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[公告] 矿工的福音!Bonus Package更新至3.1.07

发表于 2007-10-18 10:38:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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- Afterburner
- Attack Rocks *new*
- Cartel Capture Passengers *new*
- Cartel Shield Hacker
- Collect Astronauts *new*
- Commercial Agent
- Commodity Logistics Software MK1
- Commodity Logistics Software MK2
- Defend Position *new*
- Dock Ware Manager
- Explorer Software
- Fleet Support Ship Software
- Group Management System
- Group Hotkeys
- Manual Trade Commands
- Missile Defense Mosquito
- Mobile Mining / Mineral Collection Software *new*
- Remote Transporter Device
- Scrap Ship at Player HQ
- Station Manager

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2008-1-16 10:24 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-18 10:42:57 | 显示全部楼层

Attack Rocks Command 更新

作用:   就是打碎石头(不过要付费)啦... 配合采矿 或者用于清道。。。

特性:   如果安装了Fight Software Mk1就可以把大块石头打碎(采矿用?) 如果装了Fight Software Mk2就可以直接摧毁所有的石头.(清道用...)
               敲石头的时候,飞船火力全开。如果飞船与石头相撞(southwol注:大家要知道 X3里面的自动导航实在是...汗啊...)就会等到护盾回满之后再开工。
                                       TS/TP 400 Cr
                                          M5 200 Cr
                                          M4 600 Cr
                                         M3 1000 Cr
                                    M6/M7/TL 2000 Cr
                                     M1/M2 10000 Cr

卫星部署: 飞船会检测找到的石头是不是在卫星视野之外。如果是,就放置一个舰载卫星。飞船不会自动购买或者装载卫星。玩家需要手工配备卫星。

                      Seeks out navigational beacons deployed by mobile mining ships and breaks rocks near it (symbiotic action).

                      执行Attack Rocks指令的时候, 可以在舰船名字里面填入 "Ore", "Silicon" or "Nividium" 使它只去打碎某一特定类型的石头。

需求:            必须:Mineral Scanner , Fight Mk1 software (打碎石头)
                    可选:Triplex scanner ,卫星(提高扫描效率)   Fight Mk2 software (摧毁石头)

注意事项:   飞船火力越猛,敲石头越快(显然嘛...)
                         脚本是为 TS/TP/M5/M4/M3/M6/M7 设计的。最好不要用于 TL/M1/M2。像锤大等“心理坚强”人士可以试验一下。。。
                        ( 对门口放工厂的BT行为记忆犹新口牙。。。)
                        不要给快船(比如M5)装太多 engine tunings 。高速转弯时惯性太大会撞船的。
已知问题:  炮塔指令可能会阻止飞船开炮。所以使用这个脚本的时候,关掉它们。
                        执行“打碎”模式的飞船,由于敲碎的石头越来越多,时间一长 基本就没得敲了。。。解决方法: 多配几艘采矿船顺手把碎石头收拾掉。

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2007-10-19 10:32 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-18 10:43:10 | 显示全部楼层

Cartel Capture Passengers 更新


Capture Passengers Command
The capture passengers command requires at least one unit of Hand weapons or Pirate Sidearms on-board the ship. Running the command will simply change any Passengers or VIP's on-board into slaves. Some of the will inevitably resist and will have to be shot.

Release Slaves Command
This command allows any slaves in the cargo bay to walk free. A small increase in reputation with the local authorities is usual for such good deeds.

Wondering where to buy the hand weapons or sidearms? The sale of these items is restricted, but you can often find someone requiring a transport pilot to move these sorts of items. Just do what a pirate does best.

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2007-10-19 10:35 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-18 10:43:25 | 显示全部楼层

Collect Astronauts 更新


So, you have had a good time, killed a few baddies. Or, even better, forced them to bail.

Then you went and claimed the 'donated' ships (hopefully with my SOS Claim or SOS Claim and Dock).

You, or one of your ships, have picked up all the 'goodies' lying around.

All in all, very profitable.

But it could be even more profitable

What about the pilots that bailed, they are worth money. Oops, you have lost some profitsss.

With this new software, you, or one of your ships, can 'rescue' them - but only if you have a Cargo Lifesupport System fitted in the ship - to keep them alive.

One unfortunate aspect of this rescue is a downgrading in status from Pilot, but it is certain that any Pirate Base will welcome them back with open arms, and even better, with open wallet. Yes, they will give you a reward for returning their lost brethren - normally around 1400 Cr.


Any of your ships (including the one you are piloting) equipped with the Cargo Lifesupport System will have a new option in the Piracy menu - Collect Astronauts.

All you do is to select this option, and the ship will travel toward the astronaut in the sector. When within range, it will pick him up.

Normally the range is about 500m, but if a Transporter Device is fitted, the range is 5km.

When the astronaut is picked up, the ship will look around for another astronaut in the sector, and proceed to pick him up as well.

This will continue until there are no more astronauts in the sector, or you run out of cargo space.

You will be kept informed of the success or failure of the operation by temporary messages - you can read them, but they are not put into your logbook (no incriminating evidence)...


It is probably safer to get one of your other ships to 'rescue' the astronaut, as on the way to the Pirate Base to return him to his brethren you may get stopped by the Police. The Police do not like you to 'rescue' pilots and return them to their natural habitat, and it will cost you your license (if you have one), as well as the loss of the reward.

