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发表于 2006-7-27 18:25:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  w4 ]  r$ F/ a, A
" y2 K4 C4 b- w* T$ v0 rALG Waste Disposal# b" ]2 B2 d# l/ g2 r
Gas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
- Z  a: _- w" {' UHelgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)
7 c$ i9 b! Y: i$ H" YRochester Base/New York - D3 (Junkers)
2 s* ]6 [. Q2 R) P4 Z  @( B7 Y( ^& A# Z( `. g6 ^
" O8 ]7 h- ~* ]0 ~' }$ l! ?
5 B! o0 N9 t. S2 W# l, t
Borderworld Exports& s3 P9 X6 H7 ]+ {1 I
Baltimore Shipyard/New York - E3
% {4 q7 {/ j% mFort Bush/New York - E3
4 T: g, T) i0 sFreeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)8 q; h9 k, ~- y6 k6 A
Freeport 6/Tau-29 - D6 (Zoners)
3 r9 ]! U5 `" T2 V7 U$ r3 kFreeport 9/Omicron Theta - E4 (Zoners)
; @9 X; n* h! C9 r- q. kDouglas Station/Omega 3 - D6 (BMM)( n" w" h+ z7 G1 f
Manhattan/New York - D4 (Liberty Police)/ ^% f' \4 e% Q9 t! c2 k: c
Norkolk Shipyard/New York - F5) U1 Y- J4 U7 I! G/ j8 B% d4 Q
Pittsburgh/New York - F2# Q% o2 |4 q6 O) ^
Rugen Station/Omega 3 - F6 (Daumann)
8 P- A/ _% l3 fShinkaku Station/Tau-29 - C5 (Samura Industries)
$ h4 Q) C- J6 F
) l) n' n1 U/ F. }# h+ l4 N. ~# F! M

/ q% c) U* ^2 T# U/ JBounty Hunters Guild+ Y: C. I3 O$ K  Y
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)) Q6 Q* h) L6 g/ S+ e" ^
Atka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals)6 W4 f/ x; y7 V$ D- R
Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)
, S4 g: x/ p3 H; w) NFreeport 5/Omega 41 - F5 (Zoners)9 q. I  H/ l- I0 R2 S/ l
Freeport 6/Tau-29 - D6 (Zoners)$ o0 P: F' {/ P
Freeport 10/Tau-37 - F4 (Zoners)4 x6 P! \0 P4 m* k1 [/ J
Java Station/Tau-23 - E6 (IMG)% q  I$ E4 Z: G+ F, I
Kurile/Sigma 17 - F5 (Samura Industries)
0 k- E6 a2 w# f: O6 _2 i. R0 d5 ELuxury Liner Hawaii/Sigma 19 - E5 (Orbital Spa and Cruise)
7 y8 M& M, [, E8 _# z  t' |' R% ^4 [5 BRugen Station/Omega 3 - F6 (Daumann), U- `# \  m; P9 [3 S
0 j# b5 r) A! w1 |9 Q& S

