TS M6停靠M1,M8停靠M2)

ADDON PACKS - The XRM also adds optional cockpit packs, and three hull multiplication packs to increase hull sizes to make battles last longer.(永远都有的扩展包...多倍船体(推荐大家装HIGH...咳咳),还有就是座舱组件,个人用的是With glass tints and reflections

WEAPONS DEALERS – The SRM Weapons Dealers are a permanent fixture in the XRM and now stock all the new weapons. (恩恩,从SRM里走过来的“战争之王”)

CORPORATION HQs – Several new Corporations have been added, complete with their own systems, HQs and defence forces.(添加了些总部)

RESEARCH STATIONS – The XRM features Corporate Research Stations have been fully integrated, selling all the unique and specialist ships unavailable elsewhere. Their locations are random and occasionally they will relocate to another sector.(添加了些空间站,主要负责卖些其他地方没得卖的特殊舰船,比如Vidar,ATF那个M6等。)

MORE PIRATES – The X-Universe pirates have been on a scavenging spree. They are no longer limited to just Argon and Teladi ships, and all their new ships are sporting custom paintjobs to make even more fearsome. They now feature distinct and indentifiable racial clans that they tend to group with, and Pirate Core Sectors have been fully reinforced and now have their own micro-economies and shipyards.(恩恩,改善了土匪亲的种种,船啦,工厂啦,经济体系啦,自己进去体会吧。好像还给了两个海盗的开局。话说那个MM海盗的样纸不错,而且上来就开艘M7,啧啧。)

SHIP SYSTEMS REBALANCE – Certain ship system wares have been rebalanced to make them less accessible. For example, the jumpdrive has been made an XL ware so it can no longer be used with the majority of fighters and its price has been increased to 2 million credits. Several other wares have had price rises and ware changes.(相当坑爹的改变,比如Jumpdrive是XL的啦!!!而且那坑爹的价格翻了10倍吧...有木有。还有很多对舰船装备的型号改变,比如Triplex Scanner(三倍探测)改成XL了。不过里面的M5 Explorer内置Triplex Scanner。)

GRAPHICAL AND SOUND IMPROVEMENTS – Many effects have been updated and enhanced. All ships have engine and trail effects. There are many new sounds and sound priorities have been reworked to reduce drop outs. Many ships have been retextured to add greater variety into the game. All Yaki ships now have a unique livery and many Paranid ships have been retextured to give the Yaki more variety. Ships ported from X2 have had a texture upgrade to bring them up to X3 standards - Including all Kha'ak ships.(反正就是对物理引擎啦声音的改善,感觉哈,只是感觉,稍微木有那么涩了。)

BUG FIXING - Many bugs that exist in X3TC have been fixed in the XRM, including cockpit positions, turret and camera issues, model problems, etc.(很多原版的座舱位置啦,炮台,视角,模型等问题都在XRM里进行了修复。)

- DOWNLOADS - 相关下载


If continuing a v1.03 save please read the release notes thoroughly(如果开XRM v1.03的存档看下面相关链接)

MANUAL INSTALL VERSION (Recommended)(推荐下载手动安装版,也就是ZIP版)

XRM v1.03 PART 1

XRM v1.04 PART 2


XRM v1.03 PART 1

XRM v1.04 PART 2

RELEASE NOTES FOR v1.04 (开1.03档的点开这里)


Hull Multiplication Packs
Updated 28.07.11

Hull Multiplying Pack - LOW --- SPK Version
Hull Multiplying Pack - MEDIUM --- SPK Version
Hull Multiplying Pack - HIGH --- SPK Version

These packs multiply the basic hull levels by various amounts. They also increase the difference between the ship classes. So M2s get a bigger increase than M6s etc.
The low pack multiplies fighters by around x1.5 and capitals by around x2.5, the medium pack multiplies M3s by x2.4 and M2s by x5, the high pack multiplies M3s by x3.5 and M2s by 12!
A script is also included which will reload the hulls of every ship currently in existence. This script must be run manually from the script editor.
Thanks to JMan77 for the idea and scripting.
NOTE - It is essential to update your hull packs with each XRM release.

