- 3378
- 声望
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- 1970-1-1
本帖最后由 FreemanGL 于 2014-7-1 08:51 编辑
- 停靠点信息改善:敌对NPC会以红名显示
- 修复了停靠点信息中NPC的不正确排序
- 修复了施工船被加速推进中的主力舰撞击之后莫名其妙重新定位的问题
- 修复了货物经销商在你啥都没买的时候仍然告诉你“真是个漂亮的选择”的问题
- 修复了远距扫描不显示出远处物体的问题
- 修复了修复了舰船经销商不打开资源菜单的问题
- 修复了任务选择玩家资产作为目标的问题
- 修复了几个任务中的其他小毛病
- 修复了主线的施工船上建筑师没有正确安置的问题
- 修复了主力舰在应该直接过星门的时候却尝试使用跳跃引擎的问题
- 修复了几个主力舰部件在雷达上显示的方位不正确的问题
- 修复了特定主力舰派出货物采集无人机的问题
- 修复天琴座欧米克隆没有归属派系的问题
- 修复菜单项目位置不一致的问题
- 修复一个导致货物收集无人机在发射/停靠时出问题的情况
- 修复事件监视器的声音在第一人称下音源方向不正确的问题
- 修复德语的文本错误
- 修复当某些子系统损坏时所属的损坏部件无法修理的问题
- 修复当运行扩建中的空间站时的工期和资源需求(通常导致部件消失的问题)
- 修复工期没有将生产方式和效率总体考虑进去的问题
- 修复修理所需资源计算不正确的问题
- 修复集成的子模块某些时候单独损坏的问题
- 修复几个建造过程中的可见部分不一致的问题
- 修复模块在特定情况下被被摧毁/修复之后视觉和功能的状态不一致的问题
- 修复玩家的空间站平台被摧毁后上面的NPC没有死亡导致无法指派新的NPC的问题
- 修复终止当前任务和清空贸易清单的命令没有清空贸易清单的问题
- 修复飞行员在完成计划中的贸易并离开编队后丢失资金的问题
- 修复舰船有时候没有在正确的交易停靠位上列队导致交易被堵住的问题
- 修复无人机不返回停靠的问题
- 修复错误丢失声望的问题
- 修复维护任务和特勤任务中的一些问题
- 修复目标框丢失的问题(尤其是新建的空间站)
- 修复超级高速的出口错误的显示一个目标框的问题
- 修复当玩家在掩护下时玩家座驾目标框显示在左边的问题
- 修复警备艇有时攻击无辜目标的问题
- 修复当操控无人机时按住 PageUp/PageDown 键循环锁定目标无效的问题
- 修复按住 Shift+F 时FPS下降的问题(好神奇= =···)
- 修复困难难度的成就某些情况下不解锁的问题(魂淡!浪费劳资这么长时间重新开档刷成就········)
- 修复了几个监视器的实体错误
- 修复了一种游戏语音“轻微口吃”的问题
- 修复了几个偶然性崩溃
- 一些优化带来性能上的小幅提升
• Improved dock info menu by marking enemy NPCs in red.
• Fixed incorrectly sorted NPCs in the dock info menu.
• Fixed CVs being unexpectedly relocated when rammed by boosting capital ships.
• Fixed item trader telling you about an "excellent choice" when you didn't buy anything.
• Fixed long range scanner effects not showing for distant objects.
• Fixed resource menu not opening for ship trader.
• Fixed mission finding player-owned objects as targets.
• Fixed several other small mission issues.
• Fixed architect not being set up correctly on plot CV.
• Fixed capital ships trying to use their jumpdrive when they should go through a gate directly.
• Fixed several cases of incorrectly oriented ship parts on the radar.
• Fixed issues with sending cargo collector drones from certain capital ships.
• Fixed Omicron Lyrae sectors not having an owner faction.
• Fixed inconsistent interact menu item positions.
• Fixed one cause of cargo collector drones having trouble launching/docking.
• Fixed event monitor sounds coming from the wrong direction in first person mode.
• Fixed text errors in German localisation.
• Fixed repair not being available for damaged objects when some sub-components are damaged.
• Fixed build duration and resources required when running a "partial" build (usually in response to missing components).
• Fixed build durations generally not taking into account production method and efficiency.
• Fixed repair resources not being calculated correctly.
• Fixed integrated sub-components sometimes being wrecked independently.
• Fixed various issues with visual build progress becoming inconsistent during building.
• Fixed inconsistent component states, both visual and functional, after destruction/repair in certain circumstances.
• Fixed NPCs on destroyed player platforms not being killed resulting in problems assigning new ones.
• Fixed problems with stop task and with clear shopping list not clearing the shopping list.
• Fixed pilots losing money when they are no longer in the squad when they finish their last planned trade.
• Fixed ships sometimes failing to line up correctly to trade offer docks, blocking trades.
• Fixed problems with drones not returning to dock.
• Fixed problems of losing reputation in wrong cases.
• Fixed various issues with upkeep and Secret Service missions.
• Fixed cases with missing target elements (especially for newly built stations).
• Fixed cases where a super-highway exit incorrectly showed a target element.
• Fixed target element at left side for the playership, when player is under cover.
• Fixed police ships sometimes attacking innocent objects.
• Fixed keeping PageUp/PageDown pressed down not cycling through target when being inside a drone.
• Fixed keeping Shift+F pressed down causing an FPS-drop.
• Fixed achievements for Hard difficulty not unlocking in some cases.
• Fixed several minor physics issues.
• Fixed one cause of "micro-stutter" during gameplay.
• Fixed several causes of occasional crashes.
• Various optimisations resulting in small performance improvements. |