9 w& C! T6 B# ]* X+ [5 H
- C( ]# x2 \5 uBundschuh
" H; S( N( e1 w$ s% n) ]Bruchsal Base/Frankfurt - D3 (Bundschuh)" a" ?9 r- j0 @- C( R
Kreuzberg Depot/New Berlin - C4 (Junkers)
5 X% e, }: J! H! r9 A& U+ `Mainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)0 P; n1 s) z. w3 [
Planet Hamburg/Hamburg - F4 (Rheinland Federal Police)! R8 i' i# ~7 |) j5 G6 |
Vogtland Base/Dresden - D3 (Red Hessian)3 {) X! g0 D# e9 o! V0 X6 I4 O! U9 Q) n
Yanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers)
7 D7 U( {; n) [6 i  d1 j: n
) k' F/ |7 ]$ `5 G; ?
5 ?3 a  o9 V2 O& y& G6 v- _8 Z& M3 Q' c
Corsairs# t! j, l. V! d" l- L0 a2 e
Atka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals)6 `) ]3 p( D% B8 O1 [/ M" s
Cadiz Base/Omega 5 - D5 (Corsairs) !! Minenfeld !!
3 I: x+ x' P1 _1 ~7 P6 }Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)
2 F0 ^# o& Q; B0 v. rFreeport 5/Omega 41 - F5 (Zoners)# `0 B) w- P# C0 y
Freeport 9/Omicron Theta - E4 (Zoner)
# X- u& O$ g) `" w4 VIslay Base/Edinburgh - F3 (Gaians)
( g% {4 I  K6 q$ @+ C0 G6 Q8 zLeon Base/Omega 41 - D5 (Corsairs)# }/ e1 P: o. c/ U! R
Helgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)
8 D: K9 o( @$ O. _8 o9 B7 `2 BLuxury Liner Hawaii/Sigma 19 - E5 (Orbital Spa and Cruise)9 p9 w+ j6 R7 [
New London/New London - D6 (Bretonia Police)9 h' @% I5 R' @& `$ ]
Planet Crete/Omicron Gamma - E5 (Corsairs)
4 L( Y1 P1 W2 k  W- tTrafalgar Base/New London - C3 (Junkers)
1 b1 E+ J/ Y& X' T0 YTripoly Shipyard/Omicron Gamma - D6 (Corsairs); Y* J) \2 I8 S4 K+ j
Yanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers)  r% l5 g7 l: S! Z+ C# |6 H
0 k  e7 X9 @6 K! p1 m3 Y7 \
: E" f3 j( l5 ?' o. B3 p0 p- a
2 h: J$ |* w( O' `, ^2 F9 n3 Y2 E
Cryer Pharmaceuticals; l6 T0 @5 H% C& i
Atka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals)
) ^3 Z( M& s/ |3 [' LKurile/Sigma 17 - F5 (Samura Industries)% y! x; e  v; r  d
( k; p' y* I' ]" I

. n1 C2 p4 d& }6 R
0 }( E* F: c! ^9 q; S- `Daumann Heavy Construction
, s: A7 X4 ]0 \  V  P/ ?) I: ]' cDouglas Station/Omega 3 - D6 (BMM)
6 @$ O1 S# ]) w% `Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)
% g! r, ]; f3 a$ R# K2 qPirna Border Station/Dresden - E6 (Rheinland Federal Police)
2 ^; p3 h1 ~5 q+ X) gRugen Station/Omega 3 - F6 (Daumann)
) z7 O' S! W3 A' q- T
5 U9 T1 }# ~" n8 D5 Y0 b1 _* G% z* F) x" ?$ H5 l, b7 i. F$ D
7 K- F6 `) k4 U* o9 C# g  Q  o
Deep Space Engineering
3 n$ Q" i  y; F* s) r3 |Holman Outpost/Tau-31 - E5 (IMG)
) |) N1 F1 B, o4 f3 ZJava Station/Tau-23 - E6 (IMG)
, _0 q- H  q, _- }  d
6 y8 E; y  ?1 z: W; k
9 a4 [7 D) D0 H' R: u8 \$ W7 O- w2 d1 G
Gaians8 L- ?* q" j2 x! V  Z8 f) o$ t
Islay Base/Edinburgh - F3 (Gaians)! w: T$ [: g1 ?/ D" p# O% _) a2 L
New London/New London - D6 (Bretonia Police)9 K; u% t4 `; O4 y! G
Trafalgar Base/New London - C3 (Junkers)
) u$ j; n( d3 F0 i2 B9 K+ W5 \* _! Q
6 E' [' t, [& R; d' u. h
: S# }2 L: p0 t$ H, b
Gas Miners Guild
$ ]& u0 a) C& L+ t* VGas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
5 P3 V* D( q9 l2 T- _( P9 l: eYanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers)
; E3 ]4 g, {, M0 \* B0 w, D+ p" d% ~7 T; t

