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发表于 2007-8-17 19:35:09
Weapon groups and countermeasures
Due to power requirements, you may find it more efficient to divide weapon combinations into different groups. This may allow you to use all your weapons (or the most shield effective ones) at the beginning of the encounter and then switch to a more effective combination for dog-fighting. For medium and heavy fighters, weapon grouping is highly recommended. Setting a separate weapons group for automatic countermeasures is also very useful when avoiding encounters.
Review your original Freelancer documentation for setting up weapon groups, but essentially in your Controls setup:
Choose keys for the weapon groups (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4)
Choose keys to set each weapon group (e.g. Shift-1,Shift-2,Shift-3,Shift-4)
In space, select a weapon group (e.g. Press 1)
Turn on and off the weapons you require in your weapon list display
Press the key(s) to set the weapon group (e.g. Press Shift-1)
Repeat for the other groups
If you enter a base without your weapon group set to Group 1, they will be altered when you exit the base. Always check your weapon group is set to 1 before entering a base.
我的做法和这个的区别在于“Choose keys to set each weapon group (e.g. Shift-1,Shift-2,Shift-3,Shift-4) ”,“Press the key(s) to set the weapon group (e.g. Press Shift-1) ”,在开关某一武器的时候,我是用鼠标点的,他是用键盘点的。我用鼠标点是为了防止误操作,另外10号以后的武器也只能用鼠标点。
[ 本帖最后由 feel 于 2007-8-17 19:43 编辑 ] |