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2007-10-18 11:15 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-18 10:43:40 | 显示全部楼层

Defend Position 更新

Fight Command Software Mk2

命令飞船停在指定地点, 当敌舰飞至10km半径之内时,主动出击。 所有敌舰都被摧毁之后,飞船回到原地(一两个km范围之内)待命。

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2007-10-18 11:26 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-18 10:43:54 | 显示全部楼层

Mobile Mining / Mineral Collection Software 更新


This gets a ship to mine/collect rocks and deliver to a home base or trade them locally

Give the mobile mining ship the required equipment.

Select "Collect Minerals..." in the special commands menu.

Select the worked sector to mobile mine


Ore collector

Mineral scanner

Special commands software


A weapon (the ship will mobile mine rather than just collect)

Transporter Device (if home base is a TL)

Jump Drive

Triplex Scanner (Improves search capability)

Satellites (Improves search capability)

25 MJ shields (In sector mining can be risky)


The script has two modes of operation - supply or trade. The mode is determined by which home base is given to the ship

Supply Mode:
This is selected by setting the homebase to a station that uses minerals as a product or resource. The ship will supply that station only. A TL can be used as a home base but has to remain stationary with the miner is working. Also the mining ship will require a transporter device to deliver the minerals to the ship.

Trader Mode:
This is chosen by either not setting a homebase or selecting one that does not use minerals i.e SPP or cattle ranch etc. The ship will deliver to any factory in a 1 jump range of the worked sector. A check will also be made to see which mineral is in greatest local demand and the ship will concentrate on collect that type.

General Features:
Works both in and out of sector

Satellite deployment: The ship will check if the rocks it finds are outside of satellite coverage. If they are then it will deploy an on-board satellite. The ship will not purchase or load satellites itself, the player has to stock the ship.

The ship checks satellites (nav & adv) in the worked sector to locate collectible rocks within their sensor range. This is in addition to a search made with the ship scanner.

During mining the ship will also deploy and collect navigational beacons. The name of the beacon shows the ship ID and the type of mineral it is collecting. This makes looking easy to see what the ships are doing when looking at the sector map.

The script contains code to prevent multiple mobile mining ships from bunching up/forming convoys which would otherwise reduce collection efficiency.

The ship ignores yield zero rocks

If the ship is fitted with a weapon it will break up rocks for collection (unarmed ships will just collect available fragments)

The weapon turret with the most fire power is selected for breaking rocks (front or back)

The ship will stop and wait for its shield to fully recharge after a rock collision

Uses a jump drive if one is fitted. Energy will be taken from the home base for a round trip (this feature is only useful in supply mode)

A ship can be forced to collect only one mineral type by placing "Ore" or "Silicon" in the ship/homebase name. Ships with a TL homebase and free trader miners with no homebase can also use "Nividium" to collect this mineral.

A standard charge for each unit of minerals delivered to player owned factories is

1 unit ore = 13 credits
1 unit silicon = 50 credits
1 unit nividium = 1610 credits
The charge for deliveries to NPC stations is 10% of the money made. This charge covers pilot wages and costs.

If the ship has a problem then a message is sent to the player log.

Supply mode Features:
Mines/Collects only the minerals carried by the home base (product or resource)

Delivers collected minerals to home base and resumes collecting in the worked sector

If the factory cannot pay then the ship will undock and wait in sector for 10-20 minutes before attempting to unload the cargo again.

If a delivery to the home base fails to empty the cargo bay to less than 90% full the ship will wait in the home sector for 10-20 mins before attempting to deliver to the home base again. This prevents camping in docking slots and allows the station to use up minerals. The ship will resume collection after a successful delivery.

Balanced collection of all minerals that a station uses (ore/silicon/nividium). This means if the station has more than 90% full stock of one mineral then ships will concentrate on collecting the other types that are required. If a station has all mineral stocks levels above 90% then the ship will wait in the home sector till they fall below this limit.

Ships with a TL homebase will collect silicon and ore in balanced amounts. This behaviour can be overridden by placing "Ore", "Silicon" or "Nividium" in the mining ship name.

Trader mode Features:
The ship checks which mineral is in greatest demand in a 1 jump radius and will mine the required type.

The ship finds and delivers to the factory that requires the most units of mineral (Player and NPC factories covered).

The ship will continue to deliver to factories until it is empty before resuming mining.

Ore and silicon is collected and sold, nividium is not (market is too small for effective trading - use supply mode to collect nividium).

Additional Notes:
This script does not create or destroy rocks directly. All of that is done by the game with weapons fire alone, both IS and OOS.

This script can improve frame rate in rocky sector after several game hours. Entire sectors can be cleared with enough ships and time

Map asteroids will not be mined, only rocks. Break the asteroid to mine it.

Recommended mining ship - Caiman Miner

It has multiple weapon slots that give it plenty of fire power (breaks rocks more quickly both IS and OOS).

In sector mobile mining performance is better compared to other TS ships.

Weapon comments
IREs - Weak but accurate - IS and OOS rock breaking is slow
PACs - Reasonable power and accurate - Recommended
HEPTs - Very Good, if you can get them to fit in the ship
PSGs - Not recommended - Overkill and has a high risk of friendly fire and collateral damage
Mass Drivers - Powerful but needs ammo
Ion Disruptors - No effect on rocks

Mobile Drilling System - Great OOS/IS rock breaking performance. The rocks that get accidentally destroyed in sector will re-spawn later.

The Attack Rocks script can also be used on fighters to help mobile mining ships concentrate on collecting rather than mining. Fighters break rocks faster than freighters.

[ 本帖最后由 southwolf 于 2007-10-18 11:16 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-10-18 13:12:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-10-18 13:36:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-10-18 17:13:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-10-26 15:58:01 | 显示全部楼层

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