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[转帖] LHC 2008.09.10 启动 撞出黑洞吞地球?

发表于 2008-9-10 09:14:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中时电子报 2008.09.09 阎纪宇/特稿

     欧洲中部夏令时间(CEST)九月十日上午九点(台湾时间十日凌晨三点),人类有史以来最庞大的一部机器──位于瑞士与法国边界地下深处的“大强子对撞机”(Large Hadron Collider,LHC)将正式启用,射出第一道逼近光速的质子束。


科技新挑战 探索自然界奥秘


     CERN公关部门主任吉利斯表示,曾有一位妈妈打电话来哭哭啼啼:“我真的很担心,请你跟我保证,我的孩子不会有危险。”为了化解各界的疑虑,CERN几位成员录了一段自编的饶舌歌,送上YouTube(http://tw.youtube.com /watch?v=T3iryBLZCOQ),载歌载舞,希望民众放轻松一点,他们可不是什么疯狂科学家。

微型黑洞 有人担心世界末日

     以德国生物化学家罗斯勒(Otto Rossler)为首的一个团体,忧心之余进而采取法律行动,在八月廿六日向欧洲人权法庭提起诉讼,声称LHC的质子对撞实验后果难料,可能会在加速器中产生“微型黑洞”(MBH)或者“玻色新星”(Bosenova)。人类必须在酿成浩劫之前悬崖勒马,不能让CERN一意孤行。


学者研究 轰击不会造成毁灭


     这份最新报告(http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0954-3899/35/11/115004/)指出,地球与其他天体亘古以来不断遭受宇宙线(cosmic ray)的轰击,其能量经常高于LHC的质子束,事实上大自然每秒钟约进行三十兆次LHC实验,但是天文学家从来没有观测到天体在宇宙线轰击之下毁灭。最有可能因此产生微型黑洞的高密度天体如中子星与白矮星,也没有任何证据显示这类黑洞曾对它们构成威胁。

网路直播 射出第一道质子束

     退一万步而言,就算LHC真的克服各种物理定律的壁垒,让两颗质子以相当于两只蚊子相撞的能量撞出微型黑洞,它们也会因为霍金辐射(Hawking radiation)效应而在刹那间消失;就算它们鬼使神差地稳定下来,天体观测的证据也显示,它们再过几十亿年也不会有任何动静。




[ 本帖最后由 白衣 于 2008-9-11 09:38 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-9-10 09:20:30 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-10 11:47:45 | 显示全部楼层
不用担心,偶们还有火星基地...   [S::lol:]

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发表于 2008-9-10 11:59:27 | 显示全部楼层
[S::lol:] 紧急迁移啊

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-10 15:11:51 | 显示全部楼层



历史性一刻 大强子对撞机今15:00启动






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发表于 2008-9-10 15:50:35 | 显示全部楼层
[S::lol:] [S::lol:] [S::lol:]

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发表于 2008-9-10 22:03:44 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-9-10 22:09:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hius 于 2008-9-10 22:03 发表


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发表于 2008-9-11 06:18:39 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-11 09:16:38 | 显示全部楼层

First beam in the LHC - accelerating science


First beam in the LHC - accelerating science

Geneva, 10 September 2008. The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN1 was successfully steered around the full 27 kilometres of the world’s most powerful particle accelerator at 10h28 this morning. This historic event marks a key moment in the transition from over two decades of preparation to a new era of scientific discovery.

“It’s a fantastic moment,” said LHC project leader Lyn Evans, “we can now look forward to a new era of understanding about the origins and evolution of the universe.”

Starting up a major new particle accelerator takes much more than flipping a switch. Thousands of individual elements have to work in harmony, timings have to be synchronized to under a billionth of a second, and beams finer than a human hair have to be brought into head-on collision. Today’s success puts a tick next to the first of those steps, and over the next few weeks, as the LHC’s operators gain experience and confidence with the new machine, the machine’s acceleration systems will be brought into play, and the beams will be brought into collision to allow the research programme to begin.

Once colliding beams have been established, there will be a period of measurement and calibration for the LHC’s four major experiments, and new results could start to appear in around a year. Experiments at the LHC will allow physicists to complete a journey that started with Newton's description of gravity. Gravity acts on mass, but so far science is unable to explain the mechanism that generates mass. Experiments at the LHC will provide the answer. LHC experiments will also try to probe the mysterious dark matter of the universe – visible matter seems to account for just 5% of what must exist, while about a quarter is believed to be dark matter. They will investigate the reason for nature's preference for matter over antimatter, and they will probe matter as it existed at the very beginning of time.

“The LHC is a discovery machine,” said CERN Director General Robert Aymar, “its research programme has the potential to change our view of the Universe profoundly, continuing a tradition of human curiosity that’s as old as mankind itself.”

Tributes have been coming in from laboratories around the world that have contributed to today’s success.

“The completion of the LHC marks the start of a revolution in particle physics,” said Pier Oddone, Director of the US Fermilab. “We commend CERN and its member countries for creating the foundation for many nations to come together in this magnificent enterprise. We appreciate the support that DOE and NSF have provided throughout the LHC's construction. We in the US are proud to have contributed to the accelerator and detectors at the LHC, together with thousands of colleagues around the world with whom we share this quest.”

“I congratulate you on the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider,” said Atsuto Suzuki, Director of Japan’s KEK laboratory, “This is a historical moment.”

“It has been a fascinating and rewarding experience for us,” said Vinod  C. Sahni, Director of India’s Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, “I extend our best wishes to CERN for a productive run with the LHC machine in the years to come.”

“As some might say: ‘One short trip for a proton, but one giant leap for mankind!’ TRIUMF, and indeed all of Canada, is delighted to bear witness to this amazing feat,” said Nigel S. Lockyer, Director of Canada’s TRIUMF laboratory. “Everyone has been involved but CERN is to be especially congratulated for bringing the world together to embark on such an incredible adventure.”

In a visit to CERN shortly before the LHC’s start-up United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon said: “I am very honored to visit CERN, an invaluable scientific institution and a shining example what international community can achieve through joint efforts and contribution. I convey my deepest admiration to all the scientists and wish them all the success for their research for peaceful development of scientific progress.”
1 CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics. It has its headquarters in Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. India, Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status.

A historic moment in the CERN Control Centre: the beam was successfully steered around the accelerator.

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