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[原创] 手册翻译——Domestic Politics

发表于 2012-7-11 22:23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SourSoul 于 2012-7-19 17:14 编辑

外交是SOTS2做的相当独特地一部分  各种外交行为都以GDP与RDP为基础  而这些点数主要靠外交空间站来  目前我也还有很多不懂的地方   希望这一章节的翻译能给自己和大家统治银河系带来帮助
这一章内容相当长  从内政讲到外交  先译一部分   
还是原文和译文一起贴  有疑问的地方以原文为准
Planets, Systems and Provinces  
Empires in Sword of the Stars II are divided into three basic astro-territorial units:
Planets, Systems and Provinces. A Planet is a celestial body orbiting a star and massive
enough to be rounded by its own gravity. For political purposes, even a moon can be
classified as a “Planet” in Sword of the Stars II, if it is large enough to be Colonized or
serve as the anchor point for a significant Station.
A System consists of a star and its orbiting bodies, which may include Planets and their
moons as well as asteroid belts. A single System may have multiple Planets which are
inhabited or developed, and may host a variety of Stations as well.
A Province is a collection of Systems which have been organized into a single
administrative unit. To form a new Province, click the “Province View” button on the
bottom of the strategic map screen. This will light up all of the Systems in your Empire
which are not currently organized into Provinces.
Click on a System in the region where you wish to establish a new Province. The available
Systems lit up will then be limited to those which are within an appropriate distance in
light-years. Only Systems within a limited range can be joined into a Province.
A standard Province at the beginning of a game consists of three Systems, but the
number of Systems and the distance between Systems can be increased by researching
certain Technologies, and Province formation is also enhanced by certain Government
Types. Once you have selected the appropriate number of Systems for your new
Province, establish the Provincial Capitol by clicking on the System and selecting the
Planet which will serve as the administrative hub. Once this is done, you will be able to
name the Province.
The benefits of organizing your Systems into Provinces are many. An organized territory
will see a significant increase in revenues from Trade, because Trade between Provinces
is more lucrative. There are significant decreases in Piracy and corruption as your
officials crack down and establish order. Systems which belong to established Provinces
enjoy a reduced Morale cost associated with taxation, and see a significant increase in
civilian-funded colonization and development.


Open VS Closed Systems
Open and Closed Systems refer to the level of free access the various peoples of the galaxy have to the system – basically like an Open and Closed border. Open systems are the current default in the game and refer to certain natural and automatic taking place, much like you
would expect with borders.
Open systems enjoy increases in civilian population growth, even better increases to alien
population growth, and increased revenue from every trade route in operation. Unfortunately they
also provide pirates with slightly more opportunities to attack and opponents better Intel Op
chances – these Intel chances increase with EVERY open system in the empire.

开放式星系是目前的默认设置(毛线啊  从来没在自家看见过外星人),是一种自然的状态。

Close systems enjoy no alien population immigration, no stimulus building of any kind, the
economy growth is slower and income generation is reduced. However there are some benefits
to a closed system. Police ships are doubly effective, reduced corruption (the better the ratio of
closed system worlds to total worlds in the empire, the less corruption), less chance of rebellion,
and Closed systems can take advantage of Hardened Structure technology, whereas Open
systems cannot.
Clicking on a system gives you the option to open of close them – You’ll see an Open/Closed
label above the system window on the left side of the Starmap screen. Clicking it will change its
status. Going from Opened to Closed will have a -15 morale impact, all civilian built freighters will
leave, civilian built mining stations become doubly costly (if the empire cannot afford this, the
mines close up), and all civilian colonies are abandoned. Going from Closed to Open improves
morale +10 – the system will not produce any new income or production towards new ships for
the next turn, due to the governmental restructuring.


