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发表于 2008-12-5 08:40:51
It has been quite a wait but finally, the 1.3 Update for X3: Terran Conflict is here. It comes with new features which will keep you happy and the usual bug squashing mayhem. The 1.3 Update for X3: Terran Conflict can be downloaded as usual from the download section.
The Update fixes many issues which have been bothering you as well as adding new features. We also listened to you and rebalanced the game accordingly. A big thank you to everyone who aided us in investigating some of these issues.
Changelog Update 1.3 for X3TC:
New Features and Improvements:
- Improved information display when buying ships
- Commands list for software has been added to Encyclopedia
- Illegal wares for races added to Encyclopedia
- "Enter Ship" (Shift+E) can make use of the ship's Transporter Device
- Guidance for a mission can be disabled permanently
- Goner plot scene 3 attacks improved
- HUB mission rebalanced
- Mission enemies rebalanced
- Patrol and defend station missions rebalanced
- Bonus credits awarded per kill in the defend station mission
- Build mission time rebalanced
- Complex Hub hull and shields increased
- Jumping ships now have a jumping action shown in their command info
- Warp tunnel effects removed for Trans-Orbital Accelerators
- Destroying lasertowers now affects reputation
- Out of sector combat improved for lasertowers and capital ships
- Freight Drones can now transfer wares to ships which are not their homebase
- Freight Drones now have 1MJ shields as built-in components
- New Freight Drone commands
- Explore command now reveals gates
- Improvements to wings
- Boarding values tweaked, ATF/Terran ships easier to board
- More experienced marines have a higher chance of surviving
- Some marines will survive if a boarding pod is destroyed
- In the Controls menu several new actions are available for hotkey mapping
- Added new script editor instructions
- Fixed a potential crash when building a station after a long playing time
- Fixed a potential crash when a colliding with a decoupling Kha'ak cluster
- Fixed crashes caused by errors in third-party scripts
- Several mission cleanups and optimisations
- Terran Plot, find Jumpdrive ship mission improved
- Terran Plot, Sector M148 mission fixed
- Terran Plot, scan for smugglers mission improved
- Escort mission freighters no longer abort dock and enter gate actions
- Terracorp and OTAS neutral pirates removed
- Corporation assassination mission with 'No Pilot' fixed
- Atreus Corp first mission fixed
- Blueprint missions now work on Pirate and Yaki stations
- Kha'ak plot Xenon ships now use default capture logic
- NPCs no longer repeat the player's line in ending conversations
- Fixed neutral Xenon, Kha'ak, and Pirates on gamestart
- Fixed default Friend/Foe settings for Xenon and Kha'ak
- Matter/Anti-matter mines are now illegal for several races
- Yaki Susanowa Hauler hull corrected
- Split Python hull corrected
- Advanced Eclipse hull corrected
- Terran Fenrir shield generator corrected
- The HUB no longer consumes wares when under player ownership
- Invincible astronauts cannot be collected by uninhabitable ships
- Earth Torus no longer targets the player during orbit transit
- Ship name 'Kite' added for English version
- Some job quotas rebalanced
- Sell Ware for Best Price command fixed
- Deploy Satellite Network no longer builds satellites in the same sector
- Wing command, 'collect ware' fixed
- Jumps between gateless sectors fixed
- Fixed looping music at the end of the warp tunnel scene
- Wings can no longer be mapped to monitors
- HUD and sidebar disabled during station building scenes
- Fixed autojump display
- Fixed incorrect information about certain lasers in several menus
- Readtext in encyclopedia for some wares fixed
- Fixed issues with ware transfer bar in some menus
- Fixed "Enter Ship" option when docked in a space suit
- Minor fixes and improvements
Attention: This update is not compatible with the Steam-version of X3TC! The Steam-client will automatically download the updated files.