% c8 O1 f3 }, k4 Q# N
# A; U( O1 W1 r8 }Gateway Shipping8 Z  O9 ?- ^9 w+ |
Baltimore Shipyard/New York - E3
( Y6 p6 j, W& a* U2 w' pBattleship Missouri/New York - F5. O6 k) P2 u& k, G# {
Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)/ h% m9 k" ~: V% C4 N
Freeport 6/Tau-29 - E6 (Zoners)4 _' W1 b4 r. z$ n6 L$ w3 }4 M: Y
Dortmund Station/New Berlin - D3 (Rheinland Federal Police)8 M! u' \6 @/ G4 w* }1 K
Newark Station/New York - D4+ s$ ^1 Q. Y/ j3 A
Norfolk Shipyard/New York - F5. o$ G) q5 z3 A1 b% J

& G" {" g+ ~6 C/ I+ M4 p9 M( j8 g+ h% N/ k

2 _- \" _$ z# q  K' _Golden Chrysanthemums* \8 ^: b+ ~2 a
Cali Base/Tau-23 - F4 (Outcasts)
% [9 _( S- `$ i( L7 ^9 ?Leiden Base/Galileo - B3 (Lane Hackers)
- P  k: H$ @, \" w8 `* j$ J1 WPadua Base/Galileo - C6 (Liberty Rogues)& z: w8 V2 |0 w# l" T

6 r: t( \# v8 H, ]/ M8 _' D
% s" t' E3 X# A' u+ g+ q8 N& I$ [+ Y0 F3 J+ {* s9 \* N: N
Hogosha% R' @( A# H1 B" q, ]' u: W/ {
Leiden Base/Galileo - B3 (Lane Hackers)- _1 g2 N& k1 N9 G! O: U, r
Luxury Liner Hawaii/Sigma 19 - E5 (Orbital Spa and Cruise)
3 V7 k0 e4 b# VPadua Base/Galileo - C6 (Liberty Rogues)
4 y1 q0 x. ~, e# M6 Q) _! y* M" d1 m. s  W' f3 _# a3 ~

+ r" Z5 }4 m) J) o4 d; c
! @2 X7 K/ }1 c$ A0 {4 U3 y' [Independent Miners Guild IMG9 Q- C: B/ n: e7 {/ M) @3 H$ N
Briesen Mining Facility/Omega 7 - G5 (Daumann)
- J6 g' F9 T& m6 R5 e& l- q9 eFalkland Base/Tau-37 - C6 (Independent Miners Guild)
9 @  d( Q- O2 u1 W* DFreeport 6/Tau-29 - F6 (Zoners)! y6 j4 T; K( ]+ p
Freeport 10/Tau-37 - F4 (Zoners)
, r: Y1 X7 a( o$ T6 ^1 R" YHolman Outpost/Tau-31 - E5 (IMG)
( Z( f+ k+ g0 v4 H0 w9 K: B' T8 @Java Station/Tau-23 - E6 (IMG)
1 L4 }7 A& ~% C6 q$ K7 _0 ?+ [% JTau-31 Gate Construction Site/Tau-23 - C7 (BMM)- y- ^9 {; x- L# W4 M
- }; n2 M9 l/ z4 x