Morale, Rebellion and Revolution
In the early days of imperial expansion, every citizen of the Empire worked for the Empire.
Adversity was commonplace and expected, expectations were low, and the Morale of the
people was not a serious issue. As years pass, however, the new Colonies develop and civilian
populations around the Empire grow. The Morale of your imperial and civilian populations is
now extremely important.
In Sword of the Stars II, Morale can be positively and negatively affected by economic
factors like debt, taxation, trade, and surplus; victories and defeats in combat; losses of
worlds, systems, stations and provinces through war or natural disaster; construction of
civilian stations and formation of super-worlds in the Forge and Gem categories, and a variety
of Diplomatic Actions and events.
Morale losses in any System can be reduced by the presence of police and propaganda ships.
Within Provinces and the Empire as a whole, citizens respond positively to the formation of
new Colonies, and they appreciate a cushion of Savings kept in the Empire’s bank account.
Morale can also be improved by giving the civilian population more freedom, by increasing the
population limits on a Planet or by opening a System to civilian-funded Colonization and
Mining. Increasing population limits may slowly erode the resources of a planet however, and
opening Systems to civilian development may also have unforeseen consequences. Revenues
from civilian-funded Colonies are lower than those established by the Empire, and civilians
often suffer from poor risk assessment. They may choose to start a mining venture or a new
Colony in a contested or lightly defended area, and find themselves attacked by raiders or
enemies of your Empire, which can cause not only another drop in Morale, but Diplomatic
problems as well.


The Player can monitor Morale in the Manager screens for any given world, and take steps to
bolster local Morale in some cases. You can see at a glance all the major population groups
on a planet, including your dominant population (your own Faction’s people). The Morale of all
Races who exist on the world and the overall Morale of a Planet can be seen at a glance.
An overview that lists the pluses and minuses to the Morale of various planets will also be
found in the Planet Manager screen. It is important to check on your people from time to
time, to see whether something is consistently troubling them. Otherwise you may not know
there is a problem until the protesters are storming parliament.
When Morale drops to 25% on a certain Planet, things can turn critical, and a Rebellion may
take place, turning that Planet into an Independent. Since different Planets in the same
System often have similar issues, whole Systems may also go Independent at once. If every
System in a single Province goes into Rebellion, it will spark a full-scale Revolution, which is a
far more serious matter than any single Planet or System trying to throw off your rule.
During a Revolution, the entire Empire is thrown into turmoil. Two opposing factions will form,
Loyalists and Rebels. Every Fleet in your Empire will be assigned to one of these two factions,
based on the home world of its Admiral; if the Admiral was born on a Rebel world, the Fleet will
serve the Rebels. The Player will control the Loyalist faction, and the Rebel faction will be AIcontrolled.
The Rebel faction will function in every way as an Independent empire, and will
build its own ships, research technology, and form diplomatic alliances like any other AIcontrolled
empire in the game.
War between the Loyalist and Rebel factions in a Revolution will continue until the last Fleet
of the Rebel is destroyed or surrenders. Only the development of the Ombudsapiens
technology can mitigate the bloodshed of Revolution, by giving the entire Rebel faction a
percentage chance of surrender after each military defeat. A player who has developed the
technology to Occupy, Annex and Eclipse enemy factions may also find it easier to end the
Revolution by demanding the surrender of rebel worlds, provinces, or the rebel empire as a

玩家可以在管理器界面查看士气值(包括本族士气和异族士气  不想译了这一段)
在革命时期,整个帝国都会陷入混乱。两个对立派系会产生:忠诚派和革命党(阳土孽吗)。每一个舰队都会归入其中一个派系——这取决于舰队司令的故乡所在。如果司令的故乡属于革命党那么该舰队就会加入革命军(汗一个 )玩家将会操作忠诚阵营,而革命党将有AI操作。革命军的运转和一个独立的帝国一模一样.

Political Spectrum Graph and Government Type
In Sword of the Stars II, there are nine basic Government Types. These are not labels which
are pasted on an empire without regard to the player's behavior: instead, Government Type is
calculated by weighing the player's actions over time. Where a government chooses to
commit its resources and time says a great deal about the values of its leadership and of the
people who consent to be ruled. For the most part, a player's actions in the game will
represent not only the whims of a few elites, but the will of the people and the way of life
which they believe is in their best interests.
Government Type in Sword of the Stars II represents a player's position on a Political
Spectrum graph:


The X-axis of the graph in SotS 2 represents a continuum of Morale <-->Money. Investment of
cash and resources in the comfort and well-being of your civilians typically moves your player
position to the left. The state's investment of resources in Trade and profit-seeking ventures
will move the player position to the right.
The Y-axis of the graph represents a continuum of Growth <--> Production, which doubles at
times as a continuum of Liberty <--> Control. For the majority of sentient beings, "personal
freedom" translates as growth and expansion which is not aggressively controlled by the
state, and Player actions (or lack thereof) will move the government downward along this
axis. Downward movement is also typical of societies which prefer peaceful or diplomatic
solutions over violent ones, value tolerance, and have an egalitarian ethos toward sentients
of other races.
Assertion of military control over territory, the state's direct investment and control of
production and the state's investment in force as a solution to problems foreign and
domestic all tend to move your player position upward along this axis.
By viewing Government Type as a reflection of movement along these axes, it is easier to see
why certain Government Types are able to find common ground with governments which are
not identical to themselves. Both Plutocracy and Mercantilism are Government Types which
favor trade and profit-seeking ventures, for example. Anarchist and Liberationist
governments both place a great deal of emphasis on tolerance and personal freedom.
Cooperative and Socialist governments both concern themselves primarily with the wellbeing
of the common people, etc..


关于政体类型的具体内容置顶里面有 就不在鳌述了

Diplomacy is the interaction of sovereign governments. In Sword of the Stars II, the player’s
Faction may have Diplomatic interaction with other Factions, and also with Independents.
A Faction is a star-faring civilization which may control multiple star systems and an
extended territorial empire. For Diplomatic purposes, a Faction is dominated technologically
and militarily by a single Race, although other Races may also be citizens of the empire.
An Independent is a smaller autonomous state which occupies a single system. Like a
Faction, an Independent system or world will be dominated by a single Race.
Diplomatic relations with another power are defined by two basic measures: Diplomatic
Mood and Diplomatic Status.



Diplomatic Mood is an informal measure of the general attitude that another government
holds toward your government and your people. The current state of another government’s
Mood will be visible as a position on a colored bar graph with seven basic increments, as
This government has excellent reason to regard your government and its people as actively
evil, and hostile to their best interests. War is nearly inevitable.
This government has significant grievances against your government and people. War is a
distinct possibility.
This government has at least some minor grievances against your government and people.
Diplomatic Actions may not be well-received.
This government has no grievances against your government and people, but no reason to
favour you either.
This government has legitimate reasons to favour you and your people. Diplomatic Actions
will be more likely to succeed.
This government has significant bonds of fellowship with you and your people. They may look
favourably on Peace Treaties and Alliances.
This government has very strong bonds and excellent reasons to favour you and your people.
They will gladly serve as your Allies.

外交态度是一个非正式的参数。其他政府的当前态度用彩色条形图上的七个不同位置表示(存疑,应该是指头像下的那个图,手头上没合适的存档  大家帮忙看一看),具体如下


The default Diplomatic State which exists between two powers which have never
encountered each other before. If these two powers encounter one another in deep space,
either Fleet-to-Fleet or Fleet-to-System, they can choose to take hostile action or hold fire.
A state of conflict between two powers. The majority of Government Types will suffer Morale
losses if their Fleets attack other Factions or Independents without a formal Declaration of
War, unless their own ships or systems have been previously attacked.
A Diplomatic State established by Treaty. Under a Cease-Fire agreement, enemy Fleets will
not be fired upon if they are encountered in neutral territory, or in territory controlled by a
non-allied player. Enemy fleets WILL be fired upon if they enter systems controlled by the
player or allies.
A Diplomatic State established by Treaty. Under a Non-Aggression Pact, enemy Fleets will not
be fired upon in neutral territory, and they may enter territory controlled by the player and
allies without being automatically attacked as well. Governments which have signed a Non-
Aggression Pact may also choose to exchange gifts and information.
A Diplomatic State established by Treaty. Under a Peace Treaty, Fleets will not fire upon one another unless they are forced to do so, and the majority of Government Types will suffer serious Morale consequences if their own Fleets are ordered to violate such a treaty. Governments which have signed a Peace Treaty may engage in inter-galactic Trade as well as exchanging gifts and information.
A Diplomatic State established by Treaty. Allied governments share all Sensor and Survey data automatically, and receive instantaneous feedback of Events taking place in Allied territory. Allies may engage in Trade, exchange gifts, and request every type of assistance from one another, including military intervention and scientific consultation in Research.



