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楼主 |
发表于 2013-7-2 23:41:03
FRIGHTER 发表于 2013-6-27 08:01
求相关段落的代码- - - const string[url=home.php?mod=space&uid=20834]@[/url] strFuel = "Fuel";
- float checkRange(const Object@ src, const Object@ trg, const Effector@ eff) {
- //Can only jump to significant sources of gravity
- if(trg.toStar() is null && trg.toPlanet() is null && trg.toSystem() is null)
- return 0.f;
- //Check that it is within range
- float dist = src.getPosition().getDistanceFromSQ(trg.getPosition());
- if(dist < eff[0] * eff[0]) // || dist > eff[1] * eff[1]) //Max range is implied in the effector
- return 0.f;
- return 1.f;
- }
- float checkFuel(const Object@ src, const Object@ trg, const Effector@ eff) {
- const State@ fuel = src.getState(strFuel);
- if(fuel.val - eff[4] < fuel.max * 0.05f || fuel.max <= 0)
- return 0.f;
- return 1.f;
- }
- void checkJumpSetting(Event@ evt) {
- if(getGameSetting("GAME_AUTO_JUMP", 0.f) >= 0.5f) {
- if(@evt.target != null && @evt.obj != null) {
- HulledObj@ ship = evt.obj;
- uint cnt = ship.getSubSystemCount();
- for(uint i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- subSystem@ sys = ship.getSubSystem(i).system;
- if(sys.type.hasTag("JumpDrive")) {
- triggerAutoJump(evt.obj);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void triggerAutoJump(Object@ obj) {
- Effect AutomatedJumpEvent("AutomatedJumpEvent");
- obj.addTimedEffect(AutomatedJumpEvent, pow(10, 35), 0.f, obj, null, null, TEF_None);
- }
- void autoJump(Event@ evt) {
- Object@ obj = evt.target;
- if(obj.getTarget() !is null) {
- Object@ targ = obj.getTarget();
- if(obj.toHulledObj().canUseToolOn("JumpDrive", targ)) {
- OrderList orders;
- if(orders.prepare(obj))
- orders.giveUseToolOrder("JumpDrive", targ, true, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- void Jump(Event@ evt, float FuelCost) {
- Object@ jumpShip = evt.obj;
- Object@ jumpTo = evt.target;
- State@ fuel = jumpShip.getState(strFuel);
- //Checks if the planet or star is in the same system and if not sets the target to the edge of the target system
- if(jumpTo.toPlanet() !is null || jumpTo.toStar() !is null) {
- if(jumpTo.getCurrentSystem() !is jumpShip.getCurrentSystem())
- @jumpTo = jumpTo.getCurrentSystem().toObject();
- }
- //Clear Orders, Consume Fuel and do the jump.
- clearOrders(jumpShip);
- fuel.consume(FuelCost, jumpShip);
- doJump(jumpShip, jumpTo);
- evt.state = ESC_DISABLE;
- }
- void doJump(Object@ jumpShip, Object@ jumpTo) {
- //Get the direction and distance to move the ship
- vector toTarg = jumpTo.getPosition() - jumpShip.getPosition();
- float len = toTarg.getLength();
- if(jumpTo.toSystem() !is null)
- len -= jumpShip.radius + (jumpTo.radius - 134.f); //Jump 67 units closer to the target
- else
- len -= jumpShip.radius + jumpTo.radius + 67.f; //Jump 67 units away from the target
- toTarg.normalize(len);
- //Move the ship
- jumpShip.position += toTarg;
- jumpShip.velocity = vector(0, 0, 0);
- //Convince it not to wander off
- jumpShip.setDestination(jumpShip.getPosition());
- //Clear orbiting object so it re-evaluates
- jumpShip.orbitAround(null);
- //Force it to be reparented correctly
- jumpShip.reparent();
- //NOTE: It will take 2 game frames to relocate the ship to the other system
- }
- const string@ strStargate = "Stargate";
- float checkStargate(const Object@ src, const Object@ trg, const Effector@ eff) {
- const HulledObj@ stargate = trg;
- if (@stargate !is null){
- const HullLayout@ stargateHull = stargate.getHull();
- if (@stargateHull !is null){
- if(src.getOwner() is trg.getOwner() || src.getOwner().isAllied(trg.getOwner())){
- if(stargateHull.hasSystemWithTag(strStargate)){
- return 1.f;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void createLink(Event@ evt) {
- evt.obj.getState(strStargate).val = evt.target.uid;
- evt.obj.getOwner().postMessage("Hyperspace route established from #link:o"+evt.obj.uid+"##c:red#"+evt.obj.getName()+"#c##link# to #link:o"+evt.target.uid+"##c:red#"+evt.target.getName()+"#c##link#.");
- clearOrders(evt.obj);
- }
- void GateJump(Event@ evt) {
- Object@ jumpShip = evt.obj;
- Object@ jumpFrom = evt.target;
- const State@ targetID = jumpFrom.getState(strStargate);
- if(@targetID !is null){
- Object@ jumpTo = getObjectByID(targetID.val);
- if (@jumpTo !is null){
- if(jumpTo.isValid()){
- float jumpShipScale = jumpShip.radius * jumpShip.radius;
- float jumpFromScale = jumpFrom.radius * jumpFrom.radius;
- float jumpToScale = jumpTo.radius * jumpTo.radius;
- if(jumpShipScale <= jumpFromScale){
- if(jumpShipScale <= jumpToScale){
- doJump(jumpShip, jumpTo);
- return;
- }
- else{
- jumpShip.getOwner().postMessage("#link:o"+jumpShip.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpShip.getName()+"#c##link#: Aborting stargate jump. End point #link:o"+jumpTo.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpTo.getName()+"#c##link# is too small to pass.");
- return;
- }
- }
- else{
- jumpShip.getOwner().postMessage("#link:o"+jumpShip.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpShip.getName()+"#c##link#: Aborting stargate jump. Starting point #link:o"+jumpFrom.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpFrom.getName()+"#c##link# is too small to pass.");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- jumpShip.getOwner().postMessage("#link:o"+jumpShip.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpShip.getName()+"#c##link#: Aborting stargate jump. #link:o"+jumpFrom.uid+"##c:red#"+jumpFrom.getName()+"#c##link# has invalid hyperspace coordinates.");
- }
- void clearOrders(Object@ obj){
- AIStance old = obj.getStance();
- obj.setStance(AIS_HoldFire);
- obj.setStance(old);
- OrderList orders;
- if(orders.prepare(obj)) {
- orders.clearOrders(false);
- orders.prepare(null);
- }
- }
复制代码 Game Data\scripts\server 里面的JUMPDRIVE.AS文件。帮忙排查一下,跟Game Data\scripts\server文件夹里面的哪一个文件冲突了……comgbat.AS ?? |