$ B2 ^+ T# h/ ]: L( j, k! P4 H
( Y% `3 v" g- ~+ {5 e4 Q2 rJunkers
' s4 [  m8 M# gBattleship Missouri/New York - F57 q/ J! w+ E5 M& D4 w; w1 O- C
Beaumont Base/Texas - D3 (Junkers)
" G- K: g/ _$ VBruchsal Base/Frankfurt - D3 (Bundschuh): Q/ \! k+ H$ _$ i" g$ G9 I. U" T
Buffalo Base/New York - E7 (Liberty Rogues)9 t( J& S7 O$ I
Gas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
- V5 a5 |  t7 I3 [/ aHelgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)0 ]4 j& j# y- ]  R$ ^- Q6 Y
Houston/Texas - F4 (Liberty Police)
' h) G5 e* f4 F9 DKreuzberg Depot/New Berlin - C4 (Junkers)" w! w; c# m4 q1 i
LPS Sugarkand/Texas - F5 (Liberty Police)
& Q  D6 T+ o; L) ?& f/ I1 o& NMainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)
+ U' d, M  w) K5 jManhattan/New York - D4 (Liberty Police)
- J; J$ s9 P7 c' @" l0 y- aNew London/New London - D6 (Bretonia Police)5 e4 y; m. Z2 _5 J
Norkolk Shipyard/New York - F5
( W7 _) ^/ }( X) d" BPlanet Hamburg/Hamburg - F4 (Rheinland Federal Police)
" r' `0 {$ \9 M  [: BPlanet New Berlin/New Berlin - F5 (Rheinland Police)
# {- s/ `9 y- x5 ORochester Base/New York - D3 (Junkers)
- B+ b/ Q6 s; eTrafalgar Base/New London - C3 (Junkers)
( {, z6 }" d. d( f& a% G) JYanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers). n8 Y2 Q. h9 W/ ~! f

9 T# @  Y( q* W, Y& D; o
% j2 j* q, N7 Z9 K
+ g+ h- n7 X. B- y" DKishiro Technologies) {( Y# G. v# u9 w4 {0 y
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)
; I/ \: H- b, A7 V7 L6 d  o& cDetroit Munitions/New York - B4
9 Q! Z- W; v/ e- i* xFort Bush/New York - E3
" a+ X1 `# H% H/ _% w1 m0 Q9 d- iFreeport 6/Tau-29 - D6 (Zoners)8 a! R! X, o  m& `% k2 H! e9 V
Gas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
$ C7 W  I8 T" d. OPitsburgh/New York - F24 }+ _! i' L5 [8 ]( b5 k
Shinkaku Station/Tau-29 - C5 (Samura Industries)) v$ S. J/ z  _* u; j
West Point/New York - C5
% c2 y: D$ q7 V2 x" O/ B/ {" {5 MYanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers). H+ [6 a3 M+ A: }" ~; H' \' y
$ [' [% B& ]9 A

+ J% l4 {4 ~) Q$ u  d7 H6 V
, @- X% |% _1 j+ s0 y8 U8 ~Kruger Mining6 F  L! ]  C/ Y6 T
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)% C6 {2 |$ r0 C2 }
Beaumont Base/Texas - D3 (Junkers)" M" g, A4 W6 f9 ?$ b
Mainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)
8 s! [% I& R' \, z3 O- L' S% e! d* y3 `, i/ x* P' j. D

& S6 F: h1 u. _# s9 F, o( g( |" j
0 o: a; d- f9 H- X" ?Lane Hackers
' o0 o6 F7 p$ f& u9 `Alcatraz Depot/California - F5 (Liberty Rogues)
. Y6 r  E& K5 f% }- e1 ?, X* L# X/ h- X  @Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)1 R+ ?& {  i8 A3 _( E6 r. g
Curacao/Cortez - D3 (Liberty Rogues)
3 N& f$ B4 S- fFreeport 4/Magellan - E5 (IMG)
5 ^9 P3 }# Q0 i; ALeiden Base/Galileo - B3 (Lane Hackers)8 }$ D" \% n  z# J' Q4 W; T" @
Mactan Base/Magellan - C4 (Lane Hackers)9 w, t) K* e5 E/ [9 d" v+ ~3 k" j
Montezuma Base/Cortez - E6 (Liberty Rouges): R% x9 {1 C1 }- e" ~) a+ {
Padua Base/Galileo - C6 (Liberty Rogues)
- V( d) N3 h3 d1 P
! _& S4 q- \8 m( F/ V$ n1 c# B2 O  F+ d& m

/ x$ z: v0 k) X; }Liberty Police
& E& x) J: P5 }, e* i8 ?% C9 e% iRochester Base/New York - D3 (Junkers)  W$ J( Q, W/ y) V
/ D9 J' K! \- g1 Y- R% J8 j
9 L  `7 x9 a4 w

