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[其他] 这人太有才了……

发表于 2008-8-27 12:18:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It is just me or the game sucks badly?

I've played freelancer and i liked that game very much. But how long can you explore the same universe again. Ive consider to play different game and i come cross this one. After playing five hours i must say that IMHO this game is some kind of big missunderstanding or a some sort of sick joke. I've divide The tons of issues of the different groups and here they are:


-IN General
DO you want a cargo ship? Maybe you prefer fast and agile fighter? Or maybe you prefer heavy shields and big firepower? Does not matter. the ships are all the same. no matter what want you do you will end in a heavy fighter cause he can be mostly ubgraded in all the ways. so what is the difference beetween ships? the looks only? There is always something you get for the cost of something else.... not in this ships. Here you get them all.

Wery fiev weapon types. No information about RoF, range, projecticle speed. Same goes for OVERHEATING. how long you can shoot? who cares... it is not important, is it? The true nightmare begins when you mount and shoot with 2 weapons at one. all what you get is instantly overheat of both. at the end you will end with swamping one weapon to another. Each weapon is more effective against some type of shield (althou this applies only to the ewnemies. You cant choose your shield type) but to see how the shooting goes i think this is for the second weapon slot to be in use only(swamping beetween weapons).


-Ships Slots
all the same for each ship (my fault lf gets only one slot per category)

lets pray that you will have only one oponent

in some games the very important thing. here useless tool. here you get only to see where you were and where are some statnions. Setting nav points, navigate, autopilot? who needs those if you can fly manually?


-Ship's Hud
i do not like half-fadding ones (for example the quest destination is always wisible) ship's armor and shield stat and the "lock window" is always at the same place and dont even  tries to be  merged with the rest of the hud. crappy solution for sure

-Ships details
i would call this great but maybe 10 years ago. in freelancer you could see details on you ship, your guns were moving where you were pointing you saw that they are actually shooting. here if you go for 3rd person view you will see only that the shooting is from under the ship. nothing more

-enemy ships details
even less that the of your ship. you are sshooting ad something what is flying near you. who cares what this ship looks like. it will be destroyed anyway (hopefully)


the next joke. youy can get all quest types from all fractions so such quests like kill Ord frtom ord and so... same goes with reputation in fraction - wanna go to the pirates terrain ? it is punny to make rep good with them.

disarming satelite can be, but if you take quest to kill someone and this npc will have bodyguards you are dead (in combat about 4:1 you have no chances)

This game got it's advantages as well

-mining possibilities
althou to bad that ships are not uniques. for example you have mining ship - very big cargo, large amount of mining tools, the max armor, speed, manevrubility very low

-crafting ubgrades
to bad that ships dont vartry at this point for example some ships tend to have high firepower at cost of energy cells for example (3 slots for weapon / weapon power ubgrade, 0 for energy cells)

havent found more benefits. to bad.

发表于 2008-8-28 10:34:15 | 显示全部楼层
Fred你不觉得这人太逊了些吗?...   [S::L:]

这人提了一堆似是而非的论点,他还把SFRU 的特点说成缺点了,武器和导弹可以单或双槽交互运用的 , 任务也不是只有他所说的启动卫星和杀npc而已,捍卫、护航、窃取敌人资料库或骇钱...也有不同的玩法... 外交部份也不见得像他所一言以蔽之,总之这人相当偏激及对游戏公司充满敌意...

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-28 10:47:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-29 12:31:10 | 显示全部楼层
[S::lol:]   老弟,加油~~

使用道具 举报

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