Cockpit Packs

Cockpit Mod v1.30 with glass tints and reflections by PSCO1 --- SPK Version (没有原版的HUD,带驾驶舱玻璃镜面反射效果)
Cockpit Mod v1.30 with no glass tints by PSCO1 --- SPK Version (没有原版的HUD,不带反射效果)
Cockpit Mod v1.30 with HUD Info put back and no tints by PSCO1 --- SPK Version (有HUD,不带反射效果)
Cockpit Mod v1.30 with a cut down, lite version of the HUD by PSCO1 --- SPK Version (上个的缩水版)
Cockpit Mod v1.30 with tints, HUD info and Gravidar put back by PSCO1 --- SPK Version (有HUD,有镜面反射)

There are five versions of the cockpit mod - the original, one with no glass tints or reflections, one with no tints and the HUD info bar put back in, PSCO1's new version with a lite, cut down HUD, and one with the Gravidar and HUD info in.

MARS Data File (安装MARS的下载这个数据库文件)

MARS Data File for XRM v1.02

Simply drop this file into your "t" folder. You must be running MARS v5.08 or later.(很简单,覆盖“T”文件,不需要教吧?MARS必须是5.08或更高版本。)


XRM requires that you start a new game. However, it is recommended that you install the XRM on a fresh installation of X3TC - especially if migrating from the SRM or Combat Mod 4.
If you have previously used the SRM or CMOD4 and do not make a clean install of X3TC, it is ESSENTIAL that all SRM and CMOD4 scripts and the SRM jobs are removed before installation of the XRM.(废话真多...)

-The "fake patch" method works best for the XRM. I do not recommend using the Plugin Manager to install the XRM as it's extremely difficult to control the order the mods are installed in which can lead to problems.(作者推荐的安装方法就是所谓的"fake patch"安装法,就是说直接拷贝相关文件进入客户端,自己给.DAT和.CAT文件编号,而不用Plugin Manager去装。因为这样能决定MOD载入的顺序,不会出现不必要的问题。)

- Extract the dat/cat files and look at the other dat/cat files you have in the main TC installation folder. Rename the XRM files to a bigger number than the last ones, i.e. if the last ones are 13.dat and 13.cat rename the XRM files to 14.dat/14.cat and 15.dat/15.cat. (+1修改法,不介绍了)

- It does not matter which order the two XRM "parts" are installed in, however, please note which one is which as updates may only be on one file or the other. Addon packs must be installed to higher cat/dat numbers than the base XRM.(就是说两个PART的顺序不重要,但你最好拿个本本记下哪个是哪个,我都是直接在当前目录建了个记事本来记的。)

- Copy the contents of the "director" folder to the director folder in your main X3TC directory. If a director folder does not exist then create one. (不翻了)

- Copy the contents of the "t" folder to the t folder in your main X3TC directory. If a t folder does not exist then create one.(同上)

- Copy the contents of the "scripts" folder to the scripts folder in your main X3TC directory. If a scripts folder does not exist then create one.(继续同上)

- You will need to navigate to the \mov folder in your TC directory. you will need to locate the 00044 file and either rename, move, or delete this file. Without doing this you will not get any new custom names said by "betty". (删或者重命名MOV文件夹里的00044文件。)

- Before running X3TC you must open and close the Plugin Manager (if installed), regardless of which version you are running. This is so the Plugin Manager can integrate the XRM ware size changes. (如果装了Plugin Manager,在进游戏前开一下,再关掉)

- Run the game. You should get a message saying the XRM has been installed when you start a new game.(恩,终于进游戏了,XRM安装成功,会有信息提示。)

- There will be a pause for several seconds at the start of a new game. This is the scripts allocating weapons to all the initially created jobs. This pause only happens at the very start of a new game. (开新局会出现几秒的假死,莫担心,正常现象。不过我肿么木有。)

-To install the hull packs and cockpit packs simply extract the contents to the X3TC directory and rename the hull pack or cockpit pack cat/dat to a higher number than the main SRM mod. To reload the hulls for all ships, run X3TC, enter the script editor, highlight the script "temp.srm.hull.reload.xml" and hit "r".(安装了多倍船体和座舱的亲,.CAT和.DAT文件编号要高于XRM主文件(话说作者这里打的是SRM...汗一个),运行多倍船体的话,就再脚本编辑器里找到