! X& I( K. Y- Y! @Liberty Rouges) M! b% `+ m- ~) R: S/ ^
Alcatraz Depot/California - F5 (Liberty Rogues)
8 P1 |& \7 j1 b9 |* R5 wBuffalo Base/New York - E7 (Liberty Rouges)  O* H7 m/ s) k( z0 U
Curacao/Cortez - D3 (Liberty Rogues)% [5 |& T9 Y, L
Freeport 4/Magellan - E5 (IMG); d/ q+ U) s# z4 l- @
Houston/Texas - F4 (Liberty Police)! c3 u- ?$ q# j$ B
Leiden Base/Galileo - B3 (Lane Hackers)
8 a$ w1 J  X! t+ FLPS Sugarkand/Texas - F5 (Liberty Police)
1 b. T& }$ g5 w' y; F0 }3 rMactan Base/Magellan - C4 (Lane Hackers)
5 W3 z! |1 Z$ SManhattan/New York - D4 (Liberty Police)
: X: V( t1 ], A2 ~% oPadua Base/Galileo - C6 (Liberty Rogues)
, t5 S/ }3 ?% S+ e4 n7 yRochester Base/New York - D3 (Junkers)" g& F2 a: Z9 a  F6 K% ?  N
9 c5 D* s: d6 b4 \& @" l& e

) r  k8 E! F' ^! j9 y6 j2 f  y2 q( f4 i, v; d
LWB& q; o9 N" S& M: P/ i
Darmstadt Depot/Stuttgart - F4 (LWB-Base)/ Q) }5 l/ P' |) o/ G& S
Kreuzberg Depot/New Berlin - C4 (Junkers)0 K% M) e, W1 r
Planet New Berlin/New Berlin - F5 (Rheinland Police)" q8 [3 F0 K" H6 B2 y1 q
Ronneburg Base/Omega 5 - E4 (Red Hessians) !!Minenfeld!!- b8 [. i& ?) |2 m7 V: L
Vogtland Base/Dresden - D3 (Red Hessian)
- s7 b2 N% u8 R& A) ]0 e
2 z: S7 W% E& k4 ]+ g
% y4 I; f9 V! [
( Z) l% X5 @$ s4 d; u5 TMollys
7 E+ ^' ^( H& @8 |  o$ [2 \New London/New London - D6 (Bretonia Police), e5 F+ v3 k2 o. r$ u# t
Trafalgar Base/New London - C3 (Junkers)9 t" m+ U/ F; R0 u: p& j
9 r; f5 U, g, u% b+ T1 J