A variety of Diplomatic Actions are available to the player. Every Diplomatic Action has a cost
in Diplomatic Points, and some Diplomatic Actions also have a cost or a benefit in Morale,
which is the measure of the support your government enjoys from your own citizens.
Diplomatic Actions fall into the following categories: Declaration, Request, Demand, Treaty,
Lobby, and Spin.
A Declaration of War is a formal announcement of impending military action against another
government and its people. The majority of Government Types will suffer significant Morale
losses if their Fleets commit acts of war without a formal Declaration, unless they have been
previously attacked.
A Request is a petition to a foreign government to receive Resources, Information,
Technology, Military Assistance, and Permission to enter a System, build a Gate, settle a
world, or establish an Enclave. Requests can only be passed between governments who have
agreed to a Non-Aggression Pact, Peace Treaty or Alliance.
A Demand is a petition to a foreign government to receive Resources, Information,
Technology, Slaves, Territory or Surrender. Demands pass only between powers in a State of
Neutrality, War, or Cease-Fire.
A Treaty is an agreement between two or more powers. Of all Diplomatic Actions, Treaties
are the most plentiful and varied. In general, three types of Treaty can be proposed to any
foreign government: Armistice, Trade, and Limitation.
     Armistice – An Armistice Treaty suggests a change of Diplomatic State between two
powers. An Armistice can change the Diplomatic State between two powers to Neutrality,
Cease-Fire, Non-Aggression, Peace or Alliance from any previous state, including War.
     Trade – A Trade Treaty sets the terms of economic exchange between two foreign
governments. Large-scale foreign Trade can only exist between governments who have
agreed to a Peace Treaty.
      Limitation – A Limitation Treaty sets a limit on certain player actions. Limitations can
be set to Fleets (number of Cruiser Equivalents), Ship Class (number of Dreadnaughts or
Leviathans), Weapons (arming of ships with Bio-weapons, Siege Drivers etc.), Research (AI,
Bio-weapons, Psionics, etc.), Overharvesting, Terraformation, Settlement (number of
Colonies), Development (number of Forge or Gem worlds), Naval Bases (number of Star Bases
and Sector Bases), Gate Stations, and Conquest of Independents.
Any given Treaty, in addition to proposing its central goal, will also have two other
characteristics: Duration and Consequences.
       Duration – The Duration of a Treaty is the number of terms that the agreement will be
in effect before it is null and avoid. The Duration of a Treaty can be as short as a single turn,
or Indefinite until re-negotiated through a later Diplomatic Action.
       Consequences – The Consequences of a Treaty are the proposed penalties if any
signatory government violates the terms of the Treaty. Consequences of violation can
include: Fines, Cessation of Trade for a pre-agreed number of turns, Downgrade of Diplomatic
Status, Sanctions, Loss of Diplomatic Points, and War.
A Lobby Action is an effort to change the Mood of a foreign power toward any other
government, including your own.
A Spin is an attempt to avert the standard Diplomatic and Morale penalties of certain player
actions. When a Treaty is broken, when shots are fired without Declaration of War, a Spin can
make the prevent the Mood of a foreign government or the Morale of your own people from
taking a radical plunge.