- If using the XRM in conjunction with other mods, installation order may be essential. Please see the compatibility notes below for any special cases.(要安其他MOD的亲,请看下面的兼容介绍。)

- To install the SPK versions use the latest release of the Plugin Manager Lite. Be careful when updating packages as the Plugin Manager may well change the order of cat/dats if some are not updated. I suggest you disable all mods and then reenable them in the correct order after updating.(反正跟Plugin Manager粘上就没好事。如果用的SPK安装的亲,请再更新PML之前禁用所有MOD,来保持.DAT和.CAT的顺序不变。)



PAR Ships are preconfigured ships that come with all required software, weapons and shields as “built-in” components. They can be bought from PAR Shipyards. On purchase, the weapons systems are not initialised. To activate them follow these instructions:

XRM installs a configurable hotkey which, when activated will run a script to equip the weapon systems and shields of any PAR ships found. It can be run on a single ship or a station or carrier with PAR ships docked.

- You must assign a hotkey to activate the PAR equip function first.

- Target the PAR ship or carrier/station with PAR ships docked and hit the hotkey, or alternatively you can choose to run the equip function on a target selected from the universe map.

- The operation will clear the cargo bay of any PAR ships found, so run it before you mount any missiles.


OWPs are purchasable at many shipyards in universe. To use them follow these instructions:

- You need to assign a Hotkey to the OWP activation command first.

- You purchase and deploy them as Stations using a TL in the usual way. DO NOT DOCK AT IT WHILE IT'S STILL IN STATION MODE!

- Target the OWP and hit the Activation hotkey, you should hear Betty say "Weapons Systems Activated" (This will switch out that OWP "Station" for a working one.)

- The OWP is now ready for use.


Gazz's Missile Defence Mk2 script is essential to temper the much faster missiles in XRM.

Gazz's Missile Safety script is also highly recommended.

Gazz'z AI ammo cheat is recommended even though ammo weapons have been removed from the game. It still helps with missile loadouts.



Do not separately install the EMP mod. The EMP ware entries are fully merged with the SRM. (强调EMP mod已经跟XRM整合,无需再安。)

XRM is NOT compatible with the following mods: (XRM不与以下MOD兼容)

Cadius's Xtra Ships Pack: Mostly integrated into the XRM.

CMOD III/IV: Now a core part of the XRM.

eldyranx3's ATF Shipyard (TRP): Incompatible due to the XRM having similar integrated shipyards.

eldyranx3's Project Sleipnir (TRP): Incompatible due to the XRM Universe Map having similar features.

eldyranx3's USC Merchant Marines (TRP): Incompatible due to Tships conflict.

Ketraar's Marking Unknown Sectors: Incompatible due to the XRM Universe Map already having the same features.

LitCube's Revelations Mod: Incompatible due to overlapping sectors.

Ship Rebalance Mod: Continued: Now a core part of the XRM.

Sunblade's Lost Numbers: Incompatible due to the XRM Universe Map already having the same features.

Graxter's Player HQ hack

X3 Unleashed: Conflicts with the XRM Jobs File.

Enhanced Equipment Spawner - its sister mod CWP is integrated into the XRM.

Any cockpit mod - please use the provided addon pack. (所有座舱MOD)

Any trail or engine effect mod - These are integrated into the XRM. (所有尾焰,武器效果MOD)

Any mod that alters the base universe. (所有修改宇宙本体的MOD)

Any mod that alters comm range or scanner range (XRM has these implemented already) (所有修改通讯和探测距离的MOD)


This mod is 100% compatible with Complex Cleaner, FDN, MPM, SSDN, Enhanced Equipment Docks and the KOG mod. (与Complex Cleaner,FDN,SSDN,EED,KOG 100%兼容。)

ENHANCED EQUIPMENT DOCKS: THIS WILL ONLY WORK WITH THE LATEST EED RELEASE V2.7-2.2. Install base EED mod to the lowest cat/dat number then XRM. You must install the scripts from EED, but DO NOT install the text file for the "t" folder. I have included an edited text file for EED in the main SRM mod. (EED .CAT和.DAT编号要大于XRM,SCR覆盖,T不要。这广告打的...连T文件都帮人集成了。)

MARS: MARS will need a patch before it will pick up all the new weapons. This will hopefully be available soon. (吐槽的好!)