' ?% x: C# y. c4 k( L  R1 A; G. {2 h/ H6 x# d
Orbital Spa and Cruise( y1 U) Q/ v! M1 o
Brandenburg Border Station/New Berlin - D6( B* U. A0 ?7 T" a1 Y
Manhattan/New York - D4 (Liberty Police)
$ f7 K  H$ m3 u- z$ T. U/ s% l! {  I" N* g. ]" V, b9 m: a) E. _
' |+ y! k! x! J" j
, m4 I9 j$ ]$ }& y  N" P
Outcasts5 o: P3 A+ _7 D0 M7 c
Alcatraz Depot/California - F5 (Liberty Rogues)1 b5 E9 r( D2 E5 f. Y
Atka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals)6 }' }( g. N/ O
Beaumont Base/Texas - D3 (Junkers): \4 g- j4 r% ?) i
Buffalo Base/New York - E7 (Liberty Rogues)" m6 ?: E, Q9 B( I: J
Cali Base/Tau-23 - F5 (Outcasts)
. [& E& U" ~/ u( ^9 PCuracao/Cortez - D3 (Liberty Rogues)$ n4 ~) C( F4 Z$ k1 i+ |  H
Freeport 4/Magellan - E5 (IMG)
! L2 ?# b6 j' P: G" u% UFreeport 6/Tau-29 - D6 (Zoners)9 y4 s0 U9 X, P$ b$ z6 S9 c6 e
Freeport 10/Tau-37 - F4 (Zoners)
6 n1 x6 Z1 P/ D& h7 |' ^Gas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG). |9 G; v% S& B% K
Helgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)$ ]8 A- A  n/ \( Q; [
Houston/Texas - F4 (Liberty Police)
7 z& d- @1 b" {9 u3 mIslay Base/Edinburgh - F3 (Gaians)% K5 l8 K' P! S3 ?8 J
LPS Sugarkand/Texas - F5 (Liberty Police)2 R% x+ D. W& ^% W* l  ^! J0 @. k. h9 b
Mactan Base/Magellan - C4 (Lane Hackers)
+ _9 s7 ]$ P+ H2 Y0 b9 n) iManhattan/New York - D4 (Liberty Police)
7 M$ x$ ?+ ?& S; nNew London/New London - D6 (Bretonia Police)
/ z6 C+ C8 O) W) o( D7 b0 [+ z/ TPlanet Malta/Omicran Alpha - D5 (Outcasts)
6 d* e9 J& V5 [" ^' X& dRochester Base/New York - D3 (Junkers)' }& w% u1 j7 o1 ]8 M5 J6 z
Ruiz Base/Omicron Beta - E4/E5 (Outcasts)  }* K# W# F; U6 d. @) v
Trafalgar Base/New London - C3 (Junkers)  x- Q, j: U5 V9 T6 F8 z
Yanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers)
+ M) {$ m  r: y( k+ a2 t7 [2 x9 t2 T
8 i/ f) \* W, }
* N/ ~1 [! s! H
Red Hessian- i" @: U& c0 C1 _3 e3 U
Cadiz Base/Omega 5 - D5 (Corsairs) !! Minenfeld !!
) O- V; l. W7 bBruchsal Base/Frankfurt - D3 (Bundschuh)
6 E( @9 i+ ]; eDarmstadt Depot/Stuttgart - F4 (LWB-Base)8 B2 e  I! Q  z  c8 [! b; z, I8 L. {+ D
Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)( {6 V4 \4 p4 N; t; L7 ]+ }! V
Freeport 5/Omega 41 - F5 (Zoners)
5 w7 }  I/ z$ \5 t- B7 A2 NFreeport 9/Omicron Theta - E4 (Zoners)1 ]8 ~3 e  L. t4 I( M& h2 |+ b
Freistadt Base/Omega 7 - D5 (Independent Miners Guild)  C9 b' W+ {1 l7 q; l6 W& ]' R/ r
Freital Base/Omega 11 - C4 (Red Hessian)
/ z/ R8 A5 u- e2 pKreuzberg Depot/New Berlin - C4 (Junkers)
* F% D' U7 Z0 J! l& FMainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)
7 [) H: B: h5 @2 D( ?Planet Hamburg/Hamburg - F4 (Rheinland Federal Police)1 Q6 n" j6 H0 v5 h; R8 p6 D1 I
Planet New Berlin/New Berlin - F5 (Rheinland Police)# q/ P1 m8 K9 D9 [
Ronneburg Base/Omega 5 - E4 (Red Hessians) !!Minenfeld!!5 a3 n" s( ~5 z7 Q' T
Vogtland Base/Dresden - D3 (Red Hessian)
* U5 M8 r) H+ L* B2 t
$ u5 `1 G  p- `# O! T1 d$ \9 G3 H9 R% t( K* J5 P7 x
3 L* h" F! E6 j( x! F) [8 A
Rheinland Federal Police7 b& ?4 X0 |9 h; q! O2 L
Bautzen Station/Dresden - F4 (Kruger)) b( d& n4 Z: u  S4 Q& N9 ?
Konstanz Border Station/Stuttgart - C7 (Rheinland FederalPolice)
0 J* s; [( y5 B0 BLubeck Border Station/Hamburg - E7
! ]8 J  x8 h; [% K3 lNewark Station/New York - D4
' v" m! c5 V1 E7 P+ H9 v6 |West Point/New York - C5! W8 ?. B: t# O4 P$ v