In order to take Diplomatic Actions, the Player must have Diplomatic Points. These points
represent an abstract measure of the power and influence that your government and people
have accumulated within a larger community of neighboring governments.
There are two kinds of Diplomatic Points: generic and specific. Generic Diplomatic Points are
a general measure of your empire’s size and its investment in Diplomatic activity. Specific
Diplomatic Points are a measure of your investment in close and mutually beneficial relations
with a specific Faction.
Generic all-purpose Diplomatic Points are generated every turn by every Province that the
Player holds. The more Provinces the player controls, the more D.P. the empire will generate
per turn. Diplomatic Stations are an additional source of generic Diplomatic Points. For every
Diplomatic Station built, the player will earn a set number of additional Diplomatic Points per
turn. The number of D.P. will scale with the level of the Station: a Star Chamber generates
more points per turn than a Customs Station.
Specific Diplomatic Points are generated by Habitat Modules which provide comfortable
quarters for visiting aliens. An Alien Habitat Module dedicated to the comfort of alien visitors
can be added to any Civilian or Science Station and generate a small number of Diplomatic
Points per turn for Factions and Independents of the appropriate Race. The number of
specific Diplomatic Points generated per turn is increased if an Alien Habitat is added to a
Diplomatic Station. Large Alien Habitat Modules will generate a larger number of specific
Diplomatic Points when they are built, and again will generate more points when added to a
Diplomatic Station.
The Diplomatic Points both generic and specific that your empire generates each turn will
accumulate until they are spent or lost



The player spends Diplomatic Points in order to exert political power on a galactic scale.
Every time a Diplomatic Action is attempted, Diplomatic Points must be spent. Declarations
of War, Demands, Requests, Lobbying, Spin and Treaties all require some expenditure of D.P..
The number of D.P. required to exert power through Diplomatic channels will depend on
multiple factors: the Government Type of the two powers involved, the dominant Race of the
two powers involved, and the Technologies that can affect Diplomatic negotiations.
When it is time to spend Diplomatic Points, keep in mind that D.P. which are specific to the
dominant Race of a certain government are worth more than generic Diplomatic Points. As a
general rule, Race-specific D.P. can be spent at a ratio of 1 to 1. Generic Diplomatic Points can
only be spent at a ratio of 2 to 1.
Example: I wish to propose an Arms Limitation Treaty with the Morrigi Confederation, a
Diplomatic Action costing 50 points.
Generic Diplomatic Points stored: 40
Specific Diplomatic Points for Morrigi: 30
My specific Diplomatic Points for the Confederation will spend at 1 to 1, because the
dominant Race of the Confederation is Morrigi:
50 D.P. – 30 Morrigi Points = 20 D.P. remaining.
My generic Diplomatic Points can only be spent at a ratio of 2 to 1.
40 generic D.P. / 2 = 20 D.P..
In short, it will cost me 40 generic D.P. and 30 specific D.P. to bring the Morrigi Confederation
to the table to discuss my proposed Arms Limitation Treaty.

实例: 我要与Morrigi邦联(鸟族)签署武器限制条约,这一外交行为消耗50点,我的GDP有40,对鸟族的RDP有30点。因为该邦联的统治种族是鸟族,我的RDP将以1:1来消耗:50-30=20。我的GDP将以2:1进行消耗 40/2=20. 刚好凑够50点。结果是这一提议要耗费我40点GDP和30点RDP


Specific Diplomatic Points can only be lost when Alien Habitat Modules attached to
Diplomatic Stations are destroyed. Alien Habitat Modules attached to other types of Stations
can be destroyed without loss of specific Diplomatic Points.
General Diplomatic Points can only be lost as a pre-agreed consequence of Treaty violation.



参与人数 3声望 +2 UCC +40 好评 +1 收起 理由
davidhawk + 2 精品文章!
0809000 + 10 + 1 .
TLX099 + 30 原创内容


发表于 2012-7-11 22:30:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-11 22:31:48 | 显示全部楼层


恩  发表于 2012-7-11 22:36

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 22:35:20 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-7-11 22:30

前一段时间发过mission这一章节 http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1   
手册的话隔一段时间就会译一章吧  到时就可以做成一个中文手册了   

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-19 17:14:02 | 显示全部楼层
翻译完成  自顶一下

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-19 17:18:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-19 17:22:41 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-7-19 17:18

手册翻译——Domestic Politics  http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1
手册翻译——Missions http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1
手册翻译——Combat  http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1
wiki翻译——Trade      http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-19 17:24:55 | 显示全部楼层
SourSoul 发表于 2012-7-19 17:22
手册翻译——Domestic Politics  http://bbs.deeptimes.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2121459&extra ...



谢谢  发表于 2012-7-19 17:28

使用道具 举报

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