以下是本人匆忙之中的翻译[S::loveliness:] [S::loveliness:] [S::loveliness:]
期待已久的X3TC 1.3升级包终于问世了,这将把您从之前的BUG中解救出来并感到愉快。和以往一样,本版升级版可以在Egosoft
下载。(友情提示:下载包有两个版本,可以提供从1.01->1.3 和1.2.x->1.3两种升级方式。)
- 改进买飞船时的信息显示
- 软件命令列表已加入到百科全书
- 各势力的非法物品已加入到百科全书
- "进入飞船" (Shift+E)命令可以利用飞船的传送装置(Transporter Device)
- 可以永久关闭任务向导
- 改进了Goner拯救任务敌人的进攻(个人理解,未经验证)
- 重新平衡HUB任务
- 重新平衡任务中的敌人强度
- 重新平衡“巡逻”和“保护太空站”任务
- 调整“保护太空站”任务每次击杀敌人奖金
- 重新平衡“建造太空站”任务时间
- 增加集群太空站的护盾和外壳强度
- 跳跃中的飞船现在在其命令信息中将显示跳跃动作
- 去除轨道加速器中的经过隧道效果(Not sure)
- 攻击激光塔将减声望
- 改进激光塔和大型飞船在星系外的战斗(Not sure)
- 货舱搬运机(Freight Drones)现在可以往不是其基地的飞船上装卸货物
- 货舱搬运机(Freight Drones)现在有内建的1MJ护盾
- 增加新的货仓搬运机(Freight Drones)命令
- “探索”(Explorer)命令现在可以显示星门
- 改进僚机
- 调整登陆参数,现在登陆ATF和人类飞船将容易得多
- 经验丰富的陆战队员存活率更高
- 登陆舱被击毁后,可能有陆战队员幸存下来
- 控制菜单中将添加一些新的热键映射
- 增加了新的脚本编辑器指示
- 修正潜在的当游戏时间很长后建立太空站崩溃的错误
- 修正潜在的当与Kha'ak族马蜂窝(Kha'ak cluster)相撞引起的崩溃错误
- 修正因第三方脚本错误引起的游戏崩溃
- 修正了某些任务的结束条件并进行了优化
- 改进了人族剧情中找装载“跳跃引擎部件”飞船的任务
- 修正了人族剧情中M148星系任务
- 改进了人族剧情中扫描走私任务
- 护航任务中运输船不再中断停靠或者穿越星门的行动
- 移除Terracorp和OTAS的中立海盗
- 修正暗杀任务中没有飞行员的问题
- 修正Atreus Corp剧情中的第一个任务
- 蓝本任务现在也可以作用于海盗和Yaki空间站
- Kha'ak剧本中Xenon飞船现在使用默认捕获逻辑(Not sure)
- 结束会话后NPCs现在不再一直重复与玩家的交谈
- 修正游戏开局时的中立Xenon, Kha'ak和海盗
- 修正默认设置中对Xenon和Kha'ak的敌/友关系
- 物质/反物质地雷现在对于某些势力来说是非法物品
- 修正Yaki的Susanowa Hauler飞船外壳
- 修正Split的Python飞船外壳
- 修正Advanced Eclipse飞船外壳
- 修正人族Fenrir护盾发生器
- HUB所有权属于玩家时不再消耗物品
- 没有装备货舱生命维持系统的飞船不再可以打捞无敌宇航员(Not sure)
- Earth Torus不再将路过的玩家作为目标(Not sure)
- 英文版增加名为“Kite”的飞船名称
- 重新平衡某些工作的配额
- 修正“最佳价格售卖物品”(Sell Ware for Best Price)命令
- 部署卫星网络不会再在同一星系部署多个卫星
- 修正僚机“收集物品”命令
- 修正可以在无星门星系间跳跃的错误
- 修正隧道效果动画结束后的循环音乐
- 僚机现在不能映射到监视器上
- HUD和边栏菜单在建造空间站动画中将不再出现
- 修正自动跳跃显示
- 修正某些菜单中部分激光的无正确信息
- 修正百科全书中某些物品的描述
- 修正某些菜单中物品交换栏中的问题
- 修正宇航服模式靠站后的“进入飞船”选项
- 其它较小的修正和改进
[ 本帖最后由 jll_22 于 2008-12-5 14:46 编辑 ] |