. V. [+ @) `4 b% z6 l5 [1 |, G" z9 r+ v) y9 m+ {* D

3 H! h1 `2 g4 C+ f& R' @/ t: tRepublican Shipping+ e! Q" z$ s- C2 B8 O
Douglas Station/Omega 3 - D6 (BMM)
$ x0 N7 \# A/ Y- R6 O# ?Freeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)
: Y6 w% ~7 v& _/ y8 o7 kHelgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)# u  A' u& v9 \, B1 s8 N
Rugen Station/Omega 3 - F6 (Daumann), P2 m1 P1 W6 K
1 {3 t; d4 z; {

6 r: U8 Z$ y" o9 e3 o0 f& G- \$ y+ s/ b9 Y" p2 l1 F0 j
Samura Heavy Industries
/ Q+ ^, [* _6 Z. t8 IAmes Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)
3 s. x% |. G5 C# B6 w( VAtka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals), B7 @. n5 Y/ j5 U1 V( X8 T7 w
Battleship Nagamo/Kyushu - B5 (Kusami Naval Forces)4 k9 x7 O( {( H+ j* J0 \  p
Freeport 6/Tau-29 - E6 (Zoners)! ~% z. i5 X6 \8 ?
Gas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
% g1 ^0 Q( a3 ^Holman Outpost/Tau-31 - E5 (IMG)
+ W7 V  g& j# L+ SKurile/Sigma 17 - F5 (Samura Industries)
9 z* y& x! s- y) uLeiden Base/Galileo - B3 (Lane Hackers)
! v) s) _' p6 U+ A! rMainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)
4 j7 q9 b# U7 v+ vShinkaku Station/Tau-29 - C5 (Samura Industries)+ j( B6 [4 h4 d: B5 g! R
5 x) {  y  U0 W. q1 a3 ]) a; c
6 F) \- l* x0 _4 `

6 N0 K' C4 x; _" W! ZSynth Food2 I% K# q/ K2 [/ ?/ z8 w
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)
' l: x  ]0 }$ Y( K' j! q$ S0 I& U: g5 f8 S

4 C3 d, M8 c7 a* u( ~) ?* s# K, _& v" s7 n$ _8 x) }  m
Unioners% X! k$ o! q5 w4 z7 b
Bruchsal Base/Frankfurt - D3 (Bundschuh)
! p2 r8 O2 p( ?4 [9 ~Mainz Storage Facility/Frankfurt - D4 (Republican Shipping)
$ W5 I4 z- h4 F5 DKreuzberg Depot/New Berlin - C4 (Junkers)' ?+ a$ N0 |7 g
Planet Hamburg/Hamburg - F4 (Rheinland Federal Police); T5 Y+ I5 Q# \+ A/ W( y
Planet New Berlin/New Berlin - F5 (Rheinland Police)
+ I0 C% @5 y& B
* Z* c9 e0 s7 Y+ {$ n8 E6 j" p; P& y2 a
4 h! N2 I  C! O2 t' _
Universal Shipping: D4 S8 G; H. s# E2 s
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)
+ L9 t8 a" F* mAlster Shipyard/Hamburg - F5
8 I' ^. Q8 k/ @  s" z+ _3 _# p9 {- j; s" _" w6 B$ g
8 h- H2 I9 Z) Q+ f
+ G$ z4 o# u) A# N& P) w9 q
Xenos# z' b) }' H1 I( y
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)
" h9 ]3 j! ]9 Y$ {9 U3 H0 t5 Z) S" A/ c

# D: a  I, S! U, g2 f: |$ ]0 ~: b
7 P& U* k/ z$ K5 [& QZoners* M" `) a: F/ i) o: I
Ames Research Station/Kepler - D4 (Zoners)' ]! Y2 L; X8 o2 a
Atka Research Station/Sigma 17 - D3 (Cryer Pharmaceuticals)) c' U; J; B" X1 {" {' ?
Cadiz Base/Omega 5 - D5 (Corsairs) !! Minenfeld !!
2 e3 D) C8 Q" [- B$ `Cali Base/Tau-23 - F5 (Outcasts)
' W1 K1 h" @. a! B; tDouglas Station/Omega 3 - D6 (BMM)
# d. D+ t5 S3 Y7 w6 ?Falkland Base/Tau-37 - C6 (IMG)
! F) a% b+ O7 ?5 b& G) yFreeport 1/Omega 3 - C4 (Zoners)8 B( N! l& z. M& M) ]* R
Freeport 5/Omega 41 - F5 (Zoners)
8 L- l) X# K" O& m+ u7 A2 zFreeport 6/Tau-29 - E6 (Zoners)6 [; q" H+ Q: J* b
Freeport 9/Omicron Theta - E4 (Zoners)
7 W0 Q  \6 w" l1 q1 c* o+ jFreeport 10/Tau-37 - F4 (Zoners)
- p5 B4 m3 F3 N/ _/ ?5 D. I: vGas Miner Naha/Sigma 13 - D4 (GMG)
( G: I. v( t) t4 R" F' L+ }Helgoland Station/Sigma 13 - D6 (ALG Waste Disposal)- W+ v% U( v' w( t
Java Station/Tau-23 - E6 (IMG)
* L  k' R* S" A; q/ a! [+ T, t( @Kurile/Sigma 17 - F5 (Samura Industries)7 `4 H  F5 ]2 [9 @
Planet Hamburg/Hamburg - F4 (Rheinland Federal Police), S$ o/ B8 c! ?1 S1 z+ a/ O  w5 `
Ronneburg Base/Omega 5 - E4 (Red Hessians) !!Minenfeld!!' b: N" d" P* r* K# N$ c
Rugen Station/Omega 3 - F6 (Daumann)
, i- a2 M1 F: L- ^5 R2 AShinkaku Station/Tau-29 - C5 (Samura Industries)
% g( q, o. i; Q9 oYanagi Depot/Sigma 13 - C5 (Junkers)
3 t; f" W4 m; R! L7 O! E3 m0 }  F" E" k  F" g

0 F! H' R7 D: l2 ]3 p" X6 G) G+ v% ^) O5 I7 C9 x/ \

: |- C) g' W& X* S2 p: V  ^freelancer中有两个派别比较特殊3 v# w! ~* f5 G% N# T
+ q/ [5 Z( G, D9 ?要想和除了xeno的派别搞好关系4 @3 z/ i# g5 t2 }5 K* _
往往通过zoner比较容易(但是比较难到达)7 Z4 u; r! v5 ~! }
所以贿赂海盗可以在freeport98 }2 `& E$ p* E0 v4 ?" X) E! s, g* `
) C2 T3 H* |5 Y0 [, `$ }/ ijunker和zoner一样分布广泛
; V# r" d' P4 [% i$ v. V2 w2 i+ hnewyork 星系的2d和3c交界处有基地rochester6 C' U# x- r8 W, D- K; [7 d
texas  星系 3d     有基地beaumont: ~$ K+ ?! T% q5 g4 |" _0 Q: O# O
newlondon星系 3c 有基地trafalgar( f  O$ I2 [: g
newberlin星系 4c 有基地kreuzberg' h3 c% B" z5 E1 @. D
newtokyo星系没有junkers! A& ]6 j3 p$ A* W) P% C. S
junker基地容易找到,但是贿赂之后往往和军方关系变坏) E2 Q  u3 x# ^, j( P; S1 P: x


参与人数 1好评 +1 收起 理由
veryyql + 1 最有价值的是永不过时的万能资料。任何攻略 ...


发表于 2006-8-12 13:40:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-21 07:56:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-30 19:11:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-3-30 22:52:44 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-22 20:56:05 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-12 10:02:54 | 显示全部楼层
記得有好幾這樣的mods, 去TLR 用Search功能 找找便有.......

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-21 05:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
h好东西收下拉:lol :lol

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-26 23:46:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-28 21:29:48 | 显示全部楼层
:lol :lol

使用道具 举报

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