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[公告] X重生1.24和1.25以及未来更新计划预告

发表于 2014-2-27 00:03:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Egosoft is pleased to announce the availability of patch 1.25 for X Rebirth, along with a preview of several projects to be released in the near term. This update is comprised of two sections. Section one is a quick overview of the progress of the last couple of patches, and an explanation of their main features. Section two gives a quick outlook on what is currently being worked on, and what can be expected over the next few months.

1. Patch 1.24 and 1.25

As always you can find the detailed changelog here. I have also prepared a short video explaining some of the changes to gameplay. Namely the new target locking and the trade agent, including the change to how smalltalk achievements work.

X Rebirth - Patch 1.25 New features explained

- Smalltalk used to unlock a random reward if you managed to convince an NPC on a platform that you had something interesting to say about a topic. With 1.25, the smalltalk mini-game still works the same way, but rather than getting a random reward, the NPC will now offer the player a choice. For example, if the NPC is a dealer of some kind, you can ask him to give you a discount, or you can ask him if he knows a qualified NPC for a certain job, and he will tell you where to find the best one in your vicinity. For example, the next time the player needs a good pilot, locating the best pilot on a station will be much easier.

- Another new feature is the ability to hire agents on stations which will make sure that you are always kept up to date on all trade offers from that station. This feature can be combined with the trade computer extension to minimize the need to collect trade offers on stations manually. There is also a new feature that allows the player to see all trade offers per station from the station's info menu.

- The target locking update introduces a secondary method of setting a target object which is very similar to the targeting functionality seen in the X3 games. You can now press Shift F to get a lock on the object closest to your crosshair, or Shift E to get a lock on the nearest enemy by distance. Once this targeting mode is activated, the player can press page up and page down to cycle through more objects of the same category in clockwise/counter-clockwise order (or in case of enemies: closer/farther-away target). The other methods of dealing with target locks still work in parallel, but before the event monitor can show environment objects again, the player must first release the last explicit target object - by clicking in empty space, for example.

2. The Near Future

Now let me list a few projects we are currently working on, and which will be released in some form over the coming months. Note that this is FAR from a complete list. The following are a few examples of the different areas being worked on, and they are vaguely sorted in the order they may be released:

- Support for Steam Workshop integration: We will soon start releasing a number of tools on Steam to help modders work on X Rebirth. We are also working on full support for the Steam Workshop in order to make it possible for everybody to easily install mods by merely subscribing to them, and by making it easy for mod developers to distribute their work through Steam.

- Map on event monitor: This was already mentioned before. The first step will be to enable the map rendering on the event monitor whenever it currently shows no signal. We will then introduce some configuration options so the player can decide whether to view the map zone map on the monitor or the current text information.

- Improved support for joysticks and other input devices: We are working on improving the input mapping menu and the general support for input devices. There have been numerous individual requests in this area, and we are trying to keep this as flexible as possible so X Rebirth can be configured to make best use of all kinds of input devices.

- Improvements to menus: Improving our menu system is a big task, but some features that we've heard requested often could materialize within the next one or two months. A good example of this is a more powerful text based filtering system for menus akin to the trade menu. After we have added text input menus for renaming your ship, the next step will be to enable this functionality in live menus allowing the player to filter quickly with their keyboard.

- 64bit EXE: Right now X Rebirth only runs on 64bit Windows because of the amount of memory required, but it is still a 32bit executable. We are experimenting with a new 64bit executable that could potentially improve several issues. Rolling out the 64bit EXE will probably happen as a beta in parallel to the 32bit EXE. Depending on the feedback, we will then gradually move away from a 32bit EXE.

- Providing interaction functionality with NPCs from space to minimize forced landing: I know many people do not like being forced to land on stations for frequently repeated tasks. The first step to address this will be to have a list of all NPCs on a station available from the station info menu, and to then make some activities possible remotely. You will still probably need to be in the vicinity of the station - so that drones can take over the transport of acquired goods for example - but you only have to land to play missions and to pick up or deliver people.

- Highway redesign: We've heard a lot of criticism on the way the highways behaves, so we are experimenting with radically different gameplay inside the highways. It's still too early to provide details, but as soon as we have a prototype, we will probably make this available as a beta. How soon this will then be rolled out for public release will then depend on feedback we receive.

Again: There are many other things we are working on. We will continue to add features and of course fix bugs. Please stay tuned!

- Bernd Lehahn, Managing Director, Egosoft
发表于 2014-2-27 00:31:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lemorefly 于 2014-2-27 00:33 编辑





-目标锁定的方式更新,更接近X3,shift+E锁定离准心最近的,shift+F锁定距离最近的,page up上一个目标,page down下一个目标云云~


-支持steam workshop,放出一些MOD工具








使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 00:52:27 | 显示全部楼层

- Smalltalk的用于解锁一个随机的奖励,如果你成功使用Smalltalk说服一个NPC。与之前相比,Smalltalk的迷你游戏仍然以同样的方式工作,但现在将给玩家提供一个选择来取代原来的随机奖励。例如,你可以让NPC给你打折,或者你可以询问他在哪里可以找到优秀的船员,这比一个个空间站查看要效率得多。



2 。在不久的将来(简单来说就是更多的卫星)
-通过Steam Workshop的技术支持:将很快放出大量的MOD制作工具,并可以通过Steam Workshop支持MOD的协作开发。(美少女副官终于要出现了么)
对于游戏杆和其它输入设备的改进支持: (略)
改进的菜单: (略)
支持64位系统 :(这卫星好高)




怎么叫放弃治疗,明明是康复中啊!  发表于 2014-2-27 08:21

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 01:08:51 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 01:27:14 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 02:45:39 | 显示全部楼层
等吧 自建的空间站不是幽灵城才能玩下去

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 05:05:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 08:42:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 08:52:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 foxwxl 于 2014-2-27 08:54 编辑

1.25主要就是改进了small talk 让你自己选择奖励,同时增加锁定目标的能力

Steam work shop 上提供开发工具,让玩家来制作mod (好吧,让玩家动手打造下一个TC )


改进菜单功能,XR 那逗逼的菜单就不说了…………被喷了无数次估计会改进财产菜单,并整个MCE UFO 这类控制指令


64位exe ,未来的大方向,不过以EGOSOFT 的水平…………稳定性和开发时间都堪忧

高速公路大改进,具体改进方向没说……当然这个抄袭freelancer 想法的破主意受到诟病是显而易见的…………你干脆弄成Freelancer 的Trade lane 都不会被骂的这么厉害……宇宙里这么多弯弯曲曲的管子…………自己作死

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-27 10:05:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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