Compatibility with Complex Cleaner, FDN v7, MPM v7, SSDN v7: install the base cat/dat from these mods/scripts to the lowest cat/dat number, then the XRM base mod and addon packs as higher numbers. (这些MOD如果想安,.CAT和.DAT文件编号要大于XRM。)

Compatibility with the KOG mod: install the XRM base mod and addon packs and then install the "SRM Compatible" version of the KOG mod to a higher cat/dat number. (编号高于XRM)

Compatibility with Immersive Environments: Install the IE base mod to a lower cat/dat than the XRM. You will lose the universe changes IE makes, but you will still see the new backgrounds. (编号小于XRM)

Compatibility with Ketraar's Random Sector Management Mod: Incompatible due to overlapping sectors.
However we have a compatibility file which should make it work:

The XRM is NOT compatible with full cockpit mods, engine trail mods, any mod that adds ships, or any mod that alters TWareT (Except the EMP which is merged). Please use the compatible versions provided above in the addon packs.(反正装了XRM,就别装其他什么座舱,尾焰,武器特效,新舰船和所有修改TYPES文件夹里TwareT文件的MOD。)



Bug-player fix by draffut. (thread)
BSD, Bomber and Shuttle Docking mod by Alkeena. (thread)
Repair Drones Mod you find in Gazz's MARS script.
X2 Ships Callback Mod v1.07 by Killerog(thread)
Xtra Ship/Station Pack v1.93 by Cadius(thread)
Boron Lucsa and Paranid Thanatos v1.5 by Axeface(thread)
Ship Expansion v1.7c (part) by Killjaeden(thread)
Schiffs Expansion v1.01 (part) by Armankessilols(thread)
Artellia v1.0 by Puffneki(thread)
SRM Exclusive Trails Pack with Capital Ships Effects v1.0i by Killerog and Paul Wheeler
Enhanced Equipment Docks by Saetan (Models only) (thread)

...and of course, the SRM and CMOD4!

The EMP Mod is fully merged into the SRM and should be removed if installed separately.


Special thanks to Mizuchi for his tireless work on the XRM. His contribution continues to be huge and invaluable.

Thanks to Litcube for allowing the use of his CWP script, without which the racial weapon loadouts would not be possible.

Thanks to Saetan, Cadius, Armankessilols, Killerog, Axeface, PSCO1, Draffut, Alkeena, Algoran, Killjaeden, vkerinav, JMan77 and Gazz for their kind permission to use their mods and scripts.

Special thanks to the X Universe team for their kind hosting of the XRM.

Thanks to SomeoneElse for the original SRM mod, without which none of this would have happened.


参与人数 1声望 +1 UCC +20 好评 +1 贡献 +1 收起 理由
0809000 + 1 + 20 + 1 + 1 奖励翻译,转贴外加慰问~~


发表于 2011-7-29 22:45:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 法克鱿 于 2011-7-29 22:45 编辑

滑鼠往下滑了好多好多圈,看懂的只有LZ前面说的那几句...楼主为嘛不把这些字给汉化了,害我用有道翻译了半天... 还是看不懂...

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-29 22:48:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-29 22:48:20 | 显示全部楼层
法克鱿 发表于 2011-7-29 22:45
滑鼠往下滑了好多好多圈,看懂的只有LZ前面说的那几句...楼主为嘛不把这些字给汉化了,害 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-29 23:16:42 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-29 23:48:09 | 显示全部楼层
其实就是把SRM和那一堆addon打包一块了 另外加了几十个星区...

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-2 03:18:35 | 显示全部楼层
htbrkone 发表于 2011-7-29 23:48
其实就是把SRM和那一堆addon打包一块了 另外加了几十个星区...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-3 16:24:34 | 显示全部楼层
安了SRM 地球人任务眼睛和耳朵卡住了 NPC弄死也不上船 也没有任务提示

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-3 18:22:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-3 18:40:38 | 显示全部楼层
ws00581020 发表于 2011-8-3 18:22


使用道具 举报

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