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发表于 2012-4-12 00:31:50
繁体版: <t id="1020816">Nathan's Voyage|南森之旅</t>
简体版: <t id="1020816">Nathan's Voyage|内森之旅</t>
繁体版:<t id="2194">Argon威士卡不能被公开买卖.
简体版:<t id="2194">Argon威士忌不能被公开买卖.
繁体版 <t id="4281">Boron皇家干船坞</t>
应该为 <t id="4281">Boron皇家造船坞</t>
<t id="4562">犀鸟是一种中距离豪华客运飞船. 它配备了一些必要的娱乐设施, 让乘客享受一个舒适的旅途. 旅客可以坐着豪华的座椅, 在电脑类比出的视觉娱乐中尽情享受.
繁体版: <t id="4932">珀尔修斯继承了"普罗米修士"的特点.
<t id="2393">太空飞虫</t>
<t id="2394"></t>
<t id="2393">Spaceflies</t>
<t id="2394">This creature is a small unintelligent space fly that lives in the vast emptiness of deep space. They are the size of a small bird and seem to be made out of delicate shinning gossamer that reacts to light and shimmers and shines in a multitude of colours.(||) The Markus live in vast complex hives hollowed out of asteroids and perform a valuable function by collecting space junk and other debris, which they capture and take back to their asteroids to be used in the construction of their hives. They travel together in great swarms and communicate with a series of musical notes, similar to bird song, that echo inside space. Their beauty, and the beauty of their music, is famed throughout the X Universe and all intelligent space races delight in seeing them. Pilots will stop to watch a swarm fly past. Creatures working on the outside of ships and space stations have claimed that the Markus will fly near them and even perch on them, singing all the while. However throughout space sightings of The Markus Space Fly are becoming very rare. This is mainly due to the actions of The Split, who capture and use the small space fly to power their spaceships. Currently the Foundation Guild are pressing for the Markus to be made a protected species and pressure is being put on the Split to change their system of powering their space ship engines. It is believed that, despite a universal ban on their capture or trading, some pirates still hunt and capture this creature in order to sell then to the Split.</t>
<t id="2393">太空飞虫</t>
<t id="2394">Spaceflies\n太空飞虫是一种有智慧的小生物, 它们生活在巨大空旷的太空中, 大小和小鸟差不多, 看上去是披着薄如蝉翼而华丽的薄网, 可与被照射到的多种颜色的光线反应.(||) 它们生活在小行星巨大中空复杂的蜂状洞穴中, 并能收集太空垃圾和碎片运回住处. 当它们成群出动时, 用一系列太空中无法回响的, 类似鸟语的音律进行交流, 凭借其美丽及优美的歌声, 它们闻名于X宇宙. 宇宙中所有种族都因能见到它们而兴奋不已. 机师会停下来观赏大群飞虫飞过. 在飞船和空间站外部工作的人声称, 它们会飞近甚至停在他们身上一直歌唱. 然而在太空中目睹太空飞虫变得越来越难, 这主要得归于Split捕捉它们, 为其船只和设施提供动力的行为. 目前保护组织迫切要求将它们列为保护物种, 并对Split施压, 要求其改变船只引擎动力系统. 据信, 即使宇宙中禁止捕捉或交易太空飞虫, 有些海盗还是会猎捕它们并卖